Contoh Surat Sponsor 3

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Jakarta, 01 August 2023

To : Embassy of Schengen Countries

Consular Section

Dear Sirs/Madam,
I the undersigned:
Name : NAMA SUAMI/ISTRI (harus pihak keluarga yang mengetahui)
Relation : Husband/Wife
Passport No. : X 0101010
KTP No. : 1234567890123456
Contact No. : 080011112222

Herewith to certify that :

Name : NAMA ANDA (peserta tour)
Position : Entrepreneur
Passport No. : X 0123456
Contact No. : 080022221111

We will be going to Schengen Countries for holiday and Joining with Antavaya Tour on 1st October
2023 until 7th October 2023. All the accommodation and airfare in Schengen Countries will be
covered by himself / herslef.

I do guarantee that he / she will not seek any of employment or permanent stay in your country and
will return to Indonesia after the end of the trip.

Thank you for your attention and consideration. I hope that this letter will benefit you in processing
his / her application.

Your Sincerely,

( Tanda Tangan NAMA SUAMI/ISTRI yang mengetahui + Materai )

Keterangan dengan warna = setelah di ganti dan sesuai tolong di hapus dari noted*
MERAH = Ganti dengan data anda yang benar.
BIRU = Alternatif atau pilihan yang di akan gunakan.
HIJAU = Pastikan dan sesuaikan dengan waktu dan jadwal keberangkatan anda.

Setelah di selesai edit dengan yang benar dan sesuai tolong di lampirkan dengan dokumen
persaratan lainnya hard-copy untuk dikirim ke leader / pengurus dokumen BP.

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