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Future Time

(+): S + will + V(inf) (+): S + am/is/are + going to + V(inf) (+): S + am/is/are + V-ing
(-): S + will + not + V(inf) (-): S + am/is/are + not + going to + (-): S + am/is/are + not + V-ing
(?): Will + S + V(inf) ? (?): Am/is/are + S + going to + V(inf) ? (?): Am/is/are + S + V-ing?
(?): Wh-questions + will + S + V(inf) (?): Wh-questions + am/is/are + S + (?): Wh-questions + am/is/are
? going to + V(inf) + S + V-ing

Predictions (không có căn cứ) Predictions (có căn cứ)
Eg: You will have a great time in New York Eg: It’s going to rain, so take an umbrella. Look
at the sky, it’s dark.
Decisions made now Intentions ( Dự định)
A: I have trouble in money Eg: I am going to become a teacher when I
B: Don’t worry. I will help you. grow up
Offers and Requests
Eg: We will help you get ready for you holiday

Thì tương lai đơn : độ xác thực THẤP NHẤT

Thì tương lai gần : độ xác thực CAO HƠN

Thì tương lai tiếp diễn : độ xác thực CAO NHẤT

 We will buy car next year.

 Sự việc “buy car” sẽ diễn ra ở trong tương lai, nhưng người nói chỉ “buộc miệng”
nói vậy chứ chưa chắc xảy ra
 We are going to buy car
Sự việc “buy car” sẽ diễn ra ở trong tương lai gần (tuần sau/ tháng sau…), sự việc
có khả năng cao xảy ra nhưng mà chưa biết xảy ra KHI NÀO, Ở ĐÂU
 We are buying car on next Monday
 Sự việc “buy car” gần như chắc chắn xảy ra, người nói đã lên kế hoạch và chuẩn bị
mọi thứ (khi nào mua, mua loại gì, bao nhiêu tiền….)
1. I completely forget about this. Give me a moment, it now.
a. will b. am going to c. is going to

-> Quyết định ngay tại thời điểm nói

2 Tonight, I......stay home. I've rented a video
a. am going to . b. will c. a and b
3. I feel dreadful. I............sick.
a. am going to be b. will be c. a và b
4. If you have any problem, don't worry. you
a. will b. am going to c. a và b
5. Where are you going?
a. I am going to see a friend b. I'll see a friend c. I went to a friend
6. That's the phone./ I....answer it
a. will b. am going to c. a và b
7. Look at those clouds.
a. will rain b. is going to rain c. is raining
8. Tea or coffee
a. I am going to have tea, please b. I'll have tea, please c. I want to drink
9. Thanks for your offer. But I am OK. me
a. is going to b. will c. a và b
10. The weather forecast says it.......rain tomorrow
a. is going to b. will c. a và b 70%
11. My parents............tomorrow to stay with me for a few days
a. come b. will have come c. are coming
12. I'll return Bob's pen to him the next time I..........him
a. see b. will see c. I'm going to see

The next time + HTĐ

13. The firework display, part of the city's celebration,............ place on the 21st August in Cannon
a. will take b. is taking c. is going to take
14. This is the first time Scotland, so it's all new to us
a. are going b. have been c. will go
This is the first/second/…. Time + Hiện Tại Hoàn Thành
15. Look at those cars! They................!
a. will crash b. will be crash c. are going to crash
19. We …. the school next year.
a. are building b. build c. will build
20. He ………. this contest because he is ill.
a. will not take part in (40%) b. is not taking part in (90%) c. isn’t going to take part in (70%)
21. We're having a party at the weekend.Great! Who............?
a. will being invited going to invite c. is going to be invited

Be going to + V(inf) -> Be going to + be + Vp2

will be

will answer
will probably become
probably (adv): có lẽ pay (v): trả
well-paid (adj)
isn't going to apply

are going to move

are going to be

will pass

am going to take

am going to do

will give
is going to rain

will be
will be
will play
am going to faint faint (v) : ngất
will go
is going to meet
will be
will be gale (n): cơn lốc -> dự đoán ko có căn cứ
are going to buy
-> diễn tả một dự đoán có căn cứ

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