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Extrinsic motivation refers to being motivated by external factors, such as rewards, recognition, or

punishment. (What Is Self Determination Theory? (Source Of Motivation) - JournalHow. An example of extrinsic motivation could
be my job to earn a good salary. In this case, the goal is to achieve a high level of professional
performance, and the motivation comes from the desire to receive praise from the employer and the
potential for future opportunities and success. Extrinsic motivation made me feel like I had to complete
a task to receive a reward or avoid a punishment.

On the other hand, intrinsic motivation is driven by internal factors, such as personal enjoyment,
curiosity, or a sense of accomplishment. An example of intrinsic motivation could be my hobby of cat
breeding. In this case, the goal is to improve mainecoon breed, and the motivation comes from the joy
and satisfaction from first places on cat shows. When I experienced intrinsic motivation, it made me feel
excited, fulfilled, and empowered.

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation differ in terms of their sources. Extrinsic motivation stems from
external rewards or consequences, while intrinsic motivation originates from within and is driven by
personal interest or satisfaction.

As for effectiveness, it depends on the situation and individual preferences. In general, intrinsic and
extrinsic work together. Extrinsic motivation can effectively achieve specific goals, especially when
external rewards or consequences are well-aligned with the desired outcome. However, it may feel
temporary and dependent on external factors, potentially leading to lower long-term satisfaction.
Intrinsic motivation, conversely, can lead to a more profound sense of fulfilment and satisfaction, as it is
driven by personal interest and enjoyment.

My motivation to learn is primarily driven by the goal of improving my knowledge and understanding to
better assist users like you. This can be considered intrinsic motivation, as it is driven by my own
interests and the satisfaction of fulfilling my purpose.

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