Royal Legend Marketing Proposal

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Digital Marketing Proposal

Proposal for: Royal Legends Academy

Proposal by: Hephzibah Media
Royal Legends Academy’ Goals and Objectives
Royal Legends Academy can’t afford to lose ground to its competitors as it expands its marketing
efforts, especially operating in the competitive industry. The right growth agency will help Royal
Legends Academy:

● Connect with users across multiple online traffic channels and deliver them to Royal Legends
● Systematically build meaningful relationships with visitors and turn them into customers
● Use data to better understand Royal Legends Academy’ target customers and optimize its
marketing strategies over time

If Royal Legends Academy doesn't invest in developing an irresistible online presence, it will miss the
opportunity to reach an enormous group of new customers. This could result in a loss of market share and
hurt Royal Legends Academy’ brand.

Meeting Royal Legends Academy’ Growth Marketing

Hephzibah Media’s full-service growth marketing solution will deliver the following results for Royal
Legends Academy:

● Implement a strategy to generate leads and turn them into customers – Getting traffic to your
website is great, but it isn’t valuable unless a good portion of it turns into leads and customers.
That’s why Hephzibah Media will develop a marketing strategy to reach visitors across multiple
traffic channels. Executing this strategy will allow Hephzibah Media drive more visitors to your
website, nurture relationships, and turn browsers into buyers.
● Developed a cohesive, compelling online presence – Digital marketing offers access to many
different traffic channels. By presenting a consistent, compelling image of your brand via your
website content, advertising, and social media, we’ll help you make the most of every traffic
channel and reach more customers.
● Optimized ongoing marketing efforts through data and customer feedback – A lot of digital
agencies offer “set it and forget it” solutions, but we don’t operate that way. We rely on our
expertise and the information at hand to develop a growth marketing strategy and put it into
action, but we don’t stop there. We’ll execute ongoing marketing initiatives, relying on analytics
and customer feedback to make campaigns even more profitable over time.
Recommended Services
To meet Royal Legends Academy’ needs, as outlined above, we recommend the following services as
part of this project.
Blogging: To attract the right audience, Royal Legends Academy need to have a blog that is updated
regularly with useful, educative and high-quality content. After creating each blog post, it should be
shared on various social networks and be optimized for search engines. When the blog continues to publish
high-quality relevant articles, it will be seen as high authority, and also a great source of photography
latest information thereby generating sales.
On the blog page, there will be easy to sign up email subscription form for the readers to get the
latest news, information, and discounts.

SEO: SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In the simplest of terms, good SEO optimizes your
visibility online. This means that the more people see your website, the more your online traffic increases,
and the better your chances to provide your product or service to a greater number of people. The easier
it is easy for people to see you on Google

Livechat: live chat enables your customers to interact with 'humans' instantly and easily, it increases
customer satisfaction and as a result, make your business more credible. Having Live Chat service on
your website is a win-win situation for you and your customers.

Email Campaign: Email campaign and marketing is one of the biggest tools to maintain relationship with
your customers and leads.

Creation of Web Content to Reach New Visitors and Turn Them into Leads

Hephzibah will use its SEO expertise to generate a list of relevant keywords and create content to
target them. This will help Royal Legends Academy expand its online presence and reach new visitors
via organic search engine traffic. We will create one article for Royal Legends Academy’s blog per
week and two videos (to be hosted on platforms like Vimeo and YouTube) per month to continue these
efforts. we will continue to research and target additional keywords and optimize Royal Legends
Academy’ website to stay abreast of search engine best practices.
Social Media Profile Creation and Management to Bond with Potential Customers

Hephzibah Media will create YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn profiles and
optimize existing ones for Royal Legends Academy, as well as provide ongoing management. These
platforms will be updated with content designed to build profitable relationships with Royal Legends
Academy’ target customers. Hephzibah Media will operate all social media platforms in a voice that
reflects Royal Legends Academy’ unique brand.

Sponsored Ads
We recommend sponsored ads to complement the efforts of organic reach. The amount spent on
sponsored is solely the discretion of Royal Legends Academy, however, we can recommend some
certain values.
Ongoing Marketing Initiatives to Raise Royal Legends Academy’ Profile Online

Hephzibah Media will engage in ongoing marketing initiatives to grow Royal Legends Academy’
presence online. We will monitor analytics and solicit customer feedback, and adjust its strategies to
exploit any opportunities.We will also will deliver a monthly performance report to Royal Legends
Academy detailing its efforts and key performance metrics.

Implementation of social media marketing strategies –We’ll manage your social media profiles on an
ongoing basis, connecting with potential customers and drawing them to your website. We’ll also create
one piece of SEO-optimized content per week for you: an article for your company blog and a video to
be distributed across various video platforms. These initiatives will establish a compelling digital presence
and draw visitors to your website.

Training of Employee:
Growth Hacking is a mindset, the employees of the company need to develop this mindset, for this
reason, we will need to carry out periodic training of the staffs preferably

Optimization and reporting – We’ll continue our marketing efforts and assess performance along the
way. By focusing on analytics and soliciting customers (parents) feedback, we’ll get insight into how to
make our marketing even more profitable. We’ll deliver a report to you on a monthly basis detailing our
initiatives, ROI, and plans to make our strategies even more effective. We’ll also work on testing different
approaches and focus on what works.
Expected Results:
1. Active social media Pages
2. More Traffic to your Website
3. More Students Enrollment
4. Increase in Parent Loyalty

Fee Schedule
Social Media 3 5 8
Posts Per Month 12 22 35
Content Design 12 22 35
Email Marketing 1 per month 2 per month 4 per month
Blog 1 per month 2 per month 4 per month
SEO Services ⚫ On page ⚫ On page ⚫ On page
services services services
⚫ Rank for 3 ⚫ Link Building ⚫ Link Building
keywords ⚫ Rank for 6 ⚫ Rank for 12
⚫ Google Analytic keywords keywords
Setup ⚫ Google Analytic ⚫ Google Analytic
⚫ Sitemap Setup Setup
Submission ⚫ Site Map ⚫ Google Search
Submission Engine Console
⚫ Backlinks ⚫ SiteMap
Generation Submission
⚫ Backlink
⚫ Article
⚫ Deep Link
Training of staffs on Once per month
Growth Hacking
Video Marketing Nil 1 per month 2 per month
Fee Per Month N80,000 N150,000 N250,000
Next Steps
To take advantage of this proposal and proceed with the project as outlined, Royal Legends Academy’
next steps must be to

● Accept the proposal as-is

● Discuss desired changes with Hephzibah Media
● Finalize and sign contract
● Submit initial payment of 70 percent of total project fee

We’re happy to make changes to project scope on Royal Legends Academy’ request at any time based
on your current budget, we will be glad to negotiate with you.

Terms and Conditions

Once project fee is paid in full to Hephzibah Media, any elements of text, graphics, photos, contents,
trademarks, or other artwork furnished to Royal Legends Academy for inclusion in website are owned
by Royal Legends Academy.

Hephzibah Media assumes Royal Legends Academy has permission from the rightful owner to use any
code, scripts, data, and reports are provided by Royal Legends Academy for inclusion in its materials,
and will hold harmless, protect, and defend Hephzibah Media from any claim or suit arising from the use
of such work.

Hephzibah Media retains the right to display graphics and other web content elements as examples
of their work in their portfolio and as content features in other projects.

This agreement becomes effective only when signed by agents of Royal Legends Academy and
Hephzibah Media, regardless of the place of signing of this agreement
The agreement contained in this contract constitutes the sole agreement between Royal Legends
Academy and the Hephzibah Media regarding all items included in this agreement.

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