Intensive Writing Unit 13 - Parallel STR Latihan Ke Paragraph Slide

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By: Selamat H. Napitupulu

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni
Why worry about making sentences clear?
1. To communicate effectively with the reader.
2. To make writing persuasive and interesting.
3. To show credibility and authority as a writer.
Common Clarity Concerns

This presentation will cover four topics:

1. Misplaced modifiers
2. Dangling modifiers
3. Parallel Structures
4. Passive Voice

Your writing will be clearer if the ideas within each sentence are written in a similar
way. This is called parallel, or similar form. For example, all verbs should be in the
same tense and form. To have parallel structure, use matching nouns, verbs, adjectives,
and adverbs when you write a list.

Tip: Be sure you don’t combine different parts of speech in a series. Check that you
have used all nouns, all verbs, all adjectives, or all adverbs.

Not Parallel:
The store is good for fruit,
meat, and to buy cheese.

Not parallel: The store is good for fruit, meat,

and to buy cheese.
Parallel: The store is good for fruit, meat, and
cheese. (nouns)

Not Parallel:
Doctors say I should run, swim, and go
Not parallel: Doctors say I should run, swim,
and go walking.
Parallel: Doctors say I should run, swim, and
walk. (same verb form)

Not Parallel:
The meal was tasty, quick, and
the food was good for you.
Not parallel: The meal was tasty, quick, and
the food was good for you.
Parallel: The meal was tasty, quick, and
healthful. (adjectives)
Not Parallel:
In the rain I drove slowly, carefully, and
watch out for other drivers.
Not parallel: In the rain I drove slowly,
carefully, and watch out for other drivers.
Parallel: In the rain I drive slowly, carefully,
and defensively. (adverbs)
Not Parallel:
The qualities I admire most in a man are honest,
courageous, and compassion.
Not parallel: The qualities I admire most in a
man are honest, courageous, and compassion.

Parallel: The qualities I admire most in a man

are honesty, courageous, and compassion.
Not Parallel:

The medium effect size allowed for analysis that

was neither too strict nor lenient in assessing
relationships between the variables.
Not parallel: : The medium effect size allowed for
analysis that was neither too strict nor lenient in
assessing relationships between the variables.

Parallel: The medium effect size allowed for analysis

that was neither too strict nor too lenient in
assessing relationships between the variables.
Not Parallel:
Alexander Graham Bell was a painter,
teacher, and he invented things.
Not parallel: : Alexander Graham Bell
was a painter, teacher, and he invented

Parallel: Alexander Graham Bell was a

painter, teacher, and inventor.
Not Parallel:

Member checking ensures not only that the data

collected are transferable but also accurate.
Not parallel: : Member checking ensures not
only that the data collected are transferable but
also accurate.

Parallel: Member checking ensures that the data

collected are not only transferable but
also accurate.
Not Parallel:

Eating the right foods will help you feel

healthier, more attractive, and strongly.
Not parallel: Eating the right foods will help
you feel healthier, more attractive, and

Parallel: Eating the right foods will help you

feel healthier, more attractive, and strong.
Not Parallel:

Fruits, vegetables, and grains are an

important part of a well-balanced dieting.
Not parallel: Fruits, vegetables, and grains
are an important part of a well-balanced

Parallel: Fruits, vegetables, and grains are

an important part of a well-balanced diet.
Not Parallel:
Meat, fishing, and poultry are good sources
of zinc, iron, and B vitamins.
Not parallel: Meat, fishing, and poultry are
good sources of zinc, iron, and B vitamins.

Parallel: Meat, fish, and poultry are good

sources of zinc, iron, and B vitamins.
Not Parallel:
Fiber, which is good for digestion, is found in plant
foods like beans, peas, and that is whole grain
Not parallel: Fiber, which is good for digestion, is
found in plant foods like beans, peas, and that is
whole grain cereals.
Parallel: Fiber, which is good for digestion, is found
in plant foods like beans, peas, and whole grain
Not Parallel:
Participants in that study included
adolescents between 13–18 years of age
Not parallel: : Participants in that study included
adolescents between 13–18 years of age

Parallel: Participants in that study included

adolescents between 13 years of age and 18.
Not Parallel:
To lose weight, eat smaller portions and
limiting second helpings.
Not parallel: To lose weight, eat smaller
portions and limiting second helpings.

Parallel: To lose weight, eat smaller

portions and limit second helpings.
Not Parallel:
Eat slowly and be careful; be sure to chew your
food well.
Not Parallel: Eat slowly and be careful; be sure
to chew your food well.

Parallel: Eat slowly and carefully; be sure to

chew your food well.
Not Parallel:
I spent the weekend working in the yard,
painting a door, and to fix a cracked window.
Not parallel: I spent the weekend working in the
yard, painting a door, and to fix a cracked window.

Parallel: I spent the weekend working in the yard,

painting a door, and fixing a cracked window.
Not Parallel:
Regina said she would fix supper, set the table,
and that she would clean up afterwards.
Not parallel: Regina said she would fix supper,
set the table, and that she would clean up

Parallel: Regina said she would fix supper, set

the table, and clean up afterwards.
Not Parallel:
Either you must grant her request or gain her
Not parallel: Either you must grant her
request or gain her disapproval.
Parallel: You must either grant her
request or gain her disapproval.
Not Parallel:
The researchers collected data both through
qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys
Not Parallel: The researchers collected
data both through qualitative
interviews and quantitative surveys

Parallel: The researchers collected data

through both qualitative interviews and quantitative
Not Parallel:
That candidate has energy, concern, and she
is honest.
Not Parallel: That candidate has energy,
concern, and she is honest.

Parallel: That candidate has energy,

concern, and honest.
Not Parallel:
When Taro got home, he found mud on the
carpet, scratch marks on the furniture, and
having broken glass on the floor.
Not Parallel: When Taro got home, he found
mud on the carpet, scratch marks on the
furniture, and having broken glass on the floor.

Parallel: When Taro got home, he found mud

on the carpet, scratch marks on the furniture,
and broken glass on the floor.
Not Parallel:
These average levels were higher than previous
Not Parallel: These average levels were
higher than previous studies.
Parallel: These average levels were
higher than they had been in previous studies.
Not Parallel:
Jack likes people who are kind, thoughtful,
funny, and when they are rich.
Not Parallel: Jack likes people who are kind,
thoughtful, funny, and when they are rich.
Parallel: Jack likes people who are kind,
thoughtful, funny, and rich.
Not Parallel:
The fortune teller told Ana that she would get a
great job, that she would lose money, and she
should move to another city.
Not Parallel: The fortune teller told Ana that
she would get a great job, that she would lose
money, and she should move to another city.

Parallel: The fortune teller told Ana that she

would get a great job, that she would lose money, and
that she should move to another city
Not Parallel:
The workshop explained how to speak clearly,
appearing skilled, and how to ask for a raise.
Not Parallel: The workshop explained how to
speak clearly, appearing skilled, and how to ask
for a raise.

Parallel: The workshop explained how to speak

clearly, how to appear skilled, and how to ask for
a raise.
Not Parallel:
Another finding was that women reported
more of these incidents than men.
Not Parallel: Another finding was that
women reported more of these
incidents than men.

Parallel: Another finding was that women

reported more of these incidents than men
Not Parallel:
The researchers collected data both through
qualitative interviews and quantitative
Not Parallel: The researchers collected
data both through qualitative
interviews and quantitative surveys.

Parallel: The researchers collected data

through both qualitative
interviews and quantitative surveys
Not Parallel:
When Felicia had the flu, she took aspirin, drank
plenty of fluids, and she slept a lot.
Not Parallel: When Felicia had the flu, she took
aspirin, drank plenty of fluids, and she slept a

Parallel: When Felicia had the flu, she took

aspirin, drank plenty of fluids, and slept a lot.
Not Parallel:
Long ago I discovered that I could relax by sipping a
cup of hot tea or if I listened to soft music.
Not Parallel: Long ago I discovered that I could relax
by sipping a cup of hot tea or if I listened to soft
Parallel: Long ago I discovered that I could relax by
sipping a cup of hot tea or listening to soft music.
Not Parallel:
Researchers have speculated about the
differences between the caregiver burden
experienced by adult children and spouses
Not Parallel: Researchers have speculated about
the differences between the caregiver burden
experienced by adult children and spouses
Parallel: Researchers have speculated about
the differences between the caregiver burden
experienced by adult children and the caregiver
burden experienced by spouses.
Not Parallel:
One of life’s greatest sorrows is to have a child,
to care for him lovingly as he grows, and then
when you lose him to drugs. To lose him to
Not Parallel: One of life’s greatest sorrows is to
have a child, to care for him lovingly as he grows,
and then when you lose him to drugs.

Parallel: One of life’s greatest sorrows is to have

a child, to care for him lovingly as he grows, and
then to lose him to drugs.
Not Parallel:
Making friends in class can help you create
connections in case you need to copy notes
or clarification on something you might have
Not Parallel: Making friends in class can help you
create connections in case you need to copy notes or
clarification on something you might have missed.

Parallel: Making friends in class can help you create

connections in case you need to copy notes or clarify
something you might have missed.
Not Parallel:
Participants in that study included
adolescents between 13–18 years of age
Not Parallel: Participants in that study included
adolescents between 13–18 years of age
Parallel: Participants in that study included
adolescents between 13 years of age and 18.
Not Parallel:
In this chapter, I explain the research design, the
rationale, and describe the variables.
Not Parallel: In this chapter, I explain the research
design, the rationale, and describe the variables.
Parallel: : In this chapter, I explain the research
design, the rationale, and the variables.
Not Parallel:
Four major themes emerged from the data: (a) well-
planned on-boarding, (b) the use of peer mentors, (c) ask
what employees need, (d) and engage employees.
Not Parallel: Four major themes emerged from the data:
(a) well-planned on-boarding, (b) the use of peer mentors,
(c) ask what employees need, (d) and engage employees.

Parallel: Four major themes emerged from the data:

(a) well-planned on-boarding, (b) peer mentoring, (c) asking
about employees' needs, (d) and engaging employees.
Not Parallel:
Without English proficiency, many immigrants
experience helplessness and frustration because they encounter
difficulties in seeking medical information, participated in decision-
making, advocating for their children, and preventing medical
Not Parallel: Without English proficiency, many immigrants
experience helplessness and frustration because they encounter
difficulties in seeking medical information, participated in decision-
making, advocating for their children, and preventing medical
Parallel: Without English proficiency, many immigrants
experience helplessness and frustration because they encounter
difficulties in seeking medical information, participating in decision-
making, advocating for their children, and preventing medical errors.
Not Parallel:
At the camp boys swam, ate sandwiches,
and were playing baseball
Not Parallel: At the camp
boys swam, ate sandwiches, and were
playing baseball

Parallel: At the camp

boys swam, ate sandwiches, and played baseball
No.38 Paragraph
Not Parallel:
Are you a jogger or do you lift weights? Do you run
marathons or are you a triathlete? When it comes to
breaking a sweat, each to his own. But what kind of exercise
is best if you want to live longer? In particular, is shorter
exercise and sharper better than longer and duller exercise?
No.38 ( Paragraph)
Not parallel: Are you a jogger or do you lift weights? Do you run
marathons or are you a triathlete? When it comes to breaking a
sweat, each to his own. But what kind of exercise is best if you want
to live longer? In particular, is shorter exercise and sharper better
than longer and duller exercise?

Parallel: Are you a jogger or a weight lifter? Do you run marathons

or take part in triathlons? When it comes to breaking a sweat, each
to his own. But what kind of exercise is best if you want to live
longer? In particular, is shorter and sharper better than longer and
Paragraph in Parallel Structure
Here is a paragraph from a published Research paper
by on women in engineering by Kathleen N. Smith and
Joy Gaston Gayles. It has a variety of sentence
structures. Can you find examples of parallel structure
of words, phrases, or clauses?
Parallel Structure in P a r agraph
(1) Why is it that women who are talented in math and science avoid or
left engineering majors and careering? (2) An American Association of
University Women report on women’s success in engineering and
computed suggests that women who persist in scientific and engineering
are not all that different from women who decide to leave. (3) The major
difference between staying and to leave has been found to have less to do
with the women themselves and more do with the academic and workplace
environments where they attend school and pursuded careers. (4)
Throughout the literature on women’s persistence in scientifics, technology,
engineering, and math (STEM) fields, a range of structural and culturing
barriers contribute to the high prevalence of gender bias in these fields,
with direct
Paragraph in Parallel Structure
(1)Why is it that women who are talented in math and science avoid or
left engineering majors and careering? (2) An American Association of
University Women report on women’s success in engineering and
computed suggests that women who persist in scientific and engineering
are not all that different from women who decide to leave. (3) The major
difference between staying and to leave has been found to have less to do
with the women themselves and more do with the academic and
workplace environments where they attend school and pursuded careers.
(4) Throughout the literature on women’s persistence in scientifics,
technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, a range of structural and
culturing barriers contribute to the high prevalence of gender bias in these
fields, with direct .
Paragraph in Parallel Structure
(1) Why is it that women who are talented in math and science avoid
or leave engineering majors and careers? (2) An American Association of
University Women report on women’s success in engineering and
computing suggests that women who persist in science and engineering
are not all that different from women who decide to leave. (3) The major
difference between staying and leaving has been found to have less to do
with the women themselves and more to do with the academic and
workplace environments where they attend school and pursue careers. (4)
Throughout the literature on women’s persistence in science, technology,
engineering, and math (STEM) fields, a range of structural and cultural
barriers contribute to the high prevalence of gender bias in these fields,
with direct
2.Controlling idea:
3.Topic Sentence:
4.Supporting Sentences ( Evidence/Analysis )
5.Concluding Sentence:
Topic Sentence: Stereotypes are problematic because they give an incomplete view of a person within a
Topic: Stereotypes
Controlling idea: They are problematic because they give an incomplete view of a person within a
Evidence: In her TED talk “The Danger of a Single Story,” Adichie argues that a single story usually
provides only one part of a story: just one negative or positive side of a person, yet this becomes their
label or their definition. An example of this kind of stereotyping is the example of Adichie of Modupe
Akinola, a female African-American professor. When she began teaching at Columbia Business School,
students often asked her when the professor would arrive because she did not fit the stereotype of
what a professor should look like in the U.S. (Akinola)
Analysis : People tend to make assumptions about the single story they hold of a particular group. Due
to a lack of exposure, Akinola’s students were probably expecting to see an old white male or possibly a
white female professor instead of a young African-American female professor. Also, because of the
angry black female stereotype (Eberhardt), during lectures, this may lead students to read Akinola's
facial expressions in an incorrect way which may cause confusion.
Concluding Sentence: Thus, stereotypes are "incomplete" and can lead to prejudice as Adichie points
out in her TED talk.

(TS) Stereotypes are problematic because they give an incomplete view of a person within a (SS1)
In her TED talk “The Danger of a Single Story,” Adichie argues that a single story usually provides only
one part of a story: just one negative or positive side of a person, yet this becomes their label or their
definition. (MjSS) An example of this kind of stereotyping is the example of Adichie of Modupe Akinola,
a female African-American professor. (MnSS) When she began teaching at Columbia Business School,
students often asked her when the professor would arrive because she did not fit the stereotype of what a
professor should look like in the U.S. (Akinola). (SS2) People tend to make assumptions about the single
story they hold of a particular group. (SS3) Due to a lack of exposure, Akinola’s students were probably
expecting to see an old white male or possibly a white female professor instead of a young African-
American female professor. Also, because of the angry black female stereotype (Eberhardt), during
lectures, this may lead students to read Akinola's facial expressions in an incorrect way which may cause
confusion. (CS) Thus, stereotypes are "incomplete" and can lead to prejudice as Adichie points out in her
TED talk.
A paragraph is a piece of writing containing several
sentences, which can be divided into three major structure
parts such as:

1. Topic sentence (TS)

2. Supporting sentence (SS)
3. Concluding sentence (CS)
Topic Sentence (TS) is the introductory sentence of the paragraph. It is
placed in the beginning. It has two parts: a topic and a controlling idea. The
topic names the subject of the paragraph. The controlling idea tells what
the paragraph will say about the topic. The controlling idea limits the topic
to a very specific point or points. It must be a complete sentence such

1. S + P + (Objective/ Compliment) + Adverb!

2. S + LV + SC!
Pattern-1: S + LV (Be) + Subject Compliment!
Melisa Napitupulu is a beautiful girl.

Topic Melisa
Controlling Idea Beautiful
Topic Sentence Miss. Melisa Napitupulu is a
beautiful girl.
Pattern-2: S + P + Object!
Learning English needs practices.

Topic Learning English

Controlling Idea needs
Topic Sentence Learning English needs
Pattern : S + LV (Be) + Subject Compliment + Adv!
Indraprasta PGRI University is a big private university in Jakarta.
S LV Subject Compliment Adv

Topic Indraprasta PGRI University

Controlling Idea a big private University
Topic Sentence Indraprasta PGRI University is
a big private university in
Supporting Sentences (SS) are the body of the paragraph. They
function are to elaborate the topic sentence by giving reasons,
examples, facts, statistics, and quotations. Let’s pick up one of the
topic sentences above: ‘ Miss. Melisa Napitupulu is a beautiful girl’.
To develop the supporting sentences of ‘ Miss Melisa is a beautiful
girl ‘ of course we must give the reasons to the main idea of ‘
beautiful ‘ or merge a question: How beautiful is she? To answer
this, we may collect the data of her beauty, as follows:

Sub Topics Sub Ideas

hair long
nose sharp
complexion cream
hands tender
legs long

Supporting Sentence 1 Her hair is long

Supporting Sentence 2 The nose she has is sharp.
Supporting Sentence 3 Her complexion is cream.
Supporting Sentence 4 Her two hands are tender.
Supporting Sentence 5 And her legs are long.
The concluding sentence of the above topic
sentence: Miss Melisa Napitupulu is a beautiful
girl, can be concluded as follows: ‘Everybody who
has ever met Miss Melisa Napitupulu, will say
that she is a nice girl’.
The complete draft by labeling each sentence:
[TS] In my opinion, Miss. Melisa Napitupulu is a
beautiful girl. [SS1] Her hair is long and black. [SS2] Her
nose is sharp. [SS3] She has a cream complexion. [SS4]
Her two hands are tender falling beside her body. [SS5]
And she has two legs are long to support her slim body.
[CS] In short, everybody who has met Miss. Melisa
Napitupulu always says that she is the nicest girl he
has ever seen.

FINISH & Complete !!!


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