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Date: 20/09/2023 Time: 3 Hours

Subject: SST (Class-8) Total Marks: 80

1. Define the following: (2X10=20)

a) Ex- officio f) Treason
b) Budget g) Subsidy
c) Human trafficking h) Racial discrimination
d) Writ i) Tribal
e) Mandamus j) Poacher

2. Fill in the blanks: (1X10=10)

a) In India, wildlife protection Act of___________prohibits poaching, hunting and trade of wildlife.
b) The doctrine of ______________ created resentment among Indian rulers.
c) Right to constitution was included in the constitution in__________________.
d) ________________ plants provides raw material for manufacturing quinine for malaria.
e) ______________ tribe lived in the hilly region of Manipur.
f) The maximum strength of Lok sabha is_______________.
g) The Largest number of constituencies is in_______________.
h) The technique of ploughing parallel to the contours of a hills slope____________
i) A well-defined area for the protection of wildlife and biodiversity_____________.
j) The odd Kisan sabha was formed under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru in___________.

3. Give one word for the following: (1X6=6)

a) Freedom of religion makes India a
b) Secularism promotes
c) Actor process of creating new forest by planting saplings
d) Greatest an annexationist
e) The right to collect land revenue
f) The revolt of 1857 was ruthlessly suppressed by

4. State whether the statement is true or false. (1X4=4)

a) A constitution is called rigid or flexible on the basis of the procedure for its amendments
b) The British wanted to smuggle and sell opium in Spain to earn profit
c) No bill can become a law without the approval of the president of India
d) High court issues the writs.

5. Answer the following question briefly. (1X10=10)

a) Name the five writs.
b) Name two trees which are commonly found in tropical deciduous forest.
c) Who was proclaimed as the shahenshah-e- Hindustan.
d) By what other name the first war of independence is known as.
e) Who wrote my experiments with truth?
f) What percentage of land should be covered with forest to maintain ecological balance?
g) What is natural vegetation?
h) When was project tiger launched?
i) What is the National park?
j) Who was the leader of the santhal's revolt?

6. Answer the following questions ( 2X5=10)

a) Write a short note on Birsa movement
b) Mention any three directive principles of State policy
c) Highlight any five points of distinction between tropical deciduous forest and coniferous forest
d) How are you when being responsible for the depletion of vegetation and wildlife
e) Explain the significance of fundamental rights in our day to day life.

7. Answer the following questions elaborately. ( 4X5=20)

a) Describe any five salient features of Indian constitution.
b) What is meant by sustainable development? Why sustainable development the need of the
c) “Fundamental rights are not absolute or unlimited”. Support the statement by giving any four
suitable examples.
d) Differentiate between Ryotwari and Mahalwari system.

______________________________ ALL THE BEST________________________________

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