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Indian Political Science Association


Author(s): Baby Huma
Source: The Indian Journal of Political Science , October-December, 2015, Vol. 76, No. 4
(October-December, 2015), pp. 792-795
Published by: Indian Political Science Association

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The Indian Journal of Political Science
Vol. LXXVI, No. 4, October-December, 2015, pp. 792-795 (ISSN NO. 0019-5510)


Baby Huma
India is a large country characterized by its is a unique blend of federalism and Unitarianism
size and population, linguistic, cultural and religious because as the Indian constitution possesses all the
diversities. These very natural tendencies propel India essential characteristics of federalism, the unitary
to move towards federalism as basis of its governance. spirits of the constitution are also very prominent.
Very few countries have been such melting pot   The happy blend of features both led to scholar
of ethnic, religious and cultural identities as India has describes Indian federation as ‘quasi – federal’ or
been. In historical terms, the process of these identities ‘semi – federal’. K.C. Where, a well-known British
getting fused into one another went on simultaneously scholar describes India as “a unitary state with
with the advent of new forces and pressures. During subsidiary federal principles rather than a federal
the British period, there was both fission and fusion state with subsidiary unitary principles.” Charles
.on the one hand, the identities began to merge with Alexandrowicz argues that India is a true federation-
one another, and on the other each of them got further although, like all other federations, it has distinctive
individualized.1 characteristics- and that it is misleading to refer as a
quasi federation. Sir Ivor Jennings feels that “India
The federalism in India is a result of historical
has a federation, with strong centralizing tendency”.
growth and its roots can be traced back to the various
W.H. Morris Jones held the view that Indian
Government of India acts passed by the British
federalism was a kind of ‘cooperative federalism’
administration. The British administration though
where bargaining took place between the centre and
had initiated centralized policies since 1773, it soon
the states, but ultimately a solution came out and both
encountered difficulties. Faced with the reality of
agreed to cooperate.
the situation in as early as 1861 legislative powers
were given to the provinces and by the Indian act Unitary Features: The striking unitary features
of 1919, the ‘nation-building’ subjects of education, are dominant in constitution of India. The provisions
health, agriculture, irrigation and public works were incorporated in the Indian constitution leading
devolved to the provincial legislatures, together with towards Unitarianism are;
the appropriate financial ways and means. In 1930,
Unlike other federations, Indian constitution has the
the Simon commission considered the efficiency of
right to change the boundaries and name of the
federation as a means of mitigating the Hindu- Muslim
states according to article 2 and 3.
conflicts and coping with the problem of more than
five hundred princely states; while the subsequent • The appointment of governor as the constitutional
round table conferences revealed widespread support head of the state by the president of India and he
for federal solution. Finally, the government of holds office during his pleasure. The governor
India act, 1935 prescribed a federal type union of has authority to perform his functions without
autonomous provinces whose governments were to being responsible to state authorities. The
derive their powers directly from the crown.2 presence of a powerful governor indicates the
strong position of centre.
Nature Of Indian Federalism: Article 1 of the
Indian constitution declares India i.e. Bharat shall • There is a provision of single citizenship in India.
be a “union of states”. Although the term ‘federal’ is
• The strong centralized tendency of the Indian
nowhere used in the constitution of India, the basic
constitution is very obvious by the provision
structure of the governance is federal in nature.
in the constitution article 249 that by a passing
The nature of Indian federalism is different from a resolution supported by not less than 2/3
other federal models. In the Indian constitution, there majority of its members, the items of the state

Ms. Baby Huma, Research Scholar, Department of Political Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (U.P)

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Contemporary Strategies For Developing Rural India 793

list can be transferred to union list for a period concurrent. The constitution adopts this scheme from
of one year, empowering the centre to make laws the act of 1935 by enumerating possible subjects of
on that particular subject. legislation under three legislative lists in sch.VII of
the constitution.3
• The units or the states do not have a right to
secede from the centre. In the 16th amendment of Union List: The union list have 100 items
the constitution in 1963, it was made clear that upon which the centre has the authority to legislate
the states have a right to express the demand but and the units do not have any right to intervene in it.
not the power to secede. The matters of national interest or common interests
of both allocated in the union lists such as defense,
• No equal representation of states in the
military and air force, foreign affairs, atomic energy,
legislature. The allocation of seats in the lower
war and peace, citizenship, railways, currency,
house depends upon the population of the units.
banking, union public service commission, all India
• The amending procedure in India is very rigid services etc.
and favors union.
State List: The state list consists of 66 items
• The emergency provisions of Indian constitution upon which the state legislature has the power to
can easily transform India into a unitary system make laws and centre is debarred to intervene in this.
at the time of war or breakdown of constitutional The subjects in this list include matters such as public
machinery. order, police including railway police, prison, public
health, forests, fisheries, agriculture, education, local
Federal Features governments etc. The selection of these items is made
• The most important characteristic of Indian on the basis of local interests.
federalism is that there is supremacy of the Concurrent List: The concurrent list consists
constitution. No state even centre do not have a of 52 items including matters related to criminal law,
right to change the provisions regarding power criminal procedure, marriages and divorce, trade,
of governance enshrined in it. electricity, trade union economic and social palling
• Two level of governments at central and states etc.
and both are autonomous and independent in In case of overlapping of a matter as between the
their functioning. three lists, predominance has been given to the union,
• India has a written constitution and all the as under the Government of India Act, 1935.
provisions of functioning of the government are In the concurrent sphere, in case of repugnancy
divided between the centre and units through between a union and a state law relating to the same
constitutional mechanism of division of power subject, the former prevails. If, however, the state law
for a smooth functioning of the government at was reserved for the assent, the state law may prevail
both levels. notwithstanding such repugnancy, but it would still be
Centre – State Reltions: In India, there is a competent for parliament to override such state law
formal division of legislative, administrative and by subsequent legislation [Art. 254(2)]. 4
financial powers between the centre and states to Residuary Powers: Unlike other federal states
maintain a healthy balance of working relationship like United States and Switzerland, The residuary
and cooperation between the two. As the constitution power rests with the center in India.
declares India a “union of states”, there is a strong tilt
towards union while distributing all areas of relations Besides vesting residuary power in the union,
between them. the union parliament is authorized to take up for
legislation by itself any matter enumerated in state
Legislative Relations: In India, there is a list, whenever the council of states resolved by 2/3
threefold distribution of legislative powers between majority, that such legislation is necessary or expedient
the union and the states. [art.246)] the Government in the national interests. (Article 249). No emergency
of India Act, 1935, introduced a scheme of threefold is necessary for the assumption of the state power by
enumeration, namely, federal, provincial, and parliament. National interest is wide enough to cover

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The Indian Journal of Political Science 794

any matter which has incidence over the country as The other functions of such council would be
a whole as distinguished from any particular locality investigate and discuss subjects of common interest
or section of the people. Under article 250 of the between union and the states or between two or more
constitution, parliament can legislate with respect to statesinter se, e.g. research in such matters agriculture,
any matter with respect of any matter in the state list forestry, public health and to make recommendation
if a proclamation of emergency is in operation (352- for coordination of policy and action relating to such
360). And according to article 252 if the legislatures subject.
two or more states think it desirable that on any
In exercise of this power, the President has so
matters mentioned in the state list parliament should
far established a Central Council of Health, a Central
make a law for them, then they can authorized it to
Council of Local Self Government and a Transport
do so.5
Development Council for the purpose of coordinating
Administrative Relations: The administrative the policy of the states relating to these matters. In
relations between the union and the states as fact, the primary object of an inter – state council
regulated by the constitution also have a great deal of being coordination and federal cohesion, this object
bias towards centre it is provided that the executive has been lost sight of, while creating fragmentary
power of every state shall be so exercised as to ensure bodies to deal with specified matters relaying on the
compliance with the laws made by parliament and statutory interpretation that the singular ‘a’ before the
existing laws (Article 256). The executive power word ‘ council’ includes the plural.8
of the union shall also extend to the giving of such
Extra Constitutional Mechanisms: Apart from
directions to the states as they may appear to the
the various constitutional provisions, there are some
government of India to be necessary for that purpose
extra – constitutional mechanisms to promote the
(Article 257). 6
union – state cooperation in the development of the
Financial Relations: The distribution of nation. These are-
revenue sources is especially critical in determining
Planning Commission: The planning
the nature of the state’s relationship with the centre.
commission, as such, is not to be found in the
Under the constitution, the taxation powers are
constitution. ‘Economic and social planning’ is the
included in the union list and the state list. These lists
concurrent legislative power [Entry 20, list III].
are both exhaustive and mutually exclusive. The items
Planning commission is an extra constitutional
embodied in the state list include land revenue, taxes
body, headed by the prime minister of India. The
on agriculture income, excise duties on alcoholic
commission was set up in 1950 for formulation of
drinks and narcotic drugs, general sales tax and sales
five year plans for social and economic development.
tax on motor spirits, tax on motor vehicles, stamp
and registration, entertainment taxes and electricity The function of the commission is to prepare a
duties. On the other hand, the exclusive rights for plan for the “most effective and balanced utilization
raising the most elastic taxes such as general income of the country’s resources”, which would initiate
tax, corporate tax, excise duties (except on alcoholic “a process of development which will raise living
liquors and narcotics) customs duties and so forth are standards and open to the people new opportunities
conferred upon the union government.7 for a richer and more varied life” .9
Inter – State Council: The president is National Development Council: The working
empowered to establish an inter – State council of the Planning Commission led to the setting up of
[Art.263] if at any time appears to him that that the another extra-constitutional and extra-legal body,
public interest would be served thereby. Though the namely, the National Development Council. The
president is given the power to define the nature of Council was formed in 1952, as an adjunct to the
duties to be performed by the council, the constitution Planning Commission, to associate the States in
outlines the three – fold duties that may be assigned to the formulation of the Plans. The functions of the
this body. One of these is- Council are “to strengthen and mobilise the efforts
and resources of the nation in support of the Plans, to
“The duty of inquiry in to an advising upon
promote common economic policies in all vital spheres
disputes which may have arisen between states”.
and to ensure the balanced and rapid development of

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Contemporary Strategies For Developing Rural India 795

all parts of the country”, and in particular are- planning with a pronounced socialist bias greatly
contributed to the augmentation of the powers of the
(a)    to review the working of the National Plan from
central governments in ways which certainly would
time to time;
not have been thought of by the founding fathers.13
(b)      to recommend the measures for the achievement
It thus became clear that in Indian federalism,
of the aims and targets set out in the National Plan.10
in terms of the constitutional structure, there
National Integration Council: Another extra was a tilt in favour of the centre at the cost of the
constitutional body, the national integration council, state.14 TheIndian federation should be seen in the
was created in 1968, to deal with welfare measures for context of its democratic system of governance at the
the minorities on an all- India basis. The National Front national, state and local levels and the pluralities of
Government revived it in 1990, with a broad based its culture in terms of ethnic, linguistic, religious and
composition. Including not only Union Ministers and other diversities which cut through the States. India
Chief Ministers of states, but also representatives of is the largest democratic country as also the largest
national and regional political parties, labour, women, federal and the largest pluralist country of the world.
public figures as well as media representatives.11 While democracy provides freedom to everybody,
federation ensures that governance is distributed
A Centralized Federation: The entire scheme
spatially and a strong central government enables
of distribution of power between the centre and
that the ‘unity amidst diversity’ is maintained and
units undoubtedly display a high centralization of
the country mobilizes all its resources to maintain
power towards union. The distribution of authorities
its harmony and integrity and marches ahead to
is strongly biased towards the centre. In the
administrative spheres also, the states are sub ordinate
to the union. The extra ordinary powers of the centre References:
made it quasi federal, having dominant unitary 1. Narang, A.S. (2000 Indian Government and Politics. Delhi:
characters. In the words of G. N. Joshi; “these, then, Gitanjali, p.100.
are some of the special features of the Indian union. It 2. ibid., p.100
both resembles and differs from other federations. It 3. Basu, D.D. (2012) Introduction to the Constitution of India.
may be correctly described as a quasi- federation with Nagpur: Lexis Nexis, p.329.
many elements of unitariness.”12 4. Ibid. , p.329.
5. Narang, A.S. (2000) Indian Government and Politics. Delhi:
There are three major reasons for the increasing
Gitanjali, p.104
dominance of the centre and its use of powers from
6. ibid. p.105.
time to time in manner not perceived to be impartial
7. ibid. ,p.107
and in accordance with the spirit of the constitution.
8. Basu, D.D. (2012) Introduction to the Constitution of India.
These according to Raja Chellia are: first, the political
Nagpur: Lexis Nexis, p.346-347
parties themselves are not federally structured. The
9. Ibid. , p.347
party constitution being unitary in character, the
10. Ibid. , p.348
central leadership of the parties exercise absolute
11. Narang, A.S. (2000) Indian government and politics. Delhi:
Gitanjali, p.116.
Second, in a homogenous or a largely 12. Fadia, B.L. (2010) Indian Government and Politics. Agra:
homogenous society, it is less difficult to define and Sahitya Bhawan, p.199.
identify ‘national interest’. In a non – homogeneous 13. Narang, A.S. (2000) Indian government and politics. Delhi:
society, if the central government is perceived as being Gitanjali, p.116.
effectively controlled by some regimes, the actions 14. Ibid,p.118.
of that government in relation to states inhabited by 15. http://interstate
differentiated groups become suspect. Retrieved on 12-09-2015.

Third, the adoption of centralized economic

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