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World Distribution of

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Aquatic Biomes
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• It makes up the largest part of the biosphere.

• High biodiversity
• 2 basic regions of Aquatic Biomes
1. Freshwater
2. Marine

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Aquatic Biomes
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• Abiotic Influences in Aquatic Ecosystems:

1. Salinity
2. Oxygen
3. Light (depth and water clarity)
4. Nutrient availability- Nitrogen and Phosphorous

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Aquatic Biomes
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• Factors affecting species distributions:

1. Distance from shore
2. Depth
3. Light penetration
4. Location (open water or bottom)

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Aquatic lifestyle
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1. Plankton- pelagic drifters

a. Phytoplankton- producers
b. Zooplankton- consumers

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Aquatic lifestyle
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2. Nekton- pelagic swimmers

Examples: fishes, squids, whales
3. Benthos- lives on the bottom
Examples: seaweeds, barnacles, lobsters

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Freshwater Biomes

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Freshwater Biomes
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1. Lotic System
• Flowing water: Rivers and Streams
2. Lentic System
• Standing water: Lakes and Ponds
• Wetlands: Marshes, Swamps and
Vernal pools

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Freshwater Biomes
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• Streams and Rivers

oThese are bodies of flowing water moving
in one direction.
oIt has higher oxygen levels.

Freshwater Biomes
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• Wetlands
oAreas of standing water that support aquatic
oMarshes, swamps and bog are all
considered wetlands

Freshwater Biomes
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• Ponds and Lakes

oMay have limited species diversity since
they are often isolated from one another.

Freshwater Biomes
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• 3 different zones in Ponds and Lakes

1. Littoral Zone- shoreline
2. Limnetic- open water zone to depth of
effective light penetration
3. Profundal- bottom and deep water area
beyond effective light penetration

Freshwater Biomes
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• Classification of Lake
1. Eutrophic Lakes- well nourished lake,
shallow, very poor visibility
2. Oligotrophic Lakes- poorly nourished lake,
often deep with deep banks
3. Mesotrophic Lakes- fall between two
extreme of nutrient enrichment

Freshwater Biomes
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• Crocodile

Freshwater Biomes
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• Frog

Freshwater Biomes
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• Water Spinach

Freshwater Biomes
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• Water Lilies

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Marine Biomes

Marine Biomes
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• Estuaries
oArea where a river meets an ocean
oMix of salt and freshwater
oLocated near coastlines, border land
oExtremely fertile
oNutrient levels are higher than both salt and freshwater

Marine Biomes
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• Estuaries
oSavannah River Estuary

Marine Biomes
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• Seashores
oTides have a huge influence on life here
oINTERTIDAL ZONE- portion of the shoreline
that is covered with water at high tide and
exposed to the air at low tide.
 Can be sandy or rocky
 Small fish, clams, crabs, other mussels
are trapped in the TIDAL POOLS during
low tide

Marine Biomes
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• Intertidal Zone

Marine Biomes
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• Saltwater
oOceans- can be divided into 2 main life
1. Photic zone- sunlight penetrates
2. Aphotic zone- NO sunlight

Marine Biomes
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• Photic Zone- above 200m

oMade up of the euphotic & disphotic zones
oSunlight penetrates
oPlant life and animal life is abundant

Marine Biomes
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• Aphotic Zone- below 200m

oSunlight DOES NOT penetrate
oThere are no plants
oAnimal life is highly specialized

Marine Biomes
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oMany of the denizens of the deep ocean

have a special adaptation known as

Marine Biomes
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Marine Biomes
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• Coral Reefs
o Found in warm waters along the coasts of most
o Corals are actually made up of tiny animals
called polyps.
o Areas of high animal diversity.

Marine Biomes
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