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October 2011 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Official Publication of Kingsway Council #3387 4202C Dundas Street West Etobicoke, Ontario M8X 1Y6 Published the 15th day of each month Volume 51 Issue 2


MEETING DATES Here is the complete list for the fraternal year. Meetings will be held in our hall at 4202C Dundas Street West @ 8:00 p.m.
DATE OCTOBER 25 NOVEMBER 8 NOVEMER 22 DECEMBER 8 JANUARY 10 JANUARY 24 FEBUARY 14 FEBUARY 28 MARCH 13 MARCH 27 APRIL 10 APRIL 24 MAY 8 MAY 22 JUNE 12 JUNE 26 MEETING TYPE EXECUTIVE MEETING EXECUTIVE MEETING GENERAL MEETING GENERAL MEETING GENERAL MEETING EXECUTIVE MEETING GENERAL MEETING EXECUTIVE MEETING GENERAL MEETING EXECUTIVE MEETING GENERAL MEETING EXECUTIVE MEETING GENERAL MEETING EXECUTIVE MEETING GENERAL MEETING EXECUTIVE MEETING DATE Sunday, November 13, 2011 Saturday, December 3, 2011 Sunday, January 8, 2012 Saturday January 14, 2012 EVENT Breakfast with Santa Holy Angels Hall After 9:00 a.m. Mass. Holy Angels Craft/Flea Sale Holy Angels Hall-Pasta Dinner 10:00 a.m. Out of the Cold with use of kitchen at Our Lady of Peace Pasta Night at St. Gregorys Co-hosted by the CWL

May we suggest you copy and place this list on the refrigerator or on your desk so you dont forget when there is a meeting. All members are welcomed to attend both types of meetings.

Kingsway Council 2010-2011 Executive

CHAPLAIN Fr. Leo Burns C.S.B GRAND KNIGHT Paul Bryce DEPUTY GRAND KNIGHT Michael Doerig PAST GRAND KNIGHT Denis Tisdel CHANCELLOR WARDEN Chris Tisdel FINANCIAL SECRETARY Danny Franchi TREASURER Rodger Bodrug ADVOCATE Joe Wosik RECORDER Ron Craddock LECTURER Joe Grima TRUSTEE 1 YR Vince Conforzi TRUSTEE 2 YRS Joe Magalhaes TRUSTEE 3 YRS Frank Ficker GUARDS INSIDE Chris Columbus David Young

Kingsway Council General Meetings

The 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month at 8:00 P.M. sharp (except July & August) at the Council Chambers, 4202C Dundas St. W., Etobicoke. The second Tuesday meeting is a general members meeting and the fourth Tuesday is an executive business meeting.

416-847-6131 416-948-0445

Grand Knights of Kingsway Council

James Armstrong Wally Evans Jack Dunn Vince Colgan Jack Harnett Furgus Walsh Paul Grace Gilford Leinster Wally Bedolfe John Quinn Maurice OKelly Thomas Keating Jack Wallace E. Paul Butler Enio Biason Daniel McKeon Leslie Karnac Philip Catalano Herbert Hunter Carl Nuss Larry Zinkel William Greaves Charlie Brochu Victor Castrucci Steve Harvey Maurice OKelly Stanley Leonard John Bothello John Feeley J. Paul Balog Placido Natale Peter Flanagan Michael Breton Thomas Troke John Lametti Chester Sitarz Joe Wosik Sam Tassone John Chiappetta Tom Potocnik Stefan Horodeckyj Danny Solomon Danny Franchi Denis Tisdel Paul Bryce 1951/52 1952/53 1953/54 1954/55 1955/56 1956/57 1957/58 1958/59 1959/60 1960/61 1961/62 1962/63 1963/64 1964/65 1965/66 1966/68 1968/69 1969/70 1970/71 1971/73 1973/74 1974/76 1976/78 1978/80 1980/------/81 1981/82 1982/84 1984/86 1986/87 1987/88 1988/90 1990/92 1992/93 1993/95 1995/96 1996/98 1998/00 2000/02 2002/04 2004/06 2006/08 2008/10 2010/11 2011/.



Father Gregory Kelly Assembly General Meetings

416-233-8363 The 3rd Thursday of each month at 8:00P.M. St. Gregorys Parish Hall. (Except July, August and December) For more information contact: Brother Frank Ficker @ 416720-8663.

416-732-4648 416-247-5491 416-622-7735 416-997-6707 647-987-8368

Kingsway Columbus Club

416-233-3712 416-537-0485 416-720-8663 416-239-9109 416-899-8036 416-523-9733 647-351-2879
PRESIDENT Denis Tisdel VICE-PRESIDENT Paul Bryce SECRETARY Frank Ficker TREASURER Joe Wosik DIRECTORS Danny Franchi David Young 416-732-4648 416-899-8036 416-247-5491 416-622-7735 416-720-8663 416-948-0445 416-559-0085

Tom Potocnik Cesar Fernandez Stoll

ONTARIO STATE COUNCIL State Deputy Joe S DISTRICT DEPUTY DIST. # 106 Sam Tassone 647-225-2020

Rodger Bodrug

DISTRICTWARDEN DIST. # 106 Danny Franchi Archie Lobo 461-732-4648 905-567-1698



Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give Him thanks and praise.
This is the time of year when our secular non-religious society nudges us Christians and reminds us of some very basic and important religious truths. First of all, we are reminded of the important fact that we all tend to forget, namely that we in Canada are among the most fortunate people on earth. Every time we pick up a newspaper, every time we watch the news of T.V., we learn of another group of our fellow human beings who are suffering and dying from a war or violence or a flood, disease or a drought or an earthquake someplace on this planet of ours. As we sit around our tables on Thanksgiving Day, surrounded by the healthy, growing members of our well-fed families and survey our tables with far more food than all of us could possibly consume, as we peacefully gaze out the windows of our beautiful, well-heated and lit homes, at the beautiful warm sunshine illuminating the spectacular multi-coloured display of leaves on our nearby trees and flowers, our secular society reminds us at this time of thanksgiving just how blessed and fortunate we are. This season of thanksgiving also subtly reminds us that we did absolutely nothing to deserve to be so fortunate and blessed, while our brothers and sisters just a few short hours and miles away have absolutely nothing to deserve the violence, sufferings and death, the floods, tornadoes, famines, diseases and earthquakes that are destroying their families and homes, their countries and their lives. But many of our unbelieving neighbours in this wonderful and peaceful country where we live, claim not to have the slightest idea where all these blessings come from and why we are so fortunate. That is why we Christians at Thanksgiving, should be grateful to God for our Catholic faith which reveals to us the source of and reason for all these blessings we have enjoyed this Thanksgiving. The Book of Genesis makes it very clear to us in a beautiful and dramatic manner that God created each of us and everything from nothing and placed us in this promised land flowing with milk and honey, as the |Scriptures describe it. And so this Thanksgiving recalls to our minds just how good God has been to each of us, showering us with so many blessings which we should pause at this beautiful time of year to think about. Our reaction as we are overpowered by the awareness of the magnitude of Gods love and generosity to each of us and our loved ones, should be to fall on our knees every morning and evening in our homes and as frequently as possible, at least weekly in the

presence of God and thank Him for the gifts of life, health, family, friends, Faith, peace, love, food etc. Our words and expressions of gratitude are so inadequate to express the thanks we owe our Creator for all His goodness to us. This gratitude which fills our souls at this time of Thanksgiving should take a visible and tangible form, rather than remain a vague but deep and heart-felt sentiment down inside us. First, we should express our gratitude to God publically, in the presence of our families, around our tables at mealtime and in our rooms each morning and night and in the presence of our Divine Lord at church, especially on Sunday. Secondly, we should show our appreciation and gratitude to our generous Creator by our life style. If you love Me, keep my commandment. And thirdly, if we are truly grateful to Almighty God for His undeserved goodness to each of us, we should realize that he has given us so much as a sign of His love for each of us and He intends us to imitate His generosity to us by showing generously His many blessings to us with members of our families, with our brother Knights of Columbus, and other friends and family members and especially with our brothers and sisters who are not as fortunate as ourselves this Thanksgiving. May God bless each of you and continue to inspire each of you to imitate His generosity to you by bringing His love and generous gifts into the lives of your brothers and sisters whom you meet each day and to those in other lands who depend upon your love and generosity. Belated Happy Thanksgiving!

Rev. L.D. Burns, C.S.B. Chaplain


Brother Knights, Well, we are up and running again. We had a couple of spur of the moment events that happened with very short notice. A great big thank you goes out to Brothers Tom Potocnik (PGK), Dan Franchi (PGK) and Anthony Orgera for stepping up to the plate and helping out with such short notice. We have two new members to welcome to Kingsway Council. Both were at our last general meeting. Let us all welcome Brothers Luis Martins and John OHearn to Kingsway Council. As you heard during your first degree, dont wait to get involved. Try to come out to an event as soon as possible and make some new friends. I guarantee you will enjoy yourself while helping out with the council. I hope to see more of you out at our meetings, and with Gods guidance, and your help, Kingsway Council will continue to flourish and thrive. Our next executive meeting will be on October 25th and general meeting on November 22nd. November 8th, we will have our annual memorial mass at council chambers. As always, your wife or significant other is welcome to this mass. Our Brother Knight and Worthy Chaplain Father Burns will be celebrating the mass. God Bless each of you and your family.

I need everyones help this year in three ways. First, I ask that each one of you think of other ways to bring in new members. Our order is strong, but we need to keep recruiting new members. This should be on our minds all the time. When you go to church, make it a point of talking to someone new about the Knights. You may not get them to join, but you may make a new friend. Second, we need some good new ideas for raising funds. No idea is silly, and every little bit helps. Start thinking outside of the box, and let us get some new, fun ways to raise funds. This being Vivat Jesus, said, ideas are great, but we also need people to follow Paul Bryce through with the ideas. And that brings me to my Grand Knight third request for help. We need more involvement from you. I realize that we are all very busy, some of us more than others, but none of the things that we do will get done if we dont have the people to do it. We have a number of cooking events coming up, but we are also going to have Rose Sundays, more fundraising events for our council and for St. Francis Table. All of these need people to plan, co-ordinate and execute. I hope that more of you will be able to give a little bit of your time to help us make Kingsway even better than it is.


OUR LADY OF SORROWS Annual Christmas Bazaar The Annual Christmas Bazaar will take place on Saturday, November 5. Drop -off your donations of gently used household items from 9:30 am - 8:00 pm on either T h u r s d a y , N o v e m b e r 3 o r F r i d a y , N o v e m b e r 4 . Baked Goods: Home baked items are very popular at our annual bazaar. Please plan ahead so you can donate some of your baking specialties for this event. Volunteers are Needed! Please call Dorothy at 416-232-1624 to volunteer to assist with this fundraising event. Gentlemen - your help is always needed. High School students looking for volunteer

St. Clement Parish Good Shepherd Food Drive [Oct 24-25] Bring a non-perishable food item to Mass. Your gifts of food will be used to provide nourishing meals for the homeless and disadvantaged from the streets of Toronto.

Our Council in Action Please note all photos are posted on our website Hope for Children Awards Night August 24, 2011

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