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igs “ey 100 aug REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Equities: MC. Kabjont TalNow (061) 293 3354 Private Hag 13186 Fax No: (061) 2933368 WINDHOEK NAMIBIA, lesa ' (08 November 2012 ~ @ 16. wovovrsnce mnstan, HONOURABLE DEPUTY Nanas DEPUTY PERMANENT SECRETARY GNDER SECRETARIES CIEE REGIONAL OFFiceRs DIRECTORS: PQA, NIED, DNEA, PAD, DABE, NaMCOL REGIONAL DIRECTORS: EDUCATION font MENIERS NAMCOL REGIONAL MANAGERS INSPECTORS aND ADVISORY TEACHERS PRINCIPALS, TEACHERS, CHURCH LEADERS NANTU, NANSO AND TUN CIRCULAR FORM ED.0772012, : RE: GUIDELINES ON DONATIONS TO SCHOOLS, RENAMING OF SCHOOLS AND SERVING AS SCHOOL PATRONS BY INDIVIDUALS Cabinet tas approved the guidelines proposed in espe! of donations to schools, renaming of school afer fviduals abd serving of indivicinls to school patrons ‘Aasint his background th Ministy has developed guideline which are hereto attachedo ‘ude seboos in the implementation of the areas mentioned above, ‘With espect to donations to schools i is futher ircted that donations should be mad to the Sate Account as per existing procedures and sles and got to he School Developmeat Fund. The Ministry of Education should approve the donations i acconance wit secon 19) ofthe State Finance Act, ActNO31 oF 1B9L, ‘The renaming of schools should strc Fllew the outlined procedures. ‘New guidelines have also been developed for schoo patrons. With the recent approval by bat the Bai directs that the services ofall school pons, who are curently serving seeetostpattons wil expires on the 31 December 2012 and new nominations extension of ‘Re cating ones ahould be done in sccordance with the oulined procedures should be Mentioned sey tnt all Schoo! Prone serve only fbr one year Tora school They may ‘iter have their services extend depending on thei performance ge ‘Yours sincerely, Wii "ALFRED LUKENS, PERMANENT SECRETARY PREVIOUS CIRCULAR: FORM ED.062012 SILENO: want HEADING: REGIONAL PLACEMENT MEETINGS: ‘ADMISSION OF LEARNERS TO GRADE 11 12013 ADDRESSES: HONOURABLE MINISTER, HONOURABLE DEPUTY MINISTER DEPUTY PERMANENT SECRETARY UNDER SECRETARIES CCHIBE REGIONAL OFFICERS, DIRECTORS: PQA, NIED, DNEA, PAD. DABE, ‘NAMCOL, PRO, REGIONAL DIRECTORS: EDUCATION FORUM MEMBERS NAMCOL REGIONAL MANAGERS INSPECTORS AND ADVISORY TEACHERS PRINCIPALS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS [NANTU, NANSO, TUN ‘Atel carpe hub bested the Pere etry SERDELINES ON DONATIONS, RENAMING OF SCHOOLS AND SERVING as SCHOOL PATRONS 1 Donations to Schools + PieMinitey of Edueation values and encourages community an stakeholder ppt in education, + Tie existing parmetsips between communities and stakeholders have resulted in Sammanites supporng schools in cash or in kind inant efor to promote hod development. the icasuryInseuctions ofthe State Fiance Act, Act No.of 1991 cn xeon ‘of donation for state without treasury authoreatn” * Its for this eason ta schools and “donors "are ge to adhere tothe Procedures outlined below. o> 2. Procedures on accepting donations TM Chie Regional Officer is at nd foremost the ecounting Ofer nthe vexon end Hl the itended supporto schools sould be chameled ugh higher offer Hat {portant forthe Chief Regional Officer though the Regional Dseetaan ot Ec, ‘ocrains the purpose for which any donation shall be utlized oe, otog cone k Git obese be caoosed off a per the Ste Finance Act AS Nos Shoo ule a, When submissions are made by the community or individual member, he following information must be submited w he Treen ‘+The pupose for which the donation is made ‘The value of he donation + The person or body making the donation o grant Ths conditions, it any, atached to the seepttnce of the donation organ (© 5 Biereson or motivation ofthe pron or body making Uo sono ant ‘+ Full pariculas ofthe donation or pass and ‘+ The fnansa implications ‘The Chief Regional Officer though, the Reglonsl Director of Education should ubmit fo Treasury the abovementioned inftrmation tough the Othe ort Pemmanent Seeetary for approval [cis only ater the listed conditions have been fulfilled thatthe Ministry of Eaction ill be convinced hat the donation is honestly given and intesed her we evelopment of the school 3. Renaming of schooltstels name of schoo, 4. Procedures of renaming schools 4.1, At the stool level PRE Ropu o rename a school mst it be cused in the schoo bead meeting fescasea schoo! i renamed afer a person, a leterofcosent should be obtage J Deset(te) mime a shoo! using a nme of anyother eistog seg implications in ther discussions, ‘Thesehool board must ech consensus before proeeding tthe ent seg 412, General meeting (at scot) J Beesteot bord must convene a geeral meeting oiatoduce he prope © Amopety constited general meeting dicutes the proposal (ence, stool bad, Patents an radtional leaden) 1 Has al people tng he mesting must sign onthe documento te pop * TRE ftapmesent ofthe agreement mit bear fll anes sgnetacthant tee aa dae by all individuals sending the meting NB! The community must not be feed, but be convinced o reach the consensus. 4.13, Penefpa's Omice (One the renaming as been agred pon a shoo lve, he pina mus: { Pispare a wnten submission fo the attetion ofthe Ciel emer Ce atte copies of the nines of aa board and general meetings 10 the Submision * Forward te prepared submission tothe CicuitInspecor's office 4.14, Clecuit Office ‘Upon receiving the signed submision, the inspects expected a + Caefulysudy the submission 4+ Take a stand on the renaming of the school + Propre a covering eter pronouscing hse viewpoint * Alta the covering eter othe submission and formant tothe Region Offs Page ror ALS. Regional Ottce ‘era proper sratiny of the submission, the Regional Office should + Make resommendition onthe renaming ofthe schoo! 4 Prspare covering eee pronouncing i positon {Altace covering eter to th subsaion + Forsard he submission othe ofie ofthe Permanent Secretary 4.16. Head Otte (Mok) ‘After eviwing the merits ofthe submission, the Permanent Secretary would: {Approve or dssprove the request for mame shane "+ Give feedback inform the Regionn! Odie and the Scho! 4417, Announcement C rensatng ete tom te eemmanent Scr, th ein oie (ough © Frama Prion sould infra, avant Hed Ofte Duasunae wey Punaing rod Development, () Progam and Quliy Assam tena) 6 Guidelines on Scho ratronage © ROignvidea is nominated a shoot patron the 6% malo of parents of the ter atthe school soul nore the amination aa gensal ean Phe {ui tified by the shoal board members, + Tue Paton should submita ete of scceptance, Such name, which includes a compte CV or profile ofthe person designated x ‘atom shouldbe submitted tothe Regional Ofbee/Regional Conse ‘Mt te reonal offs is convinced ofthe profile (CV) of sch an individual, ‘events made to the Ofc ofthe Permanent Secrary and lima tn aed ofthe Minister for approve! Patronage shold only serve ina schoo fr one Fl year and ean be extended wt te ‘nomination by 60% majority ofprens ofthe shoot ‘These eudelines mean tha al he indviduaUpersons who cuncay serve as pon shouldbe co; nominated to serve as paions fo 2013. This icine ee sa served period of les tha «yeu. 1 Terms of reference far patron A.sciee geuon shall seve as te guardian ofthe stool to mobilize rescues on behalf or the schoo {All esources, monetary on kind mobilized bythe patron shouldbe desert the [etlonal Coun, Pemanet Seeretury and Minister of Eduraton ve fea eit os Finance Act Act No.31, 191 and Treasury Instruction for spocea A stool pasron may not be involved’ in the day to day admiaistation and ‘management ofthe soo! por the development of the donation te gun favours, into factions and groups ‘too ton soul ot scone agit any section of the school community ‘su aresultof his sevice ‘A school patron should not acep this rote with ultr-motves o gain fours A gchool patton should not uo nlunce a school follow hs polite iain, ‘eligion or reed A school paton may oot te paid forthe sevice hehe renders or clin any ‘compensation fom the schoo! oe tate ‘aol pazon say not die of indirectly ute the name ofthe scot for sl balifcaton of selfenichment A stool acon may serve his etm offs fr only 12 mows, which aay be, Fenewed on consensus of the 60% parental nominsog Each patron aftr accepting patronage should provide a comprehensive profile, a CV ‘swell asa plan of action envisaged fora particule sto a Page ot

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