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Assignment & Test Cover Sheet


COURSE CODE & TITLE: GET 101 - Engineer in Society

SEMESTER & SESSION: 1st (Harmattan) Semester, 2023/24 Session.

TITLES OF ASSIGNMENT: Assignment 3. Professional Organisations and Regulation in








DATE DUE: Monday, 11th December 2023


I declare that this assessment is my own work unless otherwise acknowledged and is in accordance with the Nile University’s Academic Integrity

I have read and understood the Nile University’s Policy on Assessment and Academic Honesty - which deals with issues such as plagiarism and re -
cycling assignments - and certify that this assignment my own work and complies with those qualities.

I certify that any electronic version of this assessment item that i have submitted or will submit is identical to this paper version

The Nile University Policy is stated in the University and Faculty Websites and is summarised in the Faculty Handbook.

Breaches of academic integrity - cheating, plagiarism, falsification of data, collusion, etc. - seriously compromise student learning, as well as the Nile
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Any suspicion of copying or plagiarism in this work will result in an investigation of Academic Misconduct and may result in a “0” on the work, an
F in the course or possibly more severe penalties.

Student’s Signature __________________________________________________________________________________________________

LECTURER: Prof. Abdullahi Gimba & Engr. Ms. Halima Sadia Yakubu.

1st (Harmattan) Semester, 2023/24 Academic Session.
GET 101 - Engineer in Society.
Assignment 3. Professional Organisations and Regulation in Nigeria.

In Nigeria, the engineering profession is regulated and overseen by the Council for the Regula-
tion of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN). COREN is a regulatory body established by law to en-
sure that engineering professionals meet the required standards in education, training, and
practice. Answer the following questions:
1. Understanding COREN's Role in Regulating the Engineering Profession in Nigeria.
a. Provide a brief overview of COREN, including its establishment, mission, and objec-
b. Enumerate and discuss the primary functions and responsibilities of COREN;
c. Explore how COREN ensures and maintains the quality and standard of engineer-
ing education in Nigeria;
d. Discuss the significance of accreditation in maintaining the quality and integrity of
engineering education;
e. Discuss the importance of COREN registration for engineers in terms of professional
recognition and practice.
2. Exploring the Role of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) in the Oil and Gas Indus-
a. Provide a brief overview of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), including its
mission, objectives, and the scope of its activities;
b. Enumerate and discuss the primary technical disciplines covered by SPE (e.g.,
drilling engineering, reservoir engineering, production engineering);
c. Investigate the benefits of being a member of SPE for professionals in the oil and gas
d. Discuss how SPE supports the professional development and networking opportu-
nities for its members;
e. All of you should Register as a Student member of the SPE and attach your member-
ship certificate.
3. Assignment: Exploring the Role of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) in Advancing
the Engineering Profession.

a. Provide a concise overview of the Nigerian Society of Engineers, including its estab-
lishment, mission, and objectives;
b. Analyze how NSE membership contributes to professional development, network-
ing, and knowledge exchange;
4. NSE Divisions and Specializations. From the divisions listed for the Nigeria Society of En-
gineers (NSE) given below, choose the one that best relates to your course of study. Re-
spond to the questions that follow based on your selected division.
a. Analyze the importance of the selected NSE divisions, such as Civil Engineering,
Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering;
b. Discuss how these divisions contribute to the specialization and advancement of
various engineering fields;
c. Register as a Student member of the NSE Division of your choice and attach your
membership certificate;
i. Students of Computer Engineering, Information & Communication Engineer-
ing should register for NIEEE;
ii. Students of Mechatronic Engineering should register as student member with


Some of the NSE Divisions:
1. Nigeria Institution of Civil Engineers (NICE);
2. Nigeria Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (NIEEE);
3. Nigeria Institution of Mechanical Engineers (NIMechE):
4. Nigeria Society of Chemical Engineers (NSChE);
5. Nigeria Institute of Petroleum Engineers.

Please kindly submit two SOFT copies in both pdf and MS Word/Pages via the GET 101 2023
Assignment 3 link in the MS Teams Classroom on or before 12:00 Noon, Monday,
11th December 2023.
1. You are encouraged to research the topic extensively and widely. Collect as much rele-
vant information as possible;
2. Refer extensively to the “Guidelines on Writing Assignments” already given to you in
‘Course Materials’. All other instructions given earlier apply;
3. All submissions MUST be typewritten, neat and tidy; Late submission will receive the
necessary penalty;
4. The total word count must not be less than 2,500 words;
5. Download the MS Word/pages version and use the GET 101 2023 Assignment 1 Tem-
plate given to you. Your work must be in one document;
6. Fill the relevant information onto the Assignment Cover Sheet. Do not leave out any-
7. Font and headings. Please use Palatino, Calibri, Avenir Next, Helvetica, Times New Ro-
man, or similar text;
8. Page Alignment - Full justified. Font size (text) - 12 (text);
9. In the main assignment text, one should use a 1.2 line spacing format. Spacing before
paragraph should be 6 points, and spacing after paragraph 6 points;
10. Headings should be separated from the previous paragraph by leaving one empty row
between them. Headings and paragraphs should begin in the left-hand of a page with
no increased indent;
11. Begin each question on a fresh page;
12. The width of the margins should be as follows: the left margin 2.54 cm, the right mar-
gin 1.9 cm, and the top margin 2.54 cm and bottom margins 2.54 cm;
13. When attempting the assignment, write the full Question first, before writing the an-
swer below it;
14. Each question should be BOLD to make it stand out from the answer;
15. When listing items, use the “Bullets & List” function of the MS Word or Apple Pages,
depending on the types of computer you are using;
16. The idea is to make your work as presentable as possible so that the reader (Lecturer)
would be interested in reading it, and hence give you good marks!

You are permitted to discuss problems — however any sharing and/or copying of work among
students or among any other persons is specifically forbidden. In addition, any presentation of
the work of others (including text derivations, solutions, plots, programs, etc.) as your own
work is also expressly forbidden. You are expected to perform and submit your own work for
this assignment — failure to adhere to these conditions will result in severe penalties.

Prof. Abdullahi Gimba

Engr. Halima Sadia Yakubu.
20th November 2023.


It is allowed for the answer to a question to span more than one page.

1. Understanding COREN's Role in Regulating the Engineering Profession in Nigeria.

a. Provide a brief overview of COREN, including its establishment, mission, and ob-
b. Enumerate and discuss the primary functions and responsibilities of COREN;
c. Explore how COREN ensures and maintains the quality and standard of engineer-
ing education in Nigeria;
d. Discuss the significance of accreditation in maintaining the quality and integrity
of engineering education;
e. Discuss the importance of COREN registration for engineers in terms of profes-
sional recognition and practice.


2. Exploring the Role of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) in the Oil and Gas Indus-


a. Provide a brief overview of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), including

its mission, objectives, and the scope of its activities;
b. Enumerate and discuss the primary technical disciplines covered by SPE (e.g.,
drilling engineering, reservoir engineering, production engineering);
c. Investigate the benefits of being a member of SPE for professionals in the oil and
gas industry;
d. Discuss how SPE supports the professional development and networking oppor-
tunities for its members;
e. All of you should Register as a Student member of the SPE and attach your mem -
bership certificate.


3. Assignment: Exploring the Role of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) in Advancing
the Engineering Profession.
a. Provide a concise overview of the Nigerian Society of Engineers, including its es-
tablishment, mission, and objectives;
b. Analyze how NSE membership contributes to professional development, net-
working, and knowledge exchange;


4. NSE Divisions and Specializations. From the divisions listed for the Nigeria Society of En-
gineers (NSE) given below, choose the one that best relates to your course of study. Re-
spond to the questions that follow based on your selected division.
a. Analyze the importance of the selected NSE divisions, such as Civil Engineering,
Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering;
b. Discuss how these divisions contribute to the specialization and advancement of
various engineering fields;
c. Register as a Student member of the NSE Division of your choice and attach your
membership certificate;
d. Students of Computer Engineering, Information & Communication Engineering
and Mechatronic Engineering should register as student member with the main


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