Final14 15M102E

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Faculty of Sciences-V Real Analysis Duration : 2 h

ax2 − x + 2 if x ≤ 1
Exercise 1. (4+4+2+3 pts) Let f (x) = b
if x > 1.
a. Determine the values of a, b so that f is continuous and dierentiable at 1.
b. We suppose now that a = 1, b = −1.
i. Calculate f (x) for x 6= 1, and draw the graph of f .

ii. The function f is it dierentiable at 1? Justify?

iii. Calculate, if exists, the value of lim f (x). What do you deduce from that?

Exercise 2. (5+3 pts) Consider the function f (x) = eax − arctan x, a ∈ R.

a. For what values of a the equation f (x) = 0 admits a root on [0, 1].
b. This root is it unique on [0, 1]?

Exercise 3. (4+4 pts) By using the mean value theorem,

1 1
a. Show that for x > 0, we have < ln(x + 1) − ln(x) < .
x+1 x
Deduce that 1 + x < e < 1 + x
1 x 1 x+1
b. .

Exercise 4. (3+2+3+4 pts) Let f be a function dened by f (x) = esin x + sin x on [0, π2 ].
a. Give the table of variation of f (x). Deduce that f (x) admits a reciprocal function
g(x) and precise only its domain of denition.
b. Verify that f (0) = 1 and deduce the value of g(1) and g0 (1).
c. Give the Taylor formula to order 1 of g(x) neighborhood of 1.
d. Deduce the equation of the tangent on the curve of g(x) at 1 and the limit lim .
x→1 ln(x)

Exercise 5. (10 pts) By using the nite expansion, calculate

1 1
arctan x − sin x ax + bx
lim and lim , a, b > 0.
x→0 tan x − arcsin x x→+∞ 2
x cosh(x) − sinh(x)
Exercise 6. (5+2+4 pts) Let f be a real function dened by f (x) = .
cosh(x) − 1
a. Give the nite expansion of f (x) to order 3 neighborhood of 0 (F.E3 (0)).
b. Deduce the value of lim f (x) and that f (x) is extendable by continuity at 0. Denote
by g its extension.
c. Determine the equation of the tangent (T ) on the curve (C) of g at the point of
abscissa 0 and precise its relative position with respect to C .

1 + x2
Exercise 7. (3+2+3 pts) Let f (x) = √ .
1 + x + 1 + x2
a. Give the F.E2 (0) of f (x).
b. Deduce F.E2 (+∞) of f (x).
c. Determine the equation of the asymptote on the curve C of f at +∞ and precise
its relative position with respect to C .
Good Luck

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