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Strategies for ICAO Testing

Content Lesson: Medical Emergency

Acetaminophen/Tylenol​ fever
Allergies​ flu
Ambulance​ heart attack
​Aspirin​ heartburn
Asthma​ hit
Attack​ hyperventilating/hyperventilation
​Be pale/look pale​ Ibuprofen/Motrin/Advil
Black and blue​ indigestion
Bleeding/blood (n.)​ inhaler/inhalant/inhale
bleed/bleeding (v.) medical personnel
bloody​ medical procedure
​blood pressure​ medication
bloodshot​ nausea/nauseous
Blow​ nitroglycerin
breath/breathe nurse
bruise/bruise/bruised pain medication
burning up pass out
chest pains reaction
chills sharp pain
cold/warm compress stomach pain
(chest/nasal) congestion stretcher
consciousness/be conscious/unconscious stroke
crutches surgery
diabetes/diabetic symptoms
digestive problems thermometer
dizzy throwing up
doctor/physician wheezing
feel faint/faint

Terms Commonly Used

1. He’s having an ________
asthma __________.
attack I think it was brought on by _________.
2. We gave him _____________,
aspirin but he’s still having chest pains.​
3. It might be low blood sugar because she ________________.
bleeding She is diabetic.​
4. I think maybe his eyes are __________
bloodshot because he’s taken drugs or has been drinking.
5. The passenger is having a _________ episode and has lost ___________.
diabetic conscious

©2020 by Expedite Aviation English. All rights reserved. No portion of this program may be
reproduced without the expressed, written consent by the author(s).
Strategies for ICAO Testing
6. She’s a little __________
fever and __________.
7. The __________
doctor from MedLink is going to check the __________
EKG to see if our
passenger is having a heart attack.
8. We want to rule out __________
indigestion so we are giving an antacid.
9. Captain, he fell and __________ his leg when we went through turbulence.
10. He’s ok though. So, we are just going to give him __________. Advil
11. He needs __________,
not an __________.
medication I said he has a heart condition.
12. We think the passenger is having a __________reaction to some __________
pain medication he took.
13. We’re having problems getting the __________ strecher to the passenger because there is a
crowd blocking the passenger bridge.
14. Send an __________
nurse (this is a word used earlier in the presentation.) for the
passenger. He’s __________
wheezing from an asthma attack and we need to get him to his
family for his medication.





Fluency Practice



©2020 by Expedite Aviation English. All rights reserved. No portion of this program may be
reproduced without the expressed, written consent by the author(s).
Strategies for ICAO Testing



Listening Practice
Directions: You can use this worksheet to write the messages you heard in the lesson. You can
also use the lines below to brainstorm for your test.


What advice might you give?


What questions might you ask?


What questions might you ask?


What questions might you ask?

©2020 by Expedite Aviation English. All rights reserved. No portion of this program may be
reproduced without the expressed, written consent by the author(s).
Strategies for ICAO Testing


What advice might you give?


What questions might you ask?


What questions would you ask?


What advice might you give?


What questions would you ask?

©2020 by Expedite Aviation English. All rights reserved. No portion of this program may be
reproduced without the expressed, written consent by the author(s).
Strategies for ICAO Testing


What advice might you give?


What questions would you ask?


What advice might you give?

Vocabulary Practice
Reaction or symptoms?

Inhaler or inhalant?

Heart attack or indigestion?

©2020 by Expedite Aviation English. All rights reserved. No portion of this program may be
reproduced without the expressed, written consent by the author(s).
Strategies for ICAO Testing

Pass out or unconscious?

Nausea or in labor?

Pulse or blood pressure?

Wheelchair or stretcher?

Conversation Questions
Question 1 Notes:

Question 2 Notes:

Question 3 Notes:

©2020 by Expedite Aviation English. All rights reserved. No portion of this program may be
reproduced without the expressed, written consent by the author(s).
Strategies for ICAO Testing

Photo Descriptions
1. Photo notes

2. Photo Questions

©2020 by Expedite Aviation English. All rights reserved. No portion of this program may be
reproduced without the expressed, written consent by the author(s).
Strategies for ICAO Testing
Listening Practice script for Questions and Advice
1. He’s having an asthma attack. We think it was brought on by allergies.
2. It might be low blood sugar because she looks pale. She is diabetic.
3. We gave him aspirin, but he’s still having chest pains.
4. I think maybe his eyes are bloodshot because he’s taken drugs or has been drinking.
5. It’s a high fever. He’s burning up and he has chills.
6. He can’t breathe. He’s choking. Does anyone know the Heimlich Maneuver?
7. The passenger is having a diabetic episode and has lost consciousness.
8. She’s a little dizzy and feels faint.
9. The doctor from MedLink is going to check the EKG to see if our passenger is having a
heart attack.
10. We want to rule out indigestion so we are giving an antacid.
11. Captain, he fell and hit his leg when we went through turbulence. He’s ok though. So, we
are just going to give him ibuprofen.
12. He needs nitroglycerin, not an inhaler. I said he has a heart condition.
13. We think the passenger is having a reaction to some pain medication he took.
14. We’re having problems getting the stretcher to the passenger because there is a crowd
blocking the passenger bridge.
15. Send a stretcher for the passenger. He’s wheezing from an asthma attack and we need to
get him to his family for his medication.

©2020 by Expedite Aviation English. All rights reserved. No portion of this program may be
reproduced without the expressed, written consent by the author(s).

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