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April 5, 2022

1. Advanced Valorant/CS:GO Routine

While valorant is not a game where ADSing is necessary, using different sensitivities in
kovaak is very helpful as it adds variation. For that matter, I strongly encourage you to
follow the sensitivity instructions (the “hipfire” sensitivity, the “ads” sensitivity, and the
“mean” sensitivity, which is just the average of the hipfire and ads value).
For that matter, if you lack speed and large angles skills, take as hipfire your normal
sensitivity (say 0.350), and as ads sensitivity something between 75 and 85% of your hipfire
(say, ads sens = 0.350 × 0.80). For that value of hipfire and ads, the mean sensitivity is
0.350 × (1 + 0.80)/2 = 0.315.
If on the other hand, you feel that you lack precision and smoothness rather than
speed, take as hipfire from 1.15 to 1.25 of your normal sensitivity (the normal sensitivity will
play the role of the ads sensitivity in this case). Say, if your normal sensitivity is 0.350, then
your hipfire in kovaak can be 1.2 × 0.350 = 0.42, with an ads of 0.350, and a mean sensitivity
of 0.350 × (1.2 + 1)/2 = 0.385.
To play this routine properly, you should split it. Play the large angles training at the
beginning of the training, and follow it with either the routine A or either the routine B, but
not both. After 2 weeks, if you feel bored by the large angle training, it is perfectly fine to
drop it entirely and to add the supplementary scenarios to the routines A and B respectively,
or to play 10 minutes per scenarios instead of 8. As always, the scenarios in parenthesis are
alternatives of the highlighted ones. Generally, you would pick one scenario per point per day,
so for a point with a colored scenario and 2 in parenthesis, just choose one and cycle them as
time passes (say, every 10 days). Please respect the fov instructions and the sensitivity ones
for faster improvement. Enjoy.
Large Angle Training :

• Overhead Jumps (Revolving Tracking) 6 min.: fov 110 ow, hipfire sensitivity on
Overhead, play it in free play and timescale it to 1.05 up to 1.10 if it’s too easy (use
the tracking weapon). Fov 90 ow, hipfire sensitivity on Revolving Tracking, can try
to never lift your mouse (you can 360 trick to reset if you have enough space here),
• Tile Frenzy 360 Strafing 400Prct Track (AIMER7 Clicking Frenzy, Tile Frenzy
360 Strafing 800Prct Track) 6 min.: fov 130 ow, hipfire sensitivity. On the tracking
ones, try to flick fast toward the next target and to never stop the mouse. On the
click-timing one (AIMER7 Clicking Frenzy), you can go 115 fov or even lower. Try to
be as fast as possible while point-clicking, so dont flick mindlessly, there is accuracy
• 1w6ts High Ground (Taller Wall 6Targets) 6 min.: fov 103 ow, hipfire sensitivity
on 1w6ts high ground. Fov 110 ow, hipfire sens on Taller Wall. It might seem useless
to play those, but it’ll make you much more fluent with arm motion and large angles,
do not skip them please,
After completing the Large Angle Training, play either the Routine A, or the Routine
B, but not both on the same day. Feel free to alternate them daily, or every three days, you

Routine A:
• Pokeball Frenzy Auto TE Wide (Pokeball 1w2ts horizontalish, Pokeball 5 Sphere
Hipfire Extra Small) 8 min.: fov 110 overwatch (or valorant it’s the same), hipfire
sensitivity on Pokeball Frenzy. Hold LMB at all times and flick in a snappy way with
big acceleration at the start, and especially at the end. On Pokeball 1w2ts, fov 103
ow, hipfire sensitivity, same as above. Try to focus on target here btw, you could even
try to play with crosshair off for fun on these two first whenever you play them. On
Pokeball 5 Sphere Hipfire Extra Small, fov 100 ow, ads sensitivity (this adds a nice
variation, please don’t be lazy and use this setting when you play it). Crosshair on
• Flicker Plaza No Strafes Thin (Flicker XYZ) 8 min.: fov 103 ow, hipfire sensi-
tivity on Flicker Plaza No Strafes Thin. Here, ideally, you would hold lmb too and try
to be as snappy as possible after the bot blinks. Try to recenter the mouse as little as
possible, as this forces you to be precise and snappy at large angles (this is hard). On
Flicker XYZ, fov 80 ow, ads sensitivity. Same principle really,
• 1wall20targets extra small (McCoy 1v1 NO WEAPON BOTS, Valorant Small
Flicks) 8 min.: fov 95 ow, mean sensitivity (you can go hipfire) on 1wall20targets
extra small. Again, try to explore all of the mouse pad and to get better at large
angles, don’t be lazy. Fov 103 ow, hipfire sensitivity on McCoy 1v1. You’re not forced
to move here, the idea is to force you to micro-flick after a change of direction (due
to infinite accel), very good for valorant and to hit wide peekers. On Valorant small
flicks, fov 105 ow, hipfire or ads, you decide here, it’s a really standard scenarios that
is very good to do very clean straight lines,
• Reflex Flick - easy horizontalish (Flux Valorant Reflex Flick Hard) 8 min.: On
Flux one, fov 103 ow, hipfire sensitivity. Here, you can actually play it in free play
and move around the map (say, you add distance or play with the corner on your left),
it’s a sick training. If the hard one is too hard, feel free to play the normal one, it’s
also great,
• Valorant Peek Training ( MCA-9 ) (Varied Evasive Peeks, Valorant Peek Small)
8 min.: fov 103 ow, hipfire sensitivity on MCA-9. You could theoretically replace it
with Valorant Peek Strafing Robots, but this scenario is not working very well (you
have to headshot only) so I think MCA-9 is better. On Varied Evasive Peeks, fov 95
ow, mean sensitivity. On Peek Small, fov 95 ow, ads sensitivity. On all of those, force
yourself to counter-strafe when you click btw, it’s a very good training,
Supplementary scenarios for micro-corrections and smoothness (fov 80 ow, ads sens on
both): ddtv xyz far slow small and 1wall5targets pasu track invincible (you can
also play the small version here, it’s really great as it has this kind of blink motion forcing
you to correct fast, very good for wide peekers again)
Routine B:
• Voxtargetswitch small 200% (Floating Heads 50% HP 400%) 8 min.: fov 110
ow, hipfire sensitivity on vox. Fov 105 ow, mean sensitivity on floating heads. Those
are relatively hard on precision with these fov and sensitivity, hence why the tracking
versions are a prior better (at least to start, so you can hold lmb and flick full speed).
You can play the clicking versions if you really want to or other alternatives of those,
they are great,
• Val LRC Low Strain (KinTS V2 30% smaller) 8 min.: fov 80 ow, ads sensitivity
on Val LRC. This one is really insane, try to aim at the heads, do not avoid the long
range targets, you’re on your ads sens (a priori slower than the hipfire), and try to
chain the clicks fast (but do not spam click please). On KinTS v2 30% smaller, fov
95 ow, hipfire or mean sensitivity, you decide which one (hipfire = work on precision
and smoothness, mean = work on large angles),
• Leap 360 small - Dodge (Pistol Strafe Gallery Small Revised, pasu reload 360
150%) 8 min.: fov 80 ow, mean sensitivity on Leap. Do not move here (even if it’s

called dodge), the idea is to force you to get better at large angles and to work on the
timing of the clicks on hard to hit small targets. If this is too hard, you can try bounce
180 dodge instead (without moving either). On Gallery, fov 103 ow, hipfire sensitivity.
Aim at the heads, do not spam click. You can try to move and counter strafe if you
want, it’s not necessary though. Fov 95 ow, mean sensitivity on pasu reload 360. This
should help you to correct on someone wide peeking. Note that if this is too easy, you
can even try the 250% version (this one is extremely hard however),
• Wide Wall 10 Extra small moving (small dot frenzy, 1w2ts reload) 8 min.: fov
93 ow, hipfire sensitivity on Wide Wall. If this is too hard, you can play the normal
one (without moving), but I think the moving one is really great to force you to process
when to click properly after a flick. On small dot frenzy, fov 103 ow, hipfire sensitivity,
try to be clean with the stops and do not “drag” your flick slowly but surely toward
the balls. On 1w2ts reload, fov 103 ow, hipfire, it’s basically the same scenario but
with bigger targets so you can go faster. Note that you can also play the horizontalish
versions of those after a while. It is very important to be relatively good with vertical
mouse motion in valorant at many places, so grind those a bit first before swapping
to the horizontalish versions if you really want to,
• psalmflick extra small (psalmflick strafing tracking precise) 8 min.: fov 103 ow,
hipfire sensitivity on both. If they are too hard, you can play the small versions and
the non precise versions. Generally here, you want to play a tracking version on a
strafing target however, and a clicking small version on a static one. Of course if you
want you can also play a smaller strafing clicking version, it’s up to you, that works
too but only after a bit,
Supplementary scenarios for pistol and flick on moving targets (fov 105 ow, hipfire
sensitivity on both): pistol test and Close Flick v2 HeadShot

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