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Roll No. .......................

Total Pages : 2

LG/D-21 29025
Paper: 506

Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80

Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from

each Unit I–IV, carrying 15 marks each and question no. 9
in Unit-V is compulsory and carries 20 marks.

1. Explain the doctrine of Indoor Management. Are there some
exceptions to this doctrine? Refer to some judicial decisions
in your answer.

2. "A company is a legal person distinct and separate from the

members constituting it". Examine the above statement.

3. What do you mean by 'Debentures of a company'? Also
discuss the essential features of debentures.

4. Define the term 'Share' and elaborate the principles governing

allotment of shares and procedure for their transfer.

29025/00/KD/161 [P.T.O.
5. What do you mean by Annual General Meeting? Discuss its
importance. Also explain the procedure for the conduct of

6. What do you mean by oppression and mismanagement?

What remedies are available to prevent them?

7. What do you mean by 'Official liquidator'? Also discuss the
powers and functions of official liquidator.

8. What do you mean by SEBI? Also discuss its constitution,

powers and functions.

9. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Purpose of Memorandum of Association.
(b) Classification of charges.
(c) Modes of appointment of Directors.
(d) Kinds of winding up.

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