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Yearly Assessment (2021-22) REVISION PAPER

Date: / /2022 Time: 3 hours

Subject: Math R Marks: 80
Grade VI


Choose the correct option: (1 mark each)

1 Which of the following is correct?

(a) 1/-2 > -1/3
(b) 1/-2 < -1/3
(c) 1/-2 = -1/3
(d) None of these


3) In the standard form of a rational number, the common factor of numerator and
denominator is always
(a) 0 (b) 1 c) -2 (d)2

4) In the following figure, m || QR. Then, the measure of ∠QPR is

(a) 80° (b) 85° (c) 75°

(d) 70°
5) Find angle x in the following figure:

(a) 58°
(b) 59°
(c) 57°
(d) 56°

6) For any two non-zero rational numbers x and y, x5 ÷ y5 is equal to

(a) (x ÷ y)1 (b) (x ÷ y)0
(c) (x ÷ y)5 (d) (x ÷ y)10

7) The standard form of the number 12345 is

(a) 1234.5 x 101 (b) 123.45 x 102
(c) 12.345 x 10 3 (d) 1.2345 x 104


9) The value of (-2) 2 x 3-1

(a) 32 (b) 64 (c) -32 (d) -64

10) The value of 3 x 10-7 is equal to_______

a) 0.0000003
b) 0.000003
c) 0.00003
d) 0.0003
11) Write the following statement in the form of an equation:
One third of a number added to 2 is 3

a) m/3 – 2 = 3
b) m/3 + 2 = 3
c) m/2 – 3 = 2
d) m/2 + 3 = 3

12 The solution of the equation – 2(x + 3) = 4 is

(a) -2
(b) -3
(c) -4
(d) -5

State whether True or false

13) In algebraic expressions, like terms are the terms which have the same variable
and powers.
a) True
b) False

14) The coefficient of x in the expression 2z – 3xz is -3z.

a) True
b) False

15) The area of a circle of diameter d is πd2

a) True
b) False

16) The area of the parallelogram ABCD in which AB = 6.2 cm and the perpendicular
from C on AB is 5 cm is 30 cm2
a) True
b) False

Q.17 TO 20 Match the following.

Column 1 Column 2

i) 3×3×3×3×3×3 a) 768

ii) 3 × 44 b)

iii) c) 729
iv) d)

Case study

Q.1 The major components of human blood are red blood cells, white blood cells,
platelets and plasma. A typical red blood cell has a diameter of approximately 7 x 10 -6
meters. A typical platelet has a diameter of approximately 2.33 x 10-6 metres.

i) Which has a greater diameter a red blood cells or a platelet?

ii) How much more is it from the other.
iii) Write the diameter of red blood cell in standard form without exponent.
iv) The sum of both the diameter is __________

Q.2 A nursery school playground is 80 m long and 80 m wide. In it 80 m × 40 m is kept

for swings and in the remaining portion, there are 1.5 m wide path parallel to its width
and parallel to its remaining length as shown in Figure. One part of the remaining area
is Rock Garden and the other is water pond.

i) The area of the rock garden.

ii) The area of the water pond.
iii) Area of the path.
iv) Perimeter of a school playground.

1) The ratio of the measures of the three angles of a triangle is 2 : 3 : 4. Find the
measure of the largest angle?

2) The perimeter of a rectangle is 30 m. Its length is 10 m. Find it’s breadth.

3) Find AD in the following figure :

4) Find the perimeter of the following figure.

5) Find the value of the expression x2 + 2y + 1 for x = – 1, y= -3

6) In ∆ABC, if AC = 7 cm, m∠A = 60° and m∠B = 50°, can you draw the triangle?
By which property you got to know the answer without a triangle construction.
(Don’t construct a triangle)

7) f k + 7 = 10, find the value of 9k – 50.

8) If 5 is added to twice a number, the result is 29. Find the number.

9) If base of the parallelogram is 10 cm and height is 7 cm. Find it’s area.

10) Evaluate (7)-5
11) Construct an angle 105o.
12) If the area of a circle is 154 Find its radius.
1) Represent 9/2 on a number line.


3) The sum of two rational numbers is -3/5. If one of them is -9/10. Find the other.

4) The sides of a triangle are in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5. State whether the triangle is right-
angled or not.

5) Draw a rough diagram of ∆XYZ, and show a midian, mid point and altitude in this

6) Simplify and express the result in power notation with positive exponent:


Q.1 Construct a ∆XYZ,where m∠Y is 900, m∠X is 300, and segment XY is 5cm.

Q. 2 Do as directed.
i) Group the like terms together from the following expressions:
-8x2y, 3x, 4y, −32x , 2x2y, -y

ii) Classify the following into monomials, binomial and trinomials.

a) -6 b) -5 + x c) 32x – y

iii) Draw a tree diagram for the given expression and show factors and terms.
-3xy + 10

Q.3 A rectangular piece of dimension 3 cm × 2 cm was cut from a rectangular sheet of paper of
dimensions 6 cm × 5 cm. Find the ratio of the areas of the two rectangles. Draw a rough figure
for the given question.

Q. 4 Arrange the following rational numbers in ascending order.

SECTION E 16 marks

Q.1 Do as directed.
a) Insert five rational numbers between:

b) Convert the following equations in statement form:

(a) 5x = 20
(b) 3y + 7 = 1

−5 3 2 2
Q.2 Subtract the sum of and -1 5 from the sum 2 3 and -6 5.

Q. 3 Do as directed.
a) Find the value of [( 4 )−2]2

b) [(2/13)-6÷ (2/13)3]3 × (2/13)-9 = (2/13)-36

Q. 4 Find the area of the following polygon if AB = 12 cm, AC = 2.4 cm, CE = 6 cm, AD = 4.8
cm, CF = GE = 3.6 cm, DH = 2.4 cm.

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