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Unit 8 Grammar Worksheet


1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the future continuous.
0. Will you be living (live) in an apartment next year?
1. I (work) as an engineer in five years.
2. Mr. Elliot (teach) English next semester?
3. Our city started a recycling program, so we (save) lots of resources.
4. In two years, my sister (studying) abroad in Italy.
5. Tomorrow at 6 p.m., Diana and Kelly (watch) a movie.

2 Write sentences in the future continuous to express the plans. Use the prompts.
0. My cousin wants to get his driver’s license. (This summer / learn / drive)
This summer he will be learning to drive.
1. I’m opening a savings account at the bank. (Next month / be / save / money)

2. Mary is buying a plane ticket. (During summer vacation / travel / around the country)

3. He started recycling. (Soon / save / resources)

4. She’s going to California for college. (In the spring / rent / apartment)

5. Johnny is preparing his resume. (In the future / work / for a good company)

D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2022 Downloadable 4.8.G

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