Project3 2023 Fall Fat5gx1c

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Programming Project : An App with Fragments

In this project, you will improve by incorporating fragments, to

make your app more flexible. This project will give you a chance to further develop your Android
programming skills, including working with new views and layouts, as well as fragments. You will
also implement a popular navigation style called master/detail flow.
you should select one of the application ideas listed below, then design, implement
and test it.
The selected app must include a starting activity (the splash screen), where the user is presented with
a brief overview of the app. You should select and implement a way to navigate to the next screen
from the initial (splash) screen, for example, by pressing (tapping) an image or a button (View
Countries, or similar, depending on your topic selection).
On the second screen, the user should be able to select one of the items from a list of choices and the
details of the selected item (some specific details about the selected topic) should be displayed. You
must have 6 or more items on the list. This part of the app must use Android fragments to create a
list of choices and to display the details, implementing the master/detail flow. Furthermore, your
app must be sensitive to an Android device orientation change and adjust the user interface in the
landscape orientation to show both the list and the details side-by-side on one screen. The current
list item selection (list item) must be preserved when switching the orientation.
As before, you must use at least one image per topic in your app, when showing the details.
Selected images should be stored as PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files. Also, a nice touch
would be to include clickable Web links and/or phone numbers in the details. any
data, such as image files and the text your app is displaying must be stored as raw resources within
your app.

Application choices . However, you should combine the overview part

and the details part into one information (the detail in the master-detail flow pattern)

2. Country to visit. The user would select a country to visit (out of 6 or more choices on a
list), and then the details info would include a brief overview of the country, such as the
general location, population, capital city, etc., as well as the most important information for
a tourist, such as what places to visit, the country’s currency and the current exchange rate,
hotels to stay in, transportation info, etc. You could include the country’s flag, or other
images of interest.
Additional requirements
• Select a suitable name for your project. You must use the Giraffe version of Android Studio
and code your app in Java. You must select Phone and Tablet, and API 24: Android
7.0 (Nougat).
• The data (text and images) should be stored as resources (raw and drawable) in your app.
• The app must present the choices using a ListFragment. The selected information (details) must
be presented in a different fragment.
• The app must present 6 or more choices for the user.
• You must include at least one image per choice.
• You must provide different layouts, suitable for the portrait and landscape device orientations.
• You must use fragments, and your app must adjust the layout when switching orientations. Both
the list fragment and the details must be included in the landscape orientation, but only one of
them at a time in the portrait orientation.
• Also, you may only use Linear, Frame, and/or Constraint layouts in your app. Scrolling
views (vertical/horizontal) may be used, as well.
• Test your app in a Pixel 7 AVD (API 30 or 31) and eliminate any errors.
• Create a ZIP file with your entire project directory and submit it your zipped project

• Follow good Java coding style (suitable variable names, indentation, etc).
• As usual, include suitable comments in JavaDoc style.

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