One of Us Is Lying - Tasks - Students

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Karen M.

McManus ONE OF US IS LYING Name …………………


1) Some central themes of the book are gossip, secrets, and lies.
 In how far is the title of the book misleading?

 All of them fear that their secrets might be exposed. Once their lies have been uncovered,
how do Bronwyn’s, Addy’s, Nate’s and Cooper’s lives develop?

 Which role has gossip played in their lives up to that point?

 Should gossip be regarded as a dangerous phenomenon?

2) Which (Millennial / Generation Z) problems are portrayed in the book, i.e. problems that
today’s teenagers / young adults face?

3) Can you think of other themes addressed by the book?

 CHARACTERS & PLOT SYNOPSIS - Find suitable words for the blanks

CHARACTERS (based on:

Simon Kelleher

Simon Kelleher was an outsider at his High School and even _______ he used to make fun of the way
his classmate acted, he secretly wanted to be accepted and be a part of the group. He owned a
gossiping app called “About _______” where he usually gossiped about his ___________, often
revealing things that made the classes chaotic. Simon was depressed and suicidal. He knew that he
wanted to take down those he _________ the most when he died. He was utterly cruel, as he
thought school bombing was an easy way out, not letting his peers suffer enough. Instead, he
decided to frame the students he hated, hoping to ruin their _________ forever.

Bronwyn Rojas

Bronwyn Rojas is the character that was labeled as "the brain” by Simon. She is an overachiever with
big dreams and a bright future. _____________, she cheated herself though chemistry, ________
Simon is aware of. She grows closer to Nate. She loves strongly and follows her heart wherever it
__________ her, protecting those she cares for the most.

Nate Macauley

Nate Macauley is the character that was labeled as "the criminal” by Simon. He is a hot, handsome
drug dealer. He dealt drugs, which put him on probation, though he has a lot more to him than that.
At home, his __________ abandoned him, and his father is an ____________. Needing quick money,
drugs was his only choice. Bronwyn helps him become the best version of himself.

Cooper Clay

Cooper Clay is the character that was labeled as "the jock” by Simon. He is a popular ___________l
player, and a star athlete with a bright ___________. He is gay and had a boyfriend but doesn’t want
Karen M. McManus ONE OF US IS LYING Name …………………
anyone to know about his true situation. He is very close with his family, __________ are all loving
and kind. He later realizes that he needs to be open and honest about his life in ___________ to be
the best version of himself.

Addy Prentiss

Addy Prentiss was the character labeled as 'the princess' by Simon. She was the character with the
biggest development, as in the start of the book, she's an emotionally wrecked person who relied
completely on her ___________. But as the book goes on, she begins to find herself and her
strength. Her boyfriend might have hated her because she cheated, which was the secret Simon
knew, she was ________ to come out of the relationship and be who she wanted ________ be.



One of Us is Lying follows four ____________ (DIFFER) characters as their lives unfolds around the
suspected murder of their co-detentionee. The book has three parts in which the case is __________
(EXPLANATION) in the first part. Bronwyn, Nate, Addy, Cooper, and Simon are all in detention. The
first four are the narrators of the book. They all went to detention for ____________ (BRING) their
phones to class, even though they have no memory of doing so, as well as the phones not being
theirs. The students are _______________ (DISTRACTION) by a car accident that unfolds outside the
classroom window. When they once again settle into the room, Simon accuses them of being four
different stereotypes; the jock, the brain, the princess and the ____________ (CRIME). Then Simon
has an ______________ (ALLERGY) reaction. The students look for an EpiPen in the school, but they
are all gone.

The four _____________ (NARRATE) become suspects for the police, as all the characters have
motives to kill Simon. They all have problems at home, and they all have secrets about Simon. Their
lives change as fake friends are revealed, and relationships grow and are broken though the events
that follow the main characters. This is what the second part of the book ____________ (FOCUS) on.

The four suspects grow closer in the last part of the book and they start defending each other from
the taunts of their peers. They all believe none of them are _____________ (GUILT) and they try
finding out what really happened. Bronwyn tracks down the driver in the car accident that happened
during detention, and she finds out that Simon had __________ (PAY) him to crash. This is when they
realize the death might have been a suicide, as Simon was _______________ (DEPRESSION). Simon’s
one friend, Janae is also acting weird, which __________ (SUGGESTION) that she is hiding something.

A letter is revealed, where Simon explained that he wished to die, while running the lives of those
around him. He hoped their reputations would be forever stained. It is also revealed that Simon had
an accomplice, Jake, who was Addy’s boyfriend. He was mad at Addy because she cheated on her,
and he wished her hurt as well. Jake tries to kill Addy when she finds out the ____________ (TRUE),
but she is ___________ (SAFETY)by the rest of the narrators. The truth is ________________
(REVELATION) to the police and they are all go free.

The epilogue explains how their lives are ________________ (SLOW) but surely calming down.

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