Module - 5 (T N G)

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Mopu Le -5~ Sy nchronous Gen exalors (Salteut pole) Ftfeds_oy Salfensy > Sattemey 6a meuwe oy the reluctance diff exence behocen tee Yokr and stator around We Ckeumprene 0 the yotor - 1 Ip a non- salient pole atenator, the ofsgap behwoeen tke Sheboy and yotor % wugyerm “roughout ; So that the Ye luctance Q| the maguatte path 15 the same ¢ all divections “Thergjore the eck 9g armature reaction Gn be accounled for by one reactance: ie the Synchwonous reactance Xs thf because th, Value Q Xs 46 constant Jor aut directions y Armature flue velative to tke tor, tpwwn 12 calient pole mack2ne » the radial feng te 2 Ine adrgap varies So tha ke polar axis Ccatled divect anu OF d-axu) ve lexchance. aloug he faleypolar ants or y-axis) loug Ie. polar ans dana Ihen t reluctance q the magnetic. Orcutt aloug % much ten than the axis ( Called qjuadrarture Because 4 Tre lowe reluctance % (te deans) 1 more lux produced aloug Ire ayo therefore Yeactance due fo amature alo deans and y-aHet * Yatton bottt be Aifpaent aloug @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner theo! 1) hoo reaction theory Nas proposed by findre Bloudel - a) “the theow proposes resolve the fen Armature mys Pepeudiaular cowponenl= ) Ofte Our located. Auto Ho mutual aloug the dtvect ants Or (d-axis) Component « d perpendicular fo Ite Ihe ants ol the rotor Salient pole» Ls Known os 3) the oltre component % Locale ars he rotor Salient pole. I *s Known a Ihe juadrerhire axis (or qa) cowiponent ° h) othe dane courponent QI ke armalire denoted by and the aan Component by Fay 5) “he Conmaponent fy ts cillier mnagucksieg on densagustising Tye Comsponenl Fay reaulls fr 0 cross maguetiseg epect y ys the angle behoeen the armature current Sa and [he excitation Voltage then inmy fa & i aud Fa % te Quipltude Q avmature mm 1 lye To Stap _ To reaction Model: sd haha ia inne Stal ple spe Consfder a Q-poe Salteut pole olor rolatug n dtveclion 4 Ahouw % fig. below £6 called clereet (ord-)aut | he Quillclock wise “the ants aloug tee nes gq yolor @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner Qnd Ike ams perpeudiaslar fo d-anis % Called the qpuadtrarhire (or q—)anis- Tt % deen Wat Ihe divect.ants {lux pate Fryolues two Small at gaps aud 1 te palh fr Q cminiroum Yeluctanee - “the pate denoted by bay hos two large abrgaps and tethe pati 2 marimum Yelucdance- | Direct amt (d-axis) pret oat Blur pu Ca) “the rotor tux Ba % Shou Veedt aly uproards as thown en tg below- the wotor Hux + fradiuces a voltage Ef ™ Ihe Stator. y a lagging pf load % Counecled to he Synchronous generator , a Slatoy current a 10%tl sfloco The Stator current Ta by an ouragle y. “he Armature current produces Stator rom Fs + “This rom logs belaud do by Jo. “he mmnp Product Stator Magualte field Bs atoug Ihe dlivection 9) Ts. The stator many Fs % Yesolued tls two component vamely Te divect anus Component Fa and Ihe Qyuadrature Ovnis Lomponent lags bebtud he ee Vottage & @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner devect anit flux paltc Ra = Ye luctoue q qyuadverture Arnis Hur pale - lohew Rie Yeluclauu © “the devect aud Quadrature anit Stator {lunes produce Voltages fn Ite Stator bhudavg by aiwaluw reachou het fad = direct ans Component 2 armature yeaction. Voutag e- Fagy 2 Quadrature Anis tomtponent | armature. Yoactton VO Wtege : ‘the armature reactow Vottage 8 drectey ProportioneL aud la hehtud he Stator current to fe stator Current os Gur be hortllér as, by qc, Ihergore armature Yeacton Vottag Kad = -| ad Dy Kay = ~[Xagy Jay @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner Iheu Xad = aruahwu Yeadtor veacana Pa Ue d-anis per phase - Xaqy = atmaline reaction Teactaute Pn We Qy-ants pet phase - “the dplal Volloge fuduced 4% the Slater § Ihe Sm g eny fuduced by tte fteld excitaliox and (Iiese two ony ( Kad & Kaq) ie Ele Ep + Ead + aay > El= Ep - j Rodda —j Ragy Jay —s@ But fl. y4 Taka 4j TaXe —@ “the aretature Current Ta 98 Split tate foo Ccomponenls , one tuphase boric excitation Voltage Cf fe day and tte oll %! phate Qyuadratuxe fort te dy - > 2 2 @ the dary ——> Combtutng ays O AQ ke gee, by = | real = jeg ty V4 TaRa + Tax + 4 j Xa Ja ©) > Ef = Ver take tame # J Moa 7 yeV Combtaing Equations O«&@ we ge, Ey ~ V+2a( Ta +dy) + pred + Iq) +5 Xadda + jay Jay SV -#RaCH tly) + JL + kad) dy +j (req hat Xd = Ket Xad = direct axis synchronous Yeaclance Faye AL Kagy = Qyuadrature rus synchronous yeactone + @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner 6 & 2 V+ Radg + Rada + j %4d +j*VIy—3© t 3 Ep = Vt Taka +5 Mas +) 4 @ uadfouw thes 8 tre foal form I the VoHage 9) a Satiout - pole alternator * Phasor_dtagram: - The complet: phosor diagran ofa lererit ' veactt Sabienl —pole Synchronous genesator bared on -hoo-veactin “theory 4, shown below \Z of. Q ss i “he Stuipléfied Phasor es te Shoon below. & Bi @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner ch the aboue phasor diagram 5 Ye brs In tke fig: below , Be % drawn at IC t0-la and co % drown perpendicular fo &f ch A Bcd , pbcd = Y hoe howe, Ig = a siuyp &y = Ja cosp ce . Av bo Be 7 5 Ta ? Bo dyXv_ = 2 > SaXey costp = bh A Bed, Cosp = @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner Dron DOCK, tamp = CK = Be+ KB OK OL +Lk = Ti ie Nee \seup +a) Ra cos$ + TaRa Veosp + Taka p= taut [ Vstug + Sy a Veosd + JaRa Stu Yr Sah 5-9-6 from the Abou phaser dhagram ) lel = \eos8 + Rada + Xyddy ob ts toueen OS positive. ber la ag tanen as negate hoy Ieadtug mt Attesnalors :— ph, %# worl be Parall ed operation _O Se : Reasons | Parallet opexation: opeated Ww paratiel for Me foloorag Altenators Ore Yeosons + ) Seweral aHeinalecs Can Supply bigger load Man a stugle atternaler ° load ; One OY More atleunalors a) Dartag periods 2 leght may . be ghut down and or neay full load » and Ihus More efpiciently « Wiese Yermatut operate at @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner 3) fohen one machtue %A laren oul 4 senute. for #5 scheduled maintenane aud Aspecttou the ted Machanes Maintain the Continutly 4 Spry 2) 4 then % Q breakdown 9 a genesaler » there uD Fricxrupton, o The Powe soppy. 5) Anorder to meet the ucreaust firture demand x load more mach&nes Con be added hoslliout ae re Orainal .Maallatfou - 6) “he epuating Gast and Cost gy tnetgy generoled ane Yeduced —hohen Several geneialors Opeate Pa Parallet Thus parallet —opeterton Y Atenas ensures grealez Sewurtly oy Supply and enables Overall econoustc Jeremtion « Conditions _ Necessary sor parale tug aleunalbrs « ® the pros o ConnecHwa One macléne fy parallel 1th Owollee machine oy sotlh an infuste busbar sysln fs Known as syncheontsi » hose mackitnes alreacl Carr mag load ave Known as Yetnn?, machines Aan the QMetnator —bohteh ts te be Connected Paralted rors the Syslém FS Known as Meonteg mackene yore the facowd machtne % 4p be Connected fy fhe Ayslé 1 The Tltorhag Coudttions to be Satisteg , @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner / \) “he phase Sequence g the busbar voriag e ard the Incowdng machine neues be—€qyent Ao-th voHlege dame * VoHages and. fhe tacondlng be @ phase: mut be The a) the bus bay machine tetmeual Volt age must 3) he termeral voltage tre Prtomtug = maclfine bhoutd be enya! fs that cy the Alternator — woth wohtch fh toto le aun poralet ov notte the busbar voltage - 1) he fregyuency cy the generoted Voltage y the ee fee equal Ip the equenyy 2 the Veltage a} the Bve busbar - mocline nae @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner head Shostug i Comtda two Idertal atterualers Connected. parattel a4 bhewon below - T z Ey eb E, | ] % aa [i L a Bb] Céxtenal cincutt) le KE, eS Choack 5 Circuit) there leuddcal votorg atternators ane assumed for Leet» but fhe Yeaulle oblofned ane equally appltcable. 4o bolls setient and non- Salient mete. E-k “the teumiual Voltage) v-£, -@ Z) = Ky-J2 42 Alo Ve Iz and hoad current, BE, = Vt4A =I2 +U% 2(L+h)%t UZ, D> E - Llatem +e —>() Le 4+To IK + Wg Ro (LAB) xt To a> kee Ux 4 datrtn) I@ Wd Ry in uv @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner ae eqs O RO ie gee qe (Ki -Ka)% ¢ Ear KCK + %2? + AiZe aud d,. Ea-&)% + &% lagna cae RC + 42) $4 AL and I=H4I2 = Ei%eo + am - Erha + 4 Fiennes cece Lexi 22) +ike a [army + Bike 7 z Ve In = Eyx2 + E24 ee) > Ve Ex, + Er ae (Ki +%)+ ae Am connected do tte Ateualdx 0 dy noload % jorl Hor Pn Ihe Cfreedt Thes civeulat curren Jy current % gave by ) Toy = AB Zita @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner 13 Meliioda 9 Synchwnfzatfou: - Kh Stationary AHetnatoy must not be Connected bb love busbare because Me frelueed ery £8 Xeno at Gland gHil and a Short Clreuth — rorll reset - “the ‘pollo roteg melds ane ued 4° Synchvon tation » ) Synchront xtug lamps » Synehronoscope - ) Syrehrontatng hanaps:— ‘Ah Set qy three Synchvon’ zug lamps Can be wed | fo chece the Conditions Or paralleltug the Pecowbug | mackine noits olfee mackines- | Dark _lowp melltoa: - | the dark lamp melkod Alowg soilh a Vvorhmnelée ed | ser Synchwonteieg as shovon to tg. below. THe Used | yor loro Power “machines. Phe prtme mova © eres machine % slaskd || and brought up fo near pk vated” speed: | > the field current q The Paeoe machine &% aadjeled \ 40 Wat §f becomes equal to the bus Voltage . > he Mire lamps Hecker ata rate equal to te AN} erence. fa the Jreqyuenctes 9 lhe ineowsing machine and tke bus. , @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner 4) perro} “Motch ‘ -f Ar Mo To hoad ty Bus bars be nebo nt? xi ¥ Lonips < J 8) ($99) a) Skeight connection @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner 1S connected , all The a! the Same tme on 4 lke Phases ane prepaty lawps Will be betght and dark q not, the phase Sequences Qe not correct . => Thorden to correct the Phare Sequence hwo leads 3 the [ene q the heomang machtne Ahould be faterchanged- -? The frecysery 2 the tenia} machine fs adjusled Unttl the lamp Hrexer at a ver Slow rale > Ayre fealty adjushag Ire Paco Voltage , te. Synchwonit 2p Switeh %& closed an the middle 9) the&t dort pented- Advantages! ) the method fs cheap 2) The proper Phare Seqjuenc fs ently determined: Disadvantages: at about hal the I) Stnce the Lamps betome dark Yated voltage jit th posible Ikat Ihe synchronising Soitch might be ologed fohen lltexn dijeence hehe the machtnes- wrrent to da wage Be Q covstdeable phase ~thee may reault t high Civculecti machiwes- 3) “the lawp filamenke migut burn 3) othe Heeger Q) the lawps doe not dicate Machine has the Wigher frequency: out tohrch @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner “ree bright lamp smelhiod : Ib —> Th jars mellieol » he lamps are te phases fe Ay 4 connected 16 Be, 40 Co. and C4 % Connected to Ar: Connecled -Oc10s5 B, %& Connecled > al! the three Camps hy he et brfght and dark ‘ogetln )WBen te phase By a Beqruences Ore Same + >t Ae 4 — erties Fréstant Cross Connection. a clostug Ire Synchiont af Sioitdhts fy Mme ontddle Of the brtght Perfed- Thoo b&ght one dark lal melkod:. 4 co lanup £S Connecked between. —> An thes melliod , one johtle Ire olke two ase CSS ~ Correspou ding phases below. Connected behoeen the 00 phases Ahouw in fig Ay %s connected fo Ar, » [oe] By tox and B, toB.. 8, et Gq Cu => The patine mover 9g tte Pnvomd machine f¢ Slasled ond tte altenator 98 brought up to Near tla rated Speed « @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner ard The facowt machine ecBlaton 8 NOV adhusted volel the | ficond. machine frduced Vollages En, Ear» Ec3 ane eqqal to Ihe busbar votlages Vay, Vay and Vey. 2? “the Correct moment to close the ShoMch oblafned Gt tte tnatant then the Straight Connected lamp ts dark Qnd the Cross — Connected ‘leunps are equally bright . —? | te phase Sexpuence fs fncorrects » fe cross~connecled lamps fori be straight connected ard al) the lamps bill be dark simultaneously In thes Cate the direction q Yolalion ©} The frcowd machine éhould be reversed by fntetchangtg two Utne 9 fhe macléne + 2) Synchwonfheg by a Synchronoscope : the ~ pho" | : nehyon osvope constsl qe rolatf potnla 0 tele gudtcala he enact moment clasivg the Synchrontaiig Ciottch » Ty the potulee yolates TW auttelock rofse. 4 Atrectton, 4 Aadtcales the Prcowtug macktuc fs funn Blow loheuas Cloexwrse rotation | potlec, bude cal& War Incoming machine t4 Aunnfug fad » The Yolaon O} potuler % pwportioual [0 |e Atpecence t tke -hoo afrequceles - the porale. Alould rotate at a Very low Speed 9 te dtrection. q arrow marked fast 0s shen fin tty bela: @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner (2 Wohen the cor eed pote yeaches He vertteal postHou at slow speed, CEN Ire Stottch must be closed» “the low fast) potale horll osetilate about Some mean portion Palen of volating A, Attpexen ce fr Freqpucuctes % lage. bh such case speed 9) Prrowing machine adf usted propealy S$ nchvowosope % Connecked betwee any foo bu bar ues and [6 Correspoucl? lenes 4 eed Machine: the phase Sequence busbar and the machfnc must be game iohtch can be checned Milt We help 4 Phase Leryuente fudltealtir: The VoHmelre FS used be Check the egy ua ltl q voltages a busbar and Preomlng machine + Ayla prope synehwout xaliov Q) the aHenalers key jorll aun tn Aynebro nfs ° A dynchrontaing Torque, jor be developed Q any 4 Ite Altecnalor drops bul of Syrchroutsin and box orl brug % back be Ite Aeros e Covttder two cternales blown fh fig. belovo - pohtch are 0 enact Synehro nésen + @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner 19 > Dur fo this’ they ane have cous ternfual Pd. and ott rerence '5 feed focal ctreutt they are f9 etouk phar oppostHou. - Co thew Fl woh be any Cin wlating current fa te local cirentt vhe ery E a) QHemalsr 2 % In exact phos. opposition. to Wok 2 Qttanaler® - > rib Yespect tb catesal lead 7 Ihe en oI [Fe too aQHeinators are t0 The Same dérecton ailthough Wey OC fa phaue Opposition with veyerente. to Local ciaeutl. There port be no resultant Voltage h te local Chreudt + > Now assume fat Speed q altenator 2. f changed auch that re omy Ea. tale by an angle ot. But &, and Ex ane enyual fo magutudl ¢ +The vesullant voltage Ep 99 thus Case jotll cause a CUrrent fa Ihe Loc cipctt pohich fs called Sprchaodizieg Clirrvent » Thes ctaulottug Current gues by ’ dsy : & % = Sinchromous Mupedance of serdtag of altenralex @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner the phase angle a Tsy f geen by angle - ao Whee » tano = Xs Ra % = synchronous reachaw Ra = armature restsbanee - as ko I negligible » O290°. Jsy lags & by aluwst 90° 8 appx: fa pheue rors E,« & thts current fs geneatog Current hort atheualor 1 Seume Pt fe m7 tke dame Ex os that g@ my gy aHenator 4, lohfle # ot! divecttow SS Motortag direction ab that OY emy of aNemmalor 2° cis cuvvent Tey 107i! produce a sjnchrous-xhag borqyue. ohtek worl ty © retard atenalor + thewas Current {or alternaliy 2. Qs Hein oppostte acceleate Whe ateualor 2. rhe ponoet output y aAteuatr | Supplees Ponsee. fupuk to AMenalor 2 aud Coppa losses fr lie local paite Jommed by armalive of eo aternaldrs - Powe. output q ateualey| = © Isy toso, 2 Eley C2) ts small ) “thts porcer Called Synehvoutstag power @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner al pore @apuk Ie atewaloy 2 2 by Ly coeds 2 Endy Cv $> small) Gj) Isy = Easy ¢ cu losses fo the local cigeuet- let E2628 the resultant em} Er fs Eye | G2 + Ea® + QE Ex Cos too-Y) = [Or + 2. Los (1-4) 2p? (tt wscio-y = aE tos (12-4) = 26 cos(Jo-%2) = 26 sin( 2) Bub x fe small , /. Sin Gla) = Hla) 0 Ge 2E (2) SAKE “the. elechteal angle aX % ctpressed Pn Yadltans - Oks aks Synch voutatg poner pet phase Pay = Gi Tey aa) ? Poy = Ex ae aks q Ra 2S Not negligible 1 Ihe above empresstor Can be fortllei In exact fom ase Pa : Rema a 1 aXs 4 @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner bed To 3 phases » total peeeene power ts goon by, Pog = 3a” stud Teng auc Aanauel ee fo Valed jor two ale ualéz at no load. g alteanalor Connecid. the aboue Cupress?ow Connecltd fn parertteL and opealtud fet us couttder the Case sohen a fuytutle buibar then Eve XE Joye & = HE. sy 7 . Synchrowtsing power, Foy = Erlsy 7 e() -2 ee Xs q Ra fs reglected ? Dd Powe pet phase 1 Poy 2 XE. Othe enact expressiovr 4s Foy = XE str Xs Yor 3 phases » “tolal synchoutsing power Ry = Bae “y ae eae @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner a3 Delemeuattou a Xa_and Xa ustag slp Test. tthe devect and quadrature = ans syrchrsone ua qf a Salteut pole —synchwnous machtne can Yeactances be detumtned {rom a Staple No-load fat Known as the slip test + —> Th thw fest, a small voltage, (asd 2 raled voHage) Alator potndtug . he field 98 appleed to the 3-phase toindtug Ws Unerceted and let Open- etreurted * prone mover CDC motor) freld vd Q weg " Reduced 3$ Vol Sltp lest Connector dtagrem bs deteuntnc Xa &%/ drtveuw by an auxtliary motor (ade lew kn or more than shoutd be by Ihe Stator. —> “the Toler 1% Motor ) ata speed slighty Synehnonous speed che dtvectiow. a rolatouw kame Gs Ilkat q the Yolatiug -fietd produced > A Small VoHage fudfeated by Me Voltmel& readt Quis the Open Feld totade fermtuals shows Wat he dltvection 2 solatiouw. 9 votor _ PS proper - @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner a —? Stace rotor % runnt Oh Se Nok id Sync hi uows Speed Ng, there tol be a Small sltp Le the volatug wagneHe fietd Produced by the areas and tite actual Saltest ‘eld poles - > Slep Speed = Ne -Nev- —> “the Stel mmm roves Alowly past Ike achal field poles + = tohen the peak 9° the armatune mm rave #840 Imre 108 the amin ey achal Sabeut field poles (dards) the -velackance Qyored by ta Small atr gap FS minimum, tohtch Yeaulle fa rAnimum magusiisag current Ime * At thts posthow, (fe armature Hux lenwage sory the. tied jorudfug % maximum and the rate a chawge of ches flaw Ieunage ts Xeno. Hence the ‘Mduced vottage Qcngs tte field lomdag % Keno - Bom the oseillogram Shown belovo, Xd = ab «deem. — Ale one quarle 9 Slip cyele » Ihe pear Of Armature rmm| pave $8 Fr tun fotis Me qy-ants - fy thes. position » the Yeluctance oyered ] the foug aegap er mantmum > A large maguilfciag eee Sima 6 needed ty establts the dame atrgap flaw. tthe armerture flux Ranieg The field tedag ° Zero. @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner as” And the yale 4 Chauge o} This flun Vearage % Mantmum +» the Puduced Voitage across Ie field ae) #5 mantmum - tom the Oscillogram , % 2 abl . Vinto | Oscillogreup ‘col 8 Inox Crewile advohre —Diveck | | Ova ans @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner Performance q Synchronous enena lore ab power _ output 8 uations and power Quote Chavactex’stoas + non ~ Lalieut pol aH eualoy - a eeeseesacece — ee the tig. below Shou the Civanit model a & phase cyleucrical yotor a “genescttor "S Stq Pig + jQK \ e ‘ Sty AD aa Soq Fog + SAog volo . : ket Ve term@uctl Voltage pet phase Ep - Encilation Vo ttage pet phase. Tq = Armature currenk Sb = Phase augle behoeen &y and v- ‘the phasor deagram at lagging PE fe shoton below. @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner er a Synchronous qeneator , ky Feads v by angh 8. 4% het Ve vio! ky 7 Ey s- Xs = Ratjxe = Xs 19 Af Xs 4 a 8 = Tan (= aa = 40-8 ~ tosf 2) Typ th ale By KVL, Ep V+ TaXs > Sas Kev Rs WY Conplen power output 9 Ihe fees Soq + Rog +J90q - Via — As ae = vf 8 : vis (ee ae x oP eV aa10. of Mlws-¥ ®& ve | +e Za 2] ~ Ver los - V2 18 Ks Cs Ks at si (6-8) > ~ Efoset] ee —>@ @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner ' => Keg #f8oy = VEp eosc9-8) +f Xs alr real past a abow coyuattor roe get » 2% Real output — power fog 2 the genciater fe keg . VE vost 8-8) ~ Fuse Sente cos - fe i Ako Qs 90-% po Ve Dey Ve 04 fa +50 . Le = ves [ord - Fy (os +f er SAO — -[ Secor +ie Xs a Srat0-48)) 24 Equeltag real park a Equation @ woe get Pa = Ewse —VE cos (0+8) 1 Xe Xs i. 2 Ra. ) Creat foKT, Wse Xe Pig 2 EP BH VE cos (40-4) 4 aa Xe Xs = Et - rite a Pay . ee VE ra (eS) Eqjucng ‘gto partt 9 ‘equation We get 05g = OF sug = Ve SalO48) 1 Xs KT Smo Xs, «pa donet ks Ep Xs VEL sea (Jo- #45) ee kee Mee oy a Xe Xs @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner 2 eg . AEs vA Cos (8) ¢ (2) Martin un pow output y Ite geueiter per phase Cleg max) toy manimum ponoet oudput y tte 7 As > g| ve 2 VR 2 ? 6 EE ste (8 +o) - 2 | QO Hoe Vi) Xs and Ra ane conshan ke VEE gos ( Sta) =O Xe 5 voc (td) +0 > B4a 290° > Bada" thus yor maximum — poroet output a genealor Load augh = fmpedante aval Q. us noone an output 9) eee pee phax fs = VE } Cmax) a Stal 10-4) Eke ee y . @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner 3}l power dloro eqyuatious 12 oc yori, arm abi vestsfaute neglected : fohen BR 2s neglected 7 x= and 0-90 Poq = VEL 2nd 7. % On Veg Ve FeO Pg = VG sind = R ‘9 t n og Org = &Y - VEt cos Ke Xe Alto Py (max) = ve = Pig a orca angle charact extstice ? — your Re KY seaS Po Xs “the relation ship behoeern — Poa 2 ails i enodo power ougle characteris Hes | the mackfne éhown fa tig: atove “the maximurd Ppowoen occurs at 8=90°. Beyoud hts point te macléne fall out q skp and loses Sqnchron tern the machtue can be taren upto i man ouly by gr adie bey Perens tug Ihe load + thes f& Known as @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner Br Steady state Stale lity lem te Q the machene - tye mMachene PS normally Operated at & much len than W. > Power output q a Salient pole attenaloy (Reluctan es perce, “the phasor dfagram ak loggtng pe hr are pole. Synchronous a 1 neg lect Ry es shoron below: A JM C “the Complex pet output per phase» “Sig S Vice Tae Wl VES = Veosd - j VSPud dq = Fay-STd Ey oe ieevence Vector » Ef = Glo. ee 5 dy +fid . Sip + VES - (Veoss ~jvernd) (Iq +}4) > © chem the above phasor diag ra [ Xa) Jey 2 cD = AM ZVSMS @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner 1. Sy = Vstns 38 Xa Xu y = Ac = MD = OD-OM = anus fo Ty = RpcWeoss_ Rd Substiteing tte Valuer 9) Tyand Ta %0 %/0 ee, Vem / Ep-Veoss Sip = (ess ps) | ay Xd ‘| xa) a a . e es vsing +f gw] guess tj i at = Voss sin6 5 j vuaes G-Mos_ j vicbts Xa Xd x vstnéf paves) 2 2, V>sin2S fee = Wsin2S 4 &pVSing _ aKa) Xd Kd Xd %d - visits a vs - ee Sqm Sin 28 yj las J [14 ess - 7 [ | Kd 2 @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner 3y > VEL seas rb [ty uses +j] Vib cos a — Na (Xd +X ) — CXd - Xa)) C9 2X4] [ v J Alo Sp> Pp +f Real power per phase PS Rg = VEE sind + = (qj “xa) sin 28 Xd Total 3h real power fo hoallé » Reluctance ere Pog = Ro = BE Sn + vt Mg 28. In the above eqyuation » the first feu & dame ab that oblatned {°" Ie cy lend cl rotor machine + “the Secoud etme depends on Salieury cleaned by tre qyucmilf ( (aH) “The Saltency chsaappears hen Xy-Xy pocu_angle, cue Sateut pole atlowel ~ Prar- @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner 3s “the foucyu angh Ss fs positive {or Ihe Jere ba ; and negative or the moldr - “the pews power or Sleady ~stak leanek Ocuws at value 9 S lev than 9 - @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner

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