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Module No1 «Organization, characterization and provision of areas of

transport modes' interaction»

Topic 1.2. Assessment of the interaction of transport networks and
“Assessment of the interaction of transport in transport nodes”

Purpose: to form students' ability to analyze the interaction of transport

modes in transport nodes.

Problem 3.
Represent the movement of trucks in the form of a contact schedule in the
following manner (the trucks start their movement from the customer's

Сontact graphics for 4 process lines, 2 machines and a 7-hour work shift

Find the required number of trucks for carriage cargo from the rail station’s
warehouse to the consumer’s warehouse, using following data:
Trucks are sent with an interval of 10 minutes. Loading of trucks takes
place on 4 technological lines. Loading and unloading time is 25 minutes.
Transportation distance is 25 km. Technical speed of the truck is 25
km/hour. Truck load capacity is 4 tons. Load capacity utilization factor is
80%. Weight of cargo to be transported is 30 tons. Duration of work shift
of drivers and loaders is 7 hours. The work shift begins at 8.00.


First, we will calculate the time required for each round trip:
25 km
Time for transportation (distance/speed): 25 km/h = 1 hour ;
Total time for each round trip: 25 minutes + 1 hour = 1 hour 25 minutes.

The number of round trips that can be made within the work shift:
7 hours
Number of round trips: 1.42hours = 4.93 round trips ;
Since we cannot have a fraction of a round trip the maximum number of round trips
that can be made within the work shift = 5.

The maximum load capacity that can be transported within the work shift:
Maximum load capacity: 4 tons * 80% = 3.2 tons ;
Maximum load capacity within the work shift: 3.2 tons * 5 = 16 tons.

Since the weight of cargo to be transported is 30 tons, we need to make more than
one round trip.
Required number of trucks: 30 tons / 16 tons = 1.875 = 2 trucks.
Answear: We need 2 trucks to transport the cargo from the rail station's warehouse
to the consumer's warehouse within the given constraints.

Conclusion: In this laboratory work, we calculated the required number of vehicles

to transport cargo from the railway station warehouse to the consumer warehouse,
using the initial data, and also generated the movement of trucks in the form of a
contact map.

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