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(Hamka's Thought)

Susanti Mutiara Annisya

University of Darussalam Gontor, Indonesia

Character or akhlaq is the awareness of one's actions or attitudes. The

crisis of mind is increasingly visible, seeing how the loss of social values,
especially in the younger generation, is now seen from the rise of promiscuity,
liquor, drugs, brawls, and more. The younger generation is the target, so
unwittingly, the generation still searching for identity slowly forgets their main
role as mundziru-l qoum future. Prof, Dr. Hamka who is a well-known figure as a
scholar, and intellectual from Indonesia, understood that good ethics are the
temperament of honorable people and the result of the struggle of the 'abid, while
the opposite of him is evil ethics which is a disease of the heart. It is understood
that good ethics occupy a very important role in various aspects of life to achieve
life goals in the right way. This research is library research with data obtained
from reading results and books related to research. The development of ethics in
the younger generation based on the Qur'an and hadith also comes from the
thoughts of Islamic scientists such as Hamka with the aim of preparing humans,
especially young people so that they have a strong and true foundation of life
according to good character values.

Keywords: Character and youth


The young generation or youth is a citizen who has entered his age at a
very important period in development and growth ranging in age between the ages
of 16 (sixteen) years to the age of 30 (thirty) years. 1 for this reason, for the
younger generation, having good character is a very expensive thing today from
various aspects of life, all things that are done without awareness to always
accompanied with good ethical values will be of low value in the eyes of society,
even the fact that is seen today is that someone who has noble ethics will be more
successful than someone who has expertise in many fields without being
accompanied by intelligence in ethics. This becomes problem if the awareness to
hone noble ethics is not instilled in today's young generation who are prepared to
become the generation of relay holders of progress in the future, so that all that is
produced just a variety of deviant behaviors.

However, today's young generation does not seem to have the awareness
that all forms of deviations that occur must be straightened out immediately. Some
cases of violence, promiscuity, drugs, brawls and many facts that are seen today
are enough concrete evidence and even become serious things if left unchecked
and increasingly dominate various aspects of life and even the deviations of the
younger generation today there are already violating criminal law.2

The development of various types of deviations of the younger generation

is caused by various factors, both from family, school, and surrounding
community factors. Therefore, the cultivation of good ethics in the younger
generation today is a very important discussion to be supported by various parties
in order to born a generation that holds tightly to noble ethical values in the future,
to realize this certainly requires cooperation and unity of community and
environmental perceptions regarding understanding the importance of having
good ethics, or akhlaqu-l karimah. Because whenever this is difficult to instill if

"," Law No. 40 of 2009 concerning Youth, Retrieved December 20, 2022, 2009.pdf.
Kussepti, Melan Nica, and Suryo Ediyono. "Fenomena Kenakalan Di Kalangan Remaja Dan
Perspektif Ilmu Filsafat”.
you are not given an understanding first how important it is to have good morals
in living life.

In the midst of this problem, one of the famous scientific, philosopher, and
scholarly figures he is Prof. Dr. Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah who is known
as Hamka, said that Hamka's moral education emphasizes the formation of
akhlaqul karimah and mind.3. According to HAMKA, good ethics is the
temperament of the Apostles and honorable people, the nature of a pious servant
and the result of the struggle of the 'abid is like the door to Jannah Illahi.4

To answer the formulation of problems that are present today, the author
divides the discussion into several parts to facilitate understanding, namely, an
explanation of the general definition of ethics, the important role of the younger
generation, the cultivation of ethics both in the younger generation today and the
position of ethics according to HAMKA based on the book "Akhlaqul Karimah".


On Sunday, February 17th of 1908 coincided with 15th of Muharram 1326

H. Hamka who was born with the name Abdul Malik, and commonly called
Malik. He is the eldest of 4 children and lives a simple life but from the
descendants of families with high social status in society.5

Malik's father, Abdul Karim Amrullah, was a man descended from a

family of scholars, as well as a pioneer of the Islamic renewal movement. While
Malik's mother named Siti Shafiyah Tanjung Binti Haji Zakaria.

HAMKA lived under the tutelage of his father who wanted him to become
an expert in the field of religion. On July 26 th of 1975, HAMKA was inaugurated
by the Indonesian government as Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council
(MUI). HAMKA has been pressured several times by Islamic Youth organizations
not to occupy the position because it will become a tool of the government, but
Azra, Azyumardi. " Pendidikan Karakter Generasi Muda: Peran Sekolah dan Keluarga." In YISC
Al-Azhar Journal, Al-Azhar Institute, Al-Azhar Youth Forum, vol. 13, pp. 10-12. 2012)
HAMKA, Akhlaqul Karimah, p: 1.
Haidar Musyafa, "HAMKA; A BIOGRAPHICAL NOVEL." p:23.
HAMKA continues with the intention to strengthen the unity of Indonesian
Muslims (MUI). On January 27th of 1964, HAMKA was arrested by the Old Order
authorities on charges that he was a traitor to his own country. During his time
under HAMKA's supervision he focused on finishing writing, until Tafsir al-
Azhar was completed a few days before he was released. 6 However, on May 21st
of 1981, HAMKA resigned as chairman of the MUI. 7 After resigning, HAMKA
continued his da'wah by writing for Panji Masyarakat Magazine. Increasingly,
HAMKA's health condition declined and died on Friday, July 24 th of 1981 or 14th
Ramadan 1402 at the age of 73 years and 5 months.


Understanding Ethics

In terms of language, ethics are often juxtaposed with morals, ethics, and
morals, all of these things are used as a means to relate well to fellow beings. If
the relationship between beings does not operate on the rules then there is chaos
among humans because there is no basic agreement between humans. The
definition is found from the understanding of the word of Allah SWT in the
Qur'an surah Al-Qalam verse 4:

‫َو ِاَّنَك َلَع ٰل ى ُخ ُلٍق َع ِظ ْيٍم‬

"And verily thou art truly virtuous. (QS. Al-Qalam: 4)"

In addition, terms related to attitudes, behaviors, and actions of individuals

that cause good or bad consequences are often equated with ethical terms related
to fellow individuals, family members, society, state, and religion. Ethics are
obtained from various sources and the most influential of them are through
religious teachings, philosophy of life, and traditions of the surrounding
community. Ethics becomes a guide where good and true values become the main
in living daily life.8

HAMKA. 1992. "Tafsir Al-Azhar." Jakarta: Panjimas, Juz 1: 54-55.
Haidar Musyafa, " Jalan Cinta Buya: The Second Book of The Hamka Bilogy", 456-491
Master Student, "Islam and Ethics Education,".
One of the famous figures from Iran in the Middle Ages who is also an
expert in the field of morals, namely Ibn Miskawaih explained, according to him
ethics is in the concept of the middle way which means balance, or the middle
between the advantages and disadvantages of the human soul.9

In this regard, Imam al-Ghazali in his book Ihya' Ulumuddin explains, if

instincts originating from the mind will produce a good action according to the
views of sharia and human common sense, then it is called good ethics.
Conversely, if it produces bad or negative actions, then this is called bad ethics.10

The Role Of The Young Generation

The younger generation has an important role in progress by holding a role

as an agent of change we can find in the thoughts and integrity that come from the
hearts of the younger generation.11 From this explanation, it can be understood
that youth must have forethought about the progress of society, nation, and
religion, and be able to create changes for future progress which of course starts
from a young age, because the progress produced in the future is the fruit of
training and habituation that starts from now on.

Regarding the importance of the role of the younger generation, Sheikh

Mustafa Al-Ghalayani, an Egyptian poet, expressed his admiration for young
people, writing in his book Idhatun Nasyi'in which means:

‫إن ىف يد الشبان أمر األمة وىف أقدامها حيتها‬

"Verily it is in the hands of the youth that the affairs of the people are
deposited, and it is at the feet of the youth that the life of the people is plugged" 12

Suwito, " Filsafat Pendidikan Ibnu Miskawih." (2014)
Nur Afif, Agus Nur Qowim, and Asrori Mukhtarom, "Pendidikan Akhlak di Era Globalisasi
Perspektif Buya Hamka" Al Kamal 2, No. 1 (2022): 271.
Saputra, I. Komang Adi. " Urgensi Pendidikan Anti Korupsi Pada Generasi Muda Sebagai Agent
Of Change Dalam Menumbuhkan Budaya Anti Korupsi Di Indonesia." Ganesha Civic Education
Journal 4, no. 1 (2022): 82-93.
Musollin, " Generasi Muda Dalam Al- Qur’an Perspektif Tafsir Al-Azhar Dan Tafsir Al-Misbah,"
Journal of Comprehensive Islamic Studies I, no. 2 (2022): 427–50.
The words of Sheikh Mustafa Al-Ghalayani should be a strong motivation
for the younger generation how important their role is for the Ummah. Therefore,
the younger generation must be an intelligent, active, creative, dynamic
generation, all of which must be based on good ethics that adhere to knowledge
and taqwa. It is conceivable that if the young generation is active, intelligent,
creative, and dynamic without having a good attitude, of course, all positive
values will be worthless, because having good ethics is more important than
science itself.

In addition to having good ethics as a principle in action, the younger

generation is required to become a generation that understands religion and morals
by instilling youth characteristics, especially for Islamic youth. These
characteristics are; First, have faith and have a strong Aqedah, so that it becomes a
standard in every step he takes. Second, youth who dare to bring change, because
basically Islam is here to bring towards the better not only for Islam but
universally because Islam is the religion of Rahmatan lil 'Alamin. Third, for the
generation that adheres to the Islamic Aqedah, it is important to have a strong
Aqidah because with it all the problems of human life will be answered, so that
life will be more peaceful, and not afraid of where to lean to find solutions to
existing problems.13

If these three characteristics are present in the younger generation, the

awareness to leave negativity will grow, so that there will be no more worries
about various deviations caused by the absence of youth principles in action.

Ethics According To Hamka's View

HAMKA views the essence of ethics as a preparation that has been in the
mind, has been broken, and has been racist. If the preparation can give rise to a
commendable temperament or a noble temperament then that is called good
Ibid. 439
ethics. But if those who grow up are despicable according to reason and shara'
then this is called bad ethics.14

Regarding this, HAMKA also explained that there are four sources of
ethics, there are:15

1. Hikmat (Related to effort)

Hikmat means a mental state that with wisdom can know what is right and
what is wrong all actions related to effort, can distinguish between good and
wrong and if good ethics is accompanied by the awareness to take a good
path. So that all management of the actions taken is only actions of positive

2. Syuja'ah (the power of anger embraced by reason)

It is the power of anger guided by reason, either increasing anger

or decreasing. In this case, reason takes the role of controlling the angry
passions that exist in humans.

3. 'Iffah (curbing the will of lust with reason and syara')

It means restraining the will of lust with reason and syara', the
ability within a person to control or control all demands derived from lust
with the power of reason and by shara'.
4. 'Adl (the inner power to control oneself when angry)

It means the state of nafs, which is the inner strength that can
control itself when angry or when the martyr rises. If 'iffah curbs lust with
reason and shara', then 'Adl originates from the mind so that it can control
itself when in a state of anger.

All of these are the principles of the ethics, so from it it can be understood
that if a person is able to control and balance these 4 things then the good ethics
will emerge from within him.

HAMKA, Akhlaqul Karimah, 1992. p5
Ibid. 7
Besides, let each person have power, that is, power guided by reason. It
was the intention of Allah SWT that the companions of the Prophet were harsh on
those who disobeyed. And of course a tough attitude arises from the character of
anger, if there is no anger, there is no struggle (jihad). How shahwat and anger
were abolished when the prophets did not throw them all away.16

In Islam, the main foundation of ethics is the Qur'an and Sunnah, so the
determination of good or bad refers to the Qur'an and Sunnah which many words
of Allah have explained about, as Surah Ali Imran verse 110:

‫ك ُك نُتۡم َخ ۡي َر ُأَّمٍة ُأۡخ ِر َج ۡت ِللَّناِس َت ۡأ ُم ُروَن ِب ٱۡل َم ۡع ُروِف َو َتۡن َه ۡو َن َع ِن ٱۡل ُم نَك ِر َو ُتۡؤ ِم ُن وَن ِبٱِۗهَّلل َو َل ۡو‬
‫َء اَم َن َأۡه ُل ٱۡل ِكَٰت ِب َلَك اَن َخ ۡي ٗر ا َّلُهۚم ِّم ۡن ُهُم ٱۡل ُم ۡؤ ِم ُنوَن َو َأۡك َثُر ُهُم ٱۡل َٰف ِس ُقوَن‬

110. You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin
what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah. If only the People of
the Scripture had believed, it would have been better for them. Among them are
believers, but most of them are defiantly disobedient. (Ali Imran: 110)

From The translation contains the main points that cannot be separated,
namely explaining that humans are the best people for humans, commanding the
Ma'ruf, forbidding disobedience, and believing in Allah SWT.

The people of the Prophet Muhammad will be the best people who arise
among humanity as long as he has these three virtues. Dare to tell to do ma'ruf,
dare to forbid from doing mungkar, and believe in Allah. If these three existed,
they would have attained a high position among human associations.17

In addition to these three virtues, HAMKA conveys the need for a balance
between reason, lust, and shahwat. This balance is formed by two factors. The
first factor is the balance determined by religion and syara', this is because man
created by God is equipped with reason, is blessed with shahwat, and lust for
anger. The second factor is through mujahadah, sincerity, and mental training, in
another sense which is to habituate oneself to the works that produce the virtue

Ibid. 9
HAMKA, Tafsir Al-Azhar, Juz 4: 210.
adhered to.18 With a balance between the two, it will form human character that is
good ethics.

It is certain that someone who has a good temperament and ethics will be
more accepted by people from various groups. In addition, no less important is
self-honesty, no doubt the main capital of a HAMKA in dakwah is honesty even
though the results taken from being honest are sometimes heavier, but will be a
good result in the end.

Regarding honesty, HAMKA explained that honesty is a reflection of the

attitude of someone who has good ethics, in the following quote:

Perangainya halus, hatinya suci, sikapnya jujur, perkataannya teratur, dan

budinya mulia. Kelakuannya baik, mukanya jernih karena ia memandang hidup
dengan penuh pengharapan dan tidak putus asa, apa yang diyakininya. Itulah
yang dikaakannya, itulah yang diyakininya. Karena itu, kita mengambil
kesimpulan bahwa dia seorang “Budiman”.

His temperament is delicate, his heart is pure, his attitude is honest, his words are
orderly, and his temperament is noble. His behavior is good, his face is clear
because he looks at life with hope and does not despair, what he believes. That's
what he says, that's what he believes. Therefore, we conclude that he is a "Dear

Cultivating Good Ethics In The Young Generation

According to HAMKA, it is the highest wisdom that Allah SWT gives to

humans when they have been present in the heart, the desire to know their own
disgrace and try to treat it. Even from Sayyidina Umar bin Khattab said "let the
Mercy of Allah be bestowed upon those who are willing to show my disgrace."
Thus Sayyidina Umar, who had known how noble his position and how high his
bud was, still felt lacking in all his weaknesses. It is a pity at this time, how many

HAMKA, Akhlaqul Karimah. 11.
Hamka. “Pribadi Hebat”, Jakarta: Gema Insani,, 2014: p1.
people have a noble position but it is difficult to accept the evaluation of people
around who have good intentions towards him.20

Therefore, as a basis for producing a young generation of Muslims with

good ethics, it is necessary to instill the values of sincerity so that they are open to
receiving evaluations for the sake of improving the quality of society and the
younger generation itself.

One of the great ulama of Egypt, Hasan Al-Banna also explained that several
things must be done by sincere Islamic youths including:21

1. improve oneself both morally and creed

2. Forming a supportive Muslim family
3. Spreading kindness to the community while guiding the community
4. Strive to liberate the nation from the grasp of non-Muslim rulers
5. Apply the laws that have been determined, namely based on the
government that has been jointly fixed.

All the progress that can be produced by the younger generation will have
no value if it is not instilled in the younger generation to have good ethics, for that
having good ethics in adolescents is very important to be instilled as early as
possible so that all actions, creativity, works, and progress produced stand on the
foundation of good ethics.

Regarding this, there are several important points that must be cultivated
in a person, especially the younger generation in order to have a good
temperament, there are:22

First, to take a stand for youth itself, so that when there is a shahwat
disturbance he can control and actually live life because obstacles are not
reinforcements but tests from Allah SWT.

Second, try to evaluate ourself, by knowing your disgrace, to try to

improve yourself from mistakes that have been made before.
HAMKA, Akhlaqul Karimah. 19
Muksin, "Eksistensi Pemuda Islam Perspektif Hasan Al-Banna" (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah,
Jakarta, 2008).
HAMKA, Akhlaqul Karimah. 18-21
Third, look for friends who have good ethics so that they can motivate and
pay attention to our mistakes. So be careful in choosing friends, because a
person's temperament can be seen by who he is friends with. And this is what
people did in ancient times.

Fourth, pay attention to every word that comes out so that it does not
constitute a reproach and hurt others either intentionally or unintentionally.
But, HAMKA reminded us to keep listening to words that might come out of
the enemy's reproach because it could be that all the envy and hasad of the
enemy in it have the benefit of enemy criticism if we open our hearts.

Fifth, as a young generation, of course, we need association. Therefore,

HAMKA suggests getting along a lot by paying attention to the benefits
obtained from his association, what is meant by associating here is associating
that makes people aware of the shortcomings that exist in him, and can take
each other's traits which are good and which are bad.


With various facts that exist in the younger generation, it is certain that
how the future situation looks from how the quality of the young generation today,
because in essence, the younger generation is a generation that stands at a point of
high enthusiasm, ambition to progress, work and still has perfect strength to carry
out various positive activities. For this reason, it is very important for families,
communities, and the environment to instill good ethics in young people as early
as possible, so that those born are the next generation of role-holders who have a
leadership spirit but still have noble ethics, in the end, create an advanced, safe,
peaceful and prosperous future for all levels of society.


Azyumardi Azra. " Pendidikan Karakter Generasi Muda: Peran Sekolah dan
Keluarga." In YISC Al-Azhar Journal, Al-Azhar Institute, Al-Azhar Youth
Forum, vol. 13. 2012)
Haidar Musyafa, " Jalan Cinta Buya: The Second Book of The Hamka Bilogy".
HAMKA, Akhlaqul Karimah.
HAMKA, Tafsir Al-Azhar, Juz 4..
HAMKA. “Pribadi Hebat”, Jakarta: Gema Insani, 2014.
HAMKA. 1992. "Tafsir Al-Azhar." Jakarta: Panjimas, Juz 1: 54-55.
Kussepti, Melan Nica, and Suryo Ediyono. "Fenomena Kenakalan Di Kalangan
Remaja Dan Perspektif Ilmu Filsafat”
Master Student, "Islam and Ethics Education,".
Muksin, "Eksistensi Pemuda Islam Perspektif Hasan Al-Banna" (UIN Syarif
Hidayatullah, Jakarta, 2008).
Musollin, " Generasi Muda Dalam Al- Qur’an Perspektif Tafsir Al-Azhar Dan
Tafsir Al-Misbah," Journal of Comprehensive Islamic Studies I, no. 2
Nur Afif, Agus Nur Qowim, and Asrori Mukhtarom, "Pendidikan Akhlak di Era
Globalisasi Perspektif Buya Hamka" Al Kamal 2, No. 1 (2022)," Law No. 40 of 2009 concerning Youth, Retrieved December 20,
2022, 2009.pdf.
Saputra, I. Komang Adi. " Urgensi Pendidikan Anti Korupsi Pada Generasi Muda
Sebagai Agent of Change Dalam Menumbuhkan Budaya Anti Korupsi Di
Indonesia." Ganesha Civic Education Journal 4, no. 1 (2022).
Suwito, " Filsafat Pendidikan Ibnu Miskawih." (2014)

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