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UDC 624.


Crack initiation in plain concrete

P. F. Walsh, BE, PhD, MIEAust


SYNOPSIS paper,adual ductile-brittle failurecriterion is sug-

A t the t@ of a sharp crack or re-entrant notch, the gested for sharpcracks and it is demonstrated thatthis
stresses calculated by a simple elastic analysis become correlates well with theexperimental results. More
infinite. Consequently,maximum-stress or -strain failure significantly, it is shown that the same approach can
criteria and stress-concentration factors cannot be used be applied to crack initiation at re-entrant notches.
to predict failure at such points. The linear elastic frac- This hypothesisis confirmed by experimental evidence.
ture mechanics theory can, however, be applied. In the Calculated results are presented which make it pos-
paper, a brief treatment of the application of this theory sible to apply the theory to a wide range of problems.
to sharp cracks in concrete beams is presented and the Itshould be emphasized that this paper deals with
effect of beam size is particularly examined. The same macro- or structural cracks and notches in concrete
basic technique is applied to re-entrant notches. Experi- and not microcracks in the concrete matrix.
mental evidence of the validity of the approach is given.
Theoretical results are included which allow these test Failure criteria
data to be extended to a wide range of notch conjigura-
The theory of linear fracture mechanics has been
tions. It is expected thatthis work will have considerable
extensively treated in the literature,and so only a brief
importance for the problem of crack initiation at corners
discussion of some of the aspects relevant to this study
of openings in walls etc.
is given here. In alinearelastic analysis of a two-
dimensional symmetrical specimen, the stresses in the
Introduction region of the tipof a zero-angle crack can be expressed
Inplainconcretestructures,crackinitiation and by equations such as
propagationare obvious design considerations. In CS = K,r-*f(O).............. .(I)
reinforced concrete, aesthetics and functional require-
ments may also promote crack avoidance to a major where r and 0 are polarco-ordinates with respect to an
design problem. Since the initial cracking of a rein- origin at the crack tip, as shown in Figure 1.
forced concrete structureis only marginally affected by An important aspect of this equation is that the
thereinforcement,thecrackinitiationbehaviour of function, f(O), is independent of the specimen or load-
plain concrete becomes important. ing geometry. Consequently, it is reasonable to form-
A maximum-tensile-stress approach may be used to ulate the failure criterion for propagationof an existing
calculatethestrength of simple elements. Thisap- crack in terms of the load- and geometry-dependent
proach cannot be applied to sharp cracks or notches term K,, the stress-intensity factor.Thisfailure cri-
such asthose showninFigure 1 . Atre-entrant terion may be written simply as
notches, for example at corners of openings in walls, Kl = . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(2)
or at the tip of an existing crack, the calculated stresses
become infinite and simple methods break down. For where KIc, the critical stress-intensity factor, is a ma-
sharp zero-angle cracks, the theory of linear fracture terial property much the same as modulus of rupture
mechanics has been applied to concrete by Kaplan(l), or crushing strength are material properties, and must
Welch and Haisman(*), Brown(3) and others. In this be determined from experimental studies.

Magazine of Concrete Research : Vol. 28, No. 94 :March 1976

+ + almost insensitive to the stress concentration at the

notch. As a limiting case, the strength could be calcu-
lated from a plastic stress distribution on the net sec-
tionandthe yield strength. For concrete, this is
equivalent to using ,.q the stress calculated from a
linear distribution, and c,-, the modulus of rupture.
The failure criterion is then:
ON = 0, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( 5 )

Experimental studies
The experimental programmeconsisted of two series
of tests:one on beams with sharp, zero-angle, pre-

.+ + formed cracks and the otheron beams with right-angle

re-entrant notches. Full details of the sharp cracked
(a) Sharp (b) Re-entrant beams have been reported previously('), and only cer-
Figure I : Types of crack or notch. tain aspects of the results will be discussed here. The
geometry of the specimens is given in Figure 2. The
principal experimental variables were mix proportions
and specimen size. All mixes were chosen to represent
fairly conventional concrete and the maximum aggre-
To apply this equation, it is also necessary to know gate size was 20 mm. Tests were conducted at 28 days
the relationship between K I and the loads. This is a after casting.
stress analysis problemand standardsolutions, as well From a finite-element stress analy~is'~), the relation-
as numericalprocedures for solving new configura- ship between the stress-intensity factor and the load
tions, are available (see Paris and Sih(4) and W a l ~ h ' ~ ) ) . for the particular specimen geometry was found to be
For isotropic material properties, the stresses near
KI = 0.80,at.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(6)
the root of a right-angled notch can be expressed (see
Leicester(6)) as where oN = 3P/ba with the notation in Figure 2.
B = K A *-@45 f*(O). . . . . . . . . . . . . From an analysis of the test data, a good approx-
.( 3 ) imation to thecritical stress-intensity factor was
As this equation is essentially the same as equation 1, deduced as
the concepts of linear elastic fracture mechanics can
K,, = 5 m N mm-l". . . . . . . . . . . .(7)
be extended to the initiation of cracks at right-angled
notches. The resultingfailureconditionmaybe ex- where F,' is the cylinder compressive strength.
pressedinterms of K,, theprimary stress-intensity The brittle failure criterion, as given by equations 6
factor, by and 7, and the ductilefailurecriterion, specified in
equation 4, are comparedwiththe individual test
K , = KAc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(4)
results in Figure 3. The ordinates in this Figureare the
Again, the problemsof determining KAc, the critical ratio of oN, thenominalfailure stress, to G, the
stress-intensity factor, from tests and K A from stress modulus of rupture or unnotched strength. The ab-
analysis remain. In this case, very limited information scissae are the sizes of the specimen non-dimension-
on thedetermination of K A is currentlyavailable, alized by division by a,, the size for which the theoret-
except that given in a previous paper(5). ical notched and unnotched strengths are equal.(From
The validity of the failure criterion in equations 2 equations 6 and 7, a, = 39F,'/oc2.)The Figure shows
and 4 depends upon theextent of microcracking, slow that the dual failure conditions very accurately reflect
crackgrowthorother inelasticbehaviournear the the actual behaviour of the tests. In particular,the
crack tip. If the specimen is large enough, the zone of effect of specimen sizeis clearly in accord with the
stress disturbance can be considered to be surrounded theoretical effect; the nominal stress at failure, cN, is
by an area in which the stresses are substantially in inversely proportional to the square root of the size.
accordance with the ideal stress distribution. Under Further discussion of this aspect was given by
these conditions, linear fracture mechanics will apply. Leicester(6).
In otherwords, the crackingloadcanbe based on If tests are being carried out to determine the frac-
simplelinearfracture mechanics if the specimen is ture toughness, the size of the specimen is clearly im-
sufficiently large. portant. For properfracturetoughness testing, the
On the other hand, if the specimen is small in rela- beam must be of sufficient depth so that the crack
tion to the zone of microcracking or 'yielding', equa- length is substantially greater than, say twice, the transi-
tion l does not hold at failure and the failure becomes tional value, a,. The transitional crack length for the

Crack initiation in plain concrete

P ?.P

a 0
Figure 2 : Proportions of experimental beam with a zero-angle 0 20 0

a -0 Figure 4 : Proportions of experimental beam with right-angle

N- C re-entrant notches.

O 0 -7 n

1 4
a/o, (log scale)

Figure 3: Relationship between test results and theory for the

beams with zero-angle crack.

1 10
o/a. (log scale)
specimen reported in Figure 2 ranged from 36 to 45
mm. This suggests that, for valid toughness testing, Figure 5 : Relationship between test results and theoryfor the
beams with right-angle re-entrant notches.
the depth of a notched beam should be not less than
230 mm. This casts serious doubts on the validity of
the work of Kaplan and Welch, who tested beams of beam which, for constructional reasons, was fabricated
75 and 100 mm depth, and in part explains their incon- with a thickness of 100 mm. All specimens failed with
sistent results. It may also be expected that slow crack a crack emanating from the notch root at an initial
growth would be insignificant with the larger speci- angle of approximately 45". Details of the test strengths
mens;the effects of slow crackgrowth were not are presented in Table 1 together with data from the
included in the analyses of the tests reported here. control tests, which were conductedinaccordance
The initiation of cracking at a re-entrant notch in a with the Australian Standard(*).
concretemember was also the subject of asimilar For this shape of specimen, the stress-analysis
experimentalinvestigation.Threegroups of tests at formula for KA was numerically determined as
different concrete strength levels were conducted on
specimens geometrically similar in elevation. Batches
ICA = . . . . . . . . . . . .(8)
of commercial transit-mixed concrete with a maximum From the results of the tests on the largest beams,
aggregate size of 20mm were used. The notched beam the brittle fracture criterion was determined as
specimens, oftheproportionsshowninFigure 4,
KAc = 1.9@ N mm-1'55. . . . . . . . . .(9)
ranged in over-all length from 0.45 to 5.4 m and were
loaded in three-point bending. The thickness of the The ductile-brittle failure criteria are compared with
specimens was constant at 40 mm except for thelargest the individual test results in Figure 5 in the same man-

Magazine of Concrete Research : Vol. 28, No. 94 :March 1976

T A B L E 1 : Experimental results for beams with T A B L E 2 : Results for stress intensity factors for

right-angle notches. specimens with right-angle notches.
Cylinder Modulus Nominal Case
compressive of Splitting Depth of failure (see
strength, rupture, strength notch, stress, Figure 6)
l l I

(Nimm') (Nimm*) (Nimm') (mm) W/rnmz) 2 0.44

4 0.33 0.5
l 2.78 8 0.33
2 0.54
1 4 4 l .o 0.41
8 0.40
2 0.53
13.2 3.40
I 2oo 1 1.80
2.0 0.47

1 300 l 1.72
4 0.5
8 0.20
2 0.18
2 4 4 1 *o 0.18
35.0 4.78 2.12 8 0.18
1600 1.04
2 0.17
l l 5.43 4 2.0 0.17
8 0.15

68.0 9.07
5.62 l 2oo l 4.37
3.94 l I I

i 4

ner as described previously. Once again there isa good

correlation of theory with test for what couldbe con-
sidered a rather intractable problem. A special feature
of thefracture mechanicsapproachisthecorrect
l I I
assessment of the influence of specimen size. For the
*ON = P/W
largest beam, the strength was only 22% of the un-
notched strength, i.e. 22% of the strength of a pris-
matic beam of depth a in Figure 4. This scale effect
cannot be explained in terms of weakest-link-volume-
at-risk theories because in each case the failure point
is localized at the notch root. Conclusions
The application of this technique to general prob- The fracture strength for crack propagation of an
lems of re-entrant notches requires notonly thefailure existing crack and crack initiationat a re-entrant notch
conditions of equations 5 and 9 but also stress analysis can be based on simple ductile-brittle failure criteria.
solutions. For the structural configurations given in The ductile failure criterion is given by a limit of the
Figure 6 , a set of standard solution^'^) is given in nominal stress on the net section to the modulus of
Table 2. These solutions may beused to determine the rupture. The brittle fracture strength is defined by a
load at which cracks can be expected at the corners of critical value forthe stress-intensity factor. Simple
re-entrant notches. The presence of reinforcement is formulae for thecritical stress-intensity factor in terms
not expected to influence the crackingload signifi- of cylinder strength can be found and their accuracy
cantly and may be ignored in such calcuIations. is confirmed by test results.
Crack initiation in plain concrete

An important aspect of fracture at sharp cracks or

or re-entrant notches is the marked influence of speci-
men size. This can have considerable effect upon the
validity of extrapolations to real structures from the
Il I -
I performance of laboratory-scale tests. Ingeneral, large
notched structures crack at lower stresses and cracks
( a ) Case I
will penetrateproportionallyfurther.This may in-
fluence strength results by diminishing the contribution
ZL I _
5 of uncracked concrete to the ultimate strength of the

1. KAPLAN, M . F. Crack propagation and the fracture of con-

(b) Case 2 crete. Journal of the American Concrete Institute. Proceedings

Vol. 5 8 , No. 5 . November 1961. pp. 591-610.
2. WELCH, G . B. and HAISMAN, B . Fracturetoughnessmeasure-
ments of concrete. Kensington, University of New South
Wales,January1969.UNICIVReportNo.R42.pp. 17 + 13.
3. BROWN, J. H . Measuring the fracture toughness of cement
paste and mortar. Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol. 24,
No. 81.December 1972.pp. 185-196.
4. PARIS, P. c. and SIH, G. c. M. Stress analysis with cracks.
Fracture toughness testing and its applications. Philadelphia,
(c) Case 3 American Society for Testing and Materials, 1964.ASTM
Special Technical Publication No.381.pp. 30-83.
5. WALSH, P. F. Linear fracture mechanics solution for zero and
right-angle notches. Melbourne, CSIRO, 1974.pp. 16.Divi-

c sion of Building Research Technical Paper (second series)
L No. 2.
c 6. LEICESTER, R. H. Effect of size on the strength of structures.
Melbourne,CSIRO, 1973. pp. 13. Division of Building
Research Technological Paper No. 71.
7. WALSH, P . F. Fracture of plain concrete. The Zndian Concrete
Journal. Vol. 46,No. 11. November 1972.pp. 469-470,476.
Methods of testing concrete. Sydney. Part 9: Determination
of compressive strengthof concrete specimens. pp. 11. Part
IO: Determination of indirect tensile strength of concrete
cylinders (“Brazil” or splitting test). pp. 9. Part 11 : Deter-
mination of flexuralstrengthofconcrete flexure test
specimens.pp. 7.

(e) Case 5
Figure 6 : Panels with re-entrant notches. Various possible Contributions discussing the above paper should be in the hands
configurations. of the Editor not later than 30 June 1976.


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