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Rev esp cir ort op t raumat ol.


Revista Española de Cirugía

Ortopédica y Traumatología rot


Report on 250 consecutive toe to inger transplants. Indications,

results, failures, and new applications
Francisco del Piñal, * Francisco Javier García-Bernal, Carlos Thams,
Alexis Studer, Javier Regalado

Inst it ut o de Cirugía Plást ica y de la Mano Dr. Piñal y Asociados, Hospit al Mut ua Mont añesa y Práct ica Privada,
Sant ander, Spain

Received December 9, 2010; accept ed March 24, 2011

Amput at ion; Purpose: Toe-t o-hand t ransfers are an essent ial part of hand rehabilit at ion aft er loss of a
Microsurgery; inger. Despite this, the likelihood of failure and the hypothetical morbidity in the donor
Toe-t o-han area, made t his procedure not very popular among surgeons. The purpose of t his paper
is t o present our clinical experience, highlight ing t he pit falls and t he new indicat ions.
Mat erial and met hods: Bet ween February 1995-January 2010 we performed 250 t oe-t o-
hand transfers for inger amputations. In metacarpal hands (23 cases) we transferred the
hallux from one foot and the 2nd and 3rd from the other, to achieve a three-ingered
(t ripod) grasp. The rest of t he pat ient s had mult i-digit , simple or part ial amput at ions. In 69
the thumb was reconstructed and the rest of transfers were for inger reconstructions.
Result s: Re-operat ion rat e due t o acut e ischaemia was 16%(10%int raoperat ive) and t he
overall success rate was 98.8% (3 failures). There was no partial necrosis in any case.
Regarding t he donor side, one pat ient was operat ed on due t o a painful neuroma; t he rest
did not have complaint s in t he donor area.
Conclusions: In our experience t oe-t o hand t ransfers are a safe and reliable met hod t o
rehabilit at e severe hand inj uries. Donor sit e morbidit y is direct ly relat ed t o t he number
of t oes harvest ed, and is well-t olerat ed by t he pat ient s, especially in severe inj uries.
© 2010 SECOT. Published by Elsevier España, S.L. All right s reserved.

PALABRAS CLAVE Informe sobre el trasplante de 250 dedos del pie a la mano consecutivos.
Amput ación; Indicaciones, resultados, fracasos y nuevas aplicaciones
Dedo del pie a la mano Resumen
Propósit o: Las t ransferencias de dedos del pie const it uyen un arma fundament al en la
rehabilit ación de las lesiones de mano. Sin embargo, no gozan de mucha popularidad

* Corresponding aut hor.

E-mail: (F. del Piñal).

1888-4415/ $ - see front mat t er © 2010 SECOT. Published by Elsevier España, S.L. All right s reserved.
258 F. del Piñal et al

dada la posibilidad de fracaso y por las hipot ét icas secuelas en la zona donant e. Presen-
t amos nuest ra experiencia clínica, haciendo especial hincapié en las complicaciones y las
nuevas aplicaciones.
Mat erial y mét odos: En el periodo febrero de 1995 - enero de 2010 hemos realizado
250 t ransferencias de dedos del pie para amput aciones de t odos o part e de los dedos. En
las amputaciones de todos los dedos (23 casos) se trasplantaron el hallux de un pie y el
2.° y dedos del pie cont ralat eral para lograr una pinza t rípode. El rest o de los casos
corresponden a amput aciones mult idigit ales, simples o parciales de dedos, siendo 69
casos pulgares y el rest o, dedos t rifalángicos.
Result ados: La t asa de reint ervención por isquemia aguda fue del 16%(10%int raoperat o-
ria), con una supervivencia inal del 98,8% (3 fracasos) tras la revisión quirúrgica. No hubo
ninguna necrosis parcial. Respect o a la zona donant e, un pacient e fue int ervenido por
presentar un neuroma; el resto no reirió ningún tipo de molestias a la marcha, en el
seguimient o a largo plazo.
Conclusiones: En nuest ra experiencia, las t ransferencias de dedos del pie son un mét odo
seguro en la reconst rucción de lesiones graves de la mano. La secuela del pie es propor-
cional a la cant idad de dedos que se t omen, y es bien acept ada por el pacient e, en espe-
cial en las graves lesiones.
© 2010 SECOT. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.


Toe t ransfers have been a rout ine pract ice for more t han
40 years. 1 Alt hough init ially it s use was limit ed t o t he t humb,
it came t o be more widely used as survival rat es improved.
So much so t hat , nowadays, t hese t ransfers are indicat ed in
bot h reconst ruct ion of severe inj uries (for example, mult i-
digit amput at ions) and in more minor inj uries (for example,
part ial t humb amput at ions) where t he t reat ment obj ect ive
is, essent ially, rest it ut io ad int egrum. 2
Our purpose is t o present an updat e on t he indicat ions,
result s, and donor sit e sequelae based on our experience
wit h 250 t ransfers.

Materials and methods

From February 1995 t o January 2010, we performed 250

toe-to-hand transfers. The irst author was involved in all
cases, wit hout except ion.
Alt hough t here were paediat ric and elderly pat ient s in
our series, our case load consist ed of labourers, primarily,
and the mean age for our series was 37.6 years (range 2-64).
Certain conditions such as age, smoking, hypercoagulable
st at es, and previous t rauma in t he donor sit e area are
unfavourable fact ors, but t hese do not cont raindicat e
t ransplant as long as it is t hought t hat t he pat ient may
beneit from the surgery. It is contraindicated, however, if
t he pat ient is in poor general condit ion or has a severe,
art erit is oblit erans-t ype of art eriopat hy.
Fort y-nine pat ient s received 2 t oes, and 27 pat ient s
received 3 toes. In 38 cases, it was necessary to combine
t he t oe-t o-hand t ransfers wit h anot her t ype of microsurgical Figure 1 A) 28-year-old pat ient wit h mult i-digit amput at ion
t issue t ransfer, eit her during t he same procedure or prior t o due t o avulsion and inj ury at various levels, which made it
it , because of coverage problems. impossible to reimplant 2 of the ingers. A heterotopic
Of t he 250 cases, 148 t ransfers were done early (less t han reimplantation of the 3rd t o t he 2nd posit ion was performed on
1 week) (ig. 1), and 43 were done prior to 1 month. The an emergency basis. One week later, patient underwent an
remaining 59 were performed late (range: 5 weeks to aest het ic amput at ion of t he t hird ray and t he t ransfer of a
32 years). 2nd t oe t o t he 4t h position. B) Results at 3 months.
Report on 250 consecutive toe to inger transplants. Indications, results, failures, and new applications 259

The elevat ion t echnique has already been described, 3-5

but we would like to stress the importance of skeletonizing
t he art eries and veins t o reduce t he amount of fat and t he
volume of t he pedicle t ransferred t o t he hand. This
precludes the need for skin grafts or laps as a means of
itting the excess tissue onto the hand, and because better
aest het ic result s are achieved in a single procedure, it also
obviat es t he need of a second surgery for remodelling. Wit h
experience, our preference for donor vessels has changed
from the dorsal artery of the foot or the irst dorsal
int ermet at arsal art ery and t he saphenous vein, which was
our initial practice, to the tibial and/or ibular digital artery
and a dorsal subcut aneous vein from t he commissure of t he
inger, currently. This has enabled us to shorten the total
surgery time to about 3 hours, currently, and to minimize
foot morbidit y. There is a downside t o it in t hat t he vessels
for t he microsurgery are of smaller calibre.
While t he t oe is being adapt ed t o t he hand, anot her
surgical t eam closes t he result ing defect in t he donor sit e
area. They use different t echniques for t his depending on
t he amount of t issue harvest ed from t he foot . Defect s
result ing from t he t ransfer of soft t issue from a t oe
(hemipulp or neurocut aneous6) are reconst ruct ed using Figure 2 A-B) Bilat eral met acarpal hand referred 5 mont hs
neurovascular island laps or skin grafts. On the other hand, aft er inj ury. C-D) On t he left hand, t he big t oe was t ransplant ed
if a phalanx or a j oint has been harvest ed, we preserve t he t o t he t humb posit ion, and t he st umps of t he 2nd and
t oe by doing an art hroplast y or creat ing a syndact yly. 7,8 3rd met acarpals were resect ed t o provide a good commissure.
If a 2nd toe has been harvested, an aesthetic amputation of The right hand was reconst ruct ed by t ransferring a microvascular
the ray is done, with resection of the metatarsal and closure lateral thigh lap and a tandem lap of the 2nd and 3rd t oes in t he
of the space between the 1st and 3rd metatarsal with 2 Kirschner same surgical procedure. E) Case 2 donor sit e area 4 years aft er
wires for 5 weeks. Transfers of the big toe are reconstructed surgery. The patient reports walking at least 10 km every day.
through transfer of the 2nd toe to the 1st toe position. 9 In the Not e t hat pat ient wears regular shoes.
event of a combined, tandem-type transfer of the 2nd and
3rd toes, we try to preserve the metatarsophalangeal j oints to
prevent dificulties with ambulation.10 We recommend to pat ient was int egrat ed int o a new j ob, and he has required
patients that they avoid weight-bearing for 6 weeks. Following no furt her t reat ment .
surgery, patients remained in the hospital for a mean period of We have had some problems wit h primary wound healing
6 days on a continuous heparin infusion, and they were in t he donor sit e area, above all in t hose cases where t here
monitored with an acoustic Doppler sensor. was an associated fasciocutaneous lap. These cases closed
by second int ent ion.
One pat ient wit h hypercoagulabilit y due t o prot ein S
Results deiciency developed a deep vein thrombosis in the donor
leg, 10 days aft er t he surgery when he was already at home
In 84%of t he cases, immediat e revascularisat ion of t he t oes and despit e low-molecular-weight heparin t herapy. Aft er
was achieved upon removing t he vascular clamps, wit h no warfarin t herapy was inst it ut ed, progress was favourable
furt her complicat ions. In 16% of t he cases, t he anast omosis both for the patient and for the transferred irst toe.
had t o be revised: in t he same surgical procedure, aft er
removing t he clamps (10%) or in a separat e procedure aft er
patient was returned to the loor (6%). On 3 occasions, Discussion
complet e necrosis occurred (overall survival: 98.8%) despit e
all at t empt s t o resolve it (reanast omosis, int erposit ion graft s, The t oes enable hand funct ion t o be improved in proport ion
and the like). There were no cases of partial necrosis. to the existing deicit. In cases of multi-digit amputations or
Regarding morbidit y of t he donor sit e area, we had met acarpal hands, t hey are used t o achieve a simple or
2 cases of medium-term discomfort with walking. One t ripod grip, 4,10,11 while in less serious cases, t hey cont ribut e
pat ient , who had undergone t ransfer of a 2nd t oe and a t o a pract ically t ot al anat omical and funct ional recovery. 2,12
contralateral big toe, reported discomfort with walking due
t o a neuroma in t he st ump of a collat eral nerve, which was Donor site area
resolved by t ransposing it . Anot her pat ient , on whom a
tandem lap had been transferred (2nd and 3rd t oes) for a Bot h t he aest het ic and funct ional out come in t he foot
met acarpal hand reconst ruct ion, report ed pain in one of his depends upon t he defect t o be reconst ruct ed. Minor lesions
feet when walking; this persisted for 2 years, despite are reconst ruct ed almost anat omically, wit h minimal
ort hot ic t reat ment . The discomfort disappeared when t he sequelae in t he foot , while in t he case of mult i-digit
260 F. del Piñal et al

uncommon for it to take a few minutes for the toe to be

reperfused, especially when t he donor vessels are t he digit al
art eries. This spasm normally subsides wit h t he passage of
t ime and t he applicat ion of local heat and/ or a t opical
spasmolyt ic agent . Much more rarely, t he t oe remains t ot ally
ischaemic on t he foot following release of t he ischaemia cuff
and never becomes reperfused, despit e t he passage of t ime
and microsurgical explorat ion (revision of possible art ery
lesions, advent icect omy, et c.). In our experience, t his t ype
of complicat ion (12 cases) was due t o hypert rophy of t he
digit al art ery t unica media, which almost occluded it
(10 cases), or embolism secondary t o art eriosclerosis
(2 cases). 22 Our init ial hypot hesis t o explain t hese ischaemic
episodes in t he foot point ed t oward art erial hypert ension as
t he causal mechanism because t hey occurred in pat ient s who
were over 50 years of age. This suspicion was reinforced by
the anatomical pathology indings of arterial occlusion due to
hypert rophy of t he t unica media. However, we have recent ly
Figure 3 Outcome for the donor site area of a irst toe used in seen a similar pict ure in a group of young, at hlet ic pat ient s
t humb reconst ruct ion, wit h and wit hout t ransposit ion of t he (a marat hon runner, among ot hers) who do not have art erial
t oe. hypertension. At the present time, we are looking into the
hypot hesis t hat repeat ed t rauma may be anot her fact or in
t he appearance of t his problem and t hat hypert rophy of t he
amput at ions where several t oes are harvest ed, t here are t unica media could be of mult i-fact orial origin. This
more sequelae in the donor site area (ig. 2). When it is a complicat ion may be t he cause of inexplicable failures wit h
met acarpal hand, 13 for example, t he big t oe is harvest ed t his t echnique and, worse, cannot be predict ed before t he
from one foot and a lap combining the 2nd and 3rd t oes from foot is dissect ed. The way t o resolve t he problem is out side
t he cont ralat eral foot . 14 In t erms of morbidit y in t he donor the scope of this general article. Sufice it to say, however,
sit e area, various st udies have shown t hat gait is not that this is a major challenge for a group skilled in microsurgery
impaired if t he base of t he proximal phalanx of t he big t oe and t hat it forces us t o do bypasses and/ or anast omoses wit h
is left or if no more t han 2 t oes are harvest ed. 15,16 arteries of less than 0.3 mm (ig. 4) because, for some
Our result s agree wit h t hose of ot her series3,17-20 in which unknown reason, the more distal vessels are usually healthy.
problems wit h ambulat ion are pract ically non-exist ent . In In our experience wit h t his complicat ion (12 cases), we were
reviewing our result s wit h t ransfers of t he 2nd and 3rd t oes able t o resolve 11 of t hem t hrough complex bypasses, and/ or
combined–one of t he most serious assault s on t he donor sit e t hey required anast omosis of vessels of up t o 0.5 mm. The
area t o which t he foot is subj ect ed–not one pat ient report ed ot her case was one of t he failures in t he series.
any funct ional sequelae wit h regard t o ambulat ion. 4 Of t he With regard to the failures (3/250), 1 of them was due to
remaining pat ient s (simple t oe t ransfer), 1 pat ient required hypoperfusion in t he foot in a pat ient wit h severe
anot her surgery t o t ranspose a neuroma, and anot her art eriosclerosis (ment ioned above). The second failure was
pat ient report ed discomfort t hat improved wit h using
orthotics, pain after walking several kilometres, despite
non-weight -bearing insoles, met at arsal bars, et c.
Resect ion of t he big t oe result ed in a very not iceable
aesthetic law if the stump was simply closed. To mitigate this
defect, we transposed the second toe to the irst position and
increased it s volume using a t ibial cut aneous int erposit ion
lap (ig. 3).9 We followed a t ot al of 17 pat ient s over a
minimum of 2 years. Evaluat ion of funct ional sequelae in t he
foot using a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) (no limit at ion, no
pain=0…incapacit at ing limit at ion, int olerable pain=10)
result ed in a mean of 2.4, and for aest het ic sequelae
(normal=0…severe deformity=10), a mean of 3.6. Evaluation
of sequelae in t he foot using t he AOFAS scale result ed in a
mean of 89.4. 21

Re-operations and failures

One of t he primary reasons for discouragement among Figure 4 Rescue of an ischaemic t oe due t o hypert rophy of
surgeons who do this type of procedure is the risk of t he t unica media in a young pat ient . The t oe was revascularised
microvascular complicat ions. Aft er dissect ion and wit h t he via a bypass to the ibular digital artery at the DIP crease of the
t oe st ill connect ed t o it s vessels in t he foot , it is not 2nd toe (artery diameter approximately 0.3 mm).
Report on 250 consecutive toe to inger transplants. Indications, results, failures, and new applications 261

Figure 5 A) Amput at ion of t humb at t he level of t he t rapezio-met acarpal-phalangeal j oint . B) Simult aneous t ransfer of a t oe plus
a microvascular gracilis muscle lap for coverage. C) Final result.

relat ed t o a Buerger vasculopat hy, and t he t hird was due t o digit amput at ions, where t here is t ypically a loss of associat ed
poor post -operat ive management t hat made revision and soft t issue, we perform ot her microsurgical t issue t ransfers
early rescue impossible. along wit h t he t oe t ransfer in a single surgical procedure.
Because of our experience, enabling us t o short en t he This reduces rehabilit at ion t ime for t he hand and precludes
surgery t ime and achieve great er reliabilit y wit h t his t ype of other surgical procedures on healed areas (ig. 5).
t ransfer, we have expanded t he indicat ions along 2 lines: in The ot her line of int ervent ion has been t he so-called
complex reconst ruct ions and in “ minor” lesions. In mult i- mini-t ransfers: t ransfers of vascularised phalanges,

Figure 6 A) Amputation of distal thumb at the interphalangeal joint. B) Big toe modiied per the Wei technique (trimmed toe).
C-E) Result .
262 F. del Piñal et al

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