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UNIT/ LESSON International Cuisine

TIME ALLOTTED 1 Week - 30 min per day (Challenge: from Sep 5 to Sep 9, 2022)
Revision and Feedback Sep 6 and Sep 8
Presentation Sep 9, 2022

DRIVING QUESTION How can food teach culture to English language learners?

GENERAL OBJECTIVE Students will be able to talk about the creation of recipes from different countries around
the world.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 1. The students will work in groups to divide up tasks and choose content for the
2. Students will use grammatical structures and vocabulary related to cooking.
3. Students will create a draft of the recipe to be developed in the video recipe.
4. Students will create a video showing how to make an international recipe to the

PBL DESCRIPTION The class is divided into 10 teams. Couples. (Total students 20) Each group should be
able to prepare a recipe from a specific place in the world.
Each group should choose a different country, prepare a script with the ingredients and
the explanation about how they prepared the recipe.
Each group should record a video of when they prepared the recipe they choose and
they would have to explain the recipe while showing the video (the video must be 5 min
long) in the class. In addition to that, the group should bring to the class a try of the
recipe that they prepared the day of the presentation.
Each group should upload the video and the word document with the script, the list of
the vocabulary and research about the relationship between typical food and the
culture of the country of their choice to the virtual platform.
Final products – Word document with the report, summary and project information -
project video.

CONTENT Cook like a French Chef in 7 Minutes - YouTube - Example of a simple cooking
video, in this case, french cooking.

RESEARCH (done Vocabulary about food, kitchen tools, cooking vocabulary, information about the country
by students) and the recipe they chose and a research about the relationship between typical food and
the culture of the country of their choice. All that information in a work document that
will be uploaded to the platform.

Teacher’s actions The teacher will have students

a- Research about the culture of the country that the students choose.
b- watch example videos about cooking and research the vocabulary about food, cooking
and kitchen.
c- interact in group work, share work equally, and be able to correct their work in
● The teacher will give the students half an hour in each synchronous class for
them to socialize the progress of the project during the week.
● The teacher will do an initial review of the project in the middle of the week
and will do a final review one day before the presentation of the project.

GRAMMAR/ Present tense

VOCABULARY Present continuous
Unit measurements
Food vocabulary
Cooking vocabulary
kitchen tools vocabulary

PBL STEPS 1 - Free choice by the students of the country of their preference
(Write full Initially students should choose their preferred country to start developing the activity.
explanation of
importance of each
step) 2 - Research on culture and food
Students will research about the relationship between typical food and the culture of the
country of their choice.

3 - Write the final document with all the recollected information.

Students will do a paper work with all the information of the project (Script, vocabulary
and cultural information about the dish)

4 - Record the final video and presentation to the class.

In the final step the students would be able to record the video only preparing the recipe.
In the classroom, while showing the videos they will explain the recipe and talk about the
relationship between the culture and the dish that they choose.

EXPECTED RESULTS By the end of the project, students are expected to be able to recognize general
vocabulary about cooking and food, and students are expected to have improved their
group work and the way they relate to their peers. Last but not least, students are
expected to have improved their speaking and writing skills.

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