Week 1 Maths Reasoning With Answers

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Key Stage Two Mathematics SetA Paper 3: Reasoning Calculator Not Allowed 40 minutes First name Middle name Last name School Date of birth | Day | Month Year Total marks Exam Set MHRP27 BB 00k at the shapes below. Circle the shapes that have exactly one line of symmetry. Tra (EBC Wer and Melanie make some cards for the schoo! fair. Tyler makes 35 cards. Melanie makes 19 cards. They put all their cards together and divide them into packs of 6 How many packs have they made? Show your working inate KS2 Maths / Set A/ Paper Page 2 of 12 (© CGP 2017 — copying mor than 5% of ths paper isnot permitted EBB itttakes sita four and a quarter hours to finish a jigsaw. It takes Zach five hours and ten minutes to finish the same jigsaw. How much longer does Zach take to finish the jigsaw than Sita? minutes Tek EBs the polygon below regular or irregular? Regular Irregular Explain how you know. Tran ae ee © 6GP 2017 — copying more than Page 3 of 12 KS2 Maths / SetA/ Paper 3 ‘5% ofthis paper isnot permitted eB Write these numbers in order, starting with the smallest. 0.18 1.081 1.8 0.818 0.8 acer smallest largest Tmark EBB Aschootis collecting toys to give to charity. The chart below shows how many toys each year group have collected. 1000 900: 800: 700: 600. 500: 400 300 How many more toys have Year 4 collected than Year 1? Tmark How many toys have Years § and 6 collected between them? KS2 Maths / Set A/ Paper 3 Page 4 of 12 Cana cpap: Part of a bus timetable is shown below. How long does it take to get from Darrow to Brindale? minutes Tmark Nadiya lives in Yalton and has to be in Pireleth by 1.15 pm. What is the latest bus she can catch from Yalton? Give your answer using the 24-hour clock. : (BB Shade the given amount of each shape below. SS © CGP 2017 — copying more tan S2 Maths / SetA/ Paper 3 '5% of this paper is not permitted Page 5 of 12 Col wo|PO ©0|0 EB aviais thinking of a number. She says, “My number is a square number. Itis bigger than 5 x 8 and smaller than 120 + 2.” What number is Ayla thinking of? FED Calculate the area of the shape below. 6cm 14cm Kana KS2 Maths / Set / Paper 3 Page 6 of 12 © comnani7 mn feomeriion FEB Filinthe missing numbers to make this calculation correct. Tate FEB Puteach number in the correct place on the diagram below. 2 6 hh 9 21 factors of 42 multiples of 3 mars (© GP 2017 — copying more nan Page 7 of 12 KS2 Mathe/ SetA/ Paper 3 5% of tis paper isnot permitted Ababy-sitter works out how much to charge using this formula: Fee = £5 x number of hours + £8 How much does he charge if he baby-sits for 4 hours? a Tank One evening he charges £20.50. How long did he baby-sit for? Show your working hours marks S2 Maths / Set! Paper 3 Page 8 of 12 © CGP 2017 — copying more than 5% of this paper isnot permitted There are some watermelons at a buffet. Each one is cut into 12 equal slices. There are 9 people at the buffet. Each person eats 3 slices of watermelon. Write the number of watermelons eaten as a mixed number. Give your answer in its simplest form. Tare Adult cinema tickets cost £7.25. Children's cinema tickets cost £5. family buys 3 adult tickets and 6 children’s tickets. They split the cost equally between the 3 adults. How much does each adult spend on cinema tickets? Show your working Tanks © CGP 2017 —copying more than Page 9 of 12 KS2 Maths / SetA/ Paper 3 5% of his papers not permited 0-0-0: Explain how you can use this fact to work out the answer to 5x @. a ee tie Beare Nac eel Chad has this recipe for jam tarts. Makes 12 jam tarts 120 g of butter 240 g of plain flour 60 ml of cold water 60 g of jam Chad has a jar that contains 100 g of jam. How many jam tarts can he make? Show your working Hae 2 Maths / SetA/ Paper 3 Page 10 of 12 Cupetir—eneg nom tan Tmarks lan has five differently numbered cards. Which two cards can he multiply together to equal 10 000? and Tank What is the smallest whole number lan could make by dividing one card by another? Tak Find the size of angle x in the shape below. Do not use a protractor (angle measurer). Naeaeawn accurately 108° 62° Show your a (ebe=recasec! — Tmarks © CGP 2017 — copying more than Page 11 of 12 KS2 Maths SetA/ Paper 3 5% of this paper is not permitted Grace writes down two numbers and calls them A and B. Ais greater than B. When she multiplies the two numbers together she gets 36. The difference between the two numbers is 5. Circle the two calculations that show this. AxB=36 A+B=36 AxB=5 A+B=5 A=B+5 Tmark What numbers did Grace write down? Oliver is handing out leaflets. By lunchtime, he has handed out 2 of his leaflets. He still has 27 leaflets left to hand out. How many leaflets did he start with? Show your working marks KS2 Maths / SetA/ Paper 3 Page 12 of 12 ©-¢ge 2017 —capyng mor than mnRezu Set A — Answers Set A Paper 2 ta | 10cm 1 4 2marksforboth | 2 anrb) 7 7 lines coreect, ore, 1b | Band 1 38 8 otherwise 1 mark {both have an area of7 em?) nr) i 7 fre line 2 | Seventy-two thousand, 1 ty: e five hundred and eighty-nine 42) as 2 F [300g +3- 1205 1 7 7 cab) | agai] 325 +32 = 357m 1 48) 7 of 40 = (40+ 10)x7 t pee 8 4x7=28 (FIO) Sb |32+12=44m 1 (6N5) at id) | [Fe |B000-3=s1020 Tm fr 7 $10.20 Correct answer, | (8a) $ | 30+ 100-1838 1 ens otherwise 1 mark So she divided by 100. 49) “ETS-TO piven away fora corect @] 218 2 marks for 2 = ete. elk corectanswer, |. (4ez/ £0.60 TT Fam ‘therwise 1 mark | 65) <£15.10 1746.5 1000= 1.744 tires | Facorrect HUE os 17 |[e+i9-3 1 7 1 mark for 2 (609) comcthezontal | 6) | [aq lioaksra7axei +56e65+ |2munstorbe | oa nd 59 67 +72~536 comect answer, | (653) a Mean: otherwise 1 mark correct vertical 67 oars translation nis se. ao 2 Zmarksforthe | 2 (00 ~ 50 correct answer, | ay 50=11-5=34sweessleft | otherwise 1 mark @ [30=2%3%5 Tmarkioreach | 8 60% fora correct 6303 x3x7 correct pai. csb) 109 method 9) Distance on map = 4.cm 1 ie avelling by coach 3 marks forthe 42 50=20m fea) | 20) ressire onectaroe | (60 TO | Eg Tariq has kite marks for 2 as Otherwise, 205 +2= 10.25 cm comrectanswer, | sM9b) tr 2 marks for Henry has kitted ‘otherwise 1 mark 1y}20 ‘aleulating howe 1025 x3 = 30.75 em fora corect oH many people | | Tolal=205 + 10.25+30.75 | method. People ravelling by train: ‘ame by coach 615 em eae orfor a correct method with no a 1 sl1as4 motes val oe oie cerror. 1 mark for a 2 correct method i ‘with more than T2| Volume of one ibe = 3x3 x3 |2marks forthe Zz conectanswer, | (6a | SetA Paper 3 270mm +27 om? ctherwise 1 mark fora correct me ice eel oe ia |is<2-2 2 mals for 2 1 2347=30cherriesin tora | comectanswer, | (608) acm) 30-4215 cheries in each bag. | otherwise 1 mark fora conect method and D | 35+ 19-54 cardsinworl | 2marks forthe 2 544.6 = 9 packsofcards. | correct answer, cance, othervise 1 mark for a correct method. KS2 Maths — Answers & Mark Scheme ©CGP 2017 Set A — Answers eae im aw cn 4 ure and 15 rirtesto YBa | Fee= £546 £8220 68 1 Shanes sree ae (ona) ShousioS hous and 136]] 2050-5 xnamber often | natstorke Pa eee a cere, | a zie = 21250= £5 x nunborofhous | oherwie | mack “SE minutes Numb of hous fora comet a veg Conecionows (ii 538 inthe Eg.in a repuarpolygon allihe | andesplanaion | Gab) Angles re the same, ba inthis | mus both be polygon the angler ae difeent._| pen, F018 08,0818, 081,18 7 14 [93 = 27 ses of watermelon 1 sto mean han a | 200- 150-50 1 Saris ae ses iraterntond weet [709-0 ee ae éxe-50 comect srowe, | (om) Ja | Fon 158 129% 1 Torok 2173 + £30= 651.75 | otherwise Tmark 2 19=21 ates en Dwideby3.ofnd ow much | fra coven Jo | The latest bs she can catch gos 1 ech alt pays mnt Ino Pele t 13:01 on 172s This bus leaves Yona 12:1 ass :; Sots173+3=1725 +100 afte a a 16 fe : 7 "@@ on) fd the value of @ you dive 8 by 3. Then mul by 5t0 2 mars forall re shaded conc, otherwise tnd _{/ mark or wo shapes shaded coed 9 |5=8=40and 1202-00, 7 V7 | Opri2-spdjmpain |2natsorte [oe a a 100 5 20am rs Comectonewer, | (aR Aad 6049, i otherwise 1 mark foraconect ees ie rg a aie Tee ¥Ba | 200and 30 7 Tak rae ae correc a ‘ trumber | 22) ab | 2000 1000 7 ‘scm 19) | Usvgvercally opposite angles [2 mais forthe a theathertwo agieinthe =” | conect anew, | tae ; Gundisteal are 82°and 108°, | otherwise Terk | 640) Magesinaquadiiaen| aidup [fora cone : to 560" 10 rnc | 823609062" =106" 2 z cs | foo 7 ou) acon 42 ] bile of3 0b | Focor pas of36:1 a6, 1 Zand (8,3 and 12, ota) dard 6 and 6 The ony pair that have Aiference of 3's 4 and 9 ‘Arustbe geaerthan8, Sasson Bed Tmans forte | “373 Corectonewe, a 3 others | ark 2 ic 27 lates, a Bafa fis conectaneveny oherwiss1 mak SS for any four correct answers. KS2 Maths — Answers & Mark Scheme 1 50 4 is27 +3 =9 leaflets So Oliver had 9 x 8 = 72 leaflets togive out, ©CGP 2017

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