2021 MOPA Warning and Instruction Letter

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Warning: Make sure you watch the Quick Start

Video and read this entire document. Failure to do

so means you will not know how to use the MOPA and
you may damage it by using the wrong power levels.

New MOPA Power Level

In the Quick Start DVD the MOPA maximum power output level is 140 milliamps. Now that
the MOPA maximum power level has been increased you can run it at the suggested 200
milliamps as shown in the photo below on the left. Running the MOPA at 200 milliamps al-
lows for a power safety buffer zone. This safety buffer zone is necessary be- cause some
frequencies in the programmed channels may rise from 40 to 70 milliamps. If the milliamp
meter rises above the maximum 220 milliamps then turn the power output lev-el down until
the milliamp meter is at 200 milliamps or less. Doing this allows for best 812a vacuum tube
life. This new power level significantly increases the power output capability of the MOPA
to 175 watts at 200 milliamps. The original 1930’s power level was only 75 watts, so this
makes the MOPA significantly more powerful. The Universal Sideband Frequency List that
comes from a separate company may have milliamp meter settings as high as 280
milliamps which is higher than the 220 milliamps. If this is the case DO NOT use the 280
milliamps only use the 200 milliamp setting. Failure to do this will damage your MOPA!

Read this before removing M.O.P.A. from box

IMPORTANT: When removing the M.O.P.A. from the box make sure that you do
not lift it from the middle of the top cover because you may bend the case. Al-
ways lift close to the ends.

IMPORTANT: Never turn on the M.O.P.A. without the gas filled tube connected.
Turning on the M.O.P.A. without the gas filled tube connected MAY damage the

IMPORTANT: Before turning on the M.O.P.A. make sure you watch the Quick Start
video that came with the instrument so that you set it up correctly. The Quick
Start video has instructions on how to set up the gas tube and the gas tube hold-
er. It will also show you how to connect the GB-4000 to the M.O.P.A. One very im-
portant change has been made as to where the GB-4000 should be located in re-
lation to the M.O.P.A. In the Quick Start video, the GB-4000 is on the right side of
the M.O.P.A. Due to the increased power level of the M.O.P.A. the GB-4000 should
be placed below the M.O.P.A.. Many people use a shelf or a rolling cart which has
at least two shelves. They put the M.O.P.A. on the top shelf and the GB-4000 on
the shelf right below it. Failure to do this can cause possible GB-4000 A.C. adapt-
er or power supply failure. Photo of correct setup on page 4.

IMPORTANT: With the GB-4000, the higher the square wave duty cycle, the
greater the power output of the M.O.P.A.. A 50% duty cycle only gives odd
harmonics but a 60% or higher will give both odd and even harmonics. A 70% or
higher duty cy- cle is recommended in most cases when using the M.O.P.A.
When using the gat- ing feature of the GB-4000 a strong powerful pulsing can be
created by setting the regular square wave duty cycle at 90% and the gate duty
cycle to 50% with the gate rate set from between 60 to 1000 Hertz. Most people
use this frequency range.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you use a surge protector power strip so that all the
power supplies can be plugged into one outlet.

Make sure that the M.O.P.A. has an outlet that has a ground.

New MOPA Frequency Range

The variable RF carrier frequency range is about 2.2 to 3.8 Megahertz. The default carrier
frequency is 3.100 Megahertz for all auto-channels except those auto-channels which give
specific instructions to change the carrier frequency. The old maximum MOPA input fre-
quency range was 1 to 40,000 Hertz. The new MOPA frequency range has been increased
now to the full GB-4000 frequency range of 1 to 20 million Hertz.

The Quick Start DVD states that you must have the GB-4000 set in “Audio Mode” only
when using the MOPA. The MOPA will now work in both “Audio Mode” and “RF Mode.”
You should still use “Audio Mode” for all programmed “Auto Channels” that have frequen-
cies less than 40,000 Hertz since almost 98% of all channels fall into this category.

To use the “RF Mode” capability the MOPA needs to have its carrier frequency set on 3.100
Megahertz so the carrier frequency of the GB-4000 matches the carrier frequency of the
MOPA. Then the GB-4000 can be put in “RF Mode” and any auto-channel or frequency
from 1 to 20 million Hertz can be input into the MOPA. When using the new “RF Mode” ca-
pability with frequencies from 1 Hertz to 20 million Hertz you should limit the milliamp me-
ter power level to 200 milliamps. This suggestion is made because the output level of the
GB-4000 in “RF Mode” only adjusts the power level from about 3 to 5 o'clock on the output
level knob. Due to its sensitivity you can easily overdrive the MOPA milliamp meter past
300 milliamps and damage the MOPA.

Very Important: It is important to understand when in “RF Mode” frequencies above 2 mil-
lion Hertz (all frequencies from 2 million Hertz to 20 million Hertz) should be run with an
“Octave” frequency or a “Harmonic” frequency below 2 million Hertz when used with the
MOPA. This is due to the fact that as the frequency range increases, the power output of
the GB-4000 decreases so that it will not have enough power to drive the output circuit of
the MOPA. Therefore to overcome this limit it is necessary to create a “Custom Auto Chan-
nel” that will run two high frequencies simultaneously with the MOPA (Simultaneously = a
custom auto-channel created to run in a “Group” with the 2 frequencies put into the first
and second number positions labeled frequency 1 and frequency 2 in the software). The
first frequency will be below 2 million Hertz and the second higher octave or harmonic fre-
quency will be above 2 million Hertz.

Here is an “Octave” frequency example. If you want to run a frequency of 17,250,000 Hertz
you would divide this frequency by 2 which would give you a frequency of 8,625,000 Hertz
(17,250,000 ÷ 2 = 8,625,000). You would then divide 8,625,000 by 2 to get the next lower oc-
tave frequency (8,625,000 ÷ 2 = 4,312,500). You would then divide 4,312,500 by 2 to get the
next lower octave frequency (4,312,500 ÷ 2 = 2,156,250). You would then divide 2,156,250
by 2 and this would give you your final frequency of 1,078,125 Hertz (2,156,250 ÷ 2 =
1,078,125) which you will use with the 17,250,000. You would then create a “Custom Auto
Channel” in any empty channel between 876 to 2000 with the 1,078,125 Hertz and its higher
“Octave” frequency of 17,250,000. Once you create and save the channel the GB-4000 will
run those 2 frequencies simultaneously. This will allow the MOPA to output through the
ray tube those two frequencies. Because both frequencies are harmonics of each other
they will work harmoniously together and will give sufficient power to drive the MOPA cir-
cuit. Many people like to use gating because it increases the power output of the MOPA
with these high sine wave frequencies. Gating is an additional pulse which produces many
harmonics like a square wave frequency. Many people prefer lower gate rates between 60
and 1000. If you use “Gating” then set the gate rate between 60 and 5000 Hertz for best op-
eration. Also make sure that the “Gate Duty Cycle” is always set at 50% to 75%when used
with the MOPA otherwise your power output level will be significantly reduced.

Here Is A Harmonic Frequency Example: It is the easiest method to use because all you
have to do is divide the 17,250,000 Hertz by any number that will give you a harmonic fre-
quency below 2 million Hertz. If you divide 17,250,000 Hertz by 17 it will give a frequency of
1,014,705 (17,250,000 ÷ 17 = 1,014,705). You can then program these two frequencies into a
“Custom Channel” and run them with the MOPA.

New GB-4000 Audio Frequency Range

The GB-4000 “Audio Mode” frequency range has also been increased. The old frequency
range for the “Audio Mode” was limited to just 40,000 Hertz. Within this range the GB-4000
can output from 2 to 8 frequencies simultaneously. The new frequency range is still limited

to 40,000 Hertz when running from 2 to 8 frequencies simultaneously but you can now alsorun
a single frequency from 1 Hertz to 400,000 Hertz. This new frequency range can also be used
with the MOPA. Because the “Audio Mode” uses no RF carrier frequency many peo- ple asked
if we could increase its range. When using this new frequency range we suggest, for the
greatest power output from the MOPA, that “Gating” be tested either on or off with a gate duty
cycle from 50% to 75% to determine which gives the greatest power output with the frequency
being used. Gate rates between 60 and 1000 Hertz seem to work the best.
It also should be pointed out that frequencies from 100,000 Hertz to 400,000 Hertz are RF
frequencies. But since the audio range of frequencies use no RF carrier frequency and went
from 1 Hertz to 40,000 it was called the “Audio Mode.” Because of this we have still left the
name of “Audio Mode” on this range of frequencies even though it now includes these higher
RF frequencies up to 400,000 Hertz. By doing this people will always know that these
frequencies do not use any RF carrier frequency. If these frequencies are used with the MOPA
then the MOPA provides the RF carrier frequency.

Other MOPA Considerations

M.O.P.A Warm Up: Let the MOPA warm up for about 3 to 5 minutes before setting the carrier
frequency and running a program.

Matching Power Level: The matching of the needle or power level from “Set Frequency” to “Run
Input” is only necessary for channels which say “For GB-4000 with MOPA.” There are only about
25 out of the 883 preprogrammed channels that require this. All other channels can be run without
the need for this power matching. The reason this matching is not necessary is due to the fact that
most channels only run low audio frequencies which work on square wave harmonics. When
frequencies are only working on square wave harmonics then the carrier fre- quency being exactly
on frequency is not required. It is these square wave harmonic frequency channels that can be run
with the suggested 200 milliamp meter power output level. Again this suggestion is due to the
fact that the suggested power level, for maximum 812a tube life, would be 200 milliamps for
these square wave harmonic channels. Sometimes an 812a tube may have a 210 to 240 milliamp
reading on “Set Fre-
quency.” As long as it does not exceed the 240 milliamp
reading you can still match the power level for the
specific channel that requires it. For all other channels
you DO NOT need to match the power level so use the
200 milliamp recommended power level.

Bouncing Milliamp Meter Needle: When running some

channels which have low frequencies in them (1 Hertz to
10 Hertz or beat frequencies) the milliamp meter needle
will bounce up and down or swing back and forth. This
is normal. This is due to the fact that very low audio
frequencies and beat frequencies will cause this
bouncing. If you are wanting to match the needle or
power level with this bouncing then center the bounce
so that it is equal above and be- low the power level you
are wanting to match. By do- ing this the carrier
frequency will be accurate. Make sure as the GB-4000
beeps to change channels or groups that you recheck
the milliamp meter needle so that it does not exceed the
recommended power levels.

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