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Your Roll No......esceveee

Sr. No. of Question Paper: 8389 ,
Unique Paper Code : 61011504
Name of the Paper : Legal Aspects of Business

Name of the Course : Bachelor of Management Studies

(BMS), 2017 (CBCS)
Semester r¥

Duration : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks 2 95 :

Instructions for Candidates

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately onreceipt of

this question paper.

2. Attempt all Questions.

3. Quote the relevant sections and cases wherever applicable.


(State whether the following statements are true or false

with reasons.) we

1. A void agreement is enforceable at the option of both the


. "| 8389 3
8389 a a | )
| with appropriate sections and cases.
2. Unlawful detaining of the property amounts to Undue / iil
Influence. | 1. Xa minor who had lost both his parents bought a fancy
motor cycle by misrepresenting his age. The cheque he had
be in the form of benefit to the |
3. A consideration can given to the shopkeeper got bounced, Can the shopkeeper
promisor. file a suit to recover the price. Advise.

: ; i f goods
4. A finder of lost goods is entitled to the possession of g | 2. Ms. Rajani representing as an agent of her husband bought
against the true owner. some groceries on credit from a shop. Decide whether the
shopkeeper can sue the husband and recover the price.
a sale
5. A transaction to sell 100 shares of a company is not
under The Sale of Goods Act 1930. | 3. X, Y and Z formed a private company and Z extended a
loan of Rs. One Lakh to the company. All the members
r. |
6. Acheque is a promissory note drawn on specified banke together died in a air crash. What will happen to the
existence of the company and to the loan extended by Z
buys the goods for resale from a whole |
7. A person who
seller is also a consumer. _.| 4. A and B are co-sureties for C who took a lean of Rs.
50000/ from D. C makes a default and A as a surety
g. Acompany can be appointed as director of another company. clears C’s loan to D as B fails to give his contribution.
i Decide about the rights and liability of A and B as sureties.

9. A company can act as a designated partner in a LLP.

‘ 5. Ram sold a boiler to a manufacturer Raghu who had given
t the reasons. clear specifications of his requirements. On delivery Raghu
10. Under RTI Act 2005. an individual can sough i
oe —
(2x10=20) , found that boiler was not suitable for his manufacturing
for the decision of a public authority.

process. Can Raghu reject the boiler and recover the price?
PART - B (3x5=15)

(Discuss the following situations and support your answers P.T.O.

8389 ..*) . | 8389 : . 5

PART - C 1. Salient features of a Limited Liability Partnership.

(Answer any three questions from the following. Support i 2 Rights of Consumer.
your answers with relevant sections and cases.) =

3. Crossing of cheque. (5x2=10)

1. What do you mean by Contractual Disability? Explain briefly |
the laws relating to minor’s agreements.

2. Discuss the essential features of contract of bailment and |

differentiate between the bailment and pledge. |

3. Explain the following concepts with reference to The Sale

of Goods Act 1930. ‘

(a) Condition as to title. |

(b) Sale by description.

(c) Sale by sample.

4. “A company is a separate entity from that of its members.” |

Discuss this statement with reference to salient features of |
company form of organisation. . (10x3=30)


Write a short note on any two of the following.

P (500)

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