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Math 130

Fall 2023
Final Exam

I hereby certify that all the work on this test is mine, and I did not use any help or
guidance from any notes, people, or any other resources. I understand that if my
work on this exam significantly resembles that of another student in the class or if
the exam solutions resemble solutions from math resources/apps, this will be
sufficient evidence to assign a grade of 0 for this exam.

Your Signature


Do your best, and try not to leave any problems blank. If there is no clear work, but an answer, I
will assume you have used outside resources for this exam, and you will receive a 0. Show all
your work and all the steps when instructions say “Show your work”. If you don’t show your
work you will receive 0 points for that problem. The last two pages of the exam is scratch paper
that you can use for the exam. Only use the scratch paper if you run out of room on the exam. If
you do use the scratch paper for a specific problem, please write on your exam “see scratch” and
label the problem number on your scratch paper. Once you are done with the exam, please scan
all pages of the exam and scratch paper into ONE pdf file, and upload the file onto Canvas in the
“Assignments” tab or under Math 130 Final Exam Module and then into “Final Exam”. All the
best! Draw a Christmas tree next to your name for an extra point on the exam.
Provided Formulas (You may not need to use all of these.)

Height Function for Objects Propelled Directly Upward

s (t ) = −16t 2 + v0 t + s0

Exponential Growth/Decay
y = y0 e kt

Compound Interest Formula

! r$
A = P #1+ &
" n%

Continuous Compounding Formula

A = Pert

Arithmetic Sequence
an = a1 + ( n −1) d

as = ar + ( s − r ) d

Arithmetic Series
n n
Sn = ( a1 + an ) or Sn = "#2a1 + ( n −1) d $%
2 2

Geometric Sequence
an = a1r n−1
ak = as r k−s

Geometric Series
a1 (1− r n )
Sn =
1− r

S∞ =
1− r
1. [4pts] What are the steps in which you would graph𝑓(𝑥) = −3|𝑥 − 2| + 1? Include all
transformations in the correct order, starting with the basic graph. You don’t need to graph the function,
but try to be specific.
Order of Transformations

2. [6pts] Write the equation of a new line in point-slope form, slope-intercept form, and standard form
whose graph passes through the point ,−1, ". and is perpendicular to the line 4x + 5y = 10. Show all
your work.

Point-slope form equation of a line:__________________________

Slope-intercept form equation of a line: ______________________

Standard form equation of a line: ___________________________

3. [5pts] Use the three tests of symmetry to determine if the following is symmetric with respect to the
x-axis, y-axis, and the origin. Label each test, and show all your work.
𝑥 # 𝑦 + 9𝑦 " = 5𝑦 $ 𝑥 % + 1

Answer: ____________________________________________

4. [6pts] Choose to do one of the following application problems. Circle the one problem you would like
me to grade. Show all your work.
a) The pitch P of a steel guitar string varies directly as the square root of the tension T and inversely as
the length L of the string. If the pitch is 5 when the tension is 225 kg and the length is 0.60 m, find the
pitch when the tension is 196 kg and the length is 0.65 m.

b) The population of fruit flies follows the exponential growth model y = y0 e kt . Initially, the population
of fruit flies was 25, and after 2 years the population of fruit flies was 500. How long will it take for there
to be 2,500 fruit flies?

Answer: ____________________________________________
5. [12 points] Show all your work. For the piecewise-defined function
⎧ − 𝑥−3 if 𝑥 ≤ −2
⎪ 2
𝑓 (𝑥 ) = !
⎨ 2 −1≤ 𝑥 <2

⎩ (𝑥 − 4)" + 2 𝑥>3

a) Find f (-2) b) Find f (4)

c) Graph the piecewise-defined function f (x).

d) Find the open intervals in the domain (if any) where

f is increasing: ____________________

f is decreasing: ____________________

f is constant: _______________________
6. [3pts] Fill in the blank.
This winter break, I am going to ___________________________________ !
7. [16pts] Show all your work. For 𝑓(𝑥) = 3𝑥 − 7, 𝑔(𝑥 ) = , ℎ(𝑥) = 𝑙𝑜𝑔% (5𝑥 + 13), 𝑝(𝑥) = 3& ,
and 𝑤(𝑥) = √7 − 𝑥
a) Find (p+f)(1) b) Find (𝑓 ∘ 𝑔)(0)

Answer: ____________________________ Answer: ___________________________

c) Find the domain of wg. d) Find the domain of (ℎ ∘ 𝑓)(𝑥)


Answer: ____________________________ Answer: ___________________________

8. [10pts] Show all your work. For𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑥 $ − 4𝑥 % + 3𝑥 " + 2𝑥 + 4
a) Find all the zeros of f ( x ) , given that i is a zero of f ( x ) .
[Hint: Don’t forget place holders]

b) Write f ( x ) as a product of linear factors.

9. [9pts] Sketch the graph of the rational function 𝑓 (𝑥 ) = by finding the vertical asymptote,
horizontal/oblique asymptote, x-intercepts, y-intercept, and plotting extra points. Show all your work.

vertical asymptote(s): ______________________

horizontal asymptote: ______________________

oblique asymptote: ________________________

Does the graph hit/cross the H.A./O.A?_________

x-intercept(s): ____________________________

y-intercept: ______________________________
! !
10. [4pts] For a geometric sequence with 𝑎! = '! and 𝑎% = − ", find r and 𝑎( . Show all your work.

Answer: r = ___________; 𝑎( =______________

11. [3pts] Find S10 for a geometric series with 𝑎! = # and r = -2. Show all your work.

Answer: ____________________________________
12. [9pts] Evaluate. Show all your work.
∑$)*"(−1)) (𝑘 # + 2)

Answer: _____________________________
)*!(3𝑘 + 4)

Answer: _____________________________
−3 4
−1 1 3 2
13. [6pts] Show all your work. Let A = ! 1 0( and B = ) +
4 3 −2 1
−1 2
Find AB.

Answer: ____________________________________

14. [6pts] Show all your work. Use the Gauss-Jordan method to solve the system of equations.
2x + 5y = 3
4x+3y = −1

Answer: ____________________________________________
15. [11pts] Solve. Show all your work.
a). 𝑙𝑜𝑔" (2𝑥 − 1) + 𝑙𝑜𝑔" (𝑥 + 3) = 2

Answer: _____________________________

! "&-$ %&.#
b) ,#. = A√2B

Answer: _____________________________
! %
16. [6pts] Show all your work. Use the binomial theorem to expand ,/ − 3𝑘 # . .

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________

[2pts each] Multiple Choice. Write your answer on the right hand side.
17. The distance between the points (8, 3) and (1, 5) is what? 17. ________________

A. 97 B. 53 C. 3 5 D. − E. None of these
18. If matrix A has the dimensions 4´5, and matrix B has 18. ________________
the dimensions 5´4, can the product A+ B be found? Yes/No?
A. Yes B. No

19. The slope of the line containing the points (4, 3) and (2, -6) is what? 19. ________________

0 # (
A. -2 B. # C. 0 D.− % E. None of these

1 0 8 4 0
20. What are the dimensions of the matrix ) +? 20. ________________
3 2 7 1 6

A. 2 × 5 B. 1 × 4 C. 5 × 2 D. 5 × 5 E. 2 × 2
[2pts each] Multiple Choice. Write your answer on the right hand side.
21. What is the vertex of 𝑓(𝑥) = 2𝑥 # + 4𝑥 − 1? 21. ________________

A. (1, 5) B. ( 4, −1) C. (- 4, -1) D. (-1,-3) E. None of these

22. Which theorem says this: “If f(x) defines a polynomial function with 22. _________________
only real coefficients, and if for real numbers a and b, the values f (a) and f (b)
are opposite in sign, then there exists at least one real zero between a and b”?

A. Factor Theorem B. Fundamental Theorem of Algebra C. Intermediate Value Theorem

D. Remainder Theorem E. Division Algorithm F. Olaf’s Theorem

'! ! #(!%&
23. What is the horizontal asymptote of 𝑓(𝑥) = 23. _________________
! " #$

A. x = -1 B. y = 5 C. y = 5x - 1 D. y = 0 E. No horizontal asymptote

24. For arithmetic sequence with 𝑎! = −7 and d = -2, what is a10 ? 24. ________________

A. -25 B. -27 C. -1031 D. 3584 E. None of these options

25. What kind of sequence is 5 ,10, 20, 40, … ? 25. _________________

A. Arithmetic B. Geometric C. None of these

26. What test determines if the graph of a function is a one-to-one function? 26. ________________
A. horizontal line test B. vertical line test C. if it smells good D. if it’s smooth and continuous

27. Using logarithmic properties, 3ln𝑦 + 7 ln(2x + 1) − 5ln (w + 3) 27. _______________

can be condensed into what?
) " ("!#$)# ) " #("!#$)# !"[$ ! % (()%*)" ]
A. ln 9 : B. ln 9 : C. D. None of these
(-#&)$ (-#&)$ !"(-%.)#
[2pts each] Multiple Choice. Write your answer on the right hand side.
28. What is the relationship between exponential functions and logarithmic 28. ______________
A. There is no relationship between them.
B. They are inverses of each other.
C. They are great pet names.
D. Both their domains are all real numbers.

29. If the point (-3, 7) is on the graph of f(x), what would be the point 29. _________________
on the graph of f -1(x)?
! ! ! ! ! !
A.,− " , (. B. ," , − (. C. (7, -3) D. (-7, 3) E. ,( , − ".

30. For the sequence defined by 30. _______________

𝑎! = 4
𝑎1 = 5𝑎1.! + 1 if 𝑛 ≥ 2

what is the second term a2 of the sequence?

A. 4 B. 21 C. 10 D. 11 E. None of these

31. For geometric series with 𝑎! = 2 and 𝑟 = ", what is the infinite sum? 31. _______________

A. Does not converge B. 2 C. D. 3 E. None of these

Fill in the blank [2pts each]

! #
32. For (𝑥 − 1)# + ,𝑦 + ". = 5, the center is __________ 32. Center: _________

and radius is ___________ radius: ________

1 4 9 0
33. Perform the operation, if possible. M N+M N= 33. _______________
−5 3 1 −2
* Bonus Questions (optional)
1. [1pt] How was your experience taking Math 130?

What helped you understand the material and what didn’t help as much?

Any suggestions for making this class better for future students?

2. [1pt] Sketch the graph of 𝑓(𝑥) = (𝑥 + 1)# (𝑥 − 4)" . You may use test points or end behavior and
multiplicity. Show your work.
* Bonus Questions (optional)
3. [1pt] Find the 15th term of /
− 𝑘 . 1 . Show your work.

4. [1pt] Graph the solution set of the system of inequalities. Darken your solution.
x 2 + y2 < 9
𝑦 ≥ log # 𝑥

5. [1pt] Find f −1 ( x ) if 𝑓 (𝑥 ) = . Show your work.
* Bonus Questions (optional)

6. [1pt] Expand log $ using logarithmic properties and simplify. Assume all variables represent
positive real numbers. Show your work.

3n ( n +1)
7. [2pts] Use mathematical induction to prove that 3+ 6 + 9 ++ 3n = for all positive integers n.

Any final comments?


Only use the scratch paper if you run out of room on the exam. If you do use the scratch paper for a
specific problem, please write on your exam “see scratch” and label the problem number on your
scratch paper.
Only use the scratch paper if you run out of room on the exam. If you do use the scratch paper for a
specific problem, please write on your exam “see scratch” and label the problem number on your
scratch paper.
Only use the scratch paper if you run out of room on the exam. If you do use the scratch paper for a
specific problem, please write on your exam “see scratch” and label the problem number on your
scratch paper.

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