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Raven’s Purge Timeline

After Shift (AS) Past Event

0 Humans arrive at the Ravenlands.
Humans are forced to live across a mountain range called The Divide, while
the elves, orcs, and dwarves are allowed to stay in the Ravenland. This is
called The Shift.
510 – 540 The Exodus of the Ailanders
Humans return to the Ravenlands for the first time since The Shift
550 Mount Bilica Rises.
The dwarves raise a mountain to stop Ailander migration.
610 The Arrival of the Aslenes.
The Aslene, a horse riding people, arrive in the Ravenlands.
617 The Vond Wall is Raised.
The the dwarves had definitely had enough of the human incursions and built
The Vond Wall with the fortress Vond in Shadowgate Pass to stop any further
migrations of humans from Aslene.
690 – 695 -475 The first armed conflict between humans and dwarves.
800 – 810 -365 The Cleansing of Harga.
The Iron League comes down on the Raven Sisters.
820 – 889 THE ALDER WARS
820 – 821 The First Alder War.
The dwarves and men win the first war against the Alderlanders.
825 The Man Flood.
The Alderlanders across The Divide become interested in the Ravenlands.
826 – 833 The Second Alder War
833 – 845 The Third Alder War.
850 -315 Zygofer was named royal governor.
Zygofer uncovers how to bring demons into the world.
868 – 871 The Great Purge
Zygofer sets about world domination
Zygofer said, that peace would only last in Ravenland when elves, dwarves
and orcs had been exterminated or driven into the sea. Armies were
assembled to attack the villages and strongholds.
869 – 874 The Misgrown Gather.
Zygofer sets demonic forces upon the world.
870 The Emissary of the Psychopomp.
The Psychopomp, the high priest of the Congregation of Serpents in
Alderland, sent an emissary north to investigate the situation in Ravenland
after refugees had given worrying testimonies of Zygofer’s ungodly rule.
Zygofer names himself King
872 -293 The Fourth Alder War.
874 -291 The Demon Flood.
Zygofer opens the gates for Demons.
877 The Nexus is Sealed.
The flow of demons slows, a battle is fought.
878 Construction of the Iron Lock
The flow of humans to the Raveland stops
880 Zytera is Created.
During an unspeakable ritual, in which Merigall (a bard, whose life was bound
to Zygofer) was assisted by his demonic allies, father (Zygofer) and daughter
(Therania) were fused back to back, neck to neck, brain to brain.
883 -282 The Founding of the Order of the Rust Brothers.
The members of the order believe Zytera is the living prophet of the god Rust.
900 – 1200 -265 ERA OF THE BLOODMIST
950 – 1160 Reign of the Rust Brothers.
1160 – 1200 -5 The mist slowly dissipates over the next 40 years.
1165 0 “Nu”.
Vi blev taget til fange af slavers.
Vi slippes løs for the Hunt.

Humans have inhabited the villages of Ravenland for generations, and still they are considered intruders by elves and dwarves, who
have yet to forget the ancient and bloody wars between humans and the elder kin.

The elves sent their servants the orcs to war, but left them on their own when the battles became too savage, a betrayal that lives
on in the songs of the orcs.

During ten human generations, travelers were devoured by the Blood Mist, a red and ravenous haze that rose from the ground at
night. Very few dared venture outside after nightfall and fewer still know for certain what lies beyond the horizon.

In the last stages of the Alder Wars, when the king of Alderland beyond the wall sent armies to subdue his former governor, the
spellbinder Zygofer, it is said that the wizard desperately opened gateways to demon worlds from which hordes of indescribable
horrors poured out into the land. Many claim that the Blood Mist followed the invasion.

It is said Zygofer is still alive, transformed into a demon and worshipped as a god by the priesthood of the Rust Brothers close to
Alderstone in the west.

A few years ago, the Blood Mist disappeared inexplicably, and now people look over their shoulder anxiously. The bravest sharpen
their blades and prepare to leave.

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