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Deodorant Tester

What Does an Odor Tester Do?

As an odor tester, you engage in laboratory testing to adjust a
product’s chemical composition and improve or alter its smell. Your
responsibilities depend on your workplace and industry. For example, for a
company that makes frozen foods, you use your nose (and science) to
identify different scents and to test how a product smells upon cooking. In
some cases, you might use your sense of smell to identify disparate scents
in something, such as a perfume or a room spray. Other duties might
include using chemistry to determine a scent, documenting your findings,
and collaborating with scientists and engineers to produce a desired effect.

How to Become an Odor Tester

The minimum qualifications to become an odor tester include a

bachelor’s degree in chemistry. Some employers prefer applicants with
experience in the relevant industry; for example, to be an odor tester for a
fragrance company, employers prefer you have previous experience in the
beauty industry. You should have good communication skills and the
ability to distinguish between similar scents. Understanding how
chemicals and scents react when someone mixes them is also beneficial.
You use computers as part of your job, so foundational knowledge of
computers is critical.
Deodorant Tester

Hello, my name is Aekkarach Phanthong. My embarrassing experience

happened in high school. I sat down on the desk in my classroom and the
desk was very old. I fell asleep in that class for about a few seconds, that
was all I remember. And suddenly the school bell rang out. I woke up and
stood up quickly, so my pants were hooked by a nail at the desk. The
sound of it making, all my friends turned to me and laughing at me like a
joke. My pants it tore! I was really embarrassed. However, after that
situation, I still use the same pants but of course I have it fixed

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