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Branch: Math education

Ha Noi, 2024




Branch: Math education


Teacher signed

Ha Noi, 2024
Letter of Declaration

The Graduation Project "GeoGebra demonstration of shearing proofs for the

Pythagorean theorems" is the product of my own study, and it has never been
published in any other work, I thus state. Throughout the implementation process of
this project, I took research ethics seriously; all findings of this project are the
product of my own study and surveys; and all references in this project are properly
referenced in accordance with rules.
I take full responsibility for the accuracy of the data, numbers, and other
elements of my capstone project.
Hanoi, (day) ……… (month) ……. (year) 20….
(Signature and Full name)

1. Motivation research topics........................................................................................6

2. Research objectives....................................................................................................7

3. Research method........................................................................................................7

4. Object and scope of the study...................................................................................8

5. Scientific theories.......................................................................................................8

6. Mandate research.......................................................................................................8

7. The structure of the Thesis........................................................................................8



TEACHING GEOMETRY WITH GEOGEBRA.......................................................9

1.1. Intuition in the cognitive process...........................................................................9

1.2. Levels of geometric thinking according to Van Hiele’s perspective...................9

1.3. Characteristics of geometrics knowledge at the current secondary school level

in Vietnam.....................................................................................................................10

1.4. Some considerations for teaching the Intuitive Geometry subject in secondary
school under the New Vietnamese Mathematics Curriculum.................................11

1.5. GeoGebra application...........................................................................................14

1.5.1. Practical situation...........................................................................................14
1.5.2. What is GeoGebra?........................................................................................15
1.5.3. GeoGebra interface........................................................................................15
1.5.4. Some basic tools..............................................................................................16
1.5.5. Drawing combines tools and commands......................................................28
1.5.6. List of planar geometry commands in GeoGebra.......................................31
CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER 1..............................................................................33


2.1. Pythagoras the Mathematician. [8].....................................................................34

2.2. Pythagorean Theorem..........................................................................................35

2.2.1. Contents of the Pythagorean Theorem.........................................................35
2.2.2. History of the Pythagorean Theorem...........................................................35

2.3. Proving the Pythagorean Theorem in the New Vietnamese Mathematics


CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER 2..............................................................................39


SHEARING METHOD...............................................................................................40

3.1. Area-preserving shearing method.......................................................................40

3.1.1. Overview of shear mapping...........................................................................40
3.1.2. Overview of Shear Transformation..............................................................40

3.2. Application of GeoGebra to Prove Shearing Transformation..........................41

3.2.1. Euclid's Elements, Book I, Proposition 35 ( [17], p.36)...............................41
3.2.2. Euclid's Elements, Book I, Proposition 37 ([17], p.38)................................43
3.2.3. Euclid's Elements, Book I, Proposition 41 ([17], p.42)................................45
1. Motivation research topics.
Student learning has taught forward multiple modifications in the modern
technology age. The process of self-eliminates the method of mechanically memorizing
information. Following been exposed to a variety of knowledge sources, students are
motivated to respond to the questions that come up. Computers and information
technology are becoming more and more integrated into learning and play. Information
technology has been penetrating most fields, becoming increasingly important and
indispensable in economic and social development, including the field of education and
training, with the purpose of: continuing to strongly innovate teaching and learning
methods in a modern direction.
Thus, the use of instructional software in the classroom partially satisfies the
overarching objectives of the ongoing process of comprehensive fundamental
innovation in education. Software that is specifically designed for use in the teaching
process is known as teaching software provided with an abundance of well chosen,
thorough, and excellent material, making learning for students engaging, appealing,
and simple to assimilate. It also provides teachers with the means to differentiate
instruction and make it more tangible, which enhances students’ learning. Elevate each
student’s enthusiasm, proactivity, and inventiveness; establish conducive learning
environments for educators to do research, teach, and self-study in line with each
student's needs, interests, and capabilities.
In order to develop students’ capacity for autonomous work and learning,
innovative material and teaching strategies are crucial, and instructional software plays
a significant role in their implementation. create and adjust to contemporary culture. In
the early years of my teaching career, I saw that pupils frequently struggled with
geometry and were quite terrified of it, particularly when it came to geometric ideas
including abstract material and unsubstantiated formulae.
It is believed that mathematics is a provable science. That is just one part of it,
though. A mathematical theorem cannot be proved without first being predicted. I have
progressively used instructional tools like GeoGebra to make animations that help
students learn geometric ideas and demonstrate how to educate with the use of teaching
aids. This has been particularly useful for eighth grade students studying the
Pythagorean theorem. Throughout the geometry curriculum, the Pythagorean theorem
is a crucial theorem. In order to add energy to the class, pique students' curiosity, and
support teachers in using GeoGebra more skillfully, I suggest my thesis topic:
“GeoGebra demonstration of shearing proofs for the Pythagorean theorems”
2. Research objectives.
Borrowing on theoretical research, the state of geometry education in secondary
schools today, and the demands of the new curriculum on geometric knowledge and
student capacity development, to develop methods of instruction for the Pythagorean
theorem that take into account the skills and knowledge of the students. When students
continue the curriculum at the level of high school, they will be equipped with a strong
geometric foundation and will be able to contribute to the innovation of current
teaching techniques.
3. Research method.
Theoretical research methods: Research and study materials on themes pertaining
to the thesis's subject. Gather theoretical knowledge about math instruction techniques,
conduct frequent literature searches, and look at research papers on the GeoGebra
instructional program.
Investigation-observation method: Using surveys, in-person interviews with
secondary school instructors, or observations, investigate the state of comprehensive
subject teaching and learning at select secondary schools.
Pedagogical experimental methods: Set up trial classes at a few high schools to
evaluate the viability and efficiency of the suggested instructional strategies.
4. Object and scope of the study.
Research object: Secondary school education involves the process of educating
all students appropriate teaching strategies for all student levels
Research object: Investigating the elements of mathematical reasoning ability and
strategies for helping middle school pupils improve their reasoning abilities using
intuitive aids.
Scope of research: Students in secondary school.
5. Scientific theories.
Identify issues with teaching geometry and provide solutions based on theory and
practice. Make use of suitable visual aids to help pupils improve their ability to reason
in the classroom. The quality of teaching and learning about mathematics in secondary
educational institutions is enhanced by secondary schools.
6. Mandate research.
Examine theoretical stances on the capacity for mathematical thinking and
offering a few instructional strategies to improve students' capacity for thinking while
teaching geometry with visual aids. Educational trials to confirm and assess the
viability of scientific theories and research inquiries.
7. The structure of the Thesis.
The Sign of the Thesis is presented in four chapters:
- Chapter 1: Theoretical and practical considerations of teaching Geometry with
- Chapter 2: Pythagoras and The Pythagorean Theorem.
- Chapter 3: GeoGebra is used in the Area-preserving Shearing method.
- Chapter 4: Shearing proofs using the GeoGebra for Pythagoreans Theorem.
1.1. Intuition in the cognitive process.
Geometry of students According to J. Bruner [1] [2] learning is a cognitive
process through three modes (Learning modes), which he believes follow the following
order: Enactive (sensation motor); Iconic (visual image); Symbolic (abstract
representation). Thus, when learning geometry, students can sequentially pass through
stages of thinking, from concrete, intuitive forms of thinking (Enactive and Iconic
stages) to abstract, logical forms of thinking.
1.2. Levels of geometric thinking according to Van Hiele’s perspective.
Van Hiele theory (also known as Van Hiele diagram) provides a profound model
to study students' geometric thinking. [3]
Level 1: Image: Because learners view space as a whole that exists around them,
geometry is regarded as the "whole" rather than the typical aspects of space (the
number of edges, side length, angle measure). Learners at this level can expand their
understanding of geometrically formed things (for example, an open door is
rectangular, a birthday cake is circular, and so on). Thinking learners examine visual
items based on their visual value rather than logical reasoning.
Level 2: Evaluation: Learners first become aware of the characteristics of
geometry through experiences in learning and educational activities. Geometric
characteristics (squares have four equal sides, rectangles have two equal long sides and
two equal short sides) serve as the foundation for identifying geometric shapes.
Level 3: Implicit reasoning: Learners may make correct judgments about
geometric connections by expressing the necessary and sufficient requirements for a
form to be a square, rectangle, or other shape. Learners do not grasp or cannot prove
the logic of a geometric proof.
Level 4: Logical Reasoning: Students can readily establish the exact value of a
statement concerning the relationship between forms. Learners at this level provide us
with parts based on logic rather than intuition.
Level 5: Ideological Geometry: Learners may recognize the geometric axiomatic
system, which plays an important part in the development of abstract forms in the
axiomatic approach.
The Van Hiele Diagram asserts that learners progress through five cognitive
levels, of which “Level 0” is Visualization. At this level, students recognize shapes by
their own appearance or by comparing them with a known prototype. The properties of
a shape have not been determined. At this level, students make decisions based on
intuition rather than reasoning. Thus, Van Hiele's theory has also clearly established
the intuitive geometry stage in the process of students' geometry cognition.
1.3. Characteristics of geometrics knowledge at the current secondary school level
in Vietnam.
First of all, looking back at the geometric knowledge circuit mentioned in the
curriculum and current Primary School Mathematics textbooks [4], we see: the content
mainly depends on the arithmetic knowledge circuit; many exercises and situations
only have a "shell" of geometry, but the essence of the problem is arithmetic (or
algebra); there are not many opportunities for students to develop their imagination and
creative thinking.
For the secondary school level [4], because the concept of teaching geometry in
secondary school is not thoroughly understood as "logical geometry", right in the first
chapter of geometry in the book, students encounter concepts, definitions, and
principles. topics and relationships between those concepts, definitions, and axioms
with requirements for accuracy and rigor. Therefore, when learning this knowledge,
children encounter obstacles due to not being fully prepared for the ability to recognize
It can be said that the current content of geometry knowledge at the secondary
school level has tried to ensure accuracy and mathematical rigor (according to the logic
of developing Euclid's geometry on the basis of the Hilbert axiom system), has initially
provided accurate definitions of geometric concepts, and at the same time proved a
number of important theorems or properties. However, that has made geometry content
at the middle school level difficult for many students. In addition, the current system of
geometry exercises at the secondary school level has many exercises containing many
complex concepts, properties and theorems, focusing on reasoning and explanation
skills and sophisticated techniques. These factors lead to students' psychology being
reluctant to learn Geometry, and the results of learning geometric knowledge are still
limited. As a result, modifications are necessary to make geometry instruction in
secondary schools more appropriate for students.
1.4. Some considerations for teaching the Intuitive Geometry subject in secondary
school under the New Vietnamese Mathematics Curriculum.
The new Math program follows the logic of geometric cognition in particular and
trains students' mathematical abilities in general. Therefore, when introducing the
concept of Intuitive Geometry, the curriculum emphasized: "The process of children's
geometric cognition needs to go from specific to general, from visual images to known
geometric concepts. analysis, proof. During this stage (for example, the period from
grade 1 to grade 6), students are introduced to learning geometry with visual images or
with visual aids (real objects), there is no element of reasoning; students in grades 7, 8,
and 9 also learn spatial geometry with a similar approach". [5]
From the points presented above, teaching Intuitive Geometry in the new
Mathematics curriculum at secondary school level needs to thoroughly grasp the
following requirements:
* Do not consider the Geometry and Measurement circuit in the new
Mathematics curriculum at the junior high school level as strictly systematized
Euclidean Geometry based on axioms but as Euclidean Geometry systematized based
on "intuitive" axioms. and experiment. Determining and designing the content of
geometric knowledge must comply with the logic of geometric cognition in particular
and form students' mathematical capacity in general. [6]
Teaching Intuitive Geometry must first be based on students' understanding and
contact with real images and objects in space, especially interactions with different
geometric forms of objects. real entities in the transformation phase of real objects both
in two and three dimensions. The world around students is filled with images of real
objects, and their geometric relationships. Therefore, teaching Intuitive Geometry to
students needs to start with teaching through real objects, images, videos,
visualizations, and activities, especially manual operations. Then, form common
characteristics that characterize groups of similar objects and phenomena. Thus, a
symbol or concept of visual nature can be "transferred" into mathematical language and
"anchored" in the form of a concept for students. Just like any cognitive process,
thinking (especially spatial thinking) is a comprehensive reflection of reality.
* Teaching Intuitive Geometry as preparation and as a transitional stage for
teaching Euclidean Geometry with axioms, creating harmony between "intuition and
inference". [6]
The process of teaching Euclidean Geometry on the basis of axiomatization
includes two steps:
 The basic concepts of geometry and the basic relationships between them. That
is reflected in the system of axioms of Euclidean Geometry, in which the most
commonly used axiom system is the Hilbert axiom system.
 Research qualitative and quantitative relationships between shapes and objects
in the plane or in space. That is expressed in concepts, theorems, and propositions.
The above process reflects a constructive way in accordance with the logic of
mathematical science and any aspect of modern mathematics. In the above process, the
intuitive concepts of spatial properties and relationships in abstract theory are just a
kind of illustration of the properties or concepts in that theory and only take on a
certain role some decisions. The development of Euclidean Geometry on an abstract
basis is logically reasonable but does not correspond to the state of human thinking and
perception, a thinking that has (relatively) general, multi-dimensional properties based
on the "symbolic" perception of the objective world structured in a certain way in
space. Therefore, starting to teach Geometry content by immediately approaching
Euclidean Geometry on a theoretical basis without moving to Intuitive Geometry will
cause many obstacles for students to overcome. Euclidean geometry because students
at that time could not have a comprehensive development of visual geometric thinking.
Over time, children become aware of the existence of internal and hidden
elements between things based on visual image thinking, and abstract logical thinking
also develops. That allows students to develop logical thinking abilities and distinguish
concepts and symbols. With its laws, this is also the foundation for teaching Euclidean
Therefore, the content of geometry knowledge in middle school needs to be
designed based on the combination of two research directions: Intuitive Geometry
(designed according to the cognitive logic of students, based on their level of
knowledge and understanding) and Logical geometry (maximized geometry), which
are strictly organized according to the Hilbert axiom system. It is necessary to combine
and closely link the content of Intuitive Geometry and logical geometry under the
comprehensive perspective of Intuitive Geometry. In cases where it is not possible to
choose a logically rigorous content design because students' cognitive abilities are still
very limited, the knowledge content design must come to students through Intuitive
Geometry; on the other hand, the design of knowledge content must not contradict the
logic of Euclidean Geometry based on the Hilbert axiom system.
It is necessary to pay attention to another issue in the process of teaching Intuitive
Geometry content as well as the transition from Intuitive Geometry to axiomatized
geometry. From the perspective of Philosophy, one can distinguish between real space
(existing space) and virtual space. Euclidean geometry with premises reflects scientific
concepts of real space, expelling concepts, abstract perceptions in real space into
abstract concepts, and scientific arguments in ideal space. A basic principle when
developing the content of a subject is that the subject, first of all, must develop
students' ability to understand and perceive real space. Although there is a "closeness"
between the geometric space (ideal space) studied in school and the direct geometric
space (real space) surrounding people, there are many essential differences between
them. these two types of space. The lack of understanding of the difference between
geometric space and real space is an important reason leading to obstacles in geometric
research [7]. Therefore, there must be pedagogical methods that contribute to
"smoothing" the cyclical transitions from "Intuitive Geometry" to "Abstract Geometry"
(or Axiomatized Geometry) and then back again. back to "Intuitive Geometry" to
perceive the real world.
1.5. GeoGebra application.
1.5.1. Practical situation.
Teachers no longer find it unusual to use instructional assistance. This generates
engaging lessons for students and increases interaction between students and professors
throughout class, allowing students to learn more successfully. There is currently a
wide range of available to aid in the teaching of mathematics, including Cabri II Plus,
Cabri 3D, Yenka, Geometer's Sketchpad, GeospaceGeoplane, etc. However, the use of
computer technology in mathematics is dependent on the content of each session.
To increase the ability to consolidate Geometry lessons, I have considered the
possibilities of applying the GeoGebra program to teaching students how to prove the
Pythagorean theorem using shearing. From there, use GeoGebra to conduct geometric
experiments, illustrating methods of proving the Pythagorean theorem using area-
preserving transformations.
1.5.2. What is GeoGebra?
Markus Hohenwarter, of Austrian nationality, is a lecturer in Mathematics and
Informatics at the University of Salzburg in the Republic of Austria. Since its founding
in 2001, the GeoGebra program has undergone extensive and ongoing development.
For several years running, GeoGebra has been recognized as the greatest educational
program in both Austria, the host country, and the European Union.
A mathematical program named GeoGebra combines geometry, algebra, and
calculus. A dynamic geometry system is called GeoGebra. It can be accomplished to
create and modify forms using points, vectors, line segments, lines, circles, space
shapes, conics, and function graphs. Additionally, the command-line window allows
for direct entry of coordinates and equations. As an effect, GeoGebra can determine
derivatives and integrals of functions, deal with a variety of variable types, which
might include integers, vectors, and points, and give commands for topics such as roots
and extrema.
1.5.3. GeoGebra interface.
After installing and turning on GeoGebra, we will see the interface (Figure 1.1).
Figure 1.1. The user interface.
To edit or enable/disable components such as grid cells, coordinate axes, etc., we
need to double-click the button in the upper right corner of the geometry area to turn on
the adjustment bar (Figure 1.2).

Figure 1.2. A custom bar after being displayed by clicking the mouse.
1.5.4. Some basic tools. Draw a point.
To draw a point, first select the Point tool on the toolbar.
Figure 1.3. Point drawing tool.
Then, double-click a point in the geometry area to locate the point. On the
customization bar, customizations will also appear, including the color of the drawn
point, point size, whether the point name appears or not, etc.

Figure 1.4. Draw a point by clicking on a point in the geometry area.

The customization bar (upper right corner) will also display scoring
customizations such as color, size, ...
Note: If you need to change or customize a previously drawn point, you need to

select the tool ( ) on the toolbar to select the point to change. This method can be
applied to change customizations (color, size, etc.) for any geometric object. Note that
the options on the customization bar will change depending on the object you select.
When right-clicking on a point, we will have a few more options related to the
 When you want to change the point name, select Rename.
 When you want to delete a selected point, select Delete .
 To hide/show selected points, select Show Object .
 To hide/show point names, select Show Label.

Figure 1.5. Options when right-clicking on a point

Not only point objects, but all geometric objects have a similar list of options
when we right-click on them. Create lines, rays, line segments, intersection and a midpoint.

Figure 1.6. Group of tools for drawing lines, segments, and rays.
First, select the tool group as shown in Figure 1.6.
 Line : After selecting the tool, click on two points in the geometry area to draw a
straight line through those two points.
 Ray : After selecting the tool, click on a point to select the origin of the ray and
then click on another point to define the second point on the ray.
 Segment : After selecting the tool, click on two points in the geometry area to
define the two ends of the line segment.
With all the above tools, the highlight point can be a pre-drawn point or not.
Similar to points, the customization bar will also display tools to adjust color, size
(thickness), ... on the line, line segment, and ray objects that we have drawn.
Figure 1.7. Drawing a line, a segment, and a ray.
Line AA ’, ray BB’ and line segment CC ’ are drawn using the tools in Figure 1.6.
The BB’ beam is recolored to dark red due to the use of a custom bar.
To rename objects, we do the same with points, using options by right-clicking on
the existing line/ray/line segment.
To determine a point on a line/ray/line segment, select the Point drawing tool
(section and then click on the desired line/ray/line segment. Then, if we use the
Move tool ( ) to move this point, it can only move on that line/ray/line segment.
Note: The objects in this section are all defined by two points. After drawing, we

can change them by using the Move tool ( ) on the toolbar to drag one of the two
points. When we drag, the object will change according to the new position of the
point. All features defined by points in GeoGebra can be changed in this way.
At the intersection of the objects, we use the Intersect tool (Figure 1.8). Select the
tool then select two objects (line, ray, line segment) to define their intersection. The
intersection point is a new point and can be customized (name, color, ...) like a point
we draw ourselves.
Figure 1.8. Drawing the intersection of two lines.
Select the Intersect tool and then select line AA ’ and line BC , we get their
intersection point D .
To determine the midpoint, we select the Midpoint tool (Figure 1.9). Select the
tool then select the line segment that needs to determine the midpoint.

Figure 1.9. Drawing the midpoint of a segment.

Select the Midpoint tool and then select line segment AB, we get its midpoint C . Create parallel, perpendicular, and parallel lines to each other.

Figure 1.10. Group of tools for Section

Tools to pay attention to here include:
 Perpendicular Line: Select the tool then select the line and the point where the
perpendicular line passes through. Remember to always choose a straight line before
choosing a point.
 ¿ Line : Select the tool then select the line and the point where the perpendicular
line passes through. Remember to always choose a straight line before choosing a
 PerpendicularBisector . To draw the perpendicular bisector, choose the tool and
then the line segment.
Renaming, color, size (thickness) of objects is similar to the previous sections.
With the perpendicular/¿ line drawing tools, the selected point can be an existing
point or a new one.
Figure 1.11. Drawing a perpendicular/parallel line.
Using the ¿ line drawing tool, click on the line AB and then click on C to create a
line through C parallel to AB (dotted line).
The tools presented in this section can also be used to draw lines perpendicular to
rays or line segments. The procedure is similar to that described above. Draw polygons.
To draw a polygon, we select the Polygon tool as shown in Figure 1.18.
For example, to draw a quadrilateral ABCD, we choose in order A , B ,C , D , A .
The points can be existing points or new ones.
Figure 1.12. Drawing a pentagon.
The Polygon tool draws polygons. Select points in order A , B ,C , D , E , A . We get the
pentagon ABCDE.
To draw regular polygons, we use the Regular Polygon tool. After selecting the
tool, we select two points and enter the number of sides of the regular polygon.

Figure 1.13. Regular polygon drawing tool and the number of sides.
Note that the vertices of the polygon will be drawn in the positive
counterclockwise direction, so the order in which we select the points will determine
which half-plane the polygon is drawn in relative to the edge we choose (Figure 1.14).
Figure 1.14. Drawing a regular polygon.
If we choose two vertices of a regular polygon in the order AB, we get a red regular
polygon. If we choose in order BA , we get a blue regular polygon. Draw a circle.
There are four circle drawing tools in GeoGebra:
˚ Center through Point : choose the tool, then a point as the center and another
• with
point to define the circle. (Figure 1.15).
• Center∧Radius : choose the tool, then the center of the circle and the radius.
(Figure 1.16)
• Compass: Performs the same function as compass. Select the tool, then a line
segment or two points to determine the radius, and finally a point to serve as the circle's
center. (Figure 1.17)
• through 3 Points: draw a circle through three points. Choose the tool, then three
points to define the circle. (Figure 1.18).
Figure 1.15. Draw a circle with center A passing through point B.

Figure 1.16. Draw a circle centered at A and enter the radius.

Figure 1.17. Draw a circle with a radius of BC and a center at A.

Figure 1.18. Draw a circle passing through three points A, B, C.

GeoGebra has two arc-drawing tools:
 Circular Arc : Using the center and two additional points, create a circular arc.
Choose the tool, then a point as the center, then the second point on the arc, and finally
the third point to define the arc. (Figure 1.25)
 Circumcircular Arc : Draw a circular arc that connects three spots. Choose the
tool, then three points to define the arc. The positive arrow points counterclockwise.
(Figure 1.26).
In addition to the two tools mentioned above, we offer two sector drawing tools:
Circular Sector and Circumcircular Sector .

Figure 1.19. Draw an arc knowing the center and two points.
Figure 1.20. Draw an arc passing through three points.
1.5.5. Drawing combines tools and commands.
In fact, to draw the picture required in the beginning of the article, we need to use
a combination of the basic tools learned in section 1.5.4. At the same time, using the
command line can also help shorten the number of operating steps. Draw a right triangle.
Construct right-angled triangle ABC at C inscribed in circle with the center O .
 Draw a circle with center O and radius OB

 Next, use the tool to draw a straight line through O and B (section
 Determine the intersection point A of this line and the circle with center O .
 Let C is the point on the circle with the center O . We have a right-angled
triangle ABC at C inscribed in a circle with the center O.

Figure 1.21. Drawing a right-angled. Draw a parallelogram.
Given three points A , B ,C in the plane, draw parallelogram ABCD.
 Connect edges AB and BC with tools or commands.
 Next, use the tool to draw a line through C parallel to AB and a line through A
parallel to AC .Determine the intersection point D of the two lines.

If using the command, enter the following command (here the line segments AB
and BC have been named f and g by GeoGebra):
D=Intersect ( Line ( C , f ) , Line ( A , g ) )

 Connecting sides CD and AD, we get parallelogram DABC .

Figure 1.22. Drawing a parallelogram.

1.5.6. List of planar geometry commands in GeoGebra.
From the previous examples, it can be seen that using commands to create geometric
objects has several advantages:
 One command line can replace many mouse clicks using the tool.
 No need to hide unnecessary intermediate objects after drawing.
 You can immediately name an object without having to rename it like when drawing
with a tool.
 Command lines play the role of recording the drawing process.
Some drawing commands have been shown in previous examples. The following
table lists important GeoGebra commands when drawing flat geometric objects, along
with notes on how to use them:
Command Note
Point ( x , y ) Draw the point at coordinates (x , y ).
Get a point on object c . Whereas c can be a line,
Point (c)
line segment, ray, circle, arc.
Find the intersection of two objects c and d . They
can be lines, line segments, rays, circles, arcs, etc.
Intersect (c , d)
The result can have one, many, or no
Draw a straight line passing through two points A
Line( A , B)
and B.
Draw a line through A parallel to the line (ray/line
Line ( A , f )
segment) f .
PerpendicularLine( A , f ) Draw a line through A perpendicular to line f .
Ray (A , B) Draw the origin ray A passing through B
Draw a straight line whose endpoints are two
Segment ( A , B)
points A and B
Draw a straight line with one end at A and length l
Segment ( A , l)
Determine the midpoint of line segment AB (this
Midpoint ( A , B) command does not connect two points A and B if
not already connected).
Midpoint (m) Determine the midpoint of line segment m .
PerpendicularBisector( A , B) Draw the perpendicular bisector of line segment
AB (this command does not connect two points A
and B if they are not already connected)
PerpendicularBisector(f ) Draw the perpendicular bisector of line segment f .
Draw a polygon with the vertices as the entered
Polygon( A , B , C , ...)
Draw an n-sided regular polygon with one side
AB. The positive direction is counterclockwise. To
Polygon( A , B , n)
draw a regular polygon in the remaining half of
the plane, reverse the order of two points A and B.
( A˚, r ) Draw a circle with center A and radius r .
( A ˚, B) Draw a circle with center A passing through B.
Draw a circle with center A with radius equal to
( A˚, f )
the length of line segment f .
( A , B˚ ,C) Draw a circle through three points A, B, C
Table 1.1. GeoGebra commands.
GeoGebra is a dynamic math program that may be used to teach geometric
principles in an easier and more enjoyable manner. GeoGebra enables pupils to learn
and study geometry in a more straightforward and understandable manner. This can
assist pupils get a deeper understanding of complex mathematical ideas.
The use of GeoGebra in mathematics education is supported by a number of
theoretical foundations. Constructivist learning theory, for instance, asserts that
students learn best when they actively participate in the development of their own
abilities. Active learning environments that support constructivist learning may be
made with GeoGebra. It has also been demonstrated that GeoGebra has several
beneficial uses for teaching mathematics.
For instance, GeoGebra can assist you in:
 Graph abstract mathematical ideas.
 Examine mathematical words with precision.
 hone their ability to solve problems.
 bolster their capacity for mathematical thought.
 Boost their confidence and enthusiasm for learning math.
All things considered, GeoGebra is an effective tool that makes teaching
arithmetic simpler as well as more enjoyable than before. Some beneficial effects of
GeoGebra on arithmetic instruction have also been demonstrated.
A versatile tool that may be used to teach arithmetic concepts to students at
various educational levels is GeoGebra. This is an invaluable tool for educators and
learners alike.
The Pythagorean Theorem is a fundamental mathematical theorem that is
discussed in the geometry 8 module of the Mathematics General Education module
2018 [5].
2.1. Pythagoras the Mathematician. [8]
Pythagoras (Greek name: Πυθ αγόρας ), a Greek philosopher who lived from
around 570 to 495 B.C., is credited with founding the Pythagorean religious
movement. He is praised as a superb mathematician and scientist as well.
Pythagoras was the son of Pythias (a Samos native) and Menarches (a Tyree
businessman). He left his homeland as a youngster for Crotone in southern Italy. Thales
was astounded by Pythagoras' skill and urged him to study in Memphis, Egypt. He
learned certain geometric ideas, which he used to develop the theorem that bears his
name in Egypt.
Pythagoras was famed for his remarkable brilliance, even when he was just 16
years old. The youngster studied under the famed mathematician Thales, who was
astounded by his ability. Pythagoras spent several years in India, Babylon, and Egypt
studying mathematics, geometry, astronomy, geography, medicine, and philosophy in
order to understand each country's civilization.
Pythagoras returned to his country at the age of 50. He established a school in
southern Italy, enrolling hundreds of pupils, including women, in a five-year
curriculum that covered four subjects: geometry, algebra, astronomy, and music. Only
the best pupils at the conclusion of Year 3 were instructed personally by Pythagoras.
The Pythagorean school was critical to the growth of ancient science, particularly in
the sciences of arithmetic and geometry.
Figure 2.1. “Don't see your big shadow on the wall and think you're great”-Pythagoras
2.2. Pythagorean Theorem.
2.2.1. Contents of the Pythagorean Theorem.
Pythagorean equation. [9]

The triangle
ABC have:

∠ ACB=90°

We have:h2 +m2=t 2
According to the textbook content in the New Vietnamese Mathematics
Curriculum in 2018, this is a foundational theorem that all Vietnamese middle school
students have learned since grade 8.
2.2.2. History of the Pythagorean Theorem.
Nonetheless, unpredictability over Pythagoras' finding continues to spark
arguments. Here are some early Pythagorean theorem proofs.
The Pythagorean theorem is stated on Babylonian terracotta tablets [10] dating
from 1900 to 1600 BC; (Figure 2.2)

Figure 2.2. Babylonian clay tablets

In "Euclid's Elements" Euclid was the first to establish and prove the converse of
the Pythagorean theorem. [11] [12]
Pythagoras' theorem was also known to the Chinese at a young age. The triangle
(3, 4, 5) was discussed and used in the novel "Chu Bễ Toán Kinh." [13] To measure,
use "phép câu cổ" (“câu”, “cổ” means that two right angles). "Phép câu cổ" was
extensively researched in the following works, such as "Cửu Chương Toán Thuật" [14]

Figure 2.3. One picture image in the book “Cửu chương toán thuật”. [14]
2.3. Proving the Pythagorean Theorem in the New Vietnamese
Mathematics Curriculum.
Students in the new Math curriculum learn how to establish the Pythagorean
theorem by working through the following problem:
Discovery 1 [15]
 First, consider a right triangle with two right-angle sides a , b , and a hypotenuse c .
 Cut eight right triangles equal to the supplied right triangle and two huge squares
with sides equal to a+ b from a large piece of cardboard.
 As indicated in Figure 2.4a, place four right triangles on the first square. The
exposed portion of the cover is made up of two squares with sides a and b ,
respectively. Determine the area of that cover using a and b .
 As illustrated in Figure 2.4b, arrange the remaining four right triangles on the
second square. The exposed half of the cover is a square with side c . Determine
the area of that cover using c .
Form hypotheses concerning the link between a 2+ b2 and c 2

Figure 2.4. Proving the Pythagorean Theorem in the new Math curriculum
 The area of a square with sides equal to a is a 2 (area unit).
 The area of a square with sides equal to b is b 2 (area unit).
 The area of the cover not covered by the big square in Figure 2.4a is as follows:
2 2
a + b (area unit).
 The area of the cover not covered by the big square in Figure 2.4b is the area of a
square with sides equal to c , and equal to c 2 (area unit).
 Place four right triangles on two big squares with sides equal to a+ b in both
 The exposed cover area of both photos will then be equal.
 As a result, a 2+ b2=c 2.
Approximately around the beginning of the sixth century BC, Pythagoras was a
Greek mathematician and philosopher.
Along with being a philosopher, Pythagoras is most known for his contributions
to geometry, particularly the Pythagorean theorem and the formula for computing a
trapezoid's area.
People have yet to discover the manuscripts that Pythagoras left behind for
posterity, however a few fake books bearing his name are still in circulation. However,
the wisdom that Pythagoras left behind was all documented by his students.
People have yet to discover the manuscripts that Pythagoras left behind for
posterity, however a few fake books bearing his name are still in circulation. However,
the wisdom that Pythagoras left behind was all documented by his students.
The Pythagorean theorem is the most well-known geometric theorem known to
math students. He tested and established this rule by saying: "The square of the
hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the two sides of the right angle." [11]
The Pythagorean theorem is a strong and adaptable theorem. The fact that
Pythagoras found a fundamental and significant link in mathematics is evidence of his
brilliance. It has several uses in algebra, geometry, and other mathematical specialties.
Many other areas, including as navigation, design, and statistics, additionally employ
Due to how easy it is to comprehend and utilize, the Pythagorean theorem is also
significant. As a result of this, professionals in a variety of sectors and students of all
ages could benefit from it.
3.1. Area-preserving shearing method.
3.1.1. Overview of shear mapping.
An affine transformation in plane geometry is called a shear mapping, and it
moves each point in a given direction by a quantity equal to its signed distance from a
line that runs parallel to that direction. [16] Shear transformation, transfection, or
simple shearing are additional names for this type of mapping. Shear mapping is a way
to transform a rectangle into a parallelogram.

Figure 3.1. Shearing Mapping

Note: Shear mappings must not be confused with rotations.
3.1.2. Overview of Shear Transformation.
The Shear Transformation is a transformation that causes an object's shape to
slant. There are two shear transformations: X-shear and Y-shear. The X coordinate
values are shifted by one, while the Y coordinate values are shifted by the other. That
said, in each scenario, only one coordinate is altered while the values of the other are
maintained. Shearing is also referred to as Skewed.
Figure 3.2. Shear Transformation
 Definition: Shearing is a transformation that changes the shape
but not the size of the figure.
The transformation consists of:
 The invariant line (x-axis or y-axis or any line parallel to the x- and y-axes)
 Shear factor:
k =Displacement of image post ¿ object point ¿
Displacement of object point form L ( invariant line )

3.2. Application of GeoGebra to Prove Shearing Transformation.

Shearing is a geometric technique that modifies the form of a shape without
altering its dimensions. According to an object's location with relation to a reference
line or plane, it means transferring its points in a certain direction. We will investigate
the “Euclid Elements” [17] in order to establish that the transformation above is
3.2.1. Euclid's Elements, Book I, Proposition 35 ( [17], p.36)
Euclid - Proposition I.35( [17], p.36)
“Parallelograms which are on the same base
and in the same parallels equal one another”
Ler BCC ' B ' and B' ' BCC ' ' be parallelograms on the same base BC and in the
same parallels B' C ' '
→ We say that Area ( BC C ' B ) =Area ( B'' BC C ' ' )
Figure 3.3. Euclid - Proposition I.35 Utilize the GeoGebra to test Proposition I.35.
 Step 1: Draw segment BC and a parallel g of BC . (Section and
 Step 2: Draw parallelogram BC C' B' . ( such that B' , C' ∈ g )(Section
 Step 3: Draw parallelogram BC C' ' B' '. ( such that B' ' ,C '' ∈ g ) . (Section
 Step 4: A=point ( segment ( B' , B' ' ) )
 Step 5: Draw parallelogram AA ' BC ( such that A , A ' ∈ g ). (Section
 Step 6: Hide two points A and A ' .
 Step 7: Let point A run on the segment B' B ' ' we have:

Figure 3.4. Utilize the GeoGebra to test Proposition I.35.

→ We have Area ( BC C ' B )= Area ( ABC A ' )= Area ( B' ' BC C '' ) Prove the Euclid - Proposition I.35.

' '
 Since B' BCC ' is a parallelogram, therefore '
B B =CC '

'' ''
 For the same reason ''
B B =CC ' '

 We have B' C ' =B '' C' ' ( ¿ BC )

' ' ' '' '' '' ' ''
→ B C +C B =B C +C B
' '' ' ''
→ B B =C C
 We have: ∆ B B ' B' ' =∆ CC ' C ' ' (side-side-side)

B B '' =CC ' '
For B ' B '' =C ' C ' '
B B =CC '

→ Area ( B B' B' ' )= Area(CC ' C ' ')

→ Area ( B B' B' ' )− Area ( C ' P B '' )= Area ( C C ' C' ' )− Area ( C ' PB )

→ Area ( B B' C ' P ) = Area ( B' ' C' ' CP )

→ Area ( B B' C ' P ) + Area ( PBC )= Area ( B' ' C' ' CP ) + Area(PBC )

→ Area ( BC C ' B ) =Area ( B ' ' BC C ' ' )

3.2.2. Euclid's Elements, Book I, Proposition 37 ([17], p.38)
Euclid - Proposition I.37 ([17], p.38)
“Triangles which are on the same base and in the same parallels equal one
Let C ' BC and B' BC be triangles on the same BC , in the same parallels AD and
→ We say that Area ( C' BC )= Area(B ' BC )

Figure 3.5. Euclid - Proposition I.37 Utilize the GeoGebra to test Proposition I.37.
 Step 1: Draw segment BC and a parallel g of BC . (Section and
 Step 2: C ' =point ( g )
 Step 3: B'= point ( g )
 Step 4: A=point ( segment ( B' ,C ' ) )
 Step 5: Hide point A
 Step 6: Let point A run on the segment B' C ' we have:

Figure 3.6. Utilize the GeoGebra to test Proposition I.37.

→ We have Area ( C ' BC ) =Area ( ABC )= Area(B' BC ) Prove the Euclid - Proposition I.37.
 Draw BC C' B ' ' and BCC ' ' B ' are parallelograms

 We have Area ( B' ' C ' CB )= Area(B ' C '' CB)

For {¿ the same

the same base BC
parallels B C ∧BC
(Euclid - Proposition I.35)

 Area ( C BC ) = 2 . Area(B C CB)
' '' '

(for the diameter C ' B bisects the pallelogram B' ' C ' CB )
 Area ( B CB ) = 2 . Area(B C CB)
' ' ''
(for the diameter B' C bisects the pallelogram B' C ' ' CB)
→ Area ( C' BC )= Area ( B' CB )
3.2.3. Euclid's Elements, Book I, Proposition 41 ([17], p.42)
Euclid - Proposition I.41 ([17], p.42)
“If a parallelogram has the same base with a triangle and is in the same
parallels, then the parallelogram is double the triangle”
Let the parallelogram BCP B ' have the same base BC with the triangle C ' CB and
let it in the same parallels BC and B' C '
→ We say that Area ( B B' PC )=2. Area ( C ' BC )

Figure 3.7. Euclid - Proposition I.41 Utilize the GeoGebra to test Proposition I.41.
 Step 1: Draw segment BC and a parallel g of BC . (Section and
 Step 2: C ' =point ( g )
 Step 3: B'= point ( g )
 Step 4: Draw parallelogram BC C' B' . ( such that B' , C' ∈ g )(Section
 Step 5: A=point ( segment ( B' ,C ' ) )
 Step 6: Hide point A
 Step 7: Let point A run on the segment B' C ' we have:
Figure 3.8. Utilize the GeoGebra to test Proposition I.41.
→ We have Area ( ABC )= Area ( C BC ) = . Area ( B B PC )
' '
2 Prove the Euclid - Proposition I.41.
 Area ( C ' BC ) =Area(B' BC )

For {¿ the same

the same base BC
' '
parallels B C ∧BC
(Euclid - Proposition I.37)

 Area ( B BC ) = 2 . Area ( B B PC )
' '

(for the diameter B' C bisects the parallelograms BB' PC )

→ Area ( B B' PC )=2. Area(C ' BC )

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