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Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Mata Kuliah : Cont Ling and Error Analysis
Hari / Tanggal : Rabu, 9 November 2022
Waktu : 90 Menit SORE
Sifat Ujian : Buku Tertutup

A. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. ( 20 points )

1. There are 8 diphthongs in Indonesian.
2. Affixation is morphological process that happened both in English and Indonesian.
3. One of the functions of reduplication process in English is for showing plurality.
4. Replacement is process of morphology in Indonesian for showing plurality.
5. There is an article in Indonesian.
6. Gender is existed in English.
7. Consonant is a sound produced by human when the breathflows out through the
mouth blocked by the teeth, tongue, or lips.
8. Contrastive linguistics is a study that seek only the differences between two
9. Cow, Bow, and grouse are examples for diphtong [aʊ]
10. Knee, knife, psychology are examples of combine consonants that has sound letter.

B. Write the meaning in Indonesia of semantic category of words below. (20 points )
1. Lullaby :
2. Bullying :
3. Cat calling :
4. VIP :
5. Subtitle :
6. Bed rest :
7. Survivor :
8. Slide ( Power point) :
9. Coy :
10. Round trip :
C. Answer these Question briefly and correctly.
1. What do you understand about contrastive linguistics and error analysis ?
( please explain in your words) 10 points.

2. In morphological process, both English and Indonesian there is affixation. Please

explain about affixation in morphological process. ( 10 points)

3. Learning Contrastive Linguistics and Error Analysis ( CLEA ) we learn how to

contrasting between first language ( L1 ) with second language ( L2 ). Not only the
differences but also the similarities between L1 and L2. Please mention 5 points of
differences and 5 points of similarities between Indonesian and English ! (20

4. Words of the same basic meaning have different forms. It depends on the
grammatical categories to which they belong. Please give an explanation of that
statement. ( 10points)

5. English : - it’s Januari now

- This shirt is red

Indonesian : sekarang bulan Januari ( bulan )

- Baju ini warnanya merah ( merah )

Please give an explanation of the example above. ( 10 points)

~~~ good luck ~~~

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