BFN Assignment

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Coach : MOKOUNGOULOU ANGA Mohamed 06 489 03 94/ 05 582 51 67/

Class assignment

Level : 𝑨𝟏 duration : 90 minutes

Section 1 : Use the comparative or superlative indicated between brackets (2 pts)

1-She is (lazy) me. (C.S) 2- He is (famous) Luis. (C.E) 3-Your first phone was (expensive) mine (C.I)

4-That’s (good) movie I’ve ever seen. (S.S)

Section 2 : Translate the following sentences into English (2 pts)

1-Dans les années 1960, il travaillait pour la NASA. 2- Elle a un coupe-ongles et une lime dans sa
chambre. 3- Je ne viendrai pas demain car je serai occupé à faire la cuisine. 4-Après avoir préparé,
elle a oublié de faire la table.

Section 3 : Quote 50 irregular verbs (5 pts)

Section 4 : Answer the following questions by justifying your answers in more than 3 lines (7 pts)

1-Can you accept your little sister to get married with a cobbler ? 2-Do you eat caterpillars ? 3-What
is your dream job ? 4- What is your favorite TV channel ? (0.5 pt) 5-What kind of music do you
like ? 6-Between BZV and P/N, which town do you like the most ? (0.5 pt) 7-Is money important ?
8-Have you ever bred something ?

Section 5 : Describe your house in more than 15 lines. (4 pts)

Class assignment

Level : 𝑨𝟏 duration : 90 minutes

Section 1 : Use the comparative or superlative indicated between brackets (2 pts)

1-She is (lazy) me. (C.S) 2- He is (famous) Luis. (C.E) 3-Your first phone was (expensive) mine (C.I)

4-That’s (good) movie I’ve ever seen. (S.S)

Section 2 : Translate the following sentences into English (2 pts)

1-Dans les années 1960, il travaillait pour la NASA. 2- Elle a un coupe-ongles et une lime dans sa
chambre. 3- Je ne viendrai pas demain car je serai occupé à faire la cuisine. 4-Après avoir préparé,
elle a oublié de faire la table.

Section 3 : Quote 50 irregular verbs (5 pts)

Section 4 : Answer the following questions by justifying your answers in more than 3 lines (7 pts)

1-Can you accept your little sister to get married with a cobbler ? 2-Do you eat caterpillars ? 3-What
is your dream job ? 4- What is your favorite TV channel ? (0.5 pt) 5-What kind of music do you
like ? 6-Between BZV and P/N, which town do you like the most ? (0.5 pt) 7-Is money important ?
8-Have you ever bred something ?

Section 5 : Describe your house in more than 15 lines. (4 pts)

Coach : MOKOUNGOULOU ANGA Mohamed 06 489 03 94/ 05 582 51 67/
Coach : MOKOUNGOULOU ANGA Mohamed 06 489 03 94/ 05 582 51 67/

Coach : MOKOUNGOULOU ANGA Mohamed 06 489 03 94/ 05 582 51 67/

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