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Faculty of Sciences-V Real Analysis Duration : 2 h

Exercise 1. (6 pts) Let f : [0, 1] −→ R a real function dened by

 1 1
 1+x
if 0≤x< 2
f (x) =
2x + λx2 if ≤ x ≤ 1.

a. Determine the value of λ for that f is continuous on [0, 1].
b. Replace λ by its value founded in part (a.). Study the dierentiability of f on ]0, 1[.

Exercise 2. (10 pts) Let f be a function which verify the hypothesis of the Mean value
theorem (M.V.T) on [a, b].
a. Enounce the M.V.T and give a geometrical interpretation.

b. Show the M.V.T. (Hint: apply the Rolle theorem on F (x) = f (x) − (x − a).)
f (b)−f (a)

Exercise 3. (10 pts) Let f (x) = x cos(x) + 1.

a. Show, by two methods, that there exist α ∈ [0, π2 ] such that f 0 (α) = 0.
b. Show that α is unique.

Exercise 4. (12 pts) Let f be a real function dened on [0, π2 [ by f (x) = .
cos x
1. Show that f admits an inverse function g. Find g and determine its domain and
its range.
2. Show that g0 (x) = √ 2 .
x x −1
3. Show that
b−a b−a
√ < g(b) − g(a) < √ for b > a > 1.
b b2 − 1 a a2 − 1

Exercise 5. (10 pts) Using the nite expansion calculate

2x + 1 2x sin x2
lim ( ) and lim .
x→+∞ 2x − 1 x→0 x tanh x

ln(cosh x)
Exercise 6. (12 pts) Let f be a real function dened by f (x) = .
x ln(1 − x)
a) Give the the nite expansion of f to order 2 neighborhood of 0.
b) Determine the equation of the tangent (T ) to the curve (C) of f at x = 0 and
precise its relative position with respect to (C).
Exercise 7. (10 pts) Let f (x) = 1 . Determine the asymptote to the curve C of f
1 + ex
in the neighborhood of +∞ and precise its relative position with respect to C .

Good Luck

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