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Episode 2: Sin miedo
(No Fear)

Words to Know in Advance

antes before
celebramos we celebrated
sucia dirty
cucaracha cockroach
sábanas sheets
solo alone/on his own
después after
no me extrañó (he/she) didn’t miss me
no lloré I didn’t cry
muere dies
corazón roto broken heart
fumar smoke
dolor pain
1. After reading the title and the word list, what do you think this story will be
2. Have you ever done something that you were afraid to do? How did you feel
3. Do you follow celebrity relationship stories? Why or why not?

Listening Comprehension

1. [1:54] What were they celebrating?

2. [3:19] How was the apartment Martín and Belén picked out online?
3. [5:02] What did she realize from reading the book?
4. [7:17] What did Martín tell Belén 15 days after she got to Buenos Aires?
5. [8:46] What did she do after discovering the real reason behind the breakup?
6. [11:04] Why did she refer to the email as “the perfect crime”?
7. [13:17] How did she spend her days after seeing Martín?
8. [14:34] How did she feel after listening to Billie Jean from Michael Jackson?

Post-Listening Comprehension

1. Why did Belén and Martín decide to move to another country together?
2. Why did Belén and Martín stay together even if their feelings had changed?
3. How did Belén feel after the breakup?
4. What did Belén realize after dancing on her own?


1. Do you think it’s important to live abroad? Why or why not?

2. Is it ever OK to lie? Why or why not? Was it OK for Martín to lie in this case?
Why or why not?
3. How do people deal with breakups?
4. Do you prefer being in a relationship or on your own?

Other Interesting Stuff

● If you move to any place in the world, where would you go? Short of ideas? Get
some inspiration here!
● Have you ever danced cumbia? Learn some basic steps with this video.

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