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Episode 3: Memorias y milanesas

(Memories and milanesas)

Words to Know in Advance

alas wings
mariposa butterfly
explotó exploded
bomba bomb
murieron died
secretario de turismo Secretary of tourism
nervioso nervous
rendirse to surrender
leyó read
traducir translate
invadidas invaded
fuerzas armadas armed forces
publicarlo publish it
perspectiva perspective

1. After reading the title, what do you think this story will be about?
2. Where are the Falkland Islands?
3. What wars have you learned about? Why do countries go to war?
4. Do you know anyone who has fought a war? What was their experience like?

Listening Comprehension

1. [2:15] How did Roberto describe the islands?

2. [4:03] What was Roberto’s experience like in the war?
3. [5:08] Who is John Fowler?
4. [6:32] Who was with John when the missile hit his house? How did they feel?
5. [7:29] What did general Menéndez tell the soldiers on the radio?
6. [9:51] What did John find when he arrived at 10 John Street?
7. [10:50] Why did John write to Roberto?
8. [11:52] What did Roberto and John do when they finished translating the book?
9. [13:28] What did Roberto do after reading John’s book? Why?

Post-Listening Comprehension

1. What do you know about the Falklands War now? Which countries fought in
this war?
2. How did John Fowler’s story change Roberto’s vision of the war he’d lived?
3. How did the war bring Roberto and John closer together?


1. Do you think it’s important to know both sides of a story? Why or why not?
2. What other wars do you know of in the Spanish-speaking world? How are they
similar or different from the Falklands War?
3. Have you ever considered becoming a soldier? Why or why not?

Other Interesting Stuff

● Watch this video which simplifies the happenings of the Falklands War. What
did you learn from the video that wasn't in the episode, and what did you learn
from the Podcast episode that couldn't have learned from the video?
● Do you want to know how to make a milanesa? Check out this recipe. Is there a
similar dish in your country?
● How do you imagine Roberto and John? This is what they look like: Roberto and
John. And the Falklands Islands? Are they really as Roberto described them?

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