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Entry test

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___________

Section 1: Vocabulary

1 Complete these conversations with the words in the box. There is one extra word.
excuse live meet Spain staff nurse work

1 A: How do you do? I’m Jennifer.

B: Pleased to ____________ you.
2 A: ____________ me, are you Carlos Lorenzo?
B: Yes, I am.
3 A: Where do you ____________?
B: I’m a healthcare assistant at the General Hospital.
4 A: Are you from Turkey?
B: No, I’m not. I’m from ____________ .
5 A: This is Mrs Kumar. She’s a(n) ____________ from India.
B: Welcome to London, Mrs Kumar.

2 Match 6–10 to a–e to make common word partnerships.

6 blood a) machine
7 X-ray b) number
8 student c) sample
9 telephone d) temperature
10 body e) nurse

Section 2: Language

1 Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

Hi Sonya,
I need Dr Palmer’s telephone number. Can (1) _____ help (2) _____? Do (3) _____
have (4) _____ in (5) _____ records? Please let me know as soon as you can.
Many thanks,

1 A you B your C me
2 AI B my C me
3 A you B he CI
4 A him B his C hers
5 A his B her C your

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2 Complete this text with the words in the box.
am are has have is isn’t

Our hospital (6) ____________ very big. It (7) ____________ about 200 patients. Some of the
nurses in my ward (8) ____________ from different countries. I (9) ____________ from
Singapore and the ward sister (10) ____________ from Portugal. We all speak English but
sometimes we (11) ____________ a few communication problems.

Section 3: Skills development

1 Nadir and Candice meet a new colleague in the nurses’ lounge. Complete their
conversation with the phrases in the box.
Thank you. Pleased to meet you. What do you do? Yes, I am. I’m Sam. I’m a student nurse.
Yes, I am. It’s very interesting. Yes, please. I’d like a coffee, thanks.

Nadir: Hello, you’re new, aren’t you?

Sam: (1) ___________________________________________________________________
Nadir: Welcome to the Grand Central Hospital, Sam. I’m Nadir and this is Candice.
Sam: (2) ___________________________________________________________________
Candice: Let’s sit here. This table’s free.
Sam: (3) ___________________________________________________________________
Nadir: I’m a staff nurse and Candice works at the main reception desk.
Candice: Are you enjoying your first day?
Sam: (4) ___________________________________________________________________
Nadir: Would you like a drink?
Sam: (5) ___________________________________________________________________

2 Match questions 6–10 to answers a–g. There are two extra answers.
6 Is the ward sister in her office today? _____
7 What time is the handover meeting? _____
8 How do you come to work? _____
9 Can I help you? _____
10 Are you from Egypt? _____

a) At three o’clock.
b) Yes, you do.
c) I’d like to speak to the patient in Room 10, please.
d) No, she isn’t.
e) Yes, I am.
f) No, he doesn’t.
g) I usually walk.

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Section 4: Reading

1 Read this email and answer the questions.

From: Darren
To: Kiera
Subject: My new job
Hi Kiera,
Guess what? I’m a student nurse now at the Grand Central Hospital in
Birmingham. Its hard work but very interesting. I work with a great
team on a children’s ward – I really like nursing children. I have to
study at night. My exams are in May!
See you on Saturday.

1 Where does Darren work?

2 Does he enjoy his job?
3 What does he say about his job?
4 When will he see Kiera?

Section 5: Listening

1 ► 02 (Conversations 1 and 3) Listen and choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

Conversation 1
1 What is Gillian’s job?
A staff nurse B healthcare assistant C ward sister
2 What is Amy’s job?
A staff nurse B healthcare assistant C ward sister
Conversation 2
3 Where is Paul from?
A London B Dublin C Melbourne
4 What is David’s job?
A staff nurse B charge nurse C healthcare assistant
5 Where do the two men work?
A hospital restaurant B hospital reception desk C hospital ward

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