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Examination 10
Answers of examination 1 .

Answers of examination 10

This paper consists of Physics series of examinations (for form four students). All exams have

been composed based on the current recommend format from National Examination Council of

Tanzania (NECTA) for the year of 2022. Some exams have been collected and reorganized from

regional mock exams conducted in the year of 2020 and 2021.

The paper Aim to exposure students to variety of questions and how to attempt questions

properly. Also, will help students to adapt new format as recommended by NECTA toward their

final examination.

Not only students but also teachers can use it as teaching and learning material during their


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countless blessing, knowledge, and opportunity to the Tzshule Team, so that we have been

finally able to accomplish the work.

Secondly, we would like to thank CEO & Founder of Tzshule (Mr. George Ramadhani ) for

not giving up on his dream of developing and providing educational materials electronically

throughout the country.

We'd also like to thank all Tzshule Users for your support and positive feedback, since it

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1. This paper consists of sections A,B and C

2. Answer all questions from section A and B and two Questions from section C
3. Non programmable calculator may be used
4. Where necessary the following constants may be used
(i) Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s 2
(ii) Density of water =1g/cm3


1. For each of the items (i-x) choose the correct answer among the given alternatives by writting
the letter of the correct answer beside the item number
(i) Two forces of 5N and 8N are acting at the same point and are inclined at an angle of 45 0
to each other. What will be their resultant force?
(A) 11.2N (B) 12N (C) 22.4N (D) 1.2N (E) 1.12N
(ii) Which of the following are good examples of ferromagnetic materials? (A) Iron and
Ceramic (B) Zinc and Iron (C) Copper and Nickel (D) Nickel and Cobalt (E) Cobalt
and Ceramic
(iii) A white shawl wrapped around the baby keeps the warms because the shawl:- (A) Is a
poor reflector (B)IS a poor radiator (C) has a pocket of air trapped in it (D) Conduct
heat the baby (E) Stops convection currents
(iv) A body is said to be in equilibrium if :- (A) It moves with uniform speed (B) the net
force acting on it is zero (C) The upward and downward forces are equal (D) Its centre
of gravity is low positioned (E) Its centre of gravity is high.
(v) The correct statement about sound waves is that they:- (A) are transverse waves (B) can
travel in a vacuum (C) can be polarized (D) Cannot be polarized (E) Do not require
(vi) In order to produce electrons in a discharge tube the :- (A) anode should be at a higher
potential than the cathode (B) potential difference at the anode should be low (C)
Cathode should be heated indirectly at low voltage supply (D) Electrodes should be at a
the same potential (E) Electrons must be accelerated at high potential
(vii) The mass of an atom depends on the number of :- (A) protons only (B) Neutrons,
electrons and protons (C) Electrons and protons (D) Neutrons and protons (E) Electrons
and Neutrons
(viii) The images formed by a plane mirrors are always:- (A) Real, magnified and laterally
inverted (B) Virtual, laterally inverted and the same size as the object (C) Magnified,
virtual and erect (D) Laterally inverted, same size as the object and real (E) Erect, Real
and magnified
(ix) Which of the following particles is used to fission in an atomic reaction? (A) Proton (B)
Deuteron (C) Neutron (D) Beta-particle (E) Alpha-particle
(x) The layer in the atmosphere where weather phenomena are formed is called:- (A)
Stratosphere (B) Magnetosphere (C) Thermosphere (D) Troposphere (E)Exosphere
2. Match the items in list A with the responses in list B by writing the letter of the correct response
beside the item number
(i) An instrument that measure length, A. Measuring cylinder
depth, internal and external diameters B. Pipette
(ii) An instrument that measure volume of C. Vernier caliper
liquids D. Glass tumbler
(iii)An instrument that measures force or E. Spring balance
pull F. Clinical thermometer
(iv) An instrument that transfer specific G. Magdeburg experiment
amount of liquid from one container to
(v) An instrument that measure body


3. (a) (i) Explain how a gas exerts pressure on the wall of its container
(ii) Give reasons why it is not sensible to rub the canvas of the tent in the wet weather
(b) Explain two situations in which the phenomenon of surface tension is exhibited
(c) Why does the solid body weigh more in air than when immersed in a liquid?

4. (a) Define resistivity and give its SI unit

(b) Briefly explain three factors that affect the resistance of conductor

(c) The resistance of a co

same length but whose radius is twice that of the first wire.

5. (a) Give the meaning of: i) Mutual induction ii) Self induction

(b)State two ways in which power is lost in a transformer

(c) A step up transformer has 10000 turns in the secondary coil and 100 turns through the primary coil.
An alternating current of 5A flows in the primary circuit when connected to a 12V a.c supply.

i) Calculate the voltage across the secondary coil. ii) If the transformer has an efficiency of 90%, what is
the current in the secondary coil?
6. (a) Mention three differences between boiling and evaporation

(b) Briefly explain reason for why frost is more likely to occur on a clear night than on a clouds night

(c) (i) Define coefficient of linear expansion and give its SI unit

(ii) A metal pipe which is 1m long at 400C increases in length by 0.3 % when caring a steam at 100 0C.
Find the coefficient of expansion of a metal.

7. (a) Is it possible for a two cells in parallel arrangement to drive more current through a resistor than
one cell? Give reason

(b) If you find a domestic electric bulb rated 60W, 240V what does this mean?

(c) Find the cost of running five 60W lamps and four 100W lamps for 8 hours if electric energy costs
Tshs 27/= per unit.

8. (a) What is meant by the following terms: - (i) Greenhouse effect (ii) Earthquake

(b) Mention three effects of global warming

(c) i) What is constellation?

ii) Briefly explain the causes of ocean tides


9. (a) (i) State the laws of electromagnetic induction (ii) mention two advantage of A.C generator over
D.C generator

(b) (i) Mention two methods of marking a semiconductor more conducting

(ii) What are the charge carriers in P-type doped semiconductors?

c) One end of an N-type doped semiconductor is heated. i) What is expected between the heated end
and the cooled end? ii) Identify the negative end of the two ends

10. (a) Define the following terms(i) Binding energy (ii) Thermonuclear fusion

(b) How does the rate of escape of electrons from a metal relate to its temperature?

(C) Briefly explain how hydrometer can be used to measure the relative density of a liquid.

11. (a) What is meant by the following terms :- (i) Resonance (ii) overtones

(b) Briefly explain the following: - (i) the fundamental frequency may alter during the day (ii) notes of
pitch on a violin and a flute sound different

(c) The frequency obtain from a plucked string is 400Hz when the tension is 2N. Calculate: - (i) the
frequency when the tension is increase to 8N

(ii) The tension needed to produce a note of frequency 600Hz.




1. This paper consists of section A, B and C with total of eleven (11) questions.
2. Answer all questions in section A and B and any two (2) questions in section C.
3. Cell phones are not allowed in the examination room.
4. Non programmable calculator and mathematical table are allowed in the
examination room.
5. Where necessary the following constants may be used:
Acceleration due to gravity g = 10 m/s2
Specific heat capacity of water = 4200Jkg -1K-1
Speed of light in air =
Speed of sound in air =

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SECTION A (15 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) (x), choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and
write its letter beside the item number. (10 marks @1 mark)
(i) The diagram below shows series of experiments performed by a student to determine
the relative density of a cork that floats in water. Four reading of the spring balance
were obtained.

The relative density of the cork is given by;-

A. B. C. D. E.

(ii) Diffusion occurs more quickly in a gas than in a liquid because;-

A. The liquid contains a layer on its surface
B. The gas contain semi-permeable membrane
C. The gas molecules is small in size compared to the liquid molecules
D. The adhesion is large than cohesion in gas compared to that in liquid.
E. The speed of molecules in gas is greater than in liquid.

(iii) In a loading a lorry a man lifts boxes each of weight 100N through a height of 1.5m,
if he lifts 4boxes per minute, the average power the man is working is;-
A. 100 B. 10 C. 600 D. 37.5 E. 2250

(iv) In a process of charging by induction in static electricity;-

A. A conductor is rubbed with an insulator
B. A charge is produced by friction
C. Negative and positive charges are separated
D. A positive charge induces a positive charge
E. Electrons are sprayed into an object

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(v) A magnetic needle, free to turn in a vertical plane, is suspe
south magnetic pole and then at a point on the magnetic equator. The respective
angles between the needle and horizontal are:
A. 0o and 0o B. 70o and 70o C. 0o and 45o D. 0o and 90o
E. 90o and 0o

(vi) The acceleration of a moving object may be found from

A. The area under its velocity-time graph.
B. The slope of the velocity-time graph.
C. The area under its distance-time graph.
D. The slope of the distance-time graph.
E. The slope of the peak of its distance-time graph.

(vii) Which of these resources of energy is non-renewable?

A. Wave energy B. Bio fuels C. Radiant energy D. Fossil fuel
E. Geothermal energy

(viii) A typist uses a new carbon paper under her top typing paper for making a copy of a
letter. When she holds the carbon paper close to a plane mirror, she can read the
letter. This is because the mirror;
A. Forms an image the same size as object
B Produces an inverted image
C Produces a laterally image
D Forms a virtual image
E Forms an image behind the mirror.

(ix) Light waves differ from sound waves because;

A. Light is an electromagnetic wave
B. Light wave are long and sound waves are short
C. Interference is obtained with light waves but not with sound waves.
D. The speed of light is independent of the medium in which it travels
E. Sound waves do not travel in water

(x) The layer in the atmosphere where weather phenomena are formed is;-
A. Stratosphere B. Magnetosphere C. Troposphere D. Thermosphere
E. Exosphere

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2. Match the items in List A with the responses in List B by writing the letter of the
corresponding response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.

(i) Longitudinal wave (A) Sin over Sin
(ii) Reverberation (B) Refractive index
(iii) (C) Water waves
(iv) Critical angle (D) Sound wave
(v) Principle of superposition (E) Angle of incidence for which the angle
of refractive is 900
(F) Rise and fall of sounds of two vibrating
(G) The resultant displacement at any point
is equal to the sum of displacements of
different waves
(H) The multiple reflection of sound waves
(I) Angle of reflection for which the angle
of incidence is 900

SECTION B (60 Marks)

Answer all questions from this section
3. (a) A body dipped in a liquid experiences an upthrust. Explain three factors on which the
upthrust depends. (4.5 marks)
(b) Two identical free running trolleys are on a smooth horizontal runway. One trolley is at
rest and the other approaches it at constant speed of 20m/s.
(i) Use the principle of conservation of momentum find the common speed of two
trolleys after the collision. (3.5 marks)
(ii) Why the kinetic energies before and after the collision are different? (2 marks)

4. (a) A uniform half metre rule is balanced at 15cm mark when a load of 0.4N is hanging at
the zero mark. Draw a sketched diagram indicating the arrow of weight of the rule acting
through the centre of gravity hence determine the weight of the half metre rule (5 marks)

(b) A screw jack has a screw pitch of 5mm and the effort arm of 16cm .
(i) State two forms of energy in which the energy supplied to the screw jack is finally
converted to. (2 marks)
(ii) Determine the percentage efficiency of this screw jack, if it needs an effort of 30N to
lift a load of 750N. (3 marks)

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5. (a) State one example of the use of a convex mirror and indicate why it is preferred to a
plane mirror. (4 marks)
(b) An object is set 20cm in front of a lens and the real, inverted, magnified and at great
distance image was formed. State the type of the lens used and determine the value of focal
length. (6 marks)

6. (a) Describe how a lens camera operates the same as human eye. Give three points.
(6 marks)
(b) A 42kg refrigerator is placed on the back of a stationary pick-up. The coefficient of
static friction between the refrigerator and the pick-up bed is 0.44. At what rate can the
pick-up accelerate without the refrigerator sliding off the back? (4 marks)

7. (a) The diagram below show a bimetallic thermostat used to regulate a cooler and heater in
a class room. It consist a brass of linear expansivity and iron of linear
expansivity . To keep the temperature in the room constant, which of the
two devices A or B should be the heater? Explain your answer. (5 marks)

(b)Three beakers are of identical size and shape; one beaker is painted matt black, one is
dull white and one is gloss white. The beakers are filled with boiling water.

(i) In which beaker will the water cool most quickly? Give a reason. (3 marks)

(ii) State a process in addition to conduction, convection and radiation, by which heat
energy will be lost from the beaker. (2 marks)

8. (a) A pressure cooker will cook beans faster than an open saucepan. Give explanation
on these observations. (5 marks)
(b) An insulated cup holds 0.3kg of water at 0 C. 0.2kg of boiling water at standard

pressure is poured into the cup. What will be the final temp (5 marks)

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SECTION C (25 Marks)
Answer two (2) questions from this Section
9. (a) A boy has a large number of coloured bulbs labeled 240V and 60W, he wishes to use
for decoration so that the bulbs operates normally. How many can he connect to a 240V
and 5A fuse? (4 marks)

from available resistors? (4.5 marks)

(c) A figure shows a block diagram of generation and distribution of electricity using a.c
generator. Study the diagram then answer the questions that follow.

(i) What will be the main item of equipment in the sub-stations A and B? (1 mark)
(ii) If the transformer T has 80 turns on its primary coil how many turns must it have on
its secondary coil? (3 marks)

10. (a) A piano wire and a turning fork produce different notes at the same time and beats are
heard. What could be done on the piano wire in order to emit a note of the same
frequency as vibrating fork.(Give three points) (3 marks)
(b) A graph below shows a wave emitted by the electromagnetic source. If the velocity of
the wave is 12m/s, determine the frequency and the wavelength of the wave.

(5 marks)
(c) water in the seas or lakes. A sonar pulse sent
out by a boat arrives back after 3seconds. If the speed of sound in water is 1500m/s,
how deep is the water? (4.5 marks)

11. (a) (3 marks)

(b) Describe, how you will connect the semiconductor diode as forward bias. (4 marks)
(c) The diagram bellow shows a puzzle box contains two lamps and simple components so
that when T1 is connected to the anode lamp L 1lights but when terminal T2 is connected

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to the anode, lamp L2 light. Suggest what the puzzle box is and how the connections are
made. (5.5 marks)

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i. This paper consists of sections A, B and C

ii. Answer all questions in sections A & B and any two from section C
iii. Non-programmable calculators may be allowed.
iv. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet
v. Where necessary use the following constants
Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10m/s 2
Density of water 1g/cm3 or 1000kg/m3
Density of gold 19.3g/cm3
Density of silver 10.5g/cm3
Speed of sound in air = 340m/s and speed of light in air = 3 * 10

Page 1 of 4
Answer all questions in this section
1. For each of the items (i) (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives
and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.
i. A regular rise and fall in loudness of a music player at a distance is called
A. timbre B. pitch C. beats D. resonance
ii. The reason of adding impurities to the semiconductor is
A. To increase conductivity. B. To decrease conductivity
C. To increase resistivity D. To decrease resistivity
A. Magnitude of the back emf in a circuit
B. Magnitude of induced current in a circuit
C. Direction of induced emf in a circuit
D. Direction of applied emf in circuit
iv. The images formed by plane mirror are always
A. Real, magnified and laterally inverted
B. Virtual, laterally inverted and same size as an object
C. Magnified, virtual and erect
D. Erect, real and magnified
v. The magnitude of friction force existing on a moving car depends on
A. Speed of a car B. surface area of a car
C. Wheels speed D. weight a car
vi. The part of human eye that corresponds to film in a camera is
A. Retina B. pupil c. lens D. cornea
vii. What is the function of the cathode in x- ray tube
A. To control heat produced on the target
B. To accelerate the speed of electrons
C. To conduct the brightness on the screen
D. To control the brightness on the screen
viii. In order to minimize zero error of an instrument the pointer should be adjusted to
A. at zero mark B. before zero mark
C. at the meddle mark D. after zero mark
ix. Broadcasting of information of television channels is achieved by
A. Visible light B. Infrared light C. radio waves D. microwaves

Page 2 of 4
x. The sound frequencies above the audibility range is called
A. Infrasonic B. ultrasonic C. radio waves D. x- rays
2. Match the items in List A with the responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct
response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.
i. Tsunami A.
ii. Earthquake B. Shaking of the universe
iii. Constellations C. The Earth is at the center while other heavenly bodies revolve
iv. Geocentric theory around it.
v. Heliocentric theory D. Cause mountains slopes and cliffs to move downwards
E. The moon is at the center while other heavenly bodies revolve
around it.
F. The sun is at the center while other heavenly bodies revolves
around it
G. Cause water waves to rise or to fall.
J. Resembles with familiar animals and objects in the earth


3. (a) Explain the application of measurement in the following areas i. In architecture
ii. In hospitals (5 Marks)
(b) A crown made of gold and silver has a volume of 60cm 3 and a mass of 1.05kg. Find the
mass of
gold contained in the crown. (5 Marks)
4. (a) Explain three points how x-rays differ to the cathode rays (5marks)
(b) Explain how x-rays are produced
5. (a) With the help of diagrams explain how a neutral point is formed between two bars of
(b) A magnet is a substance that has a property of attracting materials like iron. Explain two
Mechanisms taking place to the magnet to induce this property. (5marks)

Could not be kept constant. (5 mark)
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Minimum resistances obtained by connecting those resistors? (5 marks)

7. (a) Explain how beat are formed (5marks)

(b) During the thunderstorm the time between the flash of light and the thunder is 10s. How
far away is the thunderstorm?
(c) A light wave is refracted into an optically less medium. What change will occur in?
(i) The frequency (ii) The speed (iii) The wavelength
8. (a) A metal pipe with 1m long at 40°C increases in length by 0.3% when carrying a steam at
find the Coefficient of linear Expansion (5
(b) With the aid of diagram describe the formation of bimetallic strip and explain its mode of
(5 mark)
Answer any two questions from this section
9. (a)Explain why it is easy to cut a meat with a sharp knife than a blunt knife? (2.5 marks)
(b) Explain any two (2) applications of hydraulic press in a daily life. (4marks)
(c) The pistons of hydraulic press have their areas given as 0.0003 m 2 and 0.02m2
respectively. The
120N is required to push down the small piston, find the force required to push a large
piston (6marks)
10. (a)The half-life of material x is 50hours. Explain the meaning of this statement.
(b) With examples explain how nuclear fission differs from nuclear fusion?
(c) A particular radioactive has a half-life of 2hours. A sample gives a count of 2400 per
second at 11:00 a.m. When will the count have dropped to approximately 300 per second
in the same counting system? (6marks)

11. (a) Give reason why a diode is a suitable device for converting sinusoidal waveform into
unidirectional wave form of electricity? (2.5marks)
(b) Transistors are said to be the base elements of modern electronics, identify any four
applications of transistors
(c) With supportive diagrams, explain how analogue and digital signals do they differ.

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1. This paper consists of three sections. Answer all questions.
2. Where necessary the following information may be useful;
Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 m/s2 or 10 N/kg
Specific heat capacity of water is
Specific heat capacity of ice is
Specific latent heat of fusion is
Specific latent heat of steam is
Density of water is 1000kg/m3
Density of sea water is 1030 kg/m3
1. For each of the items (i) (x) choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and
write its letter beside the item number;
(i) A liquid at is as hot as a piece of metal at; A: C:
B:: D: E:
(ii) A small group of bright stars forming patterns in the sky are called; A:
Comets C: Asteroids D: Meteors E: Meteorites B:
(iii) The human ear can respond frequencies of sound in the range of;
A: 2 KHZ to 100KHZ B: 20KH to 500KHZ C: 100HZ to 1000KHZ D:
20HZ to 20KHZ E: 10HZ to 10000KHZ
(iv) The radiating power of different surfaces may be compared by means of;

B: Convection experiment E: Bimetallic strip apparatus (v)
He following is a device used to amplify voltage;
A: Diode B: Transistor C: Capacitor D:
Inductor E: Resistor
(vi) When charging a body by friction the particles transferred are;
A: Protons B: Nuclei and protons C: Nuclei D: Electrons E: No correct
(vii) The splitting of a large atomic nuclei into two smaller nuclei with the
simultaneous release of enormous energy is;
A: Fusion B: Fission C: Osmosis D: Refraction (viii)
The magnetic pole attracts;
A: Unlike B: Positive C: Negative D: Gamma E: Sharp (ix)
Which of the following has the lowest frequency?
A: Microwave B: X-rays C: infrared light D: Gamma
(x) As the length of a metallic conductor increases, the resistance of the metallic
A: Increases B: Decreases C: Remains constants D: Becomes negative E:
Becomes zero
2. Match the items in List A with responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct
response beside the item number.
Item List A List B
(i) Neutral point A. Apparent weight
(ii) Mirage B. The tendency of liquid to be
drawn into small openings
(iii) A couple C. The chain and ball flushing tank
(iv) Viscosity D. Consists of two equal and
opposite parallel forces and has
turning effect
(v) Surface tension E. Bending of light which makes
objects appear at incorrect
(vi) Latent heat of fusion F. The pull that resist the flow of
(vii) Cuts off the flow of current in a G. The property of water surface to
circuit when exceeds a specific value support
(viii) Capillarity H. Circuit breaker
(ix) The siphon I. Amount of heat energy required to
change the state of substance
(x) Floating body J. Resultant magnetic field is zero

3. (a) (i) What is wave?
(ii) Mention two types of waves
(iii) List down two examples of transverse waves
(b) Calculate the frequency of a radio wave of wavelength 150m.
(c) Figure below illustrates part of the displacement-time graph of a wave travelling
across water at a particular place with a velocity of .
(i) The amplitude
(ii) The frequency
(iii) The wavelength
4. (a) What do you understand by the following;
(i) Comets
(ii) Galaxy
(iii) Constellations
(iv) Zodiac light
(v) Asteroids
(b) Distinguish between;
(i) A star and a planet
(ii) Terrestrial planets and jovial planets
(ii) Meteoroids and meteor
(c) Mercury planet is from the sun and it takes 88 days to complete one orbit
around the sun. Calculate the speed of the planet in km/h to 3 significant figures.
5. (a) (i) What is inertia?
(ii) State the law of inertia
(iv) Define the term speed
(b) Write down two differences between speed and velocity
(c) A car accelerates from a speed of 80m/s to 120m/s in 60 seconds. It then moves with
this speed for 20 seconds and initially decelerates uniformly to a stop after another 40
(i) Draw the velocity-time graph to represent the motion
(ii) Calculate total distance travelled by the car
6. (a) Distinguish between ;
(i) Conductors, insulators and semiconductors
(ii) Intrinsic and extrinsic semi-conductors
(iii) Donors and acceptor atoms
(iv) N-type and P-type semi-conductors
(b) Name two semi-conductors which are of special importance in electronics
(c) What is meant by (i) Doping (ii) Rectification
(d) Using suitable diagrams show how;
(i) Full wave rectification can be realized using a bridge rectifier
(ii) Full wave rectification can be achieved using two diodes by a Centre tap transformer
7. (a) (i) What do you understand by a galvanometer?
(ii) What is meant by the sensitivity of moving coil galvanometer?
(b) Mention and explain three factors which determine the sensitivity of a moving coil
(c) (i) Explain how a moving coil galvanometer can be converted into an ammeter
(ii) Explain how a moving coil galvanometer can be converted into a voltmeter
8. (a) (i) What is meant by electromotive force of a cell
(ii) Find the cost of running five 50W, lamps and four 10 hours if electric energy costs
Tsh.30/= per unit.
(b) (i) What is KILOWATT HOUR as applied to current electricity (ii) Electric bulb is
rated 60W, 250V what does this mean?
(c) A vacuum cleaner has a rating of 480W on 240V mains, what fuse should be fitted in
the plug? (Fuses available are 3A, 5A and 13A)
9. (a) (i) What is electromagnetic induction?
(ii) State the laws of electromagnetic induction
(iii) Distinguish between self-induction and mutual induction
(b) A transformer with primary and secondary winding of 200 turns and 100 turns
respectively is connected to 250 V mains supply.
(i) Is a transformer a step up or step down? How?
(ii) What will be the output voltage if it is 100% efficient?
10. (a) What is meant by the following terms;
(i) Earthquake
(ii) Global warming
(iii) Greenhouse effect
(b) (i) What is the major cause of global warming?
(ii) Briefly explain two measures that can be taken to control global warming (c)
Mention three effects of global warming



1. This paper consists of sections A, B and Cwith a total of eleven (11) questions
2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (02) questions from section C
3. Cell phones are not allowed in the examination room
4. Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s)
5. Where necessary the following constants may be used
Speed of sound in air = 340m/s

Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10m/s2 or 10N/kg,

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i-x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and
write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet(s) provided.
i Which pairs of instruments would you use to correctly measure the diameter of a small ball
A Measuring tape and Vernier caliper
B Slide rule and micrometer screw gauge
C Vernier caliper and sliderule
D Micrometer screw gauge and Vernier caliper
E Metre rule and micrometer screw gauge

ii Which phenomena is a result of the earth being exactly along the same line between the
centre of the sun and the moon?
A Lunar eclipse B Penumbra
C Solar eclipse D Umbra
E reflection
iii A body moved upward a distance of 20m. Calculate the time taken to reach the maximum
A 2s B 5s C 10s D 15s E 11s

iv The temperature of a certain liquid is measured to be 300k. What will be its temperature in
degrees centigrade?
Page 1 of 5
A 2730C B 1000CC 570C D 370C E 270C

Which metals become strongly magnetized when subjected to a magnetic field?
A Nickel and copper B Zinc and aluminium
C Cobalt and ironD Aluminium and lead
E Iron and zinc
Vi The mass of copper over the volume of copper is 8.9g/cm3. What volume of 89g ofcopper?
D10-5m3E 100cm3

vii A white shawl wrapped around a baby keeps the baby warm because the shawl
A Is a poor reflector B Is a poor radiator
C Has pockets of air trapped in it D Conducts heat to the baby
E Stops convectioncurrents

viii Two forces of 5N and 8N are acting at the same point and are inclined at an angle of 450to
each other. What will be their resultant force?
A 2N B 12N C 4N D 2N E 12N

ix The note from a plucked guitar will have a low pitch if the string is
A Thick and long B Thick and slack C Thin and slack
D Thin and short E Thick and short

x Which of the following device works on d.c. only?

A An electric bell B A step-down transformer
C A transistor D An induction coil
E A step-up transformer
2. Match the statements of the motion of bodies list A with the correct graph in list B by writing
the letter of the correct response beside the item number. The response can be used more than
i. Distance-time graph represent a motion of a distance (m)
stone released from rest from a tall building.
ii. Distance-time graph represents a motion of a
body moving with constant velocity
iii. Velocity-time graph representing a motion of a
car retarding uniformly after application of a
iv. Velocity-time graph for a body moving in a
straight line with uniform velocity.
v. Velocity time graph representing a motion of a
body dropped freely vertical.

SECTION B (60 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.
3. (a) (i) What is meant by refraction of light?
(ii) Mention three points to be considered when drawing a ray diagram to show the

Page 2 of 5
formation of images on a concave mirror.
(b). (i) Briefly explain why pout of the road ahead of a person apparently looks as if it has a
pool of water on a sunny day?
(ii) A pin is at the bottom of a vessel 16cm deep. When the vessel is filled with water the
pin appears to rise when viewed from above. Find the height to which the pin appears to
4. (a) Give two practical examples where impulse and momentum play an important role
(b)(i) Distinguish between elastic collision and inelastic collision.
(ii) A box of mass 50kg is raised vertically with a uniform acceleration "a" when a force
of700 N is acting in a rope.Calculate the uniform acceleration
(c) (i) What are the similarities and differences between speed and velocity?
(ii) Sketch the diagram of a body which starts from rest and accelerate uniformly for
sometimes to a constant velocity and then maintains this velocity for a certain period of
time before decelerating uniformly to a stop.

5 (a) Describe the four important features of a transformer that is designed so that as little energy as
possible is wasted inside it (6 marks)
(b) Explain the four advantages of a.c. over d.c electricity (4 marks)

6 (a) The diagram below shows a circuit in which important components A and B are removed.
Redraw a well labeledcircuit diagram for the circuit by replacing components A and B with
their actual representations (5 marks)

(b) In the production of x-rays what are the roles of low voltage and high voltage (5 marks)

7. (a) A duck remains floating at the same place as a wave passes by the water in a lake. Briefly
explain why (5 marks)
(b) The beat frequency of two nearby equal frequencies is 6Hz. If one is loaded with wax the
beat frequency becomes 4Hz. What is the frequency of the other note if the one note loaded
is 250HZ? (5 marks)

Page 3 of 5
8(a) (i) Distinguish between cathode rays and x-rays
(iii) With the help of diagram describe how x-rays are produced
(iv) What will be the speed of electrons emitted from the metal surface when 10J heat
energy is required to cause them to escape from that's surface
(b) (i) Give the difference between nuclear reaction and chemical reaction
(ii) The half -life of a certain radioactive is 64 days. Explain the meaning of this statement.

(c) (i) A certain radioactive material has half -life of 2minutes. if the initial count rate is 256
per minute
(ii) How long does it take to reach a count rate of 32 per minutes?
(iii) What fraction of the original number of atoms is left undecayed?

SECTION C (25 Marks)

Answer two (2) question from this section.
9(a). (i) What is meant by radioactive element
(ii) Name three instruments used to detect radiation from radioactive source.
(b) The figure below shows the deflection of radiations from a radioactive element by an
electric field.

i.Identify the radiations Q, P and S giving reasons.

ii.Write three properties for each radiation.

(c) A sample containing 800g of iodine-131 undergo decaying process. How much the
sample will remain undecayed after 40 days? (The half-life of iodine -131 is 8 days)
10. (a) (i) Give the difference between conductor, semiconductor and insulator using energy band
(ii) Explain the mechanism of doping and give the significance of doping
(iii) With the help of diagram distinguish transistor from diode
(b) Draw the circuit diagram of full wave rectifier using only two diodes
(c) Outline any two practical applications of electronics in our daily life

11. (a) Why is it advised to connect bulb in parallel arrangement during installation of electricity in
most building? (5 marks)
(b) A dry cell can deliver a current of 0.15A when connected to a resistor. When another
resistor is connected in series with the first the cell can only deliver a current of 0.08A
through the combination. Calculate the e.m.f and internal resistance of the cell. (7.5marks)

Page 4 of 5



1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions.

2. Answer ALL questions in section A and B and two (2) questions from section C

3. Cellular phones and unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room

4. Non- programmable calculator may be used

5. Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheets/booklet(s)

6. Whenever necessary, the following constants may be used;

Acceleration due to gravity, g=10m/s
Pie, =22/7
Density of water =1.0g/cm 3 or 1000kg/m 3
Density of sea water or

Answer all questions in this section

1. For the item (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given
alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer
sheet(s)/booklet provided;
(i) When using a measuring cylinder one precaution to be taken is to
A. Check for zero error
B. Look at the meniscus from below the level of the water
C. Obtain more readings by looking from more than one direction
D. Positioning the eye in line with base of the meniscus
E. Make sure that the measuring cylinder is clean

(ii) Which of the following sources of energy are non renewable?

A. Water, wind, wood and natural gas
B. Fossils, sun, oil, and nuclear
C. Natural gas, water nuclear, and wood
D. Wind, sun, fossils, and oil
E. Oil, and all natural gases

(iii) A material which allows some light to pass through it but one cannot see through
it is said to be;
A. Transparent
B. Translucent
C. Luminous
D. Opaque
E. Colourless

(iv) Which phenomenon causes the dispersion of white light into a spectrum by
A. Diffraction
B. Absorption
C. Interference
D. Refraction
E. Reflection
(v) Two forces of 5N and 8N are acting at the same point and are inclined at an
angle of to each other. What will be their resultant force?
A. 11.2N
B. 12N
C. 22.4N
D. 1.2N
E. 1.12N
(vi) A bus carrying a very big load on its top carrier can easily overturn because;
A. It cannot run fast
B. Its equilibrium is stable
C. Its centre of gravity is low
D. It is more stable
E. Its centre of gravity is high
(vii) Which of the following is not a property of magnetic lines of force due to a bar
A. They have a direction from North to South pole outside the magnet
B. They do not exist inside the magnet
C. They have direction from South pole to North pole inside the magnet
D. They tend to be closer inside but wider apart outside the magnet
E. They form complete loop

(viii) A certain wave has a period of 0.2 seconds and a wavelength of 60cm.What is
the velocity of wave in cm/s?
A. 30
B. 0.30
C. 12
D. 3
E. 300

(ix) A diode is an electronic component used to;

A. Rectifying oscillating current
B. Amplifying signal
C. Rectifying oscillating current and detect electrical signals
D. Amplify current and detect electrical signals
E. Rectify the voltage

(x) A rectangular wooden block of density 0.8g/cm 3 has dimensions 0.5 x 0.8 x
6m. What maximum pressure will it exert on a ground in N/M?
A. 48000
B. 4000
C. 2.4
D. 19200
E. E. 400

2. Match the item in list A with corresponding response in list B by writing the
letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer sheet (s)
booklet provided;

(i) The region where two semiconductor meet A. Junction voltage
(ii) The region near the boundary is fairly free of majority B. Junction current
charge carriers C. Depletion layer
(iii) The potential difference in the region near the D. Reverse biased
boundary fairly free of majority charge carrier E. Transistor
(iv) Is formed by the deposition of a metal on a surface of F. Breakdown current
a metal conductor G. Junction
(v) A device commonly used to amplify or switch H. Forward bias
electronic signals I. Zenar diode
J. Metal semiconductor

Answer all questions in this section

3. (a) Explain why the freezing compartment of a refrigerator is located near the top of
the cabinet (5 marks)
(b) A hollow metal sphere of mass 5kg is tied to the bottom of the sea-bed by rope.
The tension in the rope is 60N. Calculate the volume of the sphere (5 marks)

4. (a) With the aid of diagram, explain how rainbow is formed (5 marks)
(b) A 2.0m long resistance wire of cross section 0.5mm 2 has a resistance of
2.2 . Find the;
(i) resistivity of a material (2 marks)
(ii) n
parallel (3 marks)

5. (a) Explain the observation that the level of liquid being heated in a vessel first falls
before starting to rise (5 marks)
(b) A certain simple machine has a pitch of 0.1mm and is worked by an arm of
length 70mm. If its efficiency is 40%; What load can be raised by effort of 10N?

6. (a) Give three (3) ways of increasing the frequency of the note produced by a guitar
(5 marks)
(b) A pendulum bob of mass 100g is pulled aside to the vertical height of 20cm from
the horizontal and then released. Find;
(i) the maximum potential energy of the bob (2.5marks)
(ii) the maximum speed of the bob (2.5marks)

7. (a) Briefly explain, why does an object appear coloured when light falls onto it?
(b) The photographic film of a pin hole camera is 15cm away from the pinhole. A girl
of height 1.2m stand image

8. (a) State reasons why an astronaut in space

i. Needs special space suit to prevent blood from boiling (2.5marks)
ii. Can float without falling (2.5marks)
b) A spring balance has a scale pan of 0.4N weight attached to it. A load of 2N
placed on the pan extends the spring 24mm from its original unstretched length.
Calculate the load on the scale pan when the extension is 16mm? (5marks)

Answer two (2) questions from this section

9. (a) Briefly explain why the strength of a magnet cannot be increased beyond a
certain limit? (4 marks)
(b) Explain why a coin falling between the poles of a magnet moves slower than in
space without magnetic field (4 marks)

c) A current of 0.6A is passed through a step up transformer with a primary coil of
200 turns. A current of 0.1A is obtained in secondary coil. Determine the number of
turns in the secondary coil and the voltage across the primary coil is connected to
a 240V mains. (4.5 marks)

10. (a) Explain why the sound produced in a hall with many people is heard clearly
than when the hall has few people? (3.5 marks)
(b) A sonometer consists of a taut steel wire fixed between two bridges. Derive the
formula for the first, second and third overtones (6 marks)
(c) Explain why television or computer screens often become very dusty as
compared to their neigbouring surfaces (3 marks)

11. (a) With the aid of a sketch explain how Geiger Muller tube may be used to detect
radiation (6.5 marks)
(b) After a long flight a plane may be charged.
(i) What causes a charge? (2marks)
(ii) Why is passenger in a plane not charged but an attendant who immediately
opens the door from outside after landing of the plane is at risk?



This paper consist of sections A, B and C. Answer all questions.
2. Calculators and cellphones are not allowed in the examination room

3. Where necessary the following constants may be used:

4. Calculators may be used.

5. Write your examination number to every page of your answer sheets provided.

Acceleration due to gravity g = 10m/s2

Pie (It) = 3.14

SECTION A (15 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

For each of the items (i) (x), choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write its
letter beside the item number. (10 marks)

The diagram below shows series of experiments performed by a student to determine the
relative density of a cork that floats in water. Four reading of the spring balance were

The relative density of the cork is given by;-

B. c. D. E.
WI W3 -W2 W3 -W4
(ii) A measuring cylinder is filled with oil. A girl says that the pressure at the bottom of the
cylinder depends on the height of the oil
2. the area of the bottom

3. the oil lubrication property
4. the oil density
Which of A, B, C, D, E is correct?
A. I and 3 B. 2and4 C. I and 2 D. I and 4 E. 3 and 4

(iii) In a machine, the efficiency is less than 100% in practice. This is because the velocity
ratio is greater than mechanical advantage B. the mechanical advantage is greater than I

c. the velocity ratio depends on friction.

D. the efficiency does not depend on velocity ratio
E. the efficiency does not depend on mechanical advantage

(iv) The diagram below shows five graphs of quantities in heat A, B, C, D and E

Which of these best represent the variation of the volume of a fixed mass of gas with
temperature in oc when the pressure is being constant?

(v) When an object is placed 20cm from a converging lens of focal length 1 5cm a virtual
image is obtained
2. the magnification is 3
3. an inverted image is formed
Decide which of the responses is(are) correct
B. only C. only D. I only E. 3 only

(vi) The acceleration ofa moving object may be found from the area under its velocity time
graph. B. the slope of the velocity-time graph.
c. the area under its distance-time graph. D. the
slope ofthe distance-time graph.
E. the slope of the peak of its distance-time graph.

(vii) A white shawl wrapped round a baby keeps the baby warm because the shawl is a poor
conductor B. is a pour radiator C. has pockets of air trapped on it D. conduct heat to the
baby E, stops convection currents

(viii) A wire X is half the diameter and half the length of a wire Y of similar material. The
resistance of X to that of Y is
(ix) When water waves travel to a shallower region
1. the frequency changes
2. the wavelength is unchanged
3. the velocity decreases
Decide which of the responses is(are) correct
B. only C. only D. I only E. 3 only
(x) A nucleus of an element X which is 28042 X emits an a particle and then p particle.
The final nucleus formed has an atomic number of; 83 B. 82 C. 198 D. 200 E. 80
2. Match the item in list A from the diagram with responses in list B by writing the letter of the correct
response beside the item number. (5 marks)

A. The X-rays are produced

B. They are moving in a straight line
but affected by electromagnetic
Absorbs energy as heat energy
C. from the anode
Cathode rays.
D. Produce X-rays after fast moving
E. electrons strikes it.
(ii) Positive charged plate.

F. Accelerates electrons
G. Electromagnetic radiation.
(iii) Heat the filament and
H. cause thermionic emission

SECTION B (60 Marks)

Answer all questions from this section
A small object was kicked vertically upwards from the ground with initial velocity of 40m/s
(a) Sketch the distance-time graph and velocity-time graph for the whole motion of the object until
it reaches the ground. (6 marks)
(b) How high did the object moved? And how long will it take for the body to be in air? (4 marks)

4. (a) How does the density of water change as the temperature is lowered from, say, 15 0C to
freezing point? (4 marks)
(b) A steel tape of correct length at 200C is used to measure a distance on a day when a
temperature is 300C. If the linear expansivity of steel is 0.0000111K, what is the error in
measuring a distance of 20m? (6 marks)

5. (a) Explain why do two identical cells in series drive more current through the resistor than one
does, and why do they not double the current? (5 marks)
(b) What was wrong if any, when a 240V, 1kW heater is connected to fuse labeled 3A. (5 marks)
6. (a) A pure spectrum of a white light may be produced by using a glass prism. If a sheet of a red
and a yellow glass are inserted together in the path of the light, describe and explain what is seen
when a pure spectrum of white light is formed on a red screen in a dark room. (5 marks)
(b) Explain, with the aid of a diagratn, how suitable glass prism may be used to turn a ray of
light through 1 800 (5 marks)

(a) Radiocarbon dating is possible because of the presence of carbon-14 caused by the
collision of neutrons with nitrogen -14 in the upper atmosphere. The equation for the
reaction is;
Describe the atomic structure of element X produced. (4 marks)

(b) If the half-life of carbon-14 is 5700years, how long will it take for carbon-14 to remain 1/16 of
its original mass? (6 marks)

8. (a) Give two experiments in which alpha-particles can be distinguished from beta-particle.
(4 marks)

(b) Differentiate between hard and soft X - rays. And state two practical uses of X rays. (6

SECTION C (25 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions from this Section
9. (a) Describe the structure and mode of action of a simple DC generator (4 marks)
(b) What alteration would you make in the simple generator in order to convert into one of
e.m.f? (4.5 marks) (c) A transformer is designed to work from 240V a.c. mains. The
primary coil has 4800turns.
About how many turns would expect it to have in order to give a supply 8V to ring house bell?
(4 marks)
10. (a) A piano wire and a turning fork produce different notes at the same time and beats are heard.
Explain how a piano wire can be tuned to emit a note of the same frequency as vibrating fork.(Give
two points) (4 marks)
(b) Describe an experiment to show that the source of sound is a vibrating body and the medium
is necessary to transmit sound. (6 marks)
(c) If a wave has a velocity of 330m!s and wavelength of 0.5m, calculate the frequency of
vibrator producing the wave. (2.5 marks)

ll. (a) How can you distinguish between insulators, setniconductors and conductors in tertns
of energy gap and temperature (6 marks)
(b) Describe, how yotl will connect the semiconductor diode as for"ard bias. (4 marks)
(c) I Iow does potential ditTerence V across the tertninals of a capacitor related to the charge
Q accumulating on the plates of the capacitor (2.5marks)





1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions.
2. Answer all questions in section A, B and two (2) questions from section C.
3. Section A carries fifteen (15) marks, section B sixty (60) marks and section C carries twenty
five (25) marks.
4. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
5. Non-Programmable calculators may be used.
6. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s).
7. Where necessary the following constants may be used:
(i) Acceleration due to gravity g = 10m/s 2
(ii) Density of water = 1000Kg/m3 or 1 g/m3
(iii) Density of mercury = 13600kg/m 3 or 1g/m3
(iv) Speed of light in Air = 3 x 108 m/s-1
(v) Speed of sound in air = 340m/s
(vi) Pie ( ) = 314.
SECTION A (15 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
1. For each of the items (i) - (x), choose the correct answer among the given alternatives and write
its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided. (10 marks).
(i) Diffusion occurs more frequently in a gas than in a liquid because
A. The liquid contains a layer on it B. The gas contains semi permeable
C. The gas molecules is small in size compared to the liquid molecules
D. The adhesion is large than the cohesion in gas compared to that in liquid.
E. The speed of molecules in gas is greater than in liquid.
(ii) A bar of copper is heated from 293K to 33K, identify a false statements among the
A. Its density will increase slightly. B. Its length will increase slightly
C. Its electrical conduction will decrease D. Its mass will not change
E. its weight will remain.
(iii) The acceleration of moving object may be found from
A. The area under its velocity time graph B. The slope of the velocity time graph
C. The area under its distance time graph D. The slope of the distance time
E. The slope of the peak of its distance time graph
(iv) A transistor is a device which
A. Amplifies alternating current or voltage. B. Amplifies direct current or voltage
C. Rectifies direct current or voltage D. Rectifies alternating current
E. Rectifying power input.
(v) A wire of uniform cross and
resistivity of 2 x 10 -7

A. 2 x 10-4 B. 1 x 10-5 C. 0.5 x 10-5 D. 1 x 10-6 E. 5 x

10 -4

(vi) The temperature of a certain liquid is measured to be 270K. What will be its temperature
in degree centigrade?
A. 2730C B. 670C C. 30C D. 330C E.
57 C

(vii) A bus carrying a very big load on its carries can easily overturn because
A. It cannot fast B. Its centre of gravity is high. C. Its equilibrium is unstable
D. Its more stable and can run fast E. Its equilibrium is instable

(viii) Which phenomena is a result of the earth being exactly along the same line between the
centre of the sun and the moon?
A. Linear eclipse B. Penumbra C. Solar eclipse D. Umbra E.

(ix) The layer in the atmosphere where weather phenomena are formed is
A. Troposphere B. Magnestophere C. Stratosphere
D. Thermosphere E. Exosphere

(x) Cathode rays are

A. A stream of energy B. Used to examine a machine C. A stream of
D. A stream of electrons E. An ions
2. Match the functions of the features of cathode ray tube in List A with the corresponding features
in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer
booklet provided. ( 5 marks)

List A List B
(i) Longitudinal wave A. Sin r over sin i
(ii) Reverberation B. Refractive index
(iii) C. Water waves
(iv) Critical angle D. Sound waves
(v) Principle of superposition E. Angle of incidence for which angle of refractive is
F. Rise and fall of sound of two vibrating objects
G. The resultant displacement at any point is equal to
the sum of displacement of different waves.
H. The multiple reflection of sound waves.

SECTION B (60 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.
3. (a) Draw a well labelled diagram of a bulb and stem hydrometer used for measuring
the relative densities of liquids over the range 0.80 to 1.10. Mark the graduation and show
by an arrow the mark which it sinks when placed in water.
( 02 Marks)
(b) An ordinary hydrometer of mass 27g floats with 4cm of its stem out of water. The area of
s section stem is 0.75cm2. What is the total volume of the hydrometer? (04 Marks)

(c) (i) State Archimedes principles (02 Marks)

(ii) Draw a diagram of the block showing forces acting on it when it is completely
submerged in water. (02 Marks)

4. (a) A boy has a large number of coloured bulb 240V and 60W, he wishes to use for
decoration so that the bulbs operates normally. How many can be connected to a 240V
and 5A fuse. (04 Marks)

resistors? ( 02 Marks)
(c) a figure shows a block diagram of generation and distribution of electricity using a.c
generator. Study the diagram then answer the questions that follow.

(i) What will be the main item of equipment in sub station A and B? ( 01 Mark)
(ii) If the transformer T has 80 turns on its primary coil how many turns must it have
on its secondary coil?
(03 marks)

5. (a) When a short piece of hallow metal pipe is heated in Bunsen burner flame, what
changes if any occurs to its external and internal diameters?
(02 Marks)
(b) A bimetal strip is straight when cold but bends when it is heated.
(i) Name the suitable metals for a bimetal strip (01 mark)
(ii) Why does it bend when heated? (02 Marks)
(c) Explain why cups of soups at take away kiosk are often sold in white polystyrene cups
with a lid to stop spoilage? (05 Marks)

6. (a) State what do you understand by the each of the terms below as applied to machine
(i) Mechanical advantage (ii) Velocity ratio (iii) Efficiency of a machine (03
(b) (i) How are these terms in (a) above related? (01Mark)
(c) A machine requires 6250j of energy to lift a mass of 50kg through a vertical distance of
10 m. Calculate its efficiency. (04 Marks)

7. (a) State one example of the use of a convex mirror and indicate why it is preferred to
a plane mirror? (02 Marks)
(b) An object is set 20 cm in front of a lens and the real, inverted, magnified and at great
distance image was formed. State the type of the lens used and determine the value of
focal length. (06 Marks)
8. (a) A pressure cooker will cook beans faster than an open saucepan. Give explanation
on this observation? (05Marks)
(b) An insulated cup holds 0.3Kg of water at 0 C. 0.2 kg of boiling water at standard

pressure is poured into the cup. What will be the final temperature? (05Marks)

SECTION C (25 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions from this section.
9. (a) Why some semi conductors called P type and other N type? (03 Marks)
(b) Describe how you will connect the semi conductors diode as forward bias? (04 Marks)
(c) The diagram bellow shows a puzzle box contains two tamps and simple components so
that when T1 is connected to the anode lamp L1 lights but when terminal T2 is connected
to the anode, lamp L2 light. Suggest what the puzzle box is and how the connections are

10. (a) Compare cathode rays with waves (01½ Marks)

(b) The diagram below shows the deflection of the radiation from radioactive element by
electric field

(i) Why is radioactive source kept inside a lead box with only a small hole. (01
(ii) Identify radiations A, B and C. (01 ½
(iii) Why is the glass envelope evacuated? (01
(c) The diagram below represents a cathode ray tube (CRO)

(i) Name the following parts and state their functions H, A, B, C and D.(06 Marks)
(ii) How is bright spot formed on the screen? ( 01 ½ Marks)

11. (a) Explain why the cables used in lighting circuits are different from those in a power
(02½ arks)
(b) A house has five rooms each with 60W, 24V bulb. If the bulbs are switched on from 07:
00pm to 10: 30 pm. determines the power consumed by the bulb per day in
kilowatthour(kwhr). (05 Marks)
(c) The half life of radon is 56 days. If the count rate mass is 600g. How long will it take
for the element to get reduced by 75%? (05 Marks)



1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C.
2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C.
3. All writings should be in blue or black ink, except for diagrams which must be in pencil.
4. Calculators are allowed in examination room for simple calculations.
5. Cellular phones are not allowed in the Examination room.
6. Write your Examination Number on every page of your answer booklet(s)
7. Where necessary the following constants may be used:
(i) Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 10m/s2.
(ii) Density of water w = 1g/cm3 or 1000km/m3
(iii)Pie ( ) = 3.14
(iv) Velocity of a sound air, V = 340m/s.

Page 1 of 6
SECTION A: (15 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section
1. For each of the items (i) (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives
and write its letter beside the item number in a tabular form in the answer booklet provided.

(i) If the reading of a burette was 14.7cm3. 50drawing pins, each of average volume of
0.1cm3 were added to the water the new reading is:
A. 19.9cm3 B. 14.8cm3 C. 65.1cm3
D. 67.7cm3 E.

(ii) A simple pendulum swings between X and Y. The amplitude of the oscillation is:
A. Distance X to Y
B. Distance X to Y and back
C. Half the distance X to Y
D. Twice the distance X to Y E. Distance from X in one second.

(iii) A woman pushes a load of 200N from X to Y along a smooth inclined in figure
below. If this takes 40s, her average power in watts is:

200N 4m

A. 200
B. 60 C. 20
D. 10
E. 4.
(iv) In a single rope 4-pulley system, the mechanical advantage is less than 4 because:
A. The effort may vary
B. The upper pulleys do not move
C. The weight of the lower pulleys can be neglected
D. The load is raised
E. Friction acts on the pulleys.
(v) The airship is floating stationary high above the ground. In this case:
A. The air upthrust is equal to the airship weight
B. The temperature inside the airship is equal to the temperature outside
C. The air density outside the airship is greater than the air density inside D. The
air density outside the airship is less than the air density inside
E. The air upthrust is greater than the airship weight.

Page 2 of 6
(vi) A uniform beam XY is pivoted at one end X, and a vertically upward force of 4N
is applied at end Y keeps the beam horizontal. The weight of the beam is:
A. 8N
B. 6N
C. 4N
D. 2N E. 1N.

(vii) Mercury forms spherical drops when split on the wooden bench because:
A. It has high cohesive force
B. It has high adhesive force
C. It has moderate adhesive force
D. It has moderate cohesive force
E. It has low surface tension.

(viii) A measuring cylinder is filled with oil. Luqman says that the pressure at the bottom
of the cylinder depends on: 1. The height of the oil
2. The oil lubrication property
3. The area at the bottom
4. The oil density
Which of A, B, C, D, E is correct?
A. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 4
C. 1 and 2
D. 1 and 4
E. 3 and 4.

(ix) Oil is used as a lubricant in a machine because it has:

A. Low density
B. High viscosity
C. High pressure
D. Low viscosity E. Low pressure.

(x) A gas has a volume of 600cm3 at 27oC. When it is warmed at a constant pressure to
127oC, its volume becomes:
A. 527cm3
B. 600cm3
C. 700cm3
D. 727cm3
E. 800cm3.

Page 3 of 6
2. Match the items in LIST A with responses in LIST B, by writing the letter of the correct
response beside the item number in tabular form in the booklet provided.
(i) A group of bright stars forming pattern in the sky A. Astronomy
(ii) A point within the earth where an earthquake B. Constellation
begins C. Epicentre
(iii) Composed of a liquid of molten nickel and iron D. Geocentric theory
(iv) Study of the universe and heavenly bodies E. Heliocentric theory
(v) Theory proposed the sun to be stationary F. Hypocenter
G. Inner core
H. Meteoroid
I. Milkway
J. Outer core
K. Comet
L. Meteors
M. Epicentral distance
N. Hypocentral distance

SECTION B: (60 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. (a) Explain briefly, how the rate of evaporation of a pool of water is affected by the
surface exposed to the atmosphere and higher humidity of the atmosphere.
[05 marks]
(b) With the aid of a diagram explain the importance of the anomalous expansion of
water. [05 marks]

4. (a) With the aid of diagram, show that the mechanical advantage of a single movable
pulley is 2. [05 marks]

(b) Every morning Sukhaila uses a mirror to dress clothes properly before going to work.
State the common characteristics of the image she observed while dressing.
[05 marks]

5. (a) Baswir uses an electrical iron rated 240V, 2000W for 10 hours in a month of January
2021. Find the total cost after using it two more months; February 2021 and March
2021, if the cost of a unit of electric energy is 100 per unit. [04 marks]

(b) [02 marks]

(ii) Determine the internal resistance of a cell and the value of an external resistance
(R) given that the potential difference of the cell in open circuit is 1.5V when
connected to a 10 resistor its potential difference becomes 1 volt, but when
connected to a resistor of R the potential difference falls to 0.5 volt.
[04 marks]

Page 4 of 6
6. (a) Define the following terms

(i) Half-life of radioactive material [01 mark]

(ii) Binding energy [01 mark]

(iii) Radioactive decay [01 mark]

(b) State any four (4) dangers which may occur

(i) When handling radioactive materials [02 marks]

(ii) A radioactive isotope decays by losing two beta particles followed by two
alpha particles and then finally by gamma rays. What are the atomic and
mass numbers of the nuclide formed? [02 marks]

(c) A radioactive element has an initial count rate of 1200 counts per unit minutes
measured by a scale and this falls to 150 counts per minutes in 15 hours.

(i) Determine the half-life of the element. [0 1 ½ marks]

(ii) If the initial number of atoms in another sample of this element is 3x10 20, how
many atoms will have decayed in 25 hours? [01 ½ marks]

7. (a) Explain how N-type and P-type semiconductors are formed. [05 marks]

(b) Give five hazards associated with earthquakes. [05 marks]

8. (a) Define the following terms

(i) Couple of a force. [01 mark]
(ii) Centre of gravity [01 mark]
(iii) Centre of mass [01 mark]

(b) With the aid of diagram, explain the three types of equilibrium with examples.
[03 marks]

(c) A half metre ruler AB is freely pivoted at 18cm from end A and balances horizontally
when a body of mass 35g is hung 48cm from end B. Calculate:

(i) The mass of the ruler [02 marks]

(ii) The force exerted by the ruler. [02 marks]

Page 5 of 6
SECTION C: (25 Marks)
Answer two (2) questions in this section
9. (a) Explain why a swimmer coming out of water on a windy day usually feels cold.
[0 2 ½ marks]
(b) Give the evidence which shows that, cathode rays travel in straight line, they are
charged particles and possess momentum and energy. [06 marks]

(c) A pipe closed at one end has length of 8cm and end correction of 2cm. Find the
fundamental frequency and the frequency of the first overtone. [04 marks]

10. (a) (i) State the laws of electromagnetic induction. [02 marks]
(ii) Mention two advantages of A.C generator over D.C generator. [02 marks]
(b) A step-up transformer has 10,000 turns in the secondary coil and 100 turns through the
primary coil. An alternating current of 5A flows in the primary coil when connected to
12V a.c. supply.
(i) Calculate the voltage across the secondary coil. [03 marks]
(ii) If the transformer has efficiency of 90%, what is the current in the secondary coil?
[02 marks]
(c) (i) Describe the structure and mode of action of simple d.c generator. [02 marks]
(ii) What should be done in order to increase the speed of rotation in a d.c electric
motor? [01 ½ marks]
11. (a) Give four differences between extrinsic and intrinsic semiconductor.
[02 marks]
(b) (i) Using circuit diagram, explain types of rectification showing input and output
wave signal. [04 ½ marks]
(ii) Give four differences between analogue and digital signal. [02 marks] (c)
The figure below shows one of amplifier circuits.
+ +



- -

(c) (i) What is the name of the amplifier? [01 mark]

(ii) Why the circuit is named so? [01 mark]
(iii) Explain the functions of capacitors C1 and C2. [02 marks]

Page 6 of 6




1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions.
2. Answer all questions in section A and B and two (2) questions from section C.
3. Mathematical tables and non-programmable calculators may be used.
4. Cellular phones are not allowed in the examination room.
5. Write your Examination number / Names on every page of your answer booklet(s).
6. Where necessary the following constants may be used:
(i) Acceleration due to gravity = g 10m/sec2
(ii) Density of water = 1.0g cm/ 3
Answer all questions in this section
1. For each of the items (i) (ii), choose the correct answer among the given alternatives
and write its letter besides the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) A radiation P is focused by a proper device on the bulb of a thermometer. Mercury in

the thermometer shows a rapid increase. What does radiation P represent?
A. infrared radiation B. visible light
C. ultraviolet radiation D. X-rays E. Microwaves

(ii)A body is acted upon by two unequal forces in opposite directions, but not in the
same line. The effect is that:
A. the body will have only the rotational motion
B. the body will have only the translational motion
C. the body will have neither the rotational motion nor the translational motion
D. the body will have rotational as well as translational motion E. the body will have no
rotational motion

(iii) A body moved upward a distance of 20m. What is the time taken to reach the
maximum height?
A. 2s B. 5s C. 10s D. 15s E. 11s
(iv)Which of the following is the way through which electrical appliances in a house are
A. Series B. Parallel C. Either in series or parallel D.
Both in series and parallel E. None

(v) A magnified erect image is obtained when an object is positioned in front of a

converging lens. What is the distance of the object from the lens?
A. Greater than three focal lengths
B. Equal to two focal lengths
C. Between one and two focal lengths
D. Equal to one focal length
E. Less than one focal length

(vi) Why diffusion occurs more quickly in a gas than in a liquid?

A.The liquid contains a layer on its surface
B.The gas contain semi-permeable membrane
C.The gas molecules is small in size compared to the liquid molecules
D.The adhesion is large than cohesion in gas compared to that in liquid.
E.The speed of molecules in gas is greater than in liquid.

(vii) A magnetic needle, free to turn in

south magnetic pole and then at a point on the magnetic equator. The respective angles
between the needle and horizontal are:
A. 0 and 0o B. 70o and 70o C. 0o and 45o
D. 0o and 90o E. 90o and 0o

(viii) A ray of light incident on a lens parallel to its principal axis, after refraction
passes through or appears to come from:
A. its first focus B. its optical entre C. its second focus
D. the centre of curvature of its second surface E. the pole

(ix) A typist uses a new carbon paper under her top typing paper for making a copy of a
letter. When she holds the carbon paper close to a plane mirror, she can read the letter.
This is because the mirror;
A. forms an image the same size as object B. produces an inverted image
C. produces a laterally image D. forms a virtual image
E. forms an image behind the mirror

(x) What happen when a ray of light from air enters a denser medium?
A. Bends away from the normal B. Bends towards the normal C. Goes undeviated
D. Is reflected back E. Is diffracted

2. Match the items in List A with the responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct
response in your answer sheet/booklet.
(i) Electromagnetic radiations which are used to increase the A. Radio waves
rate of growth of chickens. B. Microwaves
(ii) Electromagnetic radiations which are used by the Global
Positioning Satellite (GPS) to precisely pin point the C. Infra-red
location of the targets. D. Visible light
(iii)Electromagnetic radiations which are used for satellite E. Ultra-violet
communications or telecommunications.
F. X-rays
(iv) Electromagnetic radiations which are used as painkillers.
(v) Electromagnetic radiations which are used in CD and DVD G. Gamma rays
players to read the content of the disks.
Answer all questions in this section

3. (a) (i)The sinking of the wheels of a lorry into soft sand may be prevented by letting off
some air from the tyres. Explain this observation. [4marks]
(ii) Why atmospheric pressure never break glass windows of a house? [4marks]
(b) A spring is kept compressed by a small trolley of mass 0.5 kg lying on a smooth
horizontal surface as shown.

When the trolley is released, it is found to move at a speed of v = 2 m/s. What potential
energy did the spring possess when compressed? [2marks]

4. (a) Describe an experiment to show that sound can travel in a water. [4marks]
(b) Two men stand a distance apart besides a long metal rail on a sill day. One man
places his ear against the rail while the other gives the rail a sharp knock with a
hammer. Two sounds separated by a time interval of 0.5s, are heard by the first
man. If the speed of sound in air is 330ms -1, and that in the metal rail is 5280ms -1,
find the distance between the men. [6marks]

5. (a) (i)State any two examples where the law of conservation of energy is observed.
(ii) Distinguish between elastic collision and inelastic collision. [4marks]
(b) An arrow of mass 100g is shot into a block of wood of mass 400g lying at rest
on the smooth surface of an ice rink. If at the moment of impact the arrow is
travelling at15m/s, calculate the common velocity after the impact. [4marks]
6. (a)It is dangerous to connect the switch in the neutral wire. Explain your answer.
(b) The diagram in Fig. shows a three-pin socket marked as 1, 2 and 3.

(i) Identify and write live (L), neutral (N) and earth (E) against the correct number.
(ii) To which part of the appliance is the terminal 1 connected? [3marks]
(iii) To which wire joined to 2 or 3, is the fuse connected? [2marks]
7. (a) The diagram in the figure below shows two air filled bulbs connected by a U-tube
partly filled with a low density (or light) oil.

(i) Describe how the levels of oil in the limbs X and Y change after the electric bulb is
lighted. [6marks]
(ii)Account for your observation. [2marks]
(b) It is difficult to cook vegetables on hills and mountains. Explain the reason.

8. (a)(i) Ice cream appears colder to the mouth than water at 0 oC. Give reasons. [2marks]
(ii) Explain why water is a preferable liquid for quenching thirst? [4marks]
(b) 45 g of water at 50o C in a beaker is cooled when 50 g of copper at 18 oC is added to
it. The contents are stirred till a final constant temperature is reached. Calculate the
final temperature. The specific heat capacity of copper is 0.39 Jg -1K-1 and that of
water is 4.2 Jg-1K-1. State the assumptions used. [4marks]
Answer any two (2) questions form this section
9. (a) The relative density of a substance is 0.65. Explain the meaning of this statement.
(b) An ordinary hydrometer of mass 28g floats with 3cm of its stem out of water. The
cross-section area of the stem is 0.75cm2. Find;
(i) the total volume of the hydrometer. [3marks]
(ii) the length of stem above the surface when it floats in a liquid of relative density
(c) A piece of cork of volume 100cm3 is floating on water. If the density of cork is
0.25g/cm3. Calculate;
(i) the volume of cork immersed in water. [1mark]
(ii) the force needed to immerse the cork completely. [3marks]

10. (a) Why do recording studios and concert auditoriums sometimes have their ceilings and
walls covered with soft perforated boards? [2.5marks]
(b)The frequency of the 3rd overtone (4th harmonic) produced by an open pipe is 840 .
Given that the velocity of sound in air is 330m/s, calculate;
(i) Length of the open pipe [3marks]
(ii) Fundamental frequency [3marks]
(c) A stretched string is in unison with a turning fork of frequency 384Hz. If the tension
in the string is increased by 2% what is the frequency of the beats heard when the fork
and the string are now sounded together? [4marks]

11. (a) Give any five differences between Human eye and lens Camera. [5marks]
(b) What is the role played by the shutter in a Lens camera? [2.5marks]
(c) A compound microscope has an objective lens of focal length 2cm and eye piece of
focal length of 6cm. An object is placed 2.4cm from the objective lens. If the distance
the objective lens and the eye piece lens is 17cm. Find;
(i) The distance of the final image from the eye piece [2marks]
(ii) The linear magnification. [3marks]

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