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ANISITORS FROM SPACE Ae Fellowship of Golden Dlumination he BUGENE H. DRAKE, Direc {Olt So. LAKE STREET: LOS ANGELES 6, CALE. PORSWARD he date compiled herein 16 present- ed to those Interested in tho subject of visitations from space by beings of super- ior intelligence with the hope that they be alerted to the fast changing conditions as they affect this planet. Sven tho the atomic warfare never takes placa the fact that several nations are firing such test bombs of destructive magnitude, 1s creating great mental harn with individuals as well as monstrosities of diabolical activity that will come in- to manifestation at a later period and in thie respect alone warrants cessation. Vibratory waves are penetrating tato gas belts in the crust of the earth which are bringing increased earthquake distur>- ances; effecting the ataosphere causing & repetition of etorns and floods, the nel,t- ing of the polar caps, but worse of all ‘ts the hate pattern being built up in the con- Belousness of peoples the world over. Creative lew is being violated by 18 activity, threatening humenity every wnere. Black Uagicians can do nothing but destroy. they do not know how to build, only to tear down. Psychotic minds are unconsciously alined with them. ‘The £lder Brothers from Space, the forces of the Mite Brotherhood are here in greater array than eny time since man walked the earth. They have the anewers. We salute them. Ce O¢ FLYING SAUCERS \ VISITORS PROM SPACE SPACE SHIPS - DISCS- FLYING SAUCERS ay sugene H. Drake, Los Angeles, Cal. seer 1000 For a long time space craft have had thie planet under observation. We have Deon in contact with thom since 1930. at that time we wore in Santa Monica, “and contact was made in a large field’ where the Santa Monica City College 1s now lo- cated. Only during the past fon years have they chosen to reveal their proserm. These space ships, with their Alsce or flying saucers, as’ some call th their commanders #0 desired, could and still can, take over thie planet at any time. However, they have no desire to interfere with our life here, They only wish to assist ue in arriving at a clearer understanding of the immutable luns governing this and al) eolar syste and to help us build a more wonderful, Deautiful and peaceful civilization. Some of these spaco ships are huge in Jength and diameter. One of the parent ehips in the uppor regions above thie pl- anet ip at least 7000 feet long, 500 rest in @iameter, ¥ith @ crew of approximately 2500 beings, consisting of the officers in charge, With pilote, navigators, obs- ervers, téchnicans, scientists, and oth- er nenbers required in the operation of this ship and many onaller craft being used in their visitation plan. These ships with their intricate me- chanism are powered by a form of electro- magnetic force. They are heavily armed Cr¢ #2 with powerful ray weapons. Rt tremenduous speeds. They cruise about 27,000 miles per pour, our timing. Althougs ‘hon traveling through outer space from one planet to another, they use. speeds far in ex- tesa of this. Thoy do not carry fuel such gs our plenes use but aro able to convert en~ erey of light into electro-magnetic force, to Propel their oraft. Turough the use of ray Rachines they can erect a Yacuum-like condi. {ion above aida round their craft to enabl them to move up or down, sideways or reve their direction, or hover visible or invisi- ble; to convert thoir craft into a fluid 11- Ko state, beaming it to where they want to go ina very short period. They can operate ‘They come into our atmospheric belts from their planets not in solid form but in an et- heric form Upon entering our atmosphere ge, cha- nge the atomic elements in the construction of these ships and materialize thom into the density which they are now using. on these various craft are also pat the etheric to a dense form of matter and ap- Dear to materialize. By speeding up the vib- ratory frequency of the atoms of the elements of which these craft are made, as stated be- fore, they can move with great speeds invis- ible'to our physical sight, and when they @esired slow then down and’ congeal this at- onic energy to a more solid form. There are elements known to thea of which our scient ~ ¢ have nO knowledge or understanding, wh- ich they use and mold in whatever form, 14: or shape they wish. The fact that we of earth have been expl- coding atomic bombs, and plan to use them wi- th hydrogen or cobalt bombs in warfare, 11 one of the reasons why these space visitors have come into our density. For theae vib- ratory waves have disturbed the etheric at- mosphere around this planet, punching holes ed ag it were in the same, and these waves have penotrated Iines of magnetic force and spir- aied up to other planots of our solar system, They have also disturbed the etherte subst ~ anoe in what me cal] the lower and upper he- avens around the earth ant the etheric being cccupying these realms or worlds, which are ae dense to them as our cities are to ua. Many of thoso inhabitanta have been moved to portions of the qtratosphere whore explosions do not disturd them, O€ Therefore, those epace craft wore sont to Investigate Buch activity. Anything distur- ing the otheric atmospheric belte around this planet also effect ths other planets of the solar system; each being part of the whole. The Comuander in charge of this expedit - ton to whon I have been talking, advised that any wide scale atomic or hydrogen bombings will necessitate the use of poners beyond curt» C conception to eliminate laboratories, airp!- ane plants, planes, ani such plants where Such bombs’are made and assembled, and the Planes carrying them, a8 Well ae take in che Erge the beings controlling such destructive activity. Many of these space visitors aro from Ven us, Ware, Saturn, Jupiter and Urenua, altho sone of them are coming now fron othor solar systems, working in harmony with thoae whom We call’ Elder Brothers of thie soler systems Thie solsr system 15 in cherge of a Great Cosmic Being who directs all life under the Great Creative Plan. The Elder Brothers or Ethertans work under His direct supervision, Cavaligation Will not be permitted to be destroyed as it wae almost during the strug gle between the Titans and the Atians, Lalt- Tians prior to the sinking of Lemuria’ and Atlantis. Cr C¢ oa Should they land in our midst we would quickly realize bow inferior we are, bow much we mist learn of life, brotherly love, of wh- ion we talk a great deal but practice little, end of the laws governing creation. An increasing number of space craft have assembled in the upper regions over this pla- net. The beings on them minber more than tro and one-half millions, with millions more on the way, Tuey are sésembling Tor the, iner- eased violence on tho earth, the speeding up of the eo-called cold war, and also to keep the atmosphere cleared of’ radio~active vibr- stions. Not that they are particularly int- erested in saving us from our own crested destructive activity, but to preserve the earth itself, of which they are the guardi~ ans, and to esteblish a new civilization as needful during every New Age. They have the situation now under their control. They have plugged up the holes in our atmosphere. They have sont what, we all fire-balls blazing thru our air to purity the game of radio-active particles and to prevent further vibratory waves traveling to the oth- er plenets. Rather confining the eame to the where they are originating. Thore are a great many different types and classes of Space Craft in the fleste above the earth, We would say over 250 kinds. The Fleet Commanders use ships of the 7000 foot length class. Sub-Commanders those of about 5000 ft. long. All of thom heavily armed and probeted ‘against attack. 8 etated before, they are manned by beings fron the planete mentioned. The far side of the earth's moon, the eidemt mn by people of earth or by antronamera, 16 jon used a6 an assembling point. The Space Craft are mostly cigar-shape #5 a reflect a siivery-golden color. Some of ( end or leotre flat, soe global, reflecting ( sresivery Light. the enerey.sbich surrounds these craft hon in motion gives forth such ~ Golere ao blue, green, reddien blue, orenge end davender. The escort and fighter type craft are sev- eral hundred feet long. Some 100 feet, 25 to 15 fect in diameter. They carry trom 20 to 50 in their crews, are dtiven by cosmic energy, converted into olectro-mngnetic pon~ or. Another type of creft resembles a dough nut, carry @ crow of about 50. These are used as laboratories. They are circular , 125 feet across, about 25 feot thick» Here ali data is checked, analyzed, and transal- ted to other craft.’ Atmospheric conditions are eolentifically studied. Al] magnetic vortexes charted. Cu Another type 1s 100 feet across, oircul- ar, 25 feet thick, capable of carrying ab- out 20 each. The global type have several levele or decks. “These are also observational ships, olectro-agnetically driven. Smaller digc ehaped craft range from 50 fect across down to 15 feet. Some are 15 feet thiok, others only 7 feet. Thoy carry crews from’8 to 2 persons. These are some of the craft that come close to the earth, checking on all plane plants, landing fields laboratories, plante whore bomb parts are made and assembled, and aleo where mining operations for uranium are conducted. Another type, controlled by larger craft range from 1s feet across to others only 6 ( y ( feet. Others only two feet across, shaped #6 Like tops. Sone of these smaller craft have been mistaken for fire-balls, These top- like objects are made of an electronic subs- tance whirling at such epeeds they seem tra- neparent. These are used for photographic purposes by which the inside as well as the outelde of any object or substance 1s photo- grephed. These are controlled by magnetic Deams similiar to our radar. such pictures taken are viewed on board the space ships on What we would call space mirrors or screens, but theirs are vastly superior to anything w have constructed. They have a visa-scope which they can fo~ ous #0 minutely as to look not only into a room where people are but right into their brains, watching the pulsations when th are talking or thinking. The brain cells throw off colorful lights as they vibrate. Sone vibrate but little. The right side of many earth people brains are almost in a do- Tmant state. They have an instrument that 18 about a Toot Bquare on the top, and then 1s bell sn- aped (somewhat like a green pepper), flat on the bottom, which they set in the middle of 4 craft, and from the light energy picked up from our atmosphere by this instrument 1t be - gins to oscillate, The top section moving Clock-"ise. The other parts of the bell por- tion moving both counter clock-wise and clo. ck-wise. As this movement increases in tel waves of light energy are pushed out in the ship and beyond its walis for considerable distance and these waves are of many colors. This motion vibrates so fast that the craft sets up a elight humming sound, and under contrel of the operator shoots out into space aU terrific speeds. ‘Inte is the color seen by earth people as the craft travels through our atmosphere. We have called these smaller craft and fT isos by many names, such a flying saucers, "fire-balle", "foo-balla", or vortexes of electro-magnetic energy. ‘Some such condi~ tions do exist in our atmosphere, but they should not be confused with any of the cr= aft referred to herein. Bvery part of the earth's surface where destructive war activity 1e centered has been viewed, all air-fields and plants ch- arted, alo all laboratories. All areas where uranium and other minovale are being mined for use in the manufacture of atomic or hydrogen bombs listed. All world lead. ere are under their surveillance. All go- called secret mectings, plans, operations, dosigna are known to these space beings. Invidble watchers are in the aldst of all meetings, noting, recording and photograph ing all that takes place that has deetruct- jon in mind. Through the use of the visa~ scope they can check on every phase of our life. As the misoion of these craft is a help- ful and peaceful one, no harm is intended to any earth beings unless a hostile move 4g made against them. They are now in con= tact With certain individuals who have tak- en up physical embodiment on earth to work with these space beings in the unfolding of the Now Age Plan, to assist in the builing of a better civilizatic Should any hostile action be taken aga~ Anot thom they will quickly remove the same. By using certain cosmic forces which they ave thoroly familiar with they would easily disintegrate any such hostile craft before it or any of ite guided missles are disch- arged. Airplanes would also be prevented from leaving the ground for such an attack. Pilote and operators could be placed in an unconscious or sleep state unable to perform O€ CO ¢€ C.€ #8 any functions, and forts, plants or operat- tonal points disintegrated through demagnet- eation. Hostile planes could be enveloped ina field of force that would suspend them ‘They would abo quid. un helplessly in the air. ly take in charge and ‘using such power known to us of earth, pick up the leade: recting such hostile actions against th into the 4th, 5th, 6th, and higher dimenst. ons, into the presence’ of the Space Beings. People would say thoy must have dieappeared ina blaze of high vibretory light. They Would make their own ships invisipie travel- ing in the midst of the hostile planes with out being detected. This information should ve to convince eartilings how futile thee efforts would be, against beings of such sup- for intelligence. It would be wise for arth leaders and people to concentrate on way of peace and brotherly love rather on war and destruction. Many of these smaller craft will be seen in’ the near future, during the period of gr- eat stress coming upon the earth. Some of the larger space ships may be seen also, Th~ er appearance will serve to anake millions that there are beings of far superior intel- ligence to earth people on other plane When the new races are established in No~ » in Africa, Australia and New Zealand, people of earth’will ha dence and epportunity of Beings in dense forms; ing sone of thes arn of their great wisdom and poner. If we would realize that our astronomers have photographed solar systems and galaxies with millions of planets, millions of light years from the earth, we must accept the fact that intelligent beings are dwelling and act ively engaged in thoir form of life express— jon on a great number of planets. ‘They are Occupied by beinge "hose atomic cell and or- ganie structures are somewhat different trom wo ours, in which they are able to function in ‘their atmospheric conditions just as we do in the earth, and from what we are told cou- ld learn a great deal. Many of our scientists, musicians, posts, ete, have received: much of their understant ing from higher minds both carnate and ai incarnate who have drawn close and impressed upon thotr consciousness tdcao which thoy claim as their own. Taie intelligence ori. ginated in the higher spheres of consctous- ness and was given to them that humanity be benefited and civilizations lifted to more wonderful expression. Many wonderful in- ventions have been seized by unscrupulous people, capitalized upon for their own per sonal gain with little real thought for the upliftment of humanity, except they had the financial means to purchase the same. Many visitations have been made te the ea rth since its formation and cooling by thes Elder Brothora of Space, and during periods ef waro and groat tribulation. This 1s not the first time that the earth has been at the doorway of a great Golden Age. In the hiatory of earth's civilizations there have been several. Five times the earth has st~ ood in the path of destruction, and several times 1t haa been throw out of ite origin- al orbit. It 1s not now in the orbit it be. gan its first movement in space. This 1 the ond of a great cosmic cycle of 2-1/2 million years, as well as an age cycle, and a period cycle, so drastic chan- gos are due to change the inhabitants of the earth as well as the earth's land area 11 ae ite peeition in the heavens. Our heaven and earth are being moved al- ong with the other planete of our tem through space at a tremenduous spood Ce © ¢ #10 into another part of the great universe, in- to the auric field of a Central Sun, invisi- ble now to our astronomical instruments. This will alter the face of the earth bring- ing up now sunken bodies of land, 1d Murian contient, until the the earth 18 greatly reduced. ‘The atmosph- ere around the earth, the lower heavens, 16 now undergoing and wiji continue to undergo changes until a new hoavens or atmosphere surrounds it, vibrating at a higher more re. fined degre: \ ‘These flying discs or saucers have been geen in most every country on the planet. Many hundreds of such observations have been noted in the past fow years. Many were not, soon at all. Many pages of these sightings could be filled--made by reputable indivic uals, Many were seen in the daylight which refuted the idea of falling stars, fire-balis, ete. Many were seen fairly close up. Some pictures have been taken of them showing a density like our own planes. They have beon sighted in many dates of the nation, In Caneda, many countries of South America, Korea, New Zealand, Auetralia, Ita- ly, France, Germany, Russie, Sweden, Norway, England, Spain, Siberia, Japan, and’ several, places in africa, over uranium’ mines, and el- waeres Almost a century ago a phenomena of lights were seen in England and became imown as the Durham Lights. The newspapers wore filled with stories of aysterious cigar-shaped airships in 1897 seen in varlous parts of the country. It was reported that the lights and men on board Co CP cleariy avon. On May 25, 1893 a magazine called "Nature" ay quoted a curious phenowenon being observed on the wintery cruise of H.M.S. Caroline by a deck officer on watch. ‘The lights were of an unusual nature. Some were spread out. Cthers appoared enmass. Thoy bore torarda the north and disappeared about midnight+ Some authorities have endeavored to expl- ain away’ these sightings as looming mirag caused by layers of inverson haze, saying they could duplicate such a manifestation in their laboratories. Perhaps they are corr- ect in their laboratory deductions, but they cannot begin to duplicate even in @ meager manner the metel used in these space ships or the ability of Space Beings to maneuver them in the way they do and at the speeds they have been clocked at; all the way from 300 miles to over 18,000 miles per hour. To correct a mass of incorrect, information gtyon out about space ships, stare, planoto, Bolar systems, otc., we will endeavor to give our readers sone facts; Theee space ships are composed of « kind of element which does not show on our spectrum, which 1s harder than any metal we of earth have boen able to manufacture, yet a0 light that two men could lift one of those discs of 50 fect in diameter. That inaide of the space Ships they have bunks that one ‘can push back into pleco, fitting eo tightly into the inner surface of’ the craft that one cannot see any evidence of them being there. Each ship has Ate panel board, we will cali 1t, consisting of the various push-buttons used for the op- eration of all mechanical objects on board. ‘Their radar like ecreens, reflecting mirras, viea-scopes, visa-phones, radio directional Lighte, electro-magnetic’ mechanism to pick up light raye concentrating them thru ery ale into gyroscopic instruments that create the waves of light energy referred to before. #12 Ray machines for magnotising or demagnetia- ing any object, creating of vacuum conditions or patterns, and for projecting beans of light force from ship to earth or elsewhere. At this time these space ships and discs are setting up landing tubes and broadcasting conters all over the earth. The landing tu- bes are about 20 feet in height, composed of electronic substence, invisible, on which a @iscs will settle and remain ptationery aga- inet a force of wind of other factors. The broadcasting centers will be of similiar su- stance, also invisible, but capable of send- ing beans of energy waves over the earth, al— ong which will travel thoughts of peace, love Joy, harmony and justice, and as humans pick up these thoughts both during sleep and anak- ened etate they Will begin to react thereto and put into expression such ideas. This wi- 11 be ono way to break up the destructive th cught pattern that every nation of the earth is now spreading upon ite inhabitants through various channels, ‘The Commander of one of these Space Ships, known a6 Arania, is 5 feet 1G inches tall. Very dignified.” So1idly built, fairly bread through the shoulders. His hair 1s Tong and golden, The cheeks are pink, eyes large and blue, his chin strong. He has a very pleas- ing expression. He Wears a tight fitting tunic of pearl shade silk, with gold and blue trim, the collar of which’ 1s three inches high, open a little at tho throat, with gold tabs’at the ends. On the shoulders of the tunic are golden epaulete--somerhat similiar to the "boards" worn by naval officers. He Wears tight fitting trunks of same material, pearl silk, with a golden zipper up one side of the calf. His hoes are @ soft golden me- tallic material. While his manner is gracious it 16 very commanding. One can feel the mag- netic force emanating from hie person. Tie command ship is from the Planet Venus. It is Co ( C ¢ ¢ #3 J eruteing some/75,000 miles above the earth. He informs me that 1t 18 about 7000 feet long, 500 feet in diameter, with 1500 beings on Board. The skin of the ship looks 11k aluminum or stainless steel, reflects a sil- very-golden light. It has two entrances, fore and aft. Inthe nose is a long panel board with many push buttons, a view or sp- ace-nirror, a picture-graph, @ sound wave detector, & visa-scope, a visaaphone, = em- all radio like instrument which 1s in dire— ot atunement with the Planet Venus. There are several seats before this panel board at which the various techniclans sit when the ship 18 in operation. We might call thes beings the pilots, co-pilots, navigator, engineer, radio and sound technicians. The crew 4s composed of Venusians from 36 to Ag inches tall. They are well prop- otioned. Their ekin 1s a light cream col- or, covered with fuzz~like hair, like the down on a peach. Their eyes are large and blue, with hair blonde to golden, brows fairly heavy, arched, but iittles They go about their work silently, eyes flashing, at times smiling. Their tmiforms are 1i- ght bluo, close fitting, tunics and trunke, With shoes of tho same material fitting ti: ght around the ankles. Many have gold” or. Raments on their uniforms, indictive of rank. The Commander Aramia advises that those little people are a specific ractal type on Venus, and that a race of little men and ¥o~ non are to be found on Mars a6 well, wile, on Saturn they have a race a little taller but heavier and wore gross in appearance. On Uranus and Neptune are reces of giants. The little men of Venus and Mars are highly sk- ilied tn the handling of mechanical and e1- ectrical machinery. You might even call them wizards when you consider their ability and knowledge. #4 This ship 1s operated in several One of thom is utilizing the cosmic magnet- fe force in the atmosphere. This energy 1s microscopic, White in appearance, and more explosive than uranium. The ancients cali- ed vryil. It 1s picked up by a series of coils and converted into power units as the energy, 19 concentrated thru cryutals a6 they nove thra our otheric belts or atmosphere. When traveling in outer space fron the ear- th to other planeta on between planots they move along lines of magnetic force at blind~ ing speeds. The magnetic vortex that extends outward from our poles in cone shape 1s several hun~ dred thousands miles in length, reaching be- yond the moon, and when these space ships ‘come into our earth's orbit they come down thru thie magnetic vortex toward the earth from the north toward the north pole; and thie magnetic. force enters the earth trom the ( north pole, travels thru the earth southward, Anto the vortex of the south pole, while the energy from the south pole vortex travel over the face of the earth into the north pole vortex. Therefore, these ships can come from the moon into the earth's magnetic field in just a few hours. By the use of certain instruments they can create a vacuum around and before the ship, thus having no friction or resisting force’ to overcone. In other worde they travel in an atmosphere of their own creation. There ap- pear to be tubular vente along the outside of this craft evidently thru which they, by send. ing bursts of magnetic force on one eide or the other can manouver 4t in any direction. Also in this vacuum they can remain stationery. As 1t 19 now cruising about 75,000 miles above the earth many sualler craft report to and are directed from this source. Snaller can be taken aboard the mother ship by CC #15 landing on the top, then lowered inside. ‘The operators of these craft when report. ing etand at attention before one of the off- hoere or the Commander and make their state- ments telepathically. They salite by extend- ing the right arm, pale up, the hand slightly above shoulder height. When the Commander gives an order telepathically to any of his Grew one can feel the vibratory effect of this thought beam, and the force with which it 1s Airected sooms to electrify those to whom it ie sent, as they snap inte activity at once. No maps or charts are used. When a cer- tain area 1s to be viewed they sweep the area with @ ray beam that travels on the earth picking up thru a top-like object which 18 wh rling at a terrific speed photographs of gr- ound, outside as well as the inside of build. ings, and these are shown on their. view or sp- ace mirror together with eny sounds or conver- vations. Was astounded to Bee buildings, pl- ants, airfields, and poople working ineide of ‘them, eo 1f televised, and heard the voices ‘too &s they came thru’ the sound wave detector, Just as heard over earthly radios. When these Voices or tones are converted into picture graphe we behold piotures of that which te be. ing said or discussed. These come through ra. pidly and with clarity. So no matter in what language the conversation may be. in, those picture-graphs show What it 1s about. Al1 thought 16 universal and convey form, and when qualified by instruments, such as this pieture-graph, indicate the trend and pur- pose of the conversation. When we send a tel. epathic thought to another person it travela in picture form on waves of etheric substance, is picked up by our sensoriun and readily un- derstood. This ship and all others in the fleet are #16 ehielded against any interfering radar wave of earthlings, or other space ships not in harmonious accord with the fleets working in the orbit of the earth. Inasmuch as our ear- ‘th and solar eystem 1s entering the density of the Central Sun Vela, space craft from ot- her solar systems will begin to inspect the earth closer, and unless their attitude is friendly the solar space patrol challenge them et once, ‘The Commander smiles when the thought 1s airected to hia, "Are there beings on other planets of this solar systen{" He replies, "In this vast universe thousands of plan- ete have living beings on them. They do not all resemble earth people, any more than th people resemble each other in color, hei, ght or facial characteristics. Some resemb- Je earth people very closely.” Some beings are part human and part animal. These are beings In the lower phases of evolvement.. They too fell from grace or a higher status by mating with lower animalistic forma, oven 8 sone of tho first beings on earth, dalled the suns of Light, wno married or mated with sub-humen people, "Your sclentists and astronomere are not quite correct in their deductions and ideas about the planete of this solar system; about other beings not being on them, or thinking thre might be only some lower order of living orgenien existing on then.” "It seems they have decided that according to the analysis of our atmosphere on Venus, by Some of their special Instrumente that th. ere ie 1ittle if any oxygen and no aten of water vapor. Hence, they believe the surface of our planet must be like a desert, with a ®t or some strange gaseous formation in our Clouds. That the temperature of these vieib- CC ( C ¢ C wT Je clouds or cloud layers vary as much as 0 ees at night to 140 degrees F. in the ‘That the surface temperature would ine dicate that it might be as high as boiling point. So without any apparent oxygen, no "ater vapor, unfavorable temperatures, there could hardly be any life on Venus like that on the earth, They are mistaken. No astro~ nomer thra such instruments as you have on the earth has ever beon able to see our pla- net itself, nor can they say their instruments are picking up any direct radiation from the planet but only from visible cloud layers, and they are not sure that such do not come from other sources in space.” "I apsure you, that we do have life on our Planet Venus. Our people resemble earth peo~ ple very closely. Our cell structure vipret— 6 at a higher rate than does yours, but we vat, breathe, and digest, our foods, though ewhat different than earth fruits and vegeta les, yet they sustein us. know how to as- imulate these foods to the best. advantage. We have water and vapor in our atmosphere. We @0 not have ap many poopie on our planet as wo had ages ago, but aside from the sub-human gr- cup, deing part human and animal, end the race of isttie people, our people are much more hi- ghly evolved than your most edvanced scientists and educators. We do not eat flesh foods of any kind. In'that one department alone we are far beyond you earth people wao are still cann- ibalistic. “When you cease to kill for food, then you "111 cease to kill each other. Why should any being wish to take the life of a fellow being, or to cat the flesh of anyfliving creature, You are st121 not humen, only in the state of becoming human, You have lost control of your wivilization as well ae your~ selves, and it remains to be seen whether you will bd able to regain it, without our help. For in your present destructive frane of mind you are moving fast toward the destruction of yourselves, your civilization, and if not pre- #18 | vented might even cause the destruction of OK this planet and create such stresses among the planets of this solar system as to dis- rupt the whole system. ‘The earth 1s the most unprogreased plan- et of this solar system. Sone day tarough the purification of the golden-lavender rays of this Central sun and other electrical -ma- gnotic forces from sti11 other sources bill- fons of your so-called light years away in apace, 1% #111 become @ bright star in these heavens. Teter it will becone a sun, aesome other planets have When its usefulness hee been exhausted.” "Light travels at far greater speeds than 186,000 miles per second. You eotinate thie sped es this energy which becomes ligat on entering your atmosphere pushes itself from one point of entrance to another by your in- struments. But, you are finding that wa of magnetic energy, aleo Iight, can travel many times faster than ‘that. The planote of thie solar system ere not ad far from the ear- th as your scientist estimate and believe. The repidity in which the raye of light onersy travel cannot be estimated for the connections governing, the force that sends Light, oh our sun 18 dependent upon the electrical for- red within it, There are many many thousands of times lerger than our sun, but each sun 18 dependent for ite brill. Jandy upon the direct electrical forces of the spaces that concentrate upon ite™ "space 1s not a tomb or a vacuum, but 18 teoming With 1ife, atomic and electricsl, or- iginating eo far beyond thie solar eysten that minde cannot graep such immensity. Contribut- ing forecs have to be reckoned with. They may coleiet of electricnl currents which, mosine, produce forces, Mey may aio conoiet of tiulds ( |( in the atmosphere. Light travels in ratio to the condensing power of the receptecle of a #19 partioular wave of Light energy. Some can re~ eelve and register certain speed waves, others are capavie of condensing and receiving a much higher rate of speed. Your sun, our sun is capable of registering a alllion waves of elece trical forces While the moon rogisters only a few. ‘Thus the sun becomes the greatest elect. rical center of light waves in this solar sys: ten. Saturn hes her own condenser of light a has Jupiter, while Mars, ike earth te indept— eatin part 0 the sun. The sun, however, is not a body of liquid fire as thé ancients used to think. The eun le a huge magnot, end the repid vibrations from the same generate elect Pormagnotic waves of onergy which you feel on earth, and when penetrating your atmosphere do create light and heat. The angle at which the- se Waves enter your atmosphere determine your seasons These Venusians appear to be very highly ad- vanced spiritually, mentally and physically. Boing so pure in their thought they seen almest angelic. “Their love power is intense and ble- nas harmoniously with the vibrevions of elect— rical waves of energy sont out puleating in all directions. There are women on board thie sp- face craft. The second in command is a woman, and a very beautiful one too. to where the Commander and I 1@ ‘turned to me and sald: As she come: anding» Tis 19 Retralon, our second Fright Comman~ dor. “She has @ ship’ of her own,” are She 16 about § ft. 4 inches tall. Has the creanest pink complexion I have ever seen on any girl. These Venusians al] look so young it fo aieriount to, tell thelr ages. Hor’ latge blue eyes were like mysterious poole of spark- ling Waters, full of enchantment. She is wear- ing’a uniform not unlike the one worn by” the Gareneey Anewife TASH CMSKS "AB Ge STE BEE tH While I could not understand whet sho is saying #20 to me in her Venusian tongue, telepathically, Tam able to co-ordinate her delightful musi_ cal voice tones comprehensively, I noticed the other women on board, all. 4n uniform, carrying out various tasks, yet hone of them could compare to Estmion in fi- gure ana beauty. Hier love poner is intense as I am held in tte radiuuce. T Just seem Lo melt Into her Presence for a moment as her magnetic aura blends with and ove ny T could only nod ay head as she 18 presented to oy ao 1 am oti11 shaken from hoad to feet by the dynamic nave of love in which she hed envel~ oped me, "She W111 conduet you on an inepection of the ship and enlighten you further} said Aramias As oho 16 talking and indicating the aiff. erent kinds of ray machines, sho stops sudden- ly and putting a hand on my’arm looks at mo again with thet tender avest emtle so radiant and powerful, thet I drift momentarily away in consciousness to a garden filled with @ gamut of beautiful flowers. "This mechanism 1s a demagnetizing ray gun Which te used to disintegrate any foreign ob- jects that might interfere with our flignt, Buch as sizable meteor particles. Also uscd te deflect rays from an opposing force, such a8 a space craft from another solar systen, who does not enter thie system in friendship." It 16 not shaped like one of the guns you see on earth on either plane, ship or ground, Dut 16 rather a short tube through mich a ray is projected by oscillation at a terrific rate of speed, for a considerable Atstance, which donegnetizes whatever the bean 1s directed on. fay "Tig mechanism 1s used to create a vacuum around our ship which enables it to remain stationery in this density. We can algo use thie form of energy when moving thru. space at high speeds. ‘This pushes aside lines of magnetic force which would create friction when crossed. When we travel along lines of magnetic farce we do not need this so greatly," Tuming to another machine, she says, ‘This one 46 used to expand vibratory rays of onergy which as 1% Increases in tempo 1s pushed out in colors, such as red, blue, yel- iow, reddish-blue, and lavender. 'tae higher the’ trequency the nove refined, the color. Yollow or goldenslavender 1s the color you will observe éoning fron the Central Sun Vola, witch I shall show you in our space-soope. "and, thie machine pioks up the waite en- erey in’your atmosphere, concentrates 1¢ thru thobe highly polished eid various shaped oj Stale, which immediately sats up motion, then thie Rotion 1s focused thru several instrune- nts some clockwise, sone counter-clockwise, which enable us to project our creft in the direction we want 1t to go, by directing thie colored energy through various fete. Our dian are not woighed down by hoavy loads of fuel, snd Then we are moving thru your ataospbere our bodies are magnotized go they become light also, thus we ore able to move in such tight circles, at such sharp angles, arce, and at speeds that would paralyze your senses,” Thie machine, aa we referred to before, has a number of various size coils, looks sone- what like copper only of a lighter’ shade. Those pick up the white substance, vryil, which they claim is more explosive than urenitm, by aten- nes, and as Estrolon states 19 concentrated to some odd shaped highly polished crystals. She let me lock through a visa-scope, focused to a ok #22 nth degree, which shows the motion of these ligat particles ae they move in between and through these crystals, into other instru - mente at terrific sp hone this energy ie pushed out of various openings around tho craft, setting up a slight humming, showing Various colors, as viewed by earth’ people. “gone of our discs have movable rims. A near central portion moves clockwise; the exact center being stationary. The other or outer rim moving counter-clocknise, setting up what you on earth would term a gyroscopic balance, enabling the disc to turn at 90 or 1€0 degree angles, to make tight arcs or oir- cles, to dip and twist if necessary while tr- aveling at speeds ranging froma few hundred to many thousands of miles per hour, your reckoning." ’ "Other dtecs are controlled entirely from a much larger disc by beamed 61 Like your redar. These also have movable rine, and somo are without any beings on board, ‘but have wechanion similiar to the type shorn you Before, the (bell penper type ) we will ca te "The metals used in the construction of these disc craft are those Whici! we have on our planets. They aro of a kind that do not show on your spectrum. They are as elements fused through an electro process that makes them 80 durable, also so light, that we can construct or fora an entire disc in one oper- ation. In this way we can construct a disc in size from 2 feet in diameter to any size we desire, say 1200 fect or even 14,000 feet. We build a space craft, without any sections, welding, seams, etc., in a like manner, of any Tength ne desire." "If your people or leaders on earth were not so destructively minded we would give you detetl- ed information as to how this 16 accomplished. #23 But, that must wait until you learn to live in peace with one another, then if you of er- rth have proven worthy of the trust and know ledge we may enlighten you," 1 feel 1tke-a particle of dust before the superior wisdom and grace of thia young Lady. "Space craft have beon making landings on the earth for many huntredn of gars. There are many referenove to them in your ancient writings. They built and used then during tho tAme the’now sunken continent of Mu mas tn tte height of progression, also used on the cont. hent of Atlantis, who erected space platfo in the stratosphere. There are five of these platforms still revolving around the earth in ite orbit. So you will understand that space ships are not new to the earth, nor the idea of space platforme either. "The first beings on your planet earth wre landed by space craft. They were selected by ‘the Eléers Brothers for thelr purity, wisdom, ability and strength from those volintearing, fron other planete, not only of this solar sy- stem, but from others belonging to what 16 ki own fow as & Cosmodon or Federation of planete of other solar systems. Their inatructore Were fron the plants Meroury and Vents, who when their period of instruction had ended re- turned to their respective planets. Other Planets are now being peopled in the sane way "Some planets slow down in vibratory frequ- eney to tho point where habitable life cannot bo ainteineds Later such planote come to en- erelzed activity again thru the conoentration of electrical waves of light hing fociend up— on then by Balted Beings In charge of such gctivity. Sone planets become cums. These a= tract other bodies to them and form another solar systen. "Every living creature upon any Plenet ab. a Hk 2k ton. But it is an established fact. hose Little currents of electricity do not floa 1ibtae toerone of, ectrds rao each phere is charged with electric forces gen - Deane ie nseee eset St or ethane Sed oes ae "and thie 18 again connected with the gr- enter doter pegond your atsosprere, tit the mhole becomes #0 charged with electric! tj That 1t 16 not only seen but felt, when It, takes the fora of ‘heat Iightning!. The air has become eo rarified by the rays fron the sun that these little electrons blend and nove together in visible fora. After exc Bive Lightness and expansion these electric~ fal forees become detached fron each other, concentrate again, then cuts thru the air in zig zag pattern; the result a thunder storm, which cools the air. Tais 16 what often ta ken place in the ataoaphere around the plana ot, but far out into space lie the clear and ‘tranquil ethers, stretching avay beyond ast ronomicel sightings and knowledge, intangible without limits, yet witnal reel." "Each planet hes ite district or orbit in Which it travels hela there by magnetic force lines, and in the ethers each separate group of planets which you call a solar system re- volve. There 18 Ro record that your earth has ever left its orbit to travel in the or. bit of another planet, tho there is record ‘that 1t has been out Of its orbit to the po- int where 1t wobbled lixe a crippled being As 1% 48 now spinning on ite axis it 48 chang. ing ite position polarity, which 16 setting up 8 wobbling motion. The {ime will come when you will have the star Cephus as your new po- lar star. By that time the beings on the ea #25 rth will have advanced to 9 great height in purity, and that 1s what was really meant when the Great Teacher Eeu, whom you call Jesus, said to Peter, hie disciple, "Hence- forth, your name shail be Cephus. "Upon th- at (polarity) shall ay truth be sstablished and it shall not pass avay," "Not only do the planets of this solar sy- stem have people on them, but your moon has also, though they have been coupellvd, dut to its barren condition, tally, the side nornél vieion, to live un- instruments or machines merating of their own light, heat, and oxygen, and rarely come to the surface. They raise’ their own food stuff, and are in advance of your civilization. "You would be surprised to know, I am sure, that you have beings living deep under the’ surface of your Planet, corecgelly, ie tate true around your ¢ f( 6 south pole. Tose’ people are known to us "Rainbow Boings." They live deep below the surface and have a type of civilization fer Superior to your own, with many intricate types of inetrumont for the development Of their own light heat, oxygen and foods. A hunber of ray machines have been developed by them. Taere are sx othor races which de- teriosted. The Rainbow race are a portion of the ola Murian etvilization which went un- derground during the struggle between the TM. tans and Atlans. Some wont in space ships to Tipet, somo to the moon and becane marooned there: “Some were able to land on Mare~ "On the fer ide of the moon, the alde n ver seen from earth, is another race of peo- ple. There is vegetation on that elde, and this is the side that many space craft oper= ate from, So carthlingy do not get the wild, idea that you can land on the moon and conte rol it and your earth, for you will find ot= her beinge, more highly advanced, already on it, minding their own affairs and not attemp. #26 trol the earth, You of carth st- {Suita and act. ike Infants, so ne must bear with you matching you es/you go etunb- Pike Alone hoping you when you appear to berRaving grot difficulty, not only to walk, but to stasiize yoursolves." "Tore 19 an ancient civilization Living underground with entrances in Mexico, ana hot such a great distance from Kexico City. They often come to the surface and mingle with the people, but aside from a new myst Tes, the people of Mexico do not know this, ena’ they Would have @ difficult tine, if they did, to locate tho entrances to’ their underground olties. "space craft have landed for hundreds of years in various parts of your earth where Bone of the mystic brotherhoods abide, and Where these undorground civilizations sti11 exist. At every Now Age, mhon the earth and its inhabitants go thru such great oh- anges, we of space come to your aveletance,as we are’in this instence, in great nuber to sustein those who have boen atuned to the forces of the light, to work with the great mystic brotherhoods, and older races, to keep the earth moving along in ite Journey of becoming more illuminated, more wonder= ful In ite expression, more peaceful, more Lovable." "There are some space craft from the Pla. net Jupiter also working in harmony with uss" Later I met some of them. These Jupiter jens are very dignified and stately. The leaders are very tall and dark skinned. They we peculiar facial expressions unlike tho~ of any other planet. Their eyes are large, eort end very brilliant, dark brown in color. Their faces are long, one-half longer than People of earth. Some of thom atend seven to 12 feot tall. They ave very well built acon #27 #28 ording to earth standaras. Their women are # Veuy Beautiful, gracofut ant woll formed and g¢ ut the Light and Love of he Creator, and bo ure considered’ some of tho graceful of the Ghtagnt the seed of greater freedom anong the planets, even tho they have this odé facial people, and the strength of the New Age Wiedom. charactéristic. Their skin 1s very smooth and radiant. Some of the men wear: beard Estralon is saying now, as these ideas are going thu my mind; One of these Jupiterians, Berasa by name, about nine feet tall, revealed a great deal nupon all planets are beings which were cr- about the life on thet planet and gave me an eated opiritually free and no being nas given insight into their deep spiritual natures, authority to control or bind another individ~ their wonderful ability as creators or rath. ‘ual in ite expression. For restraint creates er I should say, exponents of the perfect Struggle and friction in vuriving to be fro, type of creation. For it seems, thet to Ju- and if this 18 not correctly directed then piter the other planetary leaders turn for frictinn becomes violent and destructive. Tite advice end guidance in coonedonic affatra. nega this on your planet over wide area Leaders in many nations are binding the peop- These Jupiterians are not so very differ- te in virtual slavery, not only physically, ent from those of Mare and Saturn, whom I had but mentally and spiritually. Your politi the pleasure of mecting later. Tey have a bus strive to regiment the Voters. Governm wonderful interpretation of the Creator's love tal leaders regiment your youth into milita— end power, and exprese it in thelr lives. ty service, into wars Created and fermented by They have great debating societies where the @9( corrupt politicans and munition manufacturers, law is expounded and questioned--Creative Law, all in lust for money and powers end a higher understanding of life is thus at- tained. The aurss of the people of Jupiter "Even in your worship, your churoh leaders ie a wondrous beautiful thing to observe. subjugate their congregations into ritualiet- Those to whom their friendship 10 given may sev sefvices ana ldeus that have no beoie of account themselves as blessed indeed. truth under Creative Lan. | The Creator 19 Re~ Giant Light, Spirit, and should be worshipped The creative mind te very etrongly in evid~ a8 ouch; not a8 a god of vengeance, or War, Of enced with them. The power to produce. Prom destruction, but es e Goa of Glorious Light, this plenct 1s exhaled the wonderful creative Loves Peace Power and everything beautiful. atacephore of ideas that flow in greater force to the earth than to any other planet closer "All thinge were created in positive and nt to thems Tue power to Visualize things, to gative polarity, but conceive new conditions, new onvironmente, new Sith each other. In energy the negative force methods of working out ideas are being inject~ Ye cold, the positive hot, and you cannot ha~ ed into the earth vibration from the electric- ve light until these two are blended together. al work shop of Jupiter, and eo they have Join. Therefore, the negative, now turned toward mis- ea mith the planetary forces in bringing stron Greation end deeeruction mist be harmonized ger ideas and ideals to earthlings at this tam with the positive and LOVE is the motivating For they declare earth people need to be impre, Dil to be used tO Muke Unie operation cmooth Bsed with a greater sense of Justice in ordei to dissolve the heavy vibrations now crushing “Earth people are prone to worship and idol- #29 ize other individuals, war leaders, politica ans, heads of governments, kings, rulers, church dignitaries, and needed therefore, to have saviors to lead then into a highor oon~ cept of the great creative 1é On Venus and the other planets of this solar system wo worship the Creative Presence in all forms of expression and ae the authority in all, with no other etending between us and that Presen. ge. During this New Age you will throw ofz the shackles now binding you in ignorance of thie great law and so worship the Creative Prosence direct in all light, activity, and Nisdon. Foner and glory belongs only’ to Him. Man never 444 have the authority to usurp it unto himself. Only to express love in service unto othe We had now stopped before the epace-scope. Eotralon turned 4t toward the Central Sun Vela and slid @ colored plate into it, thie enabled us tO look at the terrific radiation emanating in and thra the nine solar systems now moving into its aurium. The surium is full of gold= on light. This 1s why thie Aquarian Age” ie called a Golden Age. The other eight solar systems, besides our own, are moving into thie auriun at widely a1 fforent angles in their reopective orbits. It has taken about 100 years of our solar tine to move to the edge of this aurium and during tae next 886 years will move around the Contral Sun in this aurium, and then for another period of 100 years Will gradually move out of it and be- gin ite long Journey thru six soler light ages into far distance space, to the outermost Line ite of ite orbit swing; then will begin a long trip back over s1x more solar light ages to the Central Sun. A11 during this perfod thie portion of the universe wi1l be revolving aro~ und a still greater Central Sun, and those in turn around a Medi-sun so far out in space that cn ¢ #30 thousand times greater reflector than the Boo inon ene on Palonar could not pick uD its radiation. Both Aramia and Zstralon state thet the Great Creative Universe around which a21 ot. her universes are continually revolving 16 so far out in space, quad-trillion upon qad~ trillion of our light years could not even. begin to express ite distance from the earth. New solar eystems, new planets and stars are continually being’ created and taking up their positions or orbits affixed by magnet— ic lines of force in these various univerges and cosmedons. Some planets die out, as the atomic structure weakens, only to flare up Again ages later ap new énerey te built up within 1t or 18 focused upon it from sources far beyond it in space. Some planets become suns, Bone stars becowe planets, and so life moves along in varied forma through out the Creative Universes. A radiant lavender light vibrates outward fron the oenter of thie Central Sun Vele and harmonizes with the golden light of ite aurt- um, and thus, as Estralon stated before, the Golden-Lavender Light 1s the Light of the New Aquarian Ag We turn thie space-scope on Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, also on far anay Pl- uto, then over to Mercury, Venus, Aspid, Vul- can, to Sidelius, Nevo, Krona and Absethieon. Piuto hes been mistakenly called a planet, It i only an asteroid. One of five euch’ broken oft from the Planet Krona, which was partially destroyed, and whose diameter 16 now about 15, 000 miles. This was a most unusual exporien- ce. Thie space-scope can be adjusted so as to pick up planets eo far out in space that it ts Aiffioult to define or claseify them. Some of the planets we could look right down’ thru ther Cloud canopies to the planet iteelf. This must #31 ‘be how they watch That is taking place on {he various planets, and more especially, the earth. Te visesscope 18 used for more minute observation at much closer ranges. With this instrument you coulda look into the secret files of an enemy, see what their destructive fer plang ares as’woll as tune in on some 11 brary and read any books desired, without pe- ing obliged to go in person. Hoscn abt ote the pulntings of the mastore” wee the paintings of the maatora unto eitting. in your hones. llore accurately Than 12 televised by ues Certetnty would Like to'inon hon this scope is built, Odsectively Ye Goons to consist of @ number of iensen and crystals very highly polished and arranged in tuch a may that they can be focused. at exthor Close op distant. ralige, and ae tinutely ae ¥e could with a microscope of tremendous ower: This one is sot ina square box ike aft. gir, and as you tock into tt you aa fuet Pas from the outside by pressure on certain Litt. e buttons, Really renarvable what you can See with 1%. You can look thru walle, brick, coment, tron, glass-.into people's bodies, see how ean ongén functions. "tals ould be wore derful for locating growths or diseases. In- to the brain to observe the thought. patterns, One could readily note whether the sndividual had eriminal tendencies or not. Examine the auras of any person, and note the mode of life. She also showed me another ins use of witch on earth mould change cur 1ives greetly. It 15 called for want of a better name @ "Solar Time Machine". This can be ad- usted 80 one can look into the future and see What ‘any person, or poreons, or nations would. be doing tomorrow, next woek, next month, or ten, twenty or thirty years trom now, or even for’a thousand yoars» It can aleo be adjust GJ (salt contere,” sndustrial contere: #52 0 look in reverse back thru the past into 08 to 100k fe Tgubstance whore all activity ne prinerdigna examine sovurately woot trans is rocorted ious parte of the earth at that sptek ov any otuer pertode For example she focused it until I wae able to look back at the highest evolved period of fe, wurtene who lived on the now sunken con- Pifent of Mu eoue 80,000 yeara ago. Was ama Beato peo the high state of their otvilizat= fon. Tesr besutiful wide expanse cities, with tell bulldings, pyraniés, flying machin- be and apace craft, Thetr solér Iighting and heating centers. The great solar reflectors That picked up the sun-eneray end beamed it over wide areas in tho form of light end heab, fe well as energy. Tuoir many kinds of plen- ée--sled, bat wing, tubular, global, disc, Gnd many others. Wo locked closer into their Life robivities, their tomples, art centers, ‘Tao id” eas we have today of our progreseion would be dwarfed alongside of what 1 an seeing now thru this time machines I asked her, ingnat happened to eo Wonderful a civiliz~ ation?" Botrelon edjusted 1t down to about 25,000 years ago. We see great explosions, whole wstiee dn ruins, followed by heevy earthquel- ge with outlying portions of the continent beginning to eink, result of these sarthquek~ bee an etoute Warfare had started between fhe Ablantians and the Murtens, Corrupt for- gee hed gotten control in both nations and, continued friction had resulted in an stomio fare This set off explosions in the gas belts Je'tne crust of the carth creating earthquake ee of magnitude, heavy storms and other dest (Chetive activity with lu sinking. Majeh had been done by certain wise Leaders, #33 mystics, who had established centers in other lands and sent there those waom they could trust to carry on the knowledge, wisdom and Life that was being fast destroyed by these ‘two opposing far ces," said Eotralon. "How like the present situation on the ear- th, with the forces of destruction end constra uction lined against each other in every nate jon on earth; and aa then, ao now, certain wise mon are'again picking out thru careful selection individuals who can carry the torch of wisdom for the coming gonerations, placing them in sparsely settied creas whore destruct= ion will not touch them, that the finest shall not be lost in event the present situation g beyond tontrol. At this time, however, these groups Will have the added aseistance of our Space visitetion. For we are landing and mak- ing contact with the many brotherhood, mystic leaders and some of their chosen workers.” © Were our leaders able to look into thie time machine end see what their blundering ch= Alddsh acts are creating and what ¥11) happen to the earth, its people, olvilization, ete. they might at once turn from their wilful maye Anto more constructive activity for peace. Eetralon and Arama both state, almost in unison: "We whom you call space beings are not de. ceived by your window dresaing (using yous oon Janguage}-npeace talks, for we avo ts Sossesse ton of tho facts. Me mow the secret plane tn the vaults of ali nations. We know the people of earth want peace with all ether peop! know that certain leaders do not mare pease, except ap thoy oan atntate tt.” Wo mon seat your group of nationa have lost control of the Situation and are not able in their divided ac. tivity to bring about peace. Because, mithin their omn renke they are not in agreoment. We #34 kmow the basic principles set forth when this group "as organized was not actuated by holy Premises, thorofore, will not endure any more than your past League of Nations, "In your own language, earthman, you can~ not leave a rotten apple in a barrel and not have the whole barrel of applee affected, even cause. the barrel to become rotten too. Your leaders are deceiving no one but them- belves, but the sad part of it te they would rather destroy a civilization, even a planct than stand in the light of right principle and action. Therefore, we, as stated, will not stand by and see this earth destroyed as At was in the previous atomic war, even thou- gh many of your people hardly warrent better, “We Space Beings, your Elder Brothers, shall 1f necessary, use powers beyond your knowledge to preserve the earth and those who will be chosen to become leaders in the New Age Alspensation. “Mark 1t well, you leaders of destruction, and wo know well who you are, we are @ pation’ people, yet we shal) move witty to purity the earth of your kind when the Supreme Command or gives us the command, Tue power that this Commander manifests 18 90 far reaching and great that I am as one tr- ansfixed. I give thanks unto these Elder Brothers of Space who have come to the rescue of the children and forces of the Light. te eeee eee 0908 In our next bocklet "Life on the Planots" wo will endeavor to explain how the people on the yarlous planets of our solar system look and live; the kinds of homes, buildings, ‘temples and their cities. Their philosophy and religion.

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