Advance Writing - Preposition - Meaning - Veral Idioms

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By: Selamat H. Napitupulu

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni
What is P r e p o s i t i o n ?
A preposition is a word which relates words in a sentence
in order to affect the structure and meaning of the
sentence. A preposition usually indicates the temporal,
spatial or logical relationship of its object to the rest of the
1. I live in Medan.
2. The man in the room is sir. William.
3. She left before breakfast.
4. The woman comes from USA.
The Simple
The Simple P r e p o s i t i o n !

in, at , of, off, on, to, up, from , before, after,

above, across, under, towards, by, behind,
between, inside, near, outside, inside, next,
down, next to, in front of, opposite, etc.
The Simple P r e p o s i t i o n !
No Preposition Meaning Examples
1 above higher than, or over The sun is above the clouds.
2 across from one side to the other It's dangerous to run across the road.
following something The boy ran after the ball. RUN
3 after
later than I'll phone you after lunch.
in opposition to Stealing is against the law.
4 against
in contact with The sofa is against the wall.
5 along from one end to the other They are walking along the street.
surrounded by Peter was among the spectators.
6 among in a circle He walked around the table.
near, approximately It costs around 50 euros.
The Simple P r e p o s i t i o n !
No Preposition Meaning Examples
7 behind at the back of Passengers sit behind the driver.
8 below lower than His shorts are below his knees.
9 beneath under The pen was beneath the books.
10 beside next to The bank is beside the cinema.
in the space separating two
11 between Mary sat between Tom and Jane.
12 by near, at the side of The restaurant is by the river.
13 close to near The school is near the church.
14 down from higher to lower She pulled down the blind.
15 for what is intended I bought this book for you.
The Simple Preposition:
1. Time
2. Direction
3. Place
The P r e p o s i t i o n o f T i m e !

Prepositions of time indicate the period of time that something

happens (during, from, since, throughout, until, etc.)
1.I had a couple of terrifying nightmares during the night.
2.She swears never to talk to me again from tomorrow.
3.His girlfriend has been missing since last Sunday.
4.He slept throughout the lecture.
5.They said I was breastfed until the age of six.
The P r e p o s i t i o n o f T i m e !
Prepositions of time used to indicate a particular time : at, by, in, on,
1. I had a big argument with my grandma at lunch time.
2. The funeral should be over by five o’clock.
3. The astrologer said I would be dead in five years.
4. The boss is always sleepy on Monday mornings.

Prepositions of time used to indicate a particular time in relation to

another : after, before, etc.
1. I start to wonder whether I will be in Heaven or Hell after death.
2. I usually need to go to the toilet before having my breakfast.
The P r e p o s i t i o n o f D i r e c t i o n s !
These prepositions show direction of movement to somewhere: into, onto, to,
1. A fly got into his soup while he was eating it.
2. I must have put the pumpkin onto someone else’s trolley in the
3. The teacher has gone to the loo again.

These prepositions show direction of movement from somewhere : away from,

from, off, etc.
1. He warned them to keep away from his daughter.
2. Two tigers in the circus have escaped from their cage.
3. The strong wind blew the wig off his head.
The P r e p o s i t i o n o f P l a c e !
Prepositions of place tell us the position of something : across, in, inside, on, outside, etc.
The newly built bridge across the river has just collapsed.
His alarm clock went off twice and he is still in bed.
There was something like a snake inside the dark cage.
There was a fly on the bull’s nose.
I fell asleep while waiting outside the clinic for my turn.

Prepositions of place tell us the position of something in relation to another : behind,

beside, between, in front OF , near, etc.
Behind his farmhouse was a big scary scarecrow.
I sat beside a snoring lady in the cinema.
There is an awkward gap between her two front teeth.
Someone parked a tractor in front of our house.
Don’t go near her. She’s got a bad cold.
The Compound
The Compound P r e p o s i t i o n !
Compound Prepositions : more than one word
Compound Prepositions : according to, because
of, instead of, next to, but for, except for, due to,
as regards, across from , in between , out of, as
for/of/to, up on, except for, up to, up with, etc.
The Compound P r e p o s i t i o n !
1. According to him, his wife is the most beautiful woman
in town.
2. He had to retire because of ill health. (Phrase)
3. You should do something instead of talking about it all
the time.
4. The circus clown is sitting next to her.
5. Her face was perfect aside from that one hairy mole.
6. The bucks fought hard and it’s all because of a doe.
The Complex
The Complex P r e p o s i t i o n !
A Complex Preposition is made up of a simple preposition followed by
a noun and then followed by another simple.
Complex prepositions can be divided into two groups: two-word and
three-word units. They are relatively easy to identify:
• Two-word prepositions consist of a word + a simple preposition.
• Three-word sequences include a simple preposition + a Noun + a
simple preposition

Examples: asfar as, in addition to, in front of, in spite of, on

account of, as a result of, according to , such as , thanks
The Complex P r e p o s i t i o n !
1. In addition to that, the above sentences can be changed without changing the
meaning by adding the preposition.
2. As a result of the test, all the students passed the test well.
3. She parked her car right in front of mine.
4. They did not postpone the match in spite of the rain.
5. The book is in between War and Peace and The Lord of the Rings.
6. According to my mother, my father died in 1988.
7. There are many beautiful countries in America such as Peru and Brazil.
8. Thanks to my father, my brother has a new car.
9. The explosion could be heard as far as the police station, which is five kilometers
10.In addition to an apple tree in his backyard, he has a pear tree in front of his house.
11.They continued with their search and rescue mission in spite of the bad weather.
12.He can’t sing any more on account of his failing health.
13.In spite of such local and regional disasters, the overall human population on earth
The Common Combination with Preposition
“ Noun + Preposition “
Noun + Preposition Combination Sentences
No Noun Preposition
1 hope of hope of The hostages didn't give up hope of being released.
2 quality of quality of The quality of the products is not good to export.
3 reason for reason for The reason for him not to sign the contract is not
4 method of method of The method of his teaching made the students not to
be attractive.
5 sample of sample of I saw a sample of her work and was quite
6 method of, for method They have yet to discover a new method of/method
of/method for for analyzing this information.
7 fear of/for fear of/for her Devi, a small daughter, is fear of/for her ten dogs.
The Common Combination with Preposition
“ Adjective + Preposition “
satisfied with, divorced from, quality of, interested in, fond of,
isolated from, afraid of, accustomed to, amenable to, inferior to,
similar to, different from, familiar with, nervous about, afraid of,
happy about, sad about, allergic to, hostile to, sorry for, angry with,
disturbed by , interested in , worried about, similar to, related
to, characteristic to , typical of, fraught with, responsible for ,
riddled with, annoyed about , upset about , deficient in, etc.
The Common Combination with Preposition
“ Adjective + Preposition “
Noun + Preposition Combination Sentences
No Adj Preposition
1 guilty of guilty of No one believed him guilty of this terrible
2 familia with familiar with All the students in the class are not familiar
r with the new equipment.
3 afraid of afraid of The students are afraid of the new teacher.
4 sad about sad about She is sad about her all scores.
5 sorry for sorry for They are very sorry for coming late
6 fond of fond of William is quite fond of cooking Oriental food.
7 satisfie with satisfied with My employer says she is not satisfied with my
d performance.
8 afraid of afraid of Margaret is afraid of large dogs.
The Common Combination with Preposition
“ Verb + Preposition “
detract from, emerge from, confide in, plan on, engage in, pay for,
escape from, remove from, depend on, approve of, mingle with,
account for , accused of , adapted to , added to , agreed on , agree
with , apologized for apologized to , applying for , approved of ,
argued with , arrived at , arrived at , asked for , became of , believes
in , belongs to , blames for , blame for , blamed on, borrowed from ,
care about , care for , caring for , catch up with, commented on ,
communicated with , compare with, etc.
The Common Combination with Preposition
“ Verb + Preposition “
complained about , complimented on , congratulated on , concentrate
on , consented to , consists of , congratulated on , convinced of , decide
between/on, depend on , approves of , disapproves of, dreams about ,
excused of, explained about, get along with, get back from , get rid of ,
get through with , get used to, happened to , confidence in , influence
on , opportunity for , opportunity to , patience with , reason for , heard
about, hear from , heard of , insists on, introduced to , invited to, etc.
The Common Combination with Preposition
“ Verb + Preposition “
keep for , keep away from , keep on , laughed about , laughed at , learned
about , listening for , listened to , look at , looked for , looking forward to,
objected to , participated in , paid for, plan on , prefers to, preparing for ,
prevented from, provided with/for, recovering from , referred to , related to ,
relied on , remind of, searched for , see about , sent for , separate from ,
showed up , spends on, stop from , substitute for, substitute for , subtracts from
, succeeded in/at , take of , talked with/to/about, thanked for , thought of/about,
threw away , voted for , waited for , wasted on , wished for , works for, carry
about, etc.
The Common Combination with Preposition
“ Verb + Preposition “
Noun + Preposition Combination Sentences
No Verb Preposition
1 laughed at laughed at The audience laughed at her funny jokes.
2 account for account for He must account for all the information in our
3 agrees with agrees with Jack agrees with your answer for the
4 apologized to apologized to He apologized to his friends for his rude
5 arrived at arrived at We arrived at the test center on time.
6 borrowed from borrowed The man borrowed some paper from my
form roommate.
7 believe in believe in I don’t believe in you that you always tell the
The Common Combination with Preposition
“ Verb + Preposition “
Noun + Preposition Combination Sentences
No Preposition
8 commented on commented on
The teacher commented on the effect of the election
on the economy.
9 communicated with communicated
He communicated with his teacher about his grade.
10 compare with compare with Please compare Clinton's presidency with Reagan's.
11 complained about complained about The students complained about the food in the
12 complimented on complimented on The teacher complimented Maria on the good work
she did on the examination.
13 congratulated on congratulated on The teacher congratulated all the students on their
final reports.
14 laughed at/about laughed at /about They had laughed at me when I presented the wrong
Preposition as a completion of meaning!
There are some verbs which can be followed with different preposition of
course different meaning that is meant to complete the idea of the verb.
Verb Preposition Meaning Sentences
at memperhatikan You look at me like that.

in melihat kedalam You looked in the empty room.

. for mencari
look You looked for your dog.
up mencari You may look up the meaning of ‘
grace ‘ in the dictionary.
down meremehkan You look down me
around berputar You look around in the place.

You look at me like that.

Preposition as a completion of meaning
There are some verbs which can be followed with different preposition of course
different meaning that is meant to complete the idea of the verb.

Verb Meaning Sentences
up naik tangga Jack puts up the stairs.
. away menjauhkan She put the cat away from the baby.
outside Mengusir/menem She put the cat outside.
The meaning can be different based on the function as follows:

1 Literal each word has a dictionary meaning (word for word)

2 Less Literal a second or third meaning for a word in the dictionary
(not central, additional, older, or new meaning)
More a fourth or subsequent (5th, 6th, 7th, etc.) meaning
4 Figurative/ two or more words that together express a meaning
Idiom (each word does not have usual meaning)
The preposition is separated between ‘ verb as predicate and preposition’

Separable Prepositional Verbs Inseparable Prepositional Verb

Separable prepositional verb can be separated with an Inseparable prepositional verb can’t be separated
object and can’t be followed with object pronoun. with an object and can be followed with object
1 He took his coat off. He took it off. The airplane took off. (departed)
He took off his coat. Or He took off it. School lets out in June. (finishes)
2 He gave money away. He gave it away. He got on well with his

He gave money away. He got on well with his classmates.

He gave away *it. (worked in harmony)
(give as a gift)
3 She let my dress out. She let it out. He made out well in life. (succeeded)
The piano took up most of the living
She let out my room. (occupied)
She let out *it.
dress. (enlarged)
Separable prepositional verbs Inseparable prepositional verb
Separable prepositional verb can be separated Inseparable prepositional verb can’t be
with an object and can’t be followed with object separated with an object and can be followed
pronoun. with object pronoun.
4 He got his shoes on. He got them on. I looked after the children. (take care of)

.He got on his I looked after them.

He got on *them.
shoes. (wore)
5 He made the check He made it out for He looks up to his big brother. (admires)
out for $100. $100.
He made out the He made out He looks up to him.
check for $100. *it (wrote)
6 He took the piano She wouldn't put up with bad
He took it up.
up. behavior. (tolerate)
He took up the She wouldn't put up with it.
piano. (begin to He took up *it.
Separable prepositional verbs
Separable prepositional verb can be separated with an object and can’t be followed
with object pronoun.
7 I looked the bills over. I looked them over.
I looked over the bills. (review) I looked over *them.
8 Look the word up. Look it up.
Look up the word.
Look up *it.
(search in reference book)
She put the fire out. She put it out.

She put out the fire.

She put out *it.
The meaning can be different based on the function as follows:

1 Literal each word has a dictionary meaning (word for word)

2 Less Literal a second or third meaning for a word in the dictionary
(not central, additional, older, or new meaning)
More a fourth or subsequent (5th, 6th, 7th, etc.) meaning
4 Figurative/ two or more words that together express a meaning
Idiom (each word does not have usual meaning)
Verb + Preposition ‘Unspecified vs. Specified’

Unspecified preposition (more Specified preposition (one in particular)

than one)
. Verb with preposition A verb that needs a special preposition is used for
which is not special has the literal ‘figurative and idiomatic’ meaning
Literal Meaning Sentence Meaning
Olivia arrives at school (1) Olivia arrived at the Figurative Meaning : a
at 8:00 a.m. solution after a while. point of success’
1 (2) Olivia arrives at Idiomatic Meaning :
Literal Meaning : a precise math problems. attacks, work energetically
point / in class, on campus. ‘
Verb + Preposition ‘Unspecified vs. Specified’

Unspecified preposition (more Specified preposition (one in particular)

than one)
. Verb with preposition A verb that needs a special preposition is used for
which is not special has the literal ‘figurative and idiomatic’ meaning
Literal Meaning Sentence Meaning
Olivia gets on the bus on (1) Olivia gets on a new Figurative Meaning : ‘a
Monday. diet supporting diet plat form’
2 Literal Meaning : (2) Olivia gets on her Idiomatic Meaning :
a supporting surface’ / in clothes before she eats. dresses
class, on campus, up the
hill, over the fence, etc.
Verb + Preposition ‘Unspecified vs. Specified’

Unspecified preposition (more Specified preposition (one in particular)

than one)
. Verb with preposition A verb that needs a special preposition is used for
which is not special has the literal ‘figurative and idiomatic’ meaning
Literal Meaning Sentence Meaning
Olivia lives in the City. (1) Olivia lives in Figurative Meaning : ‘a
harmony. bounded concept’; in–
Literal Meaning :
3 ‘ a bounded or enclosed style, peace, jeopardy.
area’/ at home, under a (2) Olivia lives in her Idiomatic Meaning :
bridge, by me, up the spending. control her spending ‘
hill, etc.
Verb + Preposition ‘Unspecified vs. Specified’

Unspecified preposition (more Specified preposition (one in particular)

than one)
. Verb with preposition A verb that needs a special preposition is used for
which is not special has the literal ‘figurative and idiomatic’ meaning
Literal Meaning Sentence Meaning
Olivia runs into the (1) Olivia runs into the Figurative Meaning :
class. trouble. ‘inside a situation ‘
4 Literal Meaning : (2) Olivia ran into a Idiomatic Meaning : ‘met
‘ inside an enclosed
friend. by chance ’
location / ‘ under the
bridge, by the field, above
the river, to the gym, etc.’
A verbal idiom is group of words, containing a verb that has a meaning different from
the meaning of any individual word within it.
No Verbal Meaning Sentences
1 break off end As a result of the recent, unprovoked attack, the two
(break) countries broke off their diplomatic relation.
2 bring up raise; The country commissioner brought up the heated
(bring) initiate issue of restricting on-street parking.
3 call on ask The teacher called on James to write the equation on
(call) the blackboard
visit The new minister called on each of the families of his
church in order to become better acquainted with
No Verbal Meaning Sentences
like Because Maria doesn’t care for dark colors, she buys only
4 brightly colored clothes.
care for look after My neighbors asked me to care for their children after
borrow I went to the library and checked out thirty books last night
5 check out book from for my research paper.
a library.
investigate This photocopy machine is not working properly. Could
you check out the problem?
6 check out leave We were told that we had to check out of the hotel before
of one o’clock, or else we would have to pay for another day.
7 check investigate The insurance company decided to check up on his
(up) on driving record before insuring him.
No Verbal Meaning Sentences
8 close in draw In his hallucinatory state, the addict felt that the walls
on nearer, were closing in on him.
9. come accompany June came along with her supervisor to the budget
along meeting.
10 come become ill During the summer, many people come down with
down with intestinal disorders.
11 count on depend Maria was counting on the grant money to pay her
on; rely way through graduate school.
No Verbal Meaning Sentences
12 do away eliminate; Because of the increasing number of problems
with get rid of
created after the football games, the director has
decided to do way with all sports activities.
. draw up write; draft A new advertising contract was drawn up after the
(such as
terms had been decided.
plans or
14 drop out quit; This organization has done a great deal to prevent
of withdraw
young people from dropping out of school.
15 figure out solve; After failing to figure out his income tax return, Jack
decided to see an accountant.

Ada contohnya sebanyak :
230 Kalimat
The Proper Use of Prepositions!

1. Verb + Preposition + Adverb

- I live in Medan
( in menghubungkan live dan Medan
2. Noun + Preposition + Noun (NP)
- The man in the room is sir.William.
( in menghubungkan the room dan sir William )
3. Verb + preposition + Noun
- She left before breakfast.
( before menghubungkan left dan breakfast )
4. Verb + preposition + Adverb
- The woman comes from USA.
( form menghubungkan comes dan USA )
1. A preposition is followed by a noun or a pronoun.
- We go jogging every day after work. (preposition)
Note: Kata depan ‘ after ‘ diikuti oleh kata benda ‘ work ‘.
2. An adverb comes after a verb and is not followed by an object.
- We got here not so long ago and she arrived after. (Adverb)
Note: ‘ After ‘adalah kata keterangan yang didahului oleh kata kerja‘ arrived ‘

3. A conjunction has a clause that comes after it.

- We arrived after he had left. (Conjunction)
Note: Klausa ‘ he had left ‘ hadir setelah kata penghubung ‘ after ‘.
Look at the more examples below in which preposition can be functioned as
‘adverb, conjunction, adjective and adverb’.
No Prep Sentences Function
1 until She was up until three o'clock watching the movie. Preposition
He stayed there until the rain stopped. Conjunction
She's got a job as a horse trainer. Preposition
2 Adverb
The husband was fat, and his wife was just as fat.
as Conjunction
We watched as he was flying his kite.
He didn't tell anyone but his lawyer. Preposition
3 Adverb
We have but one week to meet the deadline.
but You are not only my best friend but also my business Conjunction
Look at the more examples below in which preposition can be functioned as
‘adverb, conjunction, adjective and adverb’.

No Prep Sentences Function

We walked round the market place. Preposition
They gathered round to listen to his encounter with a wild Conjunction
4 round
In that tree, I saw two big, round eyes which must be the Adjective

The book has beautiful pictures inside. Adverb

5 Inside Adjective
The inside pages of the book have beautiful pictures.
Beautiful pictures can be found inside the book. Preposition
Distinguishing Prepositions and Conjunctions with Identical Forms

1. After preposition
After a large-scale disaster, life begins to recolonize the
site. [no verb]
conjunction After a large-scale disaster occurs, life begins to
recolonize the site. [verb-occurs]
2. As preposition A few hardy pioneer species invade the environment as
a start. [no verb]
conjunction As the environment begins to renew itself, a few hardy
pioneer species invade the site. [verb-begins]
3.Before preposition Before the restoration of the ecosystems, the pioneer
species change the soil. [no verb]
conjunction Before the ecosystems can be restored, the pioneer
species change the soil. [verb phrase-can be restored]
Distinguishing Prepositions and Conjunctions with Identical Forms

4. Since preposition Since the 1960s, the urban growth has declined.
[no verb]
conjunction Since suburbs began to attract urban residents, a
large number of jobs also shifted to smaller cities.
[verb phrase-began to attract]
5. till/until preposition Until the expansion of suburban job markets, most
urban dwellers lived in central cities. [no verb]
conjunction Until manufacturing job markets emerged in the
early 1800s, only 5% of Americans lived, in cities.
Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct proportion!
1. The cat was sitting ……. the window sill.
2. It looked out of the window ……. a bird.
3. The bird was eating ……. the garden.
4. The cat watched the bird ……. two hours.
5. A man saw the cat go ……. the garden.
6. The man sat ……. a chair.
7. He had been there ……. lunchtime.
8. He was ……. the living room.
9. There was an old newspaper ……. the table.
10. He left it there three days ……., but had not read it yet.
EXERCISE 1: Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions; in, out, off, up, across, for,
with, down, on.
1. They had to put …….. the meeting when the general director didn't turn ……..
2. He made …….. a story when he was late for the first class, but the teacher didn't
believe him.
3. We still haven't come …….. with an interesting theme for the advertising
4. He came…….., a very old letter written by his grandmother to his grandfather
while he was looking…….. an old photo for his research paper.
5. The plane wasn't allowed to take ……..because of bad weather conditions.
6. Most people prefer taking …….. a hobby to relieve stress.
7. Do you get …….., well …….. your sister?
8. The diamond ring that her boyfriend bought for her turned …….. to be a fake
9. His application was turned …….. as he didn't complete the necessary
requirements in time.
10. They had been waiting at the departure lounge for almost three hours when they
EXERCISE 2: Complete the exercise with convenient prepositions
1. Nice …….. meet you
2. Don’t be late …….. school.
3. Are you the new student…….. Portugal?
4. Are you a teacher …….. this school?
5. Jessica is …….. vacation. She is ……..Italy now.
6. What is this called …….. English?
7. Look …….. the flowers!
8. Adam's birthday is……..July.
9. Don’t run……..he classroom
10.Compare your answers ……..your partner.
EXERCISE : Complete the exercise with convenient prepositions
The market 1......... the capital Jakarta is less
crowded than usual, 2........... some outlets
shuttered, as many 3...... its thousands 4.......
merchants selling products made 5.......
factories or 6....... tailors and weavers
complain 7....... the impact 8....... TikTok's
booming e-commerce arm 9...... their
EXERCISE 2: Complete the exercise with convenient prepositions
The market in the capital Jakarta is less crowded
than usual, with some outlets shuttered, as many
of its thousands of merchants selling products
made in factories or by tailors and weavers
complain about the impact of TikTok's booming
e-commerce arm on their business.
EXERCISE 2: Complete the exercise with convenient prepositions
1. Nice …….. meet you
2. Don’t be late …….. school.
3. Are you the new student…….. Portugal?
4. Are you a teacher …….. this school?
5. Jessica is …….. vacation. She is ……..Italy now.
6. What is this called …….. English?
7. Look …….. the flowers!
8. Adam's birthday is……..July.
9. Don’t run……..he classroom
10.Compare your answers ……..your partner.
RISMA looks happy.
I am looking for you
You look at me
Look me down
Look in
Look out
Look inside
1. the tall beautiful girl: NP
2. white glasses : NP
3. The tall beautiful girl with white glasses. Prep Phrase
4. The tall beautiful girl with white glasses is Miss.
Aulia. S-LV-SC
5. The tall beautiful girl with white glasses and black
jilbab is Miss. Aulia. S-LV-SC
6. I meet the tall beautiful girl with white glasses and
black jilbab (OBJ)
7. I meet the tall beautiful girl with white glasses and
black jilbab who works at PT. Hati Yang Luka.

On the first of January 2021

In January 2021
in 2021
On Monday, Tuesday, etc.

FINISH & Complete !!!


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