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Module №1 «Organization, characterization and provision of areas of

transport modes' interaction»

Topic 1.4. Organization of technological interaction of transport modes

“Organization of Technological Interaction of Transport Modes”
Purpose: to form students' ability to analyze the technological interaction of
transport modes.

Problem 1. Develop a technological schedule for operations in the river port with
centralized delivery of containers (table 2). Containers are transported by road.
Transportation of containers is carried out by the truck, which can transport two
containers. It takes 0.5 minutes per 1 container to receive documents by the driver-
forwarder in a control room. Duration of registration of documents is represented in
table 1. It takes 2 minutes to entre (departure) the container yard. It takes 1 minute
to set up the truck at the cargo front (cargo handling terminal/complex). The
loading (unloading) time of one container is presented in table 1.

Duration of Loading (unloading) Inspection of containers, comparison of their

registration of time of one container, numbers and impressions of seals with the
Variant documents, min min data of documents, min
19 1 4 4

Time, min
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Receive documents +

Entre the container

+ +

Set up truck at the

cargo front

Inspection of
+ + + +

+ + + +
Leaving the
container yard
+ +

Registration of

Total duration
10 min
Problem 2. Determine capacity of the designed site for local containers at the railway
station, if:
The coefficient of data collection of wagons during loading and unloading α = 1.3,
proportion of containers transshipped by direct variant from wagons to trucks α’н = 0.1,
proportion of containers transshipped from trucks to wagons α’’н = 0.3, the coefficient
taking into account the reduction of container deliveries on weekends β1=1.3, the
coefficient taking into account the decrease in the taking out of containers on weekends
β2 = 1.25, the estimated shelf life of containers on site before loading on road transport
tв = 2 days, the estimated shelf life of containers on site before loading into wagons tп =
1 day, the coefficient taking account the need for additional capacity of the site to store
defective containers γ = 0.03, the estimated shelf life of defective containers on site tр =
1 day, volume of annual shipment of containers K2от = 10950 cont., volume of annual
arrival of containers K2пр = 13140 cont., the coefficient of unevenness of sending
containers Кotн = 1.2, the coefficient of uneven arrival of containers Кпрн = 1.2, the
share of transit containers unloaded on the site for accumulation µнак = 0.4, estimated
daily number of transit containers in conditional calculation Ктр = 150 cont.
1) The capacity of the designed site for local containers at the railway station is

determined by the formula:

Em = 1,3(0,9*1,3*43,2*2+0,7*1,25*36*1+0,03*79,2*1)=1,3(101,1+31,5+2,38)=175,4
=176 cont
2) Estimated daily loading and unloading of containers is determined by the formula:

Kп = 10950*1,2/365 = 36 containers

Кв = 13140*1,2/365=43,2 containers
3) Capacity of the designed platform for transit containers, container places:

Eтр= 0,4*1,25*150 = 75 containers

4) Total capacity of the designed container site:

E = 176+75 = 251 containers

Problem 3. Calculate the cargo turnover of the designed berth (monthly and daily)
taking into account the navigational cargo turnover = 12150 thousand tons, the
navigation period = 6 months and the monthly unevenness of the cargo flow = 0.8. The
number of non-working days in the busiest month (for open storage cargo = 1 day, for
general and indoor storage = 3 days).
Daily for open storage cargo: 12150*0,8/(6*30-6) = 9720/174 = 55,86 thousand tons
Daily for general and indoor storage: 12150*0,8/(6*30-18) = 60 thousand tons
Monthly: 12150*0,8/6 = 1620 thousand tons

Problem 4. Find the total cargo turnover of the projected seaport and the share of
transshipment cargo in the total cargo turnover of the port, if:
G1= 1080 thousand tons - transshipment cargo arriving at the port in a direct mixed
connection from the railway to the sea mode of transport;
G2= 1900 thousand tons - transshipment cargo arriving at the port in a direct mixed
connection from sea transport to rail;
G3= 400 thousand tons - cargo shipped from port berths;
G4= 500 thousand tons - goods shipped from customers;
G5= 600 thousand tons - cargo arriving at the port berths;
G6= 700 thousand tons - cargo arriving for the customers.
Total turnover: 1080+1900+400+500+600+700 = 5180 thousand tons
Share of ransshipment: 1080+1900/5180 = 0,58

Problem 5. The length of the designed container berth in the seaport is determined by
the requirements to ensure the safety of arrival, parking and departure of vessels, as well
as the rational implementation of cargo operations.
Calculate the design length of the seaport container berth, if the overall length of the
vessel is 117.94 m, the interval between vessels required to prevent damage to vessels on
arrival or departure from the berth conditionally is 40 m, the distance the vessel moves
along the berth due to loading technology (unloading) is 42.06 m.
Calculate the design length of the seaport container berth (1) for adjacent berths located
within the general berth front and (2) for moving a vessel during cargo operations
(unloading of vessels by hydromechanized means, loading by transport lines).
1) for adjacent berths located within the general berth front: 117,94+40 = 157,94 = 158
2) for moving a vessel during cargo operations: 157,94+42,06 = 200 m.

Conclusion: In the practical work carried out, we solved 5 problems and developed the
ability to analyze the technological interaction of modes of transport.

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