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LEBANESE UNIVERSITY Math 102 Final 2012-2013

Faculty of Sciences-V Real analysis Duration : 2 h

Exercise 1. (10 pts)

a. Find the intervals where the following function is dierentiable:
f (x) = arctan − 2 arctan x
1 − x2
b. Show that, on each interval, f is a constant to be determined.

Exercise 2. (12 pts)

a. Let a and b be two reals 0 < a < b, Show that
b−a b−a
< arctan b − arctan a <
1+b 1 + a2

b. Deduce
π 3 4 π 1
+ < arctan < + .
4 25 3 4 6

Exercise 3. (8 pts) Let f and g two continuous functions on [a, b] with value in R? ,
dierentiable on ]a; b[ and f (a)g(b) = f (b)g(a). Using Rolle's theorem, show that there
exist c ∈]a, b[ such that
f 0 (c) g 0 (c)
= .
f (c) g(c)
Exercise 4. (10 pts)Using the nite expansion, calculate the following limits:
nα √ √
x− n2

1 n

a) lim n sinh , n ∈ N, α ∈ R b) lim

n→+∞ n x→2 x−2

−π π
Exercise 5. (16 pts) Let f be the function dened on ] , [\{0} by
4 4
ln(1 + tan x)
f (x) =
sin x
a. Give the nite expansion of f (x) to order 2 neighborhood of 0.
b. Show that f (x) is extendable by continuity at 0. Let g(x) its extension.
c. Show that g is dierentiable at 0. Calculate g0 (0).
d. Determine the tangent at 0 to the curve Γ of g and determine its relative position
with respect to Γ.

Exercise 6. (14 pts) Let f be the function dened by

1 √
f (x) = 2xe x − 1 + x + x2 .
Determine, using the nite expansion, the asymptote to the curve C of f in the neighborhood
of +∞. Determine the relative position of the asymptote with respect to C .

Good work

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