Pigs Might Fly Questions

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Questions to include in your journal:

Chapters 1,2

1. What is a dag and why is this important to the story?

2. What is Daggie’s character like? Give examples to prove your points. (at least 2 character traits and 2
reasons or proofs)

3. Who seems smarter, Mrs. B or the Pigman? Why do you think so?

4. Notice the names of all of the mamma pigs. What do they have in common?

Chapters 3,4,5,6

1. On page 45, Daggie asked the duck, "Do you think, that pigs might fly?" How did she respond? Were
you surprised by her response? Why do you suppose that she answered that way?

2. Compare Felicity to Mrs. B. How are they alike and how are they different? Give three examples.

Chapters 7,8,9

1. When the sows finally told Squire about Daggie Dogfoot, did he respond as you expected? How do
you think he felt?

2. What two body parts did Felicity work on with Daggie in order to help him swim better? Why these

Chapter 10,11,12

1. What does Izaak teach Daggie and how do you think this new learning will affect Daggie?

2. Mr. King-Smith speaks of two waves on page 91, pp. 1. (11) What do you suppose he’s referring to?

3. What does the author mean when he states that the chocolate-colored flood darkens from milk to
plain? (Page 94 pp. 1)

4. Why do you think the author says that ducks are better educated than “men” are? (Page 94 pp. 3)

5. In chapter 12, Daggie is being sent to find help. What do you predict will happen?


1. In chapter 13 find three examples that show the author making fun of the farmer’s brain. Why do you
think the author does this?

2. In chapter 14, Felicity makes Daggy grab on to the string of a yellow rain hat. Why does she do this?
Why not let Daggie keep swimming along?
3. Why do you suppose the author titled Chapter 15 Breakfast and Bed?

Chapters 16, 17, 18

1. The three characters sleeping in the shed all have different dreams. What dream does each one have
and what does this show about each personality?

2.Chapter 17 – Look at the title to Chapter 17, The Big Strange Bird. What do you think the Big, strange
bird will be? What do you predict is going to happen to the Pigman?

3.Chapter 17 – If your parent or grandparent told the same story that the folks in the helicopter told
their children, about a duck and pig saving a pig farmer, would you have believed it? Why or why not?

4. Chapter 18 - Throughout this story the pigman is becoming more and more like a pig in his eating and
actions. Why do you suppose the author shows him to be rather stupid and pig-like? Who does the
author seem to be making fun of and why?

Chapters 19,20,21

1.Chapter 19 – An Awful Shock, is the title. What do you predict is going to happen?

2. Chapter 19 – What does Ike mean when he says: “I’ve been dying to meet him (the pike) and now that
I have, he’s dying?

3. Chapter 20 – The three men in the helicopter decide to “fly” Daggie home. Give three reasons why
they decide to do this.

4. When would someone use the expression “Pigs Might Fly”… what do you suppose it means?

5. In your opinion has the Pigman changed at all in the story? Whether you choose yes or no, explain
why you think so. Give at least three examples.

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