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Introduction to Git

By John Troon
What is Git?
● Version Control System (VCS)
it's a VCS designed to handle very large projects
with speed and effciency.
● Distributed Source Code management
– Every Git working directory is a full-fleged
repository with full version tracking capabilities, not
dependent on network access or a central server.
Why Git
● Work offline
● Branching (made easy)
● Distributed (when back online)
● Clean (easy project tracking)
Install Git
● Debian based:
– `apt-get install git-core`
● Mac Ports:
– `port install git-core`
● RPM Based:
– `yum install git-core`
● Arch Linux:
– `pacman -S git-core`
Build Git from Source
● Download and uncompress the tar.gz source
– `tar xfz git-version.tar.gz
– `cd git-version`
● Make
– `make prefix=/usr/local all`
– `sudo make prefix=/usr/local install`
– `git --version`
Configure Git
● General Global Config
– `git config --global “John Troon”
– `git config –global email ''
– `git config –list`
● Alias:
– `git config –global alias.sts status`
● White Space diff
– `git config –global apply.whitespace nowarn`
Basic Git Commands
● Initialize
– `git init`
– `tree .git`
● Edit, Stage, Commit
– `git add .` or `git add filename`
– `git status`
– `git commit -m “First commit”` or `git commit -a -v`
– `git lsfiles` view tracked files
– `git rm unwantedFile` Remove files not to track.
Git Log
● View Git history with Sha1 hashes
– `git log`
– `git reflog`
● ASCII Graph
– `git log --stat`
● View Actual Difference
– `git log -p`
● View particular changes on a file
– `git log –patch Filename`
● Search Git Logs
– `git log -S 'string'
● Why Branch?
– When working on new experimental features.
– By default, you will be working on the master branch.
● Branch and switch to the new branch….
– `git branch new-feature`
– `git branch`
– `git checkout new-feature`
● Simple trick..
– Create and switch to a new brach based on the master repository.
– `git checkout -b new-feature master`
Merge Changes from a Branch
● Update Branch with new changes on Master
– `git rebase master` (still on the new-feature branch)
● Mearge Master with the new Branch
– Checkout to master `git checkout master`
– Check diffrecence `git diff master new-feature`
– Everything okay, merge! `git merge new-feature`
● Reset (Shit happens)
– `git rest --hard ORIG_HEAD`
● Conflict During Merge
– You'll have to read the error(s) and resolve them manually.
Remote Repository
● SSH and HTTPS access
– For demos, I'll be using
– Create an account, SSH key pairs and a repository.
● Working……
– `git clone remote-project`
– `git commit -a -v` (after making changes…)
– `git push` (submit changes to remot repo)
– `git pull` (get changes from remote server)
– `git pull –rebase origin master` It's good to rebase instead of pull
since you will wind up with lot of “merge commit”.
Cool Resources
● gbrt
● Smart-pull
● Gitk
● Git working flow
– Centralised workflow
– Feature Branch workflow
– GitFlow workflow
– Forking Workflow
John Troon
Twitter: @johntroony

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