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but correctly to six, but when Isaac Newton (1642–1727), an Englishman, was a mathe-

it came to the seventh grain matician, a physicist, an astronomer, a coinventor of calculus,

and the eighth, they grew and famous for his law of gravitation. He was also the author
tense and uneasy, at first of many books on biblical subjects, especially prophecy.
yawning and complaining of a Perhaps less well known is the fact that Newton was a cre-
headache, then finally avoided ationist who wanted to be known as much for his theological
the question altogether or sim- writings as for his scientific and mathematical texts. Newton
ply walked off.” Perhaps seven believed in a Christian unity, as opposed to a trinity. He devel-
means “many” in such com- oped calculus as a means of describing motion, and perhaps
mon phrases as “seven seas” for understanding the nature of God through a clearer under-
and “seven deadly sins.” standing of nature and reality. He respected the Bible and
(These interesting facts come accepted its account of Creation.
from Adrian Room, The Guin-
ness Book of Numbers, 1989.)

Genius and eccentricity. James Hopwood Jeans

Carl Friedrich Gauss “The amount of eccentricity (1877–1946) was an applied
(1777–1855), a German, was in a society has been propor- mathematician, a physicist,
a mathematician, an tional to the amount of and an astronomer. He some-
astronomer, and a physicist genius, material vigor and times likened God to a math-
with a wide range of contri- moral courage which it con- ematician and wrote in The
butions. Like Ramanujan, tains” (John Stuart Mill, On Mysterious Universe (1930),
after Gauss proved a theorem, Liberty, 1869). “From the intrinsic evidence
he sometimes said that the of his creation, the Great
insight did not come from Architect of the Universe
“painful effort but, so to Mathematics and God. “The now begins to appear as a
speak, by the grace of God.” Christians know that the math- pure mathematician.” He has
He also once wrote, “There ematical principles, according also written, “Physics tries to
are problems to whose solu- to which the corporeal world discover the pattern of events
tion I would attach an infi- was to be created, are co- which controls the phenom-
nitely greater importance eternal with God. Geometry ena we observe. But we can
than to those of mathematics, has supplied God with the never know what this pattern
for example, touching ethics, models for the creation of the means or how it originates;
or our relation to God, or world. Within the image of and even if some superior
concerning our destiny and God it has passed into man, intelligence were to tell us,
our future; but their solution and was certainly not received we should find the explana-
lies wholly beyond us and within through the eyes” tion unintelligible” (Physics
completely outside the (Johannes Kepler, The and Philosophy, 1942).
province of science.” Harmony of the World, 1619).

Numbers, History, Society, and People 17

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