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ASSOCIATION KANGOUROU ‘SAMS FRONTIERES Time allowed : 75 minutes. Languages : English & Tamil, ‘There are 20 questions in the Prekcolier and Eoolicr papers. ‘There are 24 questions in the Benjamin, Cadet, Junior and Student papers. Problems | to 10 are worth 3 points each, Problems 11 to 20 are worth 4 points each. Problems 21 to 24 are worth 5 points each, ‘No point will be deducted for an incorrect answer. Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Fill in your particulars on the answer sheet. ‘Mark your answers clearly on the answer sheet using 2B pencil ‘There are some blank pages at the back of the booklet; you may use them as scratch paper. Calculator cannot bbe used during competition, ‘Kangaroo papers are being taken by more than 6 Year 5 &6 milion students worldwide. It s forbidden to discuss or publish the problems online until one month after the contest date. Kangaroo Math Competition 2019 (Malaysia) ~ Benjamin 3 points - 3 Ljetterflaseit #1, Carrie draws a figure of cat. She finishes her drawing by adding more colours. Which of the figures below can be her drawing? Carrie AG Yooular omasmngs acoppsrat. suet Sat galusons Coal amranmiameané Cerss Blenma Geuisne. Shared DHAUMSeMled Hi Qouat uM Hs PWS QHSSS FH? C=) Ace WO oo oe ete) #2, The Mayan people wrote numbers with dots and bars. A dot is written for 1 and a bar for 5. How did they write 17? Mayan Wéser, creotsonerls Yeteflect woah uLemraat GareorG) THSIOT. PG Yate 1 croray.d aG ULE 5 cared é+UPSUUGL. geyser 17-8 oTLILILG. TUpS ours? ‘ ° eo = (A) (8) (C) =o «= (D) (3 ——| #3, A digital clock shows the time 20:19. What will the clock show the next time it uses the same digits for the first time? et Qussalued syangid 20:19 cod nel Copsmsés srLOHlngw. ASHE UMS 265 Qossmiama qsaganqud uweruG@ssid Cure AS THMOTS STL GUA? (A) @) ‘Kangaroo Math Competition 2019 (Malaysia) — Benjamin # 4, There are 14 girls and 12 boys in a kindergarten, If half of the children go for a walk, at least how many of them are girls? @aG Wpmows uetefuile 14 AoWlseDd 12 AOaATsend QGsHlortEat. ADd unG Wotmorsct Hrssé Geatpred, GOMHSS auaafled ass FowWlsat QoeuUuUTTEeT? (A)5 (B)4 (3 (D)2 @)1 #5. The sum of the dots on opposite faces of a regular dice is equal to 7. Which of the following shows the regular dice? eG apésune srudscomruled oH oH Malle QOsGqud Ustelaeher miOs Gsrma 7. Wat aGgacahme «5 sbS APSSMOMT STUSS_ OL OWS STLOADSI? (A) © RE ED ) Nv Kangaroo Math Competition 2019 (Malaysia) — Benjamin #6. Which of the following geometric figures is not in this design? at ami aigalued 2 Geumisarfle orgs GSS uy removed @\edanrev? (A) @) © @) © # 7. Laura wants to colour a 2x2 square (left) from the figure below (right). How many possibilities are there? EYSSEraDILd ULSHAMGHS (oid), 2x2 FST SHHS cussions SLL Laura Dowms@prat. sclourg VUAsoHe +H Sener ouslsett 2 cirereor? [ a L (As (B)6 7 (8 ©9 Kangaroo Math Competition 2019 (Malaysia) — Benjamin #8. The 6 smallest odd positive integers are written on the faces of a dice. Toni throws it three times and adds the results. Which of the following numbers cannot be the sum? 6 sé ADW aehop camtact eG srussceorwlet wMaviyserled THSUUBHsr Mer. Toni enco MoM sWsn0 2Gig ALG ser Myqsnns meOAprat. GVerawd coorscfld rH Ser FBLOSASTOSUTS QHSH WGQWUTS? (A) 21 (B)3 (€)20 (p) 19 © 29 # 9, The sum of the ages of a group of kangaroos is 36 years. In two years time the sum of their ages will be 60 years. How many kangaroos are in that group? eG Gad QGESGH SHiEnGsalat awHet mLOS Astras 36. DruaiG Boise super awHat mlOSASTMS 60 S61. MH5E GYAN THSMEr SHATGsat QOGSHaT per? (a) 10 @)12 1s ©) 20 opr! #10. Michael paints the following buildings which are made up of identical cubes. Their bases are made of 8 cubes. Which building needs the most paint? Michael Wleraud @ey onSfluncr ser eanmacercr SL HEEbS GE STUD LEGors. SHupVleor SQ UUTEMGST 8 Feo FHITMBSTTO ,ooreneu. HSS SLLLFHHOSG 25 SIGS OT oT FTW CSMULIUG iw? @) By (0 @ ° (A) fi (D) i Kangaroo Math Competition 2019 (Malaysia) ~ Benjamin 4points - 4 yarerflset #14, There are three digits on each paper as shown. Two of the digits are covered. The sum of the 3-digit numbers from all papers is 826. What is the sum of the two covered digits? anary! Qvss contact palGQanG sreflaud ULS8e srLLuuLLs Cured TUSULULGStarcr. Soule Bpore Qosemiaat ap_Uuc@eteror. ador gsratsaflend acter 3- QasH comtsaflar sLOSASTEMes 826. MLULILL QpenitG contacfer HaLOS stone ereureor?: (A)7 (B)8 9 @)10 @®it # 12. Pia plays with a yardstick consisting of 10 sticks as shown. Which of the following figures cannot be formed using this yardstick? Pia ULS Bed sncLouL@eters Cure 10 GFFasemers Gere et ADMAYSCSTCOTTE Monerurgerrat. NaraGaucrupMed hs 2cGeusors ASS GFASOMS QATeRIG Qos (N1Quirgsi? va H a) ®) ©) ®) Kangaroo Math Competition 2019 (Malaysia) — Benjamin # 13. Riri the frog usually eats 5 spiders a day. When Riri is very hungry, she eats 10 spiders a day. She ate 60 spiders in 9 days. How many days were there when she was very hungry? Riri craty Saleen Brat QaMsG 5 MabGHascnor 2 coreond. Riri-bG MSHS LAWS Qebsred, aH! Brot gat MSG 10 MevsHHoner 2 coor awd. 215) 60 PapGsanc 9 prasad oir gs. HaphMed assmer protect a5) WEbSs VAWTs Qebsater se? “Al @)2 (©3 @)6 (9 # 44, Five squares are divided into smaller squares. Which square has the largest colored region? 26S Fayniact AMw sanmisnns agGseluGatarar. obsF High BS QUPW acKrenTLOTSSUULL UGH OWsS Gesrovot Haters? #15. A big triangle is divided into equilateral triangles as shown. The side of the small gray triangle measures as | m. What is the perimeter of the big triangle? €G GUfW MSCEromld FOUSE MSCSEFOTHSAITS UGSHUUL Gators). Aw smbudplp HSCErongs Har vss im crear gareile) 2 cers. GuplW MSCEramrsH cor Hi Marey cresreor? im (A)I5m (B)17m (C)18m (D)20m_ (&)21m Kangaroo Math Competition 2019 (Malaysia) — Benjamin #16, With blocks of dimension 1 cm x 1 cm x 2 cm, you can build towers as shown. ‘What is the height of a tower if it is built in the same way with 28 blocks? Tomx 1omx 2cme2 Gana GsreitL SLLEMEOET OAUSS), ULSHv SILLUULAeter gs Cured Canyjgmiamas SLLevmid. 9165 auysluied 28 SLLEMHGT OUSHS SLUUCL MS, 9HSS CSTUTSH Or 2 wih crestor? n ch th th (A)9em (B) 11cm (C)12cm (D) 14cm (17cm #417. Bridget folded a square sheet of paper twice, and then cut it twice as shown. How many pieces of paper will she get? Bridget SrexitISSUULLS! Cue aw FSi agclaorargs Srener Qa woonw LY SS). Mat AG NOM SSMHeETr Qa yorrat. HUGHES THSM ON SicvsG) Sretsct AOL SHGSE? — ws @8s ©F OR @®I6 Kangaroo Math Competition 2019 (Malaysia) — Benjamin # 48, Each of the following figure shows the net of a cube. Only one of the resulting cubes has a closed line on it. Which one is it? erg eddanm® emGawh eG so FEsHar sumamud SILOADS!. 1H0 @G Sor FHiyid ol OE gw CanLors QanenrG DeTOT SI. HSI THI? oe #19. A cube has a positive integer written on each face as shown. The products of the two numbers on opposite faces are the same. What is the smallest possible sum of the six numbers on the cube? ULsHe asncLuuc@erergicunrad eG ser FasHat elGaunG Hsllgd eG WY cert THSUULASTTS. oH oH MSiysatled Qetet conrEctlatr QUGBSSO ASTMS FTE. Sor FETSHod 2 citar BO Tor Balet 25F AMW DLHS OSTOSBWTS TH QGEKSS Fa. Gd? 15)! (436 = (B)37,_—s— (©4144 HO # 20. Six identical black beads and three identical white beads are arranged on weighing scales as shown. What is the total weight of these nine beads? eG) OTAMwre 201 6G Wenlses S67 onHflurcr enero: Cleucvor Lenser, UL SH smLLoucGetersiGurs cor serays SLiged ADSSUUL Hateror. QS Pots! coflsaflect Quo1ss cron ereoreor? (A) 100 ¢ (B) 99g (C) 96g @) 4g (©) 90g 8 Kangaroo Math Competition 2019 (Malaysia) ~ Benjamin 5 points - 5 Lyetrerflas # 21. Benjamin writes an integer in the first circle and then fills the other five circles by following the instructions. How many numbers from the six circles are divisible by 3? Benjamin M50 ALL SHO aG WY cova aH Vetrart wom gsi ALLMEmMe aSwomaaants Merupo Prulerter. o,0) e_Leserfled QOSEL tS Seman crontHenen 3-96) UGSS Quiguid? O# HOZ020= (Ayo @)L (C2 ()3 @©4 # 22. Emily took selfies with her 8 cousins, Each of the 8 cousins is in two or three pictures. In each picture there are exactly 5 cousins. How many selfies did Emily take? Emily ger 8 amemlensenLer SHULL aOSsis GasnoniLeet. 8 epMajaehat gaGanGaGd QroTrG sis: enarg uLmisafled QDOLSoF. aioanG u_sHad sflurs 5 2mlarsact Q@pserg. Emily THSOOT SOUL MBeT +HSSrer (A)3 (B)4 (5 ()6 7 Kangaroo Math Competition 2019 (Malaysia) - Benjamin #23, Linas builds a4 x 4 x 4 cube using 32 white and 32 black 1 x 1 x 1 cubes, He arranges the cubes so that as much of the surface of his large cube is white. What fraction of the surface of his cube is white? linas4x 4x 4 gloroileurer Ser FHT QaTENM 1x 1x 1 Sera] Qasr 32 GavateneT OPHILA 32 SHU Sor FSTHEMETs CarcorG sLigerreat. Quer sar Quflu so ssn sHor Qugiunsaremowner Copugliy CalatOerwns aGd uy so sgn BAPSHornat. susrs Hor FSHISADIOLW Cophuplilgratar GQaistoner uGHullat lester syerey Tero? 1 1 2 3 8 Az Bs OFZ OFT ®; # 24. Zev has two machines: one exchanges 1 white token into 4 red tokens, while the other exchanges 1 red token into 3 white token. Zev has 4 white tokens. After 11 exchanges, he has 31 tokens. How many of those are red? Zev-QLid Qe H QuipSo mse 2 ctarer. peor 1 Qeictencr allevencvenw 4 AavyMomewns upflombmd CFs, wpapreatm 1 Aawy AMameavcsu 3 Gastoner SMelcdrencvurres uipfliompmid GeuviujLh,. Zev-@\L1a 4 Aacionar cAedcncvser aetarar. 11 UPloTmMSHHSEI Woot, sus 31 Meroenavsat 2 ctarer.. HuHHiet +H BOO Mumia? (a)21 (B17 (C14 (D)27 (11 END OF PAPER

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