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Successful German Invasion of Russia- Topic


So, a few days ago when I was surfing the internet, I found a question that asked, ‘What
if the Germans had successfully invaded Russia’? As the type of very… inquisitive
person that I always know of myself, I started on a great quest to find the answer to the
question. So anyways, what would have happened if Germany had successfully invaded
Russia? Well, my conclusion, henceforth, would be that the Geopolitics of the world
would be very different indeed. Now, as always, we would have to start a few years
before the conflict.

Italian Invasion of Greece:

In 1940 The Italians attempted to invade Greece. However, nothing went to Greece-fully
as planned because Greece was not Grease (Ok, enough bad puns for today). In fact, the
Greeks, with no tanks and WW1 Bolt-Action Rifles, were able to hit 50 Miles into Italian
Territory, which is amazing indeed. Whilst you may be thinking that this is great for
Greece and that Greece will defeat Italy, don’t forget that Italy also has Germany on their
side. This was not great for Germany, however, because they had to get a lot of forces to
invade and that turned the date of Operation Barbarossa from April 22, to June 22nd.

Thus, in our alternate History line, Italy would muster the forces greatly and invade
Greece successfully with more planning.

Then we shall turn our mind to the USSR. On April 22nd, 1941, the Wehrmacht Invades
the USSR with stunning speed. The USSR was less than ready, with Britain too busy
with the Blitz to remind the USSR. On 0135, the Germans Start the Advance.

On April 26th, Army Group North Captures Brest Litovsk falls to the Germans
On May 15th, Army Group Center captures Smolensk
On July 17th, Army Group South Captures Kiev
On September 8th, Army group North Does Invades Leningrad Despite Heavy
Resistance, taking many soldiers to take more territory.
On August 2nd, 1941, The Wehrmacht starts Operation Typhoon, the assault on Moscow.
On August 19th, 1941, The Wehrmacht starts the Siege of Moscow with the Panzer
Division. Two Months following that, the Wehrmacht Launches an assault on Moscow
and takes it.

Meanwhile, Army Group South would strike at some point in 1941 at Stalingrad,
completely taking the place.
At this point, The Germans have calculated that the Soviets did not have any more
reserves. But just in Case, the Germans would Build Trenches to Prevent the Winter
At this point, Germany Already has the upper hand, thus the USSR would find it hard to
brawl on the Germans man to man. Thus, in the Summer of 1942, The Germans start
another offensive, this time taking time and defeating the Population of the rest of the
USSR. After taking the Regional Capital of Omsk, the USSR surrenders.


Although the Germans had control over the USSR, this situation would escalate into
another France: Partisans, Weak Supply Lines, and various other problems that would
German Troops to be Bogged down for years, this time with a nation 35 times the size of
France. It would be nearly impossible to control the USSR’s Territories, even after
splitting them up into states Like Aust land, Ukraine, Kaucasian, and Moskowien.

In the end, with the US joining the war, the Germans would still inevitably lose, with the
Front line in the West and Perhaps another in Siberia after the capitulation of Japan. The
Once great dream of Totaliskreig and Endseig Being demolished in the wake of the
atomic age.

So that is it for today. Don’t forget to like, Subscribe, and Comment what you would like
to hear next. Peace out.

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