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{\f2 Arial;}
{\f3 Arial Bold;}
{\f4 Arial Bold;}
{\f5 Courier New;}
{\f6 Arial;}
{\f1000000 Times New Roman;}
paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg1}{\bkmkend Pg1}\par\pard\ql \
li3439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li3439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\
li3439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li3439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\
li3439\sb148\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\
fs24 OBJECTIVES OF THE PURCHASING FUNCTION \par\pard\ql \li1440\ri1237\sb261\sl-
280\slmult0\tx1800\tx1800\tx1800 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\
f2\fs24 1. To conduct business in such an open manner that potential vendors will
be impressed \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 by the fairness of the system
and thus be encouraged to furnish competition, which \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 will help ensure that the City will secure the best product at the
lowest price at all \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 times. \par\pard\qj \
li1440\ri1307\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\tx1800 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 2. To
encourage joint purchasing amongst City Departments and along with the State of \
line\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Michigan. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb4\sl-276\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 3. To encourage competitive purchasing. \
par\pard\qj \li1440\ri2070\sb18\sl-260\slmult0\tx1800 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100
4. To develop and maintain an adequate inventory of supplies and equipment as \
line\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 required. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1203\sb4\
sl-280\slmult0\tx1800 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 5. To give due consideration
to ethical and quality standards and also to real value rather \line\tab \up0 \
expndtw-5\charscalex100 than price alone. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 6. To establish and build good relations with
suppliers. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1988\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\tx1800 \up0 \expndtw-3\
charscalex100 7. To discourage, as far as possible, any procedure other than that
of competitive \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 purchasing. \par\pard\qj \
li1440\ri1191\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\tx1799 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 8. To
purchase the most acceptable quality supplies, equipment and contractual services \
line\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 at the lowest price. \par\pard\qj \li1439\
ri1221\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\tx1800 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 9. To provide a
mechanism for professional services contracts which are based primarily \line\tab \
up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 on quality and then price. \par\pard\ql \li4588\sb0\
sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li4588\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
\ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 PURCHASING PRINCIPLES \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\
slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-7\charscalex100 I.
GENERAL PRINCIPLES \par\pard\ql \li2159\ri1562\sb261\sl-280\slmult0\tx2520\tx2520 \
up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 1. Supplies, equipment
and contractual services shall be purchased only when \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 monies for their cost have been appropriated and included in the
Annual \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Operating Budget. \par\pard\qj \
li2160\ri1645\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\tx2519 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 2. The
financing for projects greater than $100,000 must be arranged with the \line\tab \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Finance Director prior to soliciting bids. \par\pard\
ql \li2159\ri2251\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\tx2519\tx2519 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 3.
Minor purchases which cost less than $50.00 may be obtained by the \line\tab \up0 \
expndtw-6\charscalex100 department directly from the vendor. Payment of these
items can be \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 reimbursed by Petty Cash. \
par\pard\ql \li2159\sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 4. Purchases
of less than $5,000 may be made by the Department Head. \par\pard\qj \li2159\
ri1375\sb18\sl-260\slmult0\tx2520 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 5. Purchases of
greater than $5,000 but less than $10,000 must be approved by \line\tab \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 the Division Head. \par\pard\ql \li2160\sb7\sl-276\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 6. Purchases of greater than $10,000 must be
approved by the City Commission. \par\pard\qj \li2160\ri1578\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\
tx2520 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 7. To the extent possible, purchases of
routine supplies should be coordinated \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 with
other City departments. \par\pard\qj \li2160\ri1662\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\tx2520 \
up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 8. All purchases should be made for the most
acceptable quality at the lowest \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 price. \
par\pard\qj \li2160\ri1678\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\tx2520 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100
9. Professional services contracts will be based on quality of service and then \
line\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 price. \par\pard\ql \li10080\sb0\sl-276\
slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb192\sl-276\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 1

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1699\shptop8095\shpright4332\shpbottom8119\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 2633}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(2633,24);(2633,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}
}}\par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg2}
{\bkmkend Pg2}\par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\sl-276\
slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb148\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-7\charscalex100 \
ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 II. PETTY CASH PURCHASES \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1218\
sb261\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\
fs24 Minor purchases which cost less than $50.00 may be obtained by the
department \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 directly from the vendor. The cost
will be reimbursed from Petty Cash upon presentation \line \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 of the paid invoice to the respective department. Petty Cash must
be reconciled at least \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 once monthly by the
appropriate department staff and submitted to Accounts Payable for \line \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 reimbursement. If the Petty Cash purchase is related to
travel expenses, the appropriate \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 travel voucher
must also be submitted and a travel advance must not have been obtained \line \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 for the trip. The travel voucher must be supported
with appropriate documentation. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\
ql\li1440\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-7\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\
fs24 III. CREDIT PURCHASES \par\pard\ql \li2160\sb264\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 The City shall maintain open
credit with various vendors that are utilized on a \par\pard\qj \li1439\ri1269\sb1\
sl-280\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 frequent basis. Only employees
authorized by the Department Head or supervisory staff \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 may utilize the vendor\u8217?s credit. Credit purchases may not
exceed the amount authorized \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 for Department Head
approval. Receipts for open credit purchases must be approved by \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 the Department Head and submitted to Accounts Payable. \par\pard\ql \
li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb28\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs26 IV. \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 CREDIT
CARD PURCHASES \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb264\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 The City maintains a purchasing card
program for each full time employee to \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \up0
\expndtw-5\charscalex100 assist with small dollar purchases. The Finance
Director, or appointed designee, is \par\pard\qj \li1439\ri1322\sb1\sl-280\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 responsible for the City\u8217?s purchasing
card issuance, accounting, monitoring, retrieval and \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
for general oversight of compliance with purchasing card use. \par\pard\ql \li1439\
sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\ri1276\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 City purchasing cards may be used only by those authorized
by the appropriate \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Division Head and only for
the purchase of goods or services and training or travel \line \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 expense for the official business of the City. The card users shall
submit all credit card \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 receipts detailing the
goods or services purchased, the cost of the goods or services, and \line \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 the date of the purchase to Accounts Payable with the
appropriate transaction summary. \par\pard\qj \li1439\ri1267\sb261\sl-280\slmult0\
fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Employees issued City purchasing cards shall
return the credit card immediately \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 upon termination
of employment with the City. Authorized employees issued a credit card \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 are responsible for its protection and custody and shall \
ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 immediately\ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 notify the
Finance \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Director if the credit card is lost or
stolen. \par\pard\ql \li2160\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2160\sb8\sl-276\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 The Finance Division will follow established
Accounts Payable internal control \par\pard\qj \li1439\ri1219\sb1\sl-280\slmult0 \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 procedures for approval, documentation and payment of
credit card charges. All balances \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 due will be paid
for within not more than 30 days of the initial statement date. \par\pard\ql \
li2160\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2160\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 Unauthorized use of a City purchasing card may result in disciplinary
measures. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\sl-276\
slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb252\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 \
ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 V. PURCHASES LESS THAN $5,000 \par\pard\ql \li10080\
sb204\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 2

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1764\shptop1691\shpright4795\shpbottom1715\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 3031}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(3031,24);(3031,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1828\shptop4476\shpright4250\shpbottom4499\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 2422}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 23}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,23);(2422,23);(2422,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1819\shptop6717\shpright4980\shpbottom6741\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 3161}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(3161,24);(3161,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft5457\shptop13828\shpright5522\shpbottom13840\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 65}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 12}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,12);(65,12);(65,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1792\shptop13917\shpright5522\shpbottom13941\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 3730}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(3730,24);(3730,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}
}}\par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg3}
{\bkmkend Pg3}\par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\sl-
280\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\sl-280\
slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\ri1209\sb109\sl-
280\slmult0\fi719 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 All
departments must plan in advance their regular budgeted purchases so that the \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 most competitive price may be obtained. Purchases of
supplies, equipment and \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 contractual services of
less than $5,000 are to be made by the Department Head or other \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 supervisory staff. Departments should obtain quotes from competing
vendors for \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 purchases greater than $2,500.
Purchasing standards of conduct must be utilized in the \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 purchasing decision of the department. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 \
ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 VI. PURCHASES GREATER THAN $5,000 BUT LESS THAN
$10,000 \par\pard\ql \li1439\ri1238\sb261\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Purchases of supplies, equipment and
contractual services of greater than $5,000 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 but less
than $10,000 are to be approved by the Division Head. It is strongly \line \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 recommended that departments obtain quotations from
competing vendors for purchases \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 greater than $5,000.
Purchasing standards of conduct must be utilized in the purchasing \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 decision of the department. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \
par\pard\ql\li1439\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 \ul0\
nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 VII. PURCHASES GREATER THAN $10,000 BUT LESS THAN
$15,000 \par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\ri1310\sb1\sl-
280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24
Purchases of supplies, equipment and contractual services greater than $10,000 \
line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 but less than $15,000 will be made from
quotations submitted to the City Commission for \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
approval\ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 . \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\
pard\ql\li1439\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 VIII. PURCHASES
GREATER THAN $15,000 \par\pard\ql \li1439\ri1276\sb261\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Purchases of supplies,
equipment and contractual services greater than $15,000 \line \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 will be made from sealed bids/proposals submitted to the City
Commission for approval. \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Any approved contract
for construction or reconstruction will have an assumed approved \line \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 contingency of 10%. This 10% contingency can only be
invoked if the department \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 receives a written
change order from the contractor and approves said change. If the \line \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 cumulative amount of change orders would exceed 10% of the
original contract, approval \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 of the increased
amount must be obtained from the city commission prior to the work \line \up0 \
expndtw-5\charscalex100 beING performed. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \
par\pard\ql\li1440\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 \ul0\
nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 IX. SERVICES PROVIDED ON A PER HOUR BASIS \par\pard\qj \
li1440\ri1491\sb261\sl-280\slmult0\fi719 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\
nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 any services quoted or bid on a per hour basis will include
a not to exceed dollar \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 amount in writing and require
advance notice from the vendor if it looks as if the not to \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 exceed amount might be exceeded due to unforseen circumstances. The
appropriate \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 approval will be obtained before the
extra services are rendered. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\
li1440\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24
X. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTS \par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\
pard\qj\li1439\ri1296\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\
nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Contracts for services often cannot be based only on price
but are based primarily \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 on quality of service.
In situations where professional services are being purchased, the \line \up0 \
expndtw-5\charscalex100 quotation and bidding process need not be followed. The
Department Head must utilize \par\pard\ql \li10080\sb184\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \
expndtw-3\charscalex100 3

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1857\shptop3919\shpright8920\shpbottom3943\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 7063}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(7063,24);(7063,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
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{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1922\shptop6146\shpright9117\shpbottom6170\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 7195}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(7195,24);(7195,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1987\shptop7816\shpright6314\shpbottom7840\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 4327}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(4327,24);(4327,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft8025\shptop9765\shpright8779\shpbottom9785\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 754}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(754,20);(754,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1857\shptop10879\shpright7096\shpbottom10903\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 5239}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(5239,24);(5239,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1792\shptop12828\shpright6456\shpbottom12852\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 4664}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(4664,24);(4664,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}
}}\par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg4}
{\bkmkend Pg4}\par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\sl-
280\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\sl-280\
slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\ri1223\sb109\sl-280\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 professional standards of conduct to
obtain a contract specifically outlining the scope of \line \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 the work and the terms of the services to be provided, and the City
Attorney shall approve \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 the form of the
contract. If the contract exceeds $10,000, a memo outlining the terms of \line \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 the contract must be provided by the Department Head
to the City Manager. The City \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Manager will
place the item on the next scheduled City Commission agenda for approval. \par\
pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \
expndtw-6\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 XI. SINGLE SOURCE PURCHASES \
par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-275\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\ri1255\sb10\sl-275\
slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Purchases
of supplies, equipment and contractual services which are supplied by \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 only one source and are of a dollar amount requiring
quotations or sealed bids/proposals, \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 must be
explained in a memo to the City Manager. This memo will be forwarded to the \line
\up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 City Commission at the next scheduled meeting if the
purchase is of an amount requiring \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 City Commission
approval. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb9\sl-276\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-7\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 XII. PURCHASE
ORDERS \par\pard\ql \li2160\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2160\sb8\sl-276\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 The City does not
require the use of purchase orders. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-275\slmult0 \par\
pard\ql\li1439\ri1363\sb10\sl-275\slmult0\fi720\tx2160 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 The Finance Director will issue a blanket purchase order each year
for purchases \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 that year. If the vendor
requires a purchase order number, this number can be used. \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-
4\charscalex100 If a vendor requires that a purchase order be issued, the
department making the \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 purchase must prepare a
purchase order and submit it to the Finance Director for \line \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 approval. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\
li1439\sb29\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\
fs24 XIII. EMERGENCY PURCHASES \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb264\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \
expndtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 In the event an emergency
purchase is required for materials, tools or needed \par\pard\qj \li1439\ri1282\
sb1\sl-280\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 repairs to equipment that must be
kept operational, the following procedure needs to be \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100
followed: \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb8\sl-276\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 1. If the emergency event occurs during the
normal working hours and the \par\pard\ql \li2519\sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-
3\charscalex100 purchase typically requires quotations, sealed bids or City
Commission \par\pard\ql \li2519\sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100
approval, the City Manager and the Finance Director must be notified \par\pard\qj \
li2519\ri1480\sb1\sl-280\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 immediately. The
City Manager has the authority to grant exceptions to the \up0 \expndtw-3\
charscalex100 quotation and bid process. \par\pard\ql \li2159\ri1367\sb0\sl-280\
slmult0\tx2519\tx2519\tx2519 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 2. If the emergency
occurs at night, on weekends or on Holidays, the purchase \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-
5\charscalex100 shall be made at the discretion of the Department Head involved.
The City \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Manager and the Finance Director
must be notified as soon as possible of the \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 purchase. \par\pard\qj \li1439\ri1389\sb262\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0
\expndtw-4\charscalex100 If the purchase is $10,000 or greater, which normally
requires City Commission \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 approval, the documentation
of the purchase must be provided to the City Manager who \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 will place the item on the next regularly scheduled City Commission
agenda so that the \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Commission may be informed of the
purchase\ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 . \par\pard\ql \li10080\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \
par\pard\ql\li10080\sb188\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\
nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 4

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1857\shptop3362\shpright5359\shpbottom3386\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 3502}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(3502,24);(3502,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1922\shptop5589\shpright4320\shpbottom5613\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 2398}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(2398,24);(2398,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1987\shptop8373\shpright5054\shpbottom8397\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 3067}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(3067,24);(3067,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}
}}\par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg5}
{\bkmkend Pg5}\par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\sb0\sl-
280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\sb0\sl-280\
slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\ri1694\sb109\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Emergency purchases should be carefully
considered. Emergency purchases \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 often do not result
in the most competitive purchases and should be avoided to the \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 greatest extent possible. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \
par\pard\ql\li1439\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-8\charscalex100 \ul0\
nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 XIV. WARRANTIES \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \
par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1417\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \
ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 The City purchases many items which have a warranty or
guarantee for a certain \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 length of time such as tires,
batteries, computers and other equipment. Before these \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 items are repaired or replaced, the custodian of the warranty on the
project should be \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 consulted to see if the item is
covered by such warranty or guarantee. \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1484\sb261\sl-280\
slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Each department should maintain an
active up-to-date file on such warranties or \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
guarantees. \par\pard\ql \li4548\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li4548\sb8\sl-276\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 QUOTATION
PROCEDURES \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1429\sb1\
sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24
Quotations are recommended for purchases of greater than $2,500 and required \up0 \
expndtw-5\charscalex100 for purchases greater than $10,000. \par\pard\ql \li1440\
sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-7\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 I. OBTAINING QUOTATIONS \par\pard\qj \
li1440\sb0\sl-270\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1215\sb19\sl-270\slmult0\fi720 \up0
\expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Quotations must be obtained
from a minimum of three vendors. The department \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100
making the purchase may select the vendors to contact. The quotations may be
obtained \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 in any of the following manners: \par\pard\
qj \li2160\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li2160\ri1409\sb2\sl-280\slmult0\
tx2519 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 1. In person: by going to the vendor, or by
the vendor demonstrating the item at \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 the
point of usage and providing a written quote \par\pard\qj \li2159\ri1531\sb1\sl-
280\slmult0\tx2519 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 2. By phone: when the item is a
staple product and must be followed up with a \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 written quote \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-
3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 3. \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Written
quotation \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb8\sl-276\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 II. QUOTATION
EVALUATION/SELECTION \par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-270\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\
ri1663\sb19\sl-270\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\
f2\fs24 The quotation selected should be the one that provides the highest
acceptable \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 quality at the lowest price. Purchasing
standards of conduct must be utilized in the \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100
purchasing decision. \par\pard\ql \li2160\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2160\
sb10\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 For purchases of supplies,
equipment and contractual services greater than \par\pard\ql \li1439\ri1250\sb1\sl-
280\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 $10,000, the department making the
purchase shall prepare a memo to the City Manager \line \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 indicating their recommendation for the purchase. The memo must
also include a \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 summary of quotations received
and the budgeted amount for the purchase. The City \line \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 Manager will place the item on the next scheduled City Commission
agenda for approval. \par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\
ri1665\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Notes on quotations
received must be retained for one year by the department \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 making the purchase. \par\pard\ql \li10080\sb184\sl-276\slmult0 \
up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 5

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2016\shptop2805\shpright3604\shpbottom2829\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 1588}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(1588,24);(1588,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1699\shptop6981\shpright4651\shpbottom7005\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 2952}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(2952,24);(2952,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2520\shptop8652\shpright3568\shpbottom8672\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 1048}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1048,20);(1048,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2520\shptop9208\shpright3518\shpbottom9228\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 998}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(998,20);(998,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2520\shptop9765\shpright4310\shpbottom9785\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 1790}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1790,20);(1790,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1764\shptop10322\shpright6180\shpbottom10346\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 4416}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(4416,24);(4416,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}
}}\par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg6}
{\bkmkend Pg6}\par\pard\ql \li3768\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li3768\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li3768\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li3768\sb0\sl-276\
slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li3768\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li3768\sb0\sl-276\
slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li3768\sb136\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 \
ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 SEALED BIDS/PROPOSALS PROCEDURE \par\pard\ql \li2160\
sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2160\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Purchases of supplies, equipment and
contractual services of greater than \par\pard\ql \li1439\ri1233\sb4\sl-276\slmult0
\up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 $15,000 must be from sealed bids/proposals which are
subsequently approved by the \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 City Commission.
Bids are requested for specific supplies, equipment, and contractual \line \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 services. Proposals are requested for services for which
the desired outcome is specified \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 but the means to
achieve it are to be proposed by the vendor. For purposes of the rest of \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 this section, bids and proposals require the same
procedures and the term bid is \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 interchangeable
with proposals. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb28\
sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-7\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 I. BID
SPECIFICATIONS \par\pard\ql \li1439\ri1365\sb261\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Bid specifications shall be
prepared by the department making the purchase. Bid \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100
specifications should be set up so that maximum competition can be secured. Bid \
line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 specification must include at least the
following: \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb8\sl-276\
slmult0\tx2160 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 1. \tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
Description of the supplies, equipment or contractual service to be bid. For
bids, \par\pard\ql \li2159\ri1226\sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100
the description of the item and its characteristics should be so definite and
precise \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 as to eliminate the possibility of
misunderstanding on the part of the purchaser, the \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
seller, the tester, or the consumer. Specifications which are considered "closed"
\up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 (drawn on a piece of equipment) must not be prepared.
Trade or brand names \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 can be used to establish a
generally acceptable standard, and all other brands of \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 the same general quality will be requested to submit bids. \par\pard\
li1439\sb18\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx2160 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 2.\tab \up0 \
expndtw-5\charscalex100 Form for submitting pricing.\par\pard\li1439\sb2\sl-276\
slmult0\fi0\tx2160 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 3.\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 Bid evaluation criteria.\par\pard\li1439\sb3\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\
tx2160 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 4.\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Bid
security/performance bond requirements, if any.\par\pard\li1439\sb2\sl-276\slmult0\
fi0\tx2160 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 5.\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
Insurance requirements, if any.\par\pard\li1439\sb3\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx2160 \
up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 6.\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Time and location
of bid submission.\par\pard\li1439\sb2\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx2160 \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 7.\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Pre-bid conference requirements,
if any.\par\pard\li1439\sb2\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx2160 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
8.\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 The following ADA compliance language: All
interested persons may attend and\par\pard\qj \li2159\ri1310\sb3\sl-273\slmult0 \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 participate. Persons with disabilities needing
assistance to participate may call the \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Human
Resources Office at (989)779-5314). Persons with hearing impairments \line \up0 \
expndtw-5\charscalex100 may call the Michigan Relay System. A 48-hour advance
notice is necessary for \line \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 accommodation. \par\
pard\li1439\sb21\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx2159 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 9.\tab \
up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Anticipated award date.\par\pard\li1439\sb3\sl-276\
slmult0\fi0\tx2160 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 10.\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 Notice that the City of Mt. Pleasant reserves the right to reject any
and all bids\par\pard\li1439\sb2\sl-276\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
submitted.\par\pard\li1439\sb3\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx2160 \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 11.\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 If federal funds are to be used
for construction projects, that Davis Bacon\par\pard\li1439\sb2\sl-276\slmult0\
fi720 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 prevailing wages must be paid.\par\pard\li1439\
sb2\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx2160 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 12.\tab \up0 \expndtw-
4\charscalex100 Requirement that the bid specifically indicates the bid name and
the date on the\par\pard\li1439\sb3\sl-276\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 outside of the envelope.\par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\
pard\ql\li1440\sb1\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Bid specifications
must be approved by the Division Head of that Department. A copy of \par\pard\
ql \li10080\sb184\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 6

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1699\shptop5032\shpright4144\shpbottom5056\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 2445}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(2445,24);(2445,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}
}}\par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg7}
{\bkmkend Pg7}\par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\sl-
280\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\sl-280\
slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\ri1809\sb109\sl-280\slmult0\tx2160 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 the bid specifications must be submitted
to the Finance Division for publication of a \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
summary in the local newspaper and placement on the City website. \line \tab \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 If during the bid process it becomes apparent that the bid
specifications need \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 clarification or changes,
an addendum to the bid specifications will be prepared. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\
sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100
par\pard\ql \li2160\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2160\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \
up0 \expndtw-9\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 1. Bidders List \par\
pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-275\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\ri1629\sb10\sl-275\slmult0\
fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 The department preparing the bid specification
prepares the bidders list. The \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 bidders list
shall consist of known vendors of the supplies, equipment or contractual \line \up0
\expndtw-5\charscalex100 services, and any vendor requesting to be placed on the
bidders list for this item. The \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 bidders list
should be as comprehensive as possible to ensure the most competitive \line \up0 \
expndtw-5\charscalex100 pricing. \par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\
qj\li1439\ri1593\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Departments
must maintain bidders lists for routine purchases that contain last \line \up0 \
expndtw-5\charscalex100 year\u8217?s bidders and any vendor requesting to be placed
on the bidders list. Any vendor \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 who fails to
bid for two consecutive requests may be deleted from the bidders list. \par\pard\ql
\li2159\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-7\
charscalex100 2. Bid Specification Distribution \par\pard\ql \li2160\sb0\sl-276\
slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2160\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 The
bid specifications will be mailed to all vendors on the bidders list. If the bid
\par\pard\ql \li1440\ri1304\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100
specifications or plans are lengthy and costly to produce, the City may charge the
vendor \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 for the bid specifications. However, in this
case all vendors on the bidders list will be \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 mailed
notification of the availability of bid specifications. \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb0\
sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb9\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-9\charscalex100
\ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\fs26 3. \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Advertising \par\pard\
ql \li2160\sb285\sl-299\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf5\
f6\fs26 The availability of bid specifications must be advertised in at least one \
par\pard\ql \li1439\sb1\sl-299\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 newspaper of
general circulation. The Finance Division will procure advertising \par\pard\qj \
li1439\ri1296\sb0\sl-300\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 upon the receipt
from the department of the bid specifications. In some cases, the \up0 \expndtw-
4\charscalex100 Department Head and Finance Director may decide not to advertise
the bid if the \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 item is of such a specialized nature
that it is expected that advertising would not \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
produce any additional bids. The Finance Division will always place a summary
of \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 the bid on the City\u8217?s website. The
department making the purchase may choose to \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
advertise in other newspapers or trade journals. \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb261\sl-276\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-8\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 4. Bid Addendum
\par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\ri1706\sb1\sl-280\
slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 If addenda to the original bid
specifications are made, they will be mailed to all \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
vendors receiving the original bid specifications. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\
slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-8\charscalex100 \ul0\
nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 III. BID OPENING \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb264\sl-276\slmult0
\up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 1. Location of Bid
Submission/Opening \par\pard\ql \li10080\sb24\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\
charscalex100 7

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1764\shptop3083\shpright8018\shpbottom3107\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 6254}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(6254,24);(6254,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}
{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2486\shptop3640\shpright3715\shpbottom3660\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 1229}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1229,20);(1229,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2486\shptop6981\shpright5467\shpbottom7001\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 2981}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(2981,20);(2981,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2520\shptop8947\shpright3679\shpbottom8967\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 1159}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1159,20);(1159,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2486\shptop12163\shpright4041\shpbottom12183\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 1555}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1555,20);(1555,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1828\shptop13555\shpright3391\shpbottom13579\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 1563}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(1563,24);(1563,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2520\shptop14112\shpright6326\shpbottom14132\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 3806}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(3806,20);(3806,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}
}}\par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg8}
{\bkmkend Pg8}\par\pard\ql \li2159\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb0\sl-276\
slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb132\sl-276\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 All bid openings
will be conducted by the Finance Director\u8217?s office and a \par\pard\ql \
li1439\sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 representative of the
department making the purchase. Bid opening dates must be \par\pard\ql \li1439\
sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 checked with the Finance Director\
u8217?s office before finalizing bid specifications. Bid \par\pard\qj \li1439\
ri1406\sb1\sl-280\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 openings will be at 1:30
p.m., unless specifically requested otherwise by the department \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 making the purchase. \par\pard\ql \li2160\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\
pard\ql\li2160\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Bids will be
accepted in the Finance Director\u8217?s office up to the time of the bid \par\
pard\qj \li1439\ri1439\sb1\sl-280\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 opening.
Any bids received by the department making the purchase must be submitted \up0 \
expndtw-5\charscalex100 to the Finance Director\u8217?s office prior to the time of
the bid opening. \par\pard\ql \li1439\ri1284\sb261\sl-280\slmult0\fi719 \up0 \
expndtw-5\charscalex100 Although not preferred, bids will be accepted by fax or e-
mail. The vendor bidding \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 by fax or e-mail must
notify the Finance Director\u8217?s office of the fax or e-mail prior to \line \up0
\expndtw-5\charscalex100 submission. The fax or e-mail will be received by an
employee of the Finance Director\u8217?s \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 office and
placed in an envelope for opening at the bid opening. The employee receiving \up0
\expndtw-5\charscalex100 the fax or e-mail will not make the bid price known to
anyone. \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb8\sl-276\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-7\charscalex100 2. Bid Opening Procedure \par\pard\ql \
li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\ri1370\sb8\sl-276\slmult0\fi720 \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Each department is responsible for preparing a bid
tabulation form. A member of \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 the department making
the purchase must be present for the bid opening. A minute or \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 so before the bid opening, those in attendance will be asked if all
bids have been \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 submitted. At precisely 1:30
p.m., the Finance Director staff shall begin the bid opening. \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 The bid is opened, checked and read aloud by the Finance Director
staff. The two bid \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 openers must record their
initials on the bid form of the bid submitted. The bid is \line \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 recorded on the tabulation sheet. \par\pard\ql \li2160\sb0\sl-276\
slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2160\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 The
bid opening is open to the public. The staff present should refrain from \par\
pard\ql \li1439\ri1279\sb1\sl-280\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 answering
any questions with regard to award, disqualification, preference on equipment, \up0
\expndtw-4\charscalex100 specifications being met, etc. Further, no comments of
any type should be made on any \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 bid or vendor. Those
in attendance may be informed as to when the review will take \line \up0 \expndtw-
6\charscalex100 place and when the award will be made. \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 3.
Change/Withdrawal of Bid \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb264\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 A bidder may withdraw or change a bid if notice of the withdrawal or
change is \par\pard\ql \li1439\ri1202\sb1\sl-280\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 received, in writing, by the Finance Director before the latest time
specified for submission \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 of bids. After bids have
been submitted, they will not be allowed to be withdrawn, except \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 as authorized by the Finance Director. Withdrawal of bids after
the bid opening will be \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 allowed only in those cases
in which it is found from clearly demonstrable evidence that \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 the bidder has made a bona-fide error in preparation of the bid and
that such error will \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 result in a substantial
loss to the bidder. \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\
sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-9\charscalex100 4. Late Bids \par\pard\ql \
li10080\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb188\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-
3\charscalex100 8

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2486\shptop6424\shpright4939\shpbottom6444\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 2453}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(2453,20);(2453,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2486\shptop10879\shpright5222\shpbottom10899\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 2736}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(2736,20);(2736,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2486\shptop13663\shpright3470\shpbottom13683\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 984}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(984,20);(984,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}
}}\par\pard\sect\sectd\fs24\paperw12240\paperh15840\pard\sb0\sl-240{\bkmkstart Pg9}
{\bkmkend Pg9}\par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\sb0\sl-
280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\sb0\sl-280\
slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\ri1219\sb109\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 No bids received after the time specified
in the invitation to bid will be considered. \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 The late
bids will be retained unopened until after award. They will then be returned to the
\up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 bidder with a letter detailing why the bid is being
returned. The City does not prescribe \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 the method by
which bids are to be transmitted; therefore, it cannot be held responsible \up0 \
expndtw-5\charscalex100 for any delay, regardless of the reason, in the
transmission of bids. \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\
sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-7\charscalex100 5. Bids Opened in Error \par\
pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\ri1363\sb8\sl-276\slmult0\
fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Bid specifications must specifically indicate
to bidders to write the bid name and \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 date clearly on
the outside of the bid. If any envelope does not indicate a bid is inside or \up0
\expndtw-4\charscalex100 is inadvertently opened prior to the bid opening time, the
bid should be resealed and a \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 note attached to it
indicating why it was opened and the person\u8217?s name who opened it \up0 \
expndtw-5\charscalex100 and resealed it. The bid should then be processed as
usual. If a bid amount is \line \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 inadvertently seen,
the bid price shall not be made known to anyone. \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb0\sl-276\
slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-7\charscalex100 6.
Disseminating Bid Information \par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\
li1439\ri2042\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi849 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 The bid
tabulation shall be left with the staff of the department making the \up0 \expndtw-
6\charscalex100 purchase. The staff can mail the bid tabulation if requested. \
par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-270\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\ri1770\sb19\sl-270\
slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 The actual bid documents submitted are
public property and are available to \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 review.
During the public review, the bid document must remain in the view of a City \up0 \
expndtw-6\charscalex100 employee. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\
pard\ql\li1439\sb30\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\
cf2\f3\fs24 IV. SECURITY DEPOSIT AND PERFORMANCE BONDS \par\pard\ql \li2160\
sb264\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24
Generally a bid security deposit is to be required at the discretion of the \par\
pard\ql \li1439\ri1216\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\tx2160 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100
Department Head of the department making the purchase. The amount of the security
\up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 deposit shall be expressed in terms of percentage of
the bid submitted. \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 The Department Head of
the department making the purchase shall fix the amount \line \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 of the performance bond, and in the case of construction contracts,
the amount of labor \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 and material bond to be required
of the successful bidders. \par\pard\ql \li2160\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\
li2160\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 In most cases, the
requirement of a bid security deposit and/or a performance \par\pard\qj \li1439\
ri1269\sb9\sl-270\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 bond is expensive and
needless. They should only be required for construction contracts, \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 purchases involving large sums of money, or purchases in which
failure to perform would \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 result in loss to the
City. \par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\ri1266\sb2\sl-
280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 If the bid specifies the bidder
must provide a bid security deposit, the bidder must \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100
file a bid bond, a certified check, cashier's check or bank draft in the amount of
and in the \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 form specified in the bid specification or
the bid will not be considered. \par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\
qj\li1439\ri1209\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 The bid
bond presented must be from a surety company authorized to do business \line \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 in the State of Michigan. The State of Michigan
Department of Licensing maintains a list \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 of
companies authorized in the State of Michigan (517-373-0240). The bid shall be \
par\pard\ql \li10080\sb184\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 9

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2486\shptop3362\shpright4687\shpbottom3382\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 2201}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(2201,20);(2201,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2486\shptop5868\shpright5618\shpbottom5888\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 3132}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(3132,20);(3132,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1857\shptop8373\shpright7552\shpbottom8397\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 5695}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(5695,24);(5695,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}
Pg10}{\bkmkend Pg10}\par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\
sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\
sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb128\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 conditioned on full performance of all
obligations imposed on the bidder under this \par\pard\ql \li1439\ri1238\sb1\sl-
280\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 regulation by submission of a bid,
including the obligation to keep the price firm for as \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 long a period as specified in the bid and to file a performance bond
when required, if \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 awarded a contract. The bid
bond shall provide that upon failure to perform any of such \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 obligations, the City of Mt. Pleasant may recover from the bidder and
the surety, or either, \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 any and all damages suffered
because of such failure. \par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\
li1439\ri1266\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 If a bidder
expects to submit bids from time to time and wants to file a continuing \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 bid bond good for all bids made during a certain period of
time up to a stated amount, the \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 bidder may do so. \
par\pard\ql \li2160\sb264\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 If the
bidder elects to deposit a certified check, cashier's check, or bank draft, it \
par\pard\ql \li1439\ri1195\sb1\sl-280\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 shall
be security for full performance of all obligations referred to above. The
deposit will \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 be held by the City Treasurer. If the
bidder fails to perform any one or more of such \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100
obligations, the City Treasurer may endorse the check and retain as much of the \
line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 proceeds as is necessary to compensate the City
of Mt. Pleasant for any and all damages \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 suffered
because of such failure. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\
li1439\ri1199\sb8\sl-276\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 If a bidder is
not the successful bidder, the certified check, cashier's check, or bank \line \up0
\expndtw-4\charscalex100 draft will be returned to that bidder as soon as possible
after the award is made. The \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 successful
bidder's check will be returned as soon as possible after the contract is \line \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 awarded or as soon as such bidder has filed a
performance bond, if one is required. It is \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100
the responsibility of the department making the purchase to notify the Treasurer of
the \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 award. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\
slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb28\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-8\charscalex100 \ul0\
nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 V. BID EVALUATION \par\pard\ql \li2160\sb264\sl-276\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-8\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 1. General
Principle \par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\ri1528\sb1\
sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 The award will be made to the
bidder whose bid (1) meets the bid specifications \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 and
(2) is the most qualified bid with the lowest price, considering quality,
reference, \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 responsibility of bidder, price, and all
other relevant factors. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-275\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\
li1439\ri1326\sb10\sl-275\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Because the
purchase of supplies, equipment and contractual services of the City \up0 \expndtw-
4\charscalex100 of Mt. Pleasant are funded mainly by property taxes, in order for a
bidder to be \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 considered all amounts due to the
City from the bidder must be paid. These include \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
personal and current real property taxes, utility bills, and all accounts
receivable. Any \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 contract for payment from the
bidder to the City must be of current status. \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb0\sl-276\
slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb9\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-9\charscalex100 2.
Bid Review \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1640\sb1\
sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Each bid shall be carefully
reviewed. As each bid is reviewed, it is important to \up0 \expndtw-6\
charscalex100 retain notes and comments and scrutinize accordingly: \par\pard\ql \
li2160\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2160\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 a) Double check bid tabulation sheet. \par\pard\ql \li10080\sb184\
sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 10

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1792\shptop8652\shpright3784\shpbottom8676\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 1992}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(1992,24);(1992,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2486\shptop9208\shpright4291\shpbottom9228\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 1805}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1805,20);(1805,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2486\shptop12549\shpright3660\shpbottom12569\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 1174}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1174,20);(1174,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}
Pg11}{\bkmkend Pg11}\par\pard\li2159\sb0\sl-276\slmult0\par\pard\li2159\sb0\sl-276\
pard\li2159\sb142\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx2520 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 \ul0\
nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 b)\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Check and note if a
discount is offered for early payment.\par\pard\li2159\sb2\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\
tx2520 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 c)\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Check if
bid is signed.\par\pard\li2159\sb3\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx2520 \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 d)\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Thoroughly review what bidder is
bidding against bid specifications.\par\pard\li2159\sb2\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx2520 \
up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 e)\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Make note of any
specification deviations.\par\pard\li2159\sb3\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx2520 \up0 \
expndtw-5\charscalex100 f)\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Note any bid
qualifications such as:\par\pard\ql \li2879\sb0\sl-272\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 1. Escalation clause and amount. \par\pard\ql \li2879\ri1427\sb2\sl-
280\slmult0\tx3239 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 2. "All or none" clause (in such
case, total of "all or none" bid price has to \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 be compared to sum of other low bid prices). \par\pard\ql \li2879\
sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 3. Freight charges, if any. \par\
pard\ql \li2879\sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 4. Combined
delivery restrictions, if any. \par\pard\ql \li2879\sb1\sl-256\slmult0 \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 5. Change in bid acceptance period. \par\pard\ql \li2879\
sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 6. Any alternate items which may
be bid. \par\pard\ql \li2879\sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 7.
Contract period exceptions. \par\pard\li2159\sb17\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx2519 \up0 \
expndtw-5\charscalex100 g)\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Bid bond - Is it
signed from company authorized in State of Michigan?\par\pard\li2159\sb3\sl-276\
slmult0\fi0\tx2519 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 h)\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 Addendum (if required) - Does it contain any changes to bid?\par\
pard\li2159\sb2\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx2519 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 i)\tab \up0
\expndtw-4\charscalex100 Samples (if required) - If samples are not submitted, bid
is considered non-\par\pard\li2159\sb2\sl-276\slmult0\fi360 \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 responsive and bid is normally rejected.\par\pard\li2159\sb3\sl-276\
slmult0\fi0\tx2519 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 j)\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 Reducing bid prices to common units: When bids are received in
different units\par\pard\li2159\sb2\sl-276\slmult0\fi360 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 of measure, they must be reduced to a common denominator in order to
be\par\pard\li2159\sb3\sl-276\slmult0\fi360 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 properly
evaluated.\par\pard\li2159\sb2\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx2520 \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 k)\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Certificate of Insurance (if
required) - Are dollar amounts correct; is coverage\par\pard\li2159\sb2\sl-276\
slmult0\fi360 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 included, check dates, etc.\par\pard\ql
\li2159\ri1300\sb0\sl-280\slmult0\tx2519\tx2519\tx2519\tx2519\tx2519 \up0 \expndtw-
7\charscalex100 l) \tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Obvious mistake - If any
obvious mistake is discovered, bring it to the attention \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 of the Finance Director and confirm the mistake with the vendor.
The vendor \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 will not be allowed to change
the bid amount. Example: Five bidders quote \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 $10.00 per foot; one bidder quotes 10 cents per foot. In the case
of a mistake \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 in the extension of a price,
the unit price shall govern. \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb265\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \
expndtw-8\charscalex100 3. Rejecting Bids \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0
\par\pard\ql\li1439\ri1478\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100
If it appears there are reasonable grounds to believe that there is an agreement \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 among certain of the bidders, or between them and
certain prospective bidders, to \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 restrain the
competitive bidding by establishing a fixed price or by any other means, the \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 bids of all such bidders will be rejected, and the bidders
and prospective bidders will be \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 barred from further
bidding for a period of time not less than one year. \par\pard\ql \li2160\sb264\sl-
276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 If it appears to be in the best interest
of the City of Mt. Pleasant, all bids may be \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb4\sl-276\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 rejected and the bid process begun again.
Bid specifications may be the same as the \par\pard\qj \li1439\ri1231\sb1\sl-280\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 original bid or rewritten. In any such
case, the department making the purchase will notify \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100
the bidders of the reason why all bids were rejected. \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-8\charscalex100 4.
Bid Evaluation \par\pard\qj \li1440\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1256\
sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi719 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 After reviewing all bids and
noting any and all considerations, evaluation of the low \line \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 bidders should be made until the best qualified bid at the lowest
price is found. Items to \par\pard\ql \li10080\sb184\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \
expndtw-3\charscalex100 11

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2486\shptop9487\shpright3988\shpbottom9507\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 1502}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1502,20);(1502,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2486\shptop13106\shpright3991\shpbottom13126\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 1505}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1505,20);(1505,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}
Pg12}{\bkmkend Pg12}\par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\
sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\
sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb128\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 consider in recommending the awarding of
a bid include: \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb8\sl-
276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 a) Past performance of the bidder. \par\
pard\ql \li2159\sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 b) Availability
of bidder to complete the project on the City's schedule. \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb4\
sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 c) References. \par\pard\ql \li2159\
sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 d) Price. \par\pard\ql \li2159\
sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 e) The bidder's use of recycled
or recyclable goods when applicable. \par\pard\qj \li2159\ri1507\sb1\sl-280\
slmult0\tx2520 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 f) Match with specifications. Like
kind changes or equivalents can be allowed if \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 they do not affect the results. \par\pard\ql \li2160\sb4\sl-276\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 g) Other items deemed applicable by using
departments. \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb264\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-6\
charscalex100 5. Department Recommendation/Bid Award \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-
280\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\ri1316\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 The department making the purchase shall prepare a memo to the City
Manager \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 indicating the recommendation for
contract award. The memo must also include the \line \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 number of bid specifications distributed, bidders tabulation, and
budgeted amount for the \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 project. The City Manager
will place the item on the next scheduled City Commission \line \up0 \expndtw-6\
charscalex100 agenda for approval. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-273\slmult0 \par\
pard\ql\li1440\ri1477\sb13\sl-273\slmult0\fi719 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 After
a bid is awarded, a contract will be executed with the successful bidder. A \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 performance bond and certificate of liability and
worker's compensation insurance must \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 be obtained, if
required. A copy of the worker's compensation certificate should be \up0 \
expndtw-6\charscalex100 forwarded to the Finance Division. \par\pard\ql \li2159\
sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb9\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 After a bid is awarded, all firms submitting bids shall be notified
in writing of the \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1261\sb1\sl-280\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 successful bidder and furnished a copy of the bid tabulation. Bids
shall be retained in the \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 department making the
purchase for one year. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\
sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 VI.
EXCEPTION TO COMPETITIVE BIDDING \par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\
qj\li1439\ri1286\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\
nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 In any case where competitive bidding clearly is not
practical or it is clearly to the \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 City's advantage to
contract without competitive bidding, the City Commission, upon the \up0 \expndtw-
4\charscalex100 recommendation of the City Manager, may authorize the execution of
a purchase without \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 competitive bidding. In such
cases, the proposed contract shall be approved by the City \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 Attorney as to the form and content and submitted to the City
Commission. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb8\sl-276\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 EXEMPT
PURCHASES \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1511\sb261\sl-280\slmult0\fi719 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 It is recognized that some purchases may
exceed the $10,000 amount requiring \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 City Commission
approval, but obtaining approval through traditional processes would \up0 \expndtw-
5\charscalex100 delay the purchase, to the detriment of the City. These instances
are very limited and \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 include only the following: \
par\pard\qj \li2160\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li2160\ri1494\sb1\sl-280\
slmult0\tx2520 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 1. Purchase of fuel for internal
resale at the motor pool and purchase of fuel for \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 resale at the airport \par\pard\ql \li10080\sb184\sl-276\slmult0 \up0
\expndtw-3\charscalex100 12

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft7989\shptop4108\shpright8107\shpbottom4120\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 118}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 12}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,12);(118,12);(118,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2486\shptop4754\shpright6782\shpbottom4774\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 4296}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(4296,20);(4296,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1857\shptop9487\shpright6348\shpbottom9511\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 4491}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(4491,24);(4491,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1440\shptop11714\shpright3957\shpbottom11738\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 2517}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(2517,24);(2517,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}
Pg13}{\bkmkend Pg13}\par\pard\qj \li2159\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li2159\
sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li2159\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li2159\sb0\
sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li2159\ri4152\sb109\sl-280\slmult0\tx2496 \up0 \
expndtw-2\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 2. Payment for utility bills
for properties owned by the \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-2\charscalex100 City of Mt.
Pleasant \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb8\sl-276\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-8\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 VII. CONTRACT
AWARD \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\ri1204\sb1\sl-
280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Upon
approval of the City Commission, a contract shall be executed between the \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 City of Mt. Pleasant and the successful bidder. Once the
contract has been executed no \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 changes (such as a
substitution or a price adjustment) may be made in its terms and \line \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 conditions, if such changes would result in an impairment
of any of the rights of the City of \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 Mt. Pleasant
under the contract. \par\pard\ql \li1439\ri1284\sb261\sl-280\slmult0\fi719 \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 Any changes to the contract must be provided in writing and
approved by both the \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 City and the successful bidder.
Any change in project scope and/or changes which \line \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 exceed the approved contingency must have appropriate City Commission
approval prior \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 to the work being done unless an
emergency situation exists or in a situation whereby a \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 delay could result in a much larger cost to the City. \par\pard\ql \
li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\ri1492\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi784 \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Because the responsibility of the individual bidder is
an essential element of the \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 contract with the City of
Mt. Pleasant, a person to whom such a contract has been \line \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 awarded may not assign their interest in the contract without the
written consent of the \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 City of Mt. Pleasant. \par\
pard\qj \li1799\ri1267\sb261\sl-280\slmult0\fi360 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 In
any of the following cases, the City of Mt. Pleasant shall have the right to cancel
\up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 any signed contract. \par\pard\qj \li1799\sb0\sl-280\
slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1799\ri1365\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\tx2160 \up0 \expndtw-3\
charscalex100 1. In the event the successful bidder fails to furnish a
satisfactory performance bond \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 within the
time specified. \par\pard\qj \li1800\ri1957\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\tx2159 \up0 \
expndtw-3\charscalex100 2. In the event the vendor fails to make delivery within
the time specified in the \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 contract or
order. \par\pard\ql \li1799\ri1238\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\tx2159\tx2159\tx2159\tx2159\
tx2159 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 3. In the event any supplies, materials or
equipment delivered under the contract are \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100
rejected (because they do not meet specifications, do not conform to sample, or \
line \tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 are not in good condition when delivered)
and are not promptly replaced by the \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
vendor. If there are repeated rejections of the vendor's supplies or equipment,
this \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 shall be grounds for cancellation,
even though the vendor offers to replace the \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 items promptly. \par\pard\ql \li1799\sb1\sl-255\slmult0 \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 4. In the event of any other breach of contract by the
vendor. \par\pard\ql \li1799\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 5.
Failure to provide appropriate insurance documents. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb28\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-7\charscalex100 \
ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 VIII. BID MONITORING \par\pard\qj \li2159\ri1679\sb30\
sl-560\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 After the
bid is awarded, the using department will set up a monitoring system. \up0 \
expndtw-5\charscalex100 For supplies and equipment, this system shall include: \
par\pard\ql \li2160\sb235\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 1.
Performance of goods. \par\pard\ql \li10080\sb184\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\
charscalex100 13

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1922\shptop2527\shpright4197\shpbottom2551\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 2275}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(2275,24);(2275,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1987\shptop12271\shpright3993\shpbottom12295\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 2006}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(2006,24);(2006,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}
Pg14}{\bkmkend Pg14}\par\pard\ql \li2159\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\
sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb0\
sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb128\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 2. Timeliness of delivery. \par\pard\
ql \li2159\sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 3. Service promptness
and courtesy of service personnel. \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 4. Company's sensitivity to the department's needs and
concerns. \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 5.
Use of recycled/recyclable materials when applicable. \par\pard\ql \li2160\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2160\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
For services, this system shall include: \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \
par\pard\ql\li2159\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 1. Timeliness
of work. \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 2.
Sensitivity of contractor as to public needs and concerns. \par\pard\ql \li2159\
sb4\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 3. Quality of work - to be
checked during work and after completion of project. \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb1\sl-
256\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 4. Use of recycled/recyclable materials
when applicable. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\
ri1221\sb5\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 These lists are not
all-inclusive, and additional checks should be developed by the \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 using department as to specific products or services. Sources of
gathering monitoring \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 information are citizen
comments, physical inspections, employee comments, and \line \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 compliments or complaints about goods/services by users. \par\pard\ql
\li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\ri1341\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0
\expndtw-4\charscalex100 If any one of these items is deemed insufficient, a memo
shall be prepared noting \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 in detail the instance.
Based on the evaluation of the vendor, the Division Head may \line \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 remove a vendor from the bidder\u8217?s list for a specified period
of time. The memos will be \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 filed in the next bidders
list. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb8\sl-276\
slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 IX.
SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACT EXTENSIONS \par\pard\ql \li1439\ri1255\sb261\sl-280\slmult0\
fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 When the City
awards a bid for the purchase of particular supplies, equipment, or \line \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 contractual services after following the competitive
bidding procedure, it may at any time \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100
thereafter increase the quantity of the supplies or equipment or extend the length
of \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 service with the vendor, at the same price
and on the same conditions, if the market price \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100
of the supplies, materials or services has not gone down since the first
purchase. \par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\ri1653\sb1\
sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 The department requesting the
supplemental contract extension shall request \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 same in
writing to the City Manager. The City Manager will place the item on the next \
up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 City Commission meeting agenda for approval. \par\
pard\ql \li3741\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li3741\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \
expndtw-5\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 PURCHASING STANDARDS OF CONDUCT
\par\pard\ql \li1439\ri1215\sb261\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 It is the City of Mt. Pleasant\u8217?s
policy that the employees involved in the purchase of \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100
supplies, equipment and contractual services for the City carry out their duties
impartially, \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 so as to assure fair, competitive access
to governmental procurement by responsible \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100
vendors, contractors, etc. They should conduct themselves in such a manner as to
foster \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 public confidence in the integrity of the
City's purchasing procedures. Employees \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
responsible for making purchases must meet the standards set forth below: \par\
pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \
expndtw-7\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 I. CONFLICT OF INTEREST \par\
pard\ql \li10080\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb188\sl-276\slmult0 \
up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 14

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1857\shptop7816\shpright6756\shpbottom7840\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 4899}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(4899,24);(4899,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1699\shptop13663\shpright4519\shpbottom13687\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 2820}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(2820,24);(2820,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}
Pg15}{\bkmkend Pg15}\par\pard\ql \li2159\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\
sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb0\
sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb128\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-8\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 1. City Employees \par\pard\qj \li1439\
sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\ri1382\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 No employee will participate directly or indirectly in a
procurement when a conflict \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 of interest exists. A
conflict of interest occurs when: \par\pard\qj \li2159\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\
pard\qj\li2159\ri1929\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\tx2520 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 a)
The employee or any member of the employee's immediate family has a \line\tab \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 financial interest pertaining to the procurement; \
par\pard\ql \li2160\sb0\sl-270\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2160\ri1925\sb19\sl-270\
slmult0\tx2520\tx2520 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 b) A business or organization
in which the employee, or any member of the \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100
employee's immediate family, has a financial interest pertaining to the \line \
tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 procurement; or \par\pard\ql \li2160\sb0\sl-280\
slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2160\ri1618\sb2\sl-280\slmult0\tx2520\tx2520\tx2520 \up0 \
expndtw-3\charscalex100 c) Any other person, business or organization with whom
the employee or any \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 member of the
employee's immediate family is negotiating or has an \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 arrangement concerning prospective employment is involved in the \
line \tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 procurement. \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-
280\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\ri1465\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 Upon discovery of an actual or potential conflict of interest, an
employee shall \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 promptly file a written statement of
disqualification and shall withdraw from further \line \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 participation in the transaction involved. The employee may, at the
same time, apply to \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 the Finance Director for an
advisory opinion as to what further participation, if any, the \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 employee may have in the transaction. \par\pard\ql \li2160\sb264\sl-
276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 2. City Commissioners \par\pard\ql \
li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\ri1303\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 The City of Mt. Pleasant can enter into a contract
with a vendor with which a \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Commissioner has a
conflict of interest. Conflict is defined for Commissioners in the \line \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 same manner as defined above for employees. In entering
into a contract with this \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 vendor, the City
Commissioner with the conflict must not vote on the contract and must \line \up0 \
expndtw-5\charscalex100 disclose any pecuniary interest. Two-thirds of the full
City Commission must approve the \line \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 contract. \
par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \
up0 \expndtw-9\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 II. GRATUITIES \par\
pard\ql \li2160\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2160\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 It shall be a breach of ethical
standards for any person or business involved in a \par\pard\qj \li1439\ri1257\sb0\
sl-280\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 City of Mt. Pleasant procurement to
offer, give or agree to give any employee any gratuity \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 other than de minimus gratuities. Any employee who fails to report
any offer or receipt of \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 such a gratuity to his/her
supervisor may be subject to disciplinary action. De minimus \up0 \expndtw-6\
charscalex100 gratuities may be accepted. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb265\sl-276\slmult0
\up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 III. USE OF
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION \par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\
li1439\ri1483\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\
nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 It shall be a breach of ethical standards for any employee
or former employee to \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 knowingly use confidential
information for actual or anticipated personal gain or for the \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 actual or anticipated personal gain of any other person. \par\pard\ql
\li10080\sb184\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 15

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2486\shptop1691\shpright4120\shpbottom1711\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 1634}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(1634,20);(1634,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2520\shptop8095\shpright4612\shpbottom8115\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 2092}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(2092,20);(2092,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1764\shptop10600\shpright3187\shpbottom10624\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 1423}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(1423,24);(1423,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1828\shptop12828\shpright6247\shpbottom12852\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 4419}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(4419,24);(4419,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}
Pg16}{\bkmkend Pg16}\par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\
sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\
sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb136\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-7\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 IV. BUDGETED PURCHASES \par\pard\ql \
li2160\sb285\sl-299\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf5\f6\
fs26 In accordance with Public Act 621 of 1978, no purchases will be made in \par\
pard\ql \li1439\ri1251\sb9\sl-290\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 excess of
the amount appropriated based on the level of control exercised over the \up0 \
expndtw-5\charscalex100 adopted budget. Budgets are adopted on a fund basis
except for the General \line \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 Fund, which is adopted
at the Division level. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\
sb46\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-7\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 V.
LEGAL PURCHASES \par\pard\qj \li1440\ri1227\sb261\sl-280\slmult0\fi719 \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 All purchases of the City of
Mt. Pleasant will be made for a public purpose and in \line \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 accordance with the State Constitution and Statutes, the City
Charter, and the purchasing \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 policy. \par\pard\
ql \li4243\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li4243\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-
5\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 SALE/DISPOSAL OF EQUIPMENT \par\pard\qj
\li1440\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1417\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0
\expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Sale of abandoned property
will be made in accordance with state statutes and \line \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 coordinated by the Police Department. All other equipment shall be
sold/disposed of as \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 follows: \par\pard\ql \
li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb28\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf3\f4\fs26 I. \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 TRADE-IN
VALUE FROM VENDOR \par\pard\qj \li1439\ri1598\sb261\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \
expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Equipment and vehicles which
are no longer needed can be disposed of by the \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100
Department Head with the approval of the City Manager in the following manner: \
par\pard\ql \li2159\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 1. Trade-in negotiated with the purchase of
replacement equipment. \par\pard\qj \li2159\ri1387\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\tx2519 \up0 \
expndtw-3\charscalex100 2. Sale to other interested party at the trade-in value
identified above, as long as \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 the cost of
the new equipment is not affected by the lack of trade-in. \par\pard\ql \li1440\
sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-7\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 II. NO TRADE-IN VALUE AVAILABLE \par\
pard\qj \li1439\ri1740\sb261\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \
ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 If a trade-in value cannot be obtained, disposal can
take place in the following \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 manner: \par\pard\ql \
li2159\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 SEALED BIDS \par\pard\qj \li2160\sb0\sl-
280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li2160\ri1220\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\tx2519 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 1. At least once each year the City
Clerk\ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 will request a
listing of items available for \line\tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 auction from
all departments. \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\
ri1312\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\tx2520\tx2520 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 2. The
complete detailed listing will be placed on the City website for review, and \line\
tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 a date for bids will be provided. A printed
copy of the listing will be available at \line \tab \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
the City Clerk\u8217?s\ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24
office. All items will be sold \u8220?as is\u8221? with no warranties. \par\pard\
ql \li2160\sb264\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 3. An advertisement
will be placed in the local newspaper informing the public of \par\pard\ql \
li10080\sb84\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 16

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1857\shptop2248\shpright4728\shpbottom2272\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 2871}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(2871,24);(2871,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1792\shptop4293\shpright4130\shpbottom4317\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 2338}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(2338,24);(2338,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1800\shptop7648\shpright5616\shpbottom7672\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 3816}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(3816,24);(3816,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1764\shptop10154\shpright5556\shpbottom10178\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 3792}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(3792,24);(3792,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2160\shptop11546\shpright3741\shpbottom11570\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 1581}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(1581,24);(1581,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}
Pg17}{\bkmkend Pg17}\par\pard\ql \li2519\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2519\
sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2519\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2519\sb0\
sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2519\sb148\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 the availability of the items on the
website and at the City Clerk\u8217?s\ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\
cf1\f2\fs24 office. \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb264\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\
charscalex100 4. The bid amounts for purchase of each item will be submitted in a
sealed \par\pard\ql \li2519\ri1295\sb1\sl-280\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
envelope to the City Clerk\u8217?s\ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\
f2\fs24 office by a specified time and date. Bids will also \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 be accepted via a form submitted on the City\u8217?s website. The
bids will be \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 publicly read and awarded to the
highest bidder. The City reserves the right to \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100
state the minimum bid amount or to reject all bids not in the best interest of
the \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 City. If the highest bidder does not pick up
the equipment by the stated date, \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 the next bidders
will be contacted for the award. \par\pard\ql \li2160\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\
ql\li2160\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\
fs24 AUCTION \par\pard\ql \li1439\ri1528\sb261\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-
4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 City staff may choose to utilize an on-
line auction service to dispose of available \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 items.
If this option is chosen, a link will be provided on the City\u8217?s website and
an \line \up0 \expndtw-6\charscalex100 advertisement will be placed in the local
newspaper of said auction. \par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\
li1439\ri1343\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi719 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Any equipment
for which a bid is not received will be donated to charity, scrapped \up0 \expndtw-
5\charscalex100 or re-bid at the next auction. \par\pard\ql \li5097\sb0\sl-276\
slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li5097\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 \ul0\
nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 MISCELLANEOUS \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\
pard\ql\li1439\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-7\charscalex100 I. JOINT
PURCHASING \par\pard\ql \li2160\sb264\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 Wherever possible, the City shall
encourage joint purchasing amongst \par\pard\qj \li1439\ri1397\sb1\sl-280\slmult0 \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 departments. Departments with similar needs which may
benefit from joint acquisition of \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 materials should do
so whenever possible. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\
sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-7\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 II.
STATE PURCHASES \par\pard\ql \li1440\sb0\sl-277\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\ri1213\
sb7\sl-277\slmult0\fi720 \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24
The City of Mt. Pleasant participates in the State of Michigan Extended
Purchasing \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Program. This program allows the City to
purchase items through the contracts \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 negotiated
by the state. Savings are achieved due to the quantities purchased by the \line \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 state as well as the elimination of the administrative
cost for obtaining quotes or bids. \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 The
Department Head may choose to review the contracts obtained by the state through \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 the Extended Purchasing Program and recommend purchase
of supplies or equipment \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 under the state
contract instead of utilizing the quote or bid process. For purchases \line \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 greater than $10,000, a memo recommending the purchase
through the state contract \line \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 must be provided to
the City Manager. The City Manager will place the item on the next \line \up0 \
expndtw-6\charscalex100 scheduled City Commission agenda for approval. \par\pard\ql
\li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-8\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 III. STATE SURPLUS \par\pard\qj \
li1440\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1440\ri1222\sb1\sl-280\slmult0\fi720 \
up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 The City of Mt. Pleasant
also participates in the State of Michigan surplus property \line \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 program. The purchases are coordinated by the Director of Parks,
Building and Grounds. \line \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 Items purchased at the
state outlets must be restricted to local government use, must be \par\pard\ql \
li10080\sb184\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 17

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft2160\shptop4476\shpright3228\shpbottom4499\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 1068}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 23}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,23);(1068,23);(1068,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineColor}{\sv 0}}

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1699\shptop7538\shpright4041\shpbottom7562\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 2342}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(2342,24);(2342,0);(0,0)}}
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{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
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geoRight}{\sv 2311}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,24);(2311,24);(2311,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
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{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
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Pg18}{\bkmkend Pg18}\par\pard\qj \li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\
sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\sb0\sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\sb0\
sl-280\slmult0 \par\pard\qj\li1439\ri1243\sb109\sl-280\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-4\
charscalex100 \ul0\nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 accounted for, and may not be disposed of
until the expected use of the items has been \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100
reasonably achieved by the City. State surplus purchases of greater than $50.00
that are \up0 \expndtw-4\charscalex100 being disposed of in less than a year from
the date of purchase may only be made with \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100 the
approval of the Director of Parks, Building and Grounds. \par\pard\ql \li1439\sb0\
sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1439\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-5\charscalex100
\ul0\nosupersub\cf2\f3\fs24 IV. LOCAL PREFERENCE \par\pard\ql \li2159\sb0\sl-276\
slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li2159\sb8\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 \ul0\
nosupersub\cf1\f2\fs24 The City of Mt. Pleasant grants preference to
businesses located within the \par\pard\li1439\sb5\sl-276\slmult0\fi0\tx6124\
tx8774 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 Mt. Pleasant City Limits for quotations\
tab \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 (purchases exceeding\tab \up0 \expndtw-1\
charscalex100 $5,000) and bids\par\pard\li1439\sb3\sl-276\slmult0\fi0 \up0 \
expndtw0\charscalex100 (purchases exceeding $15,000). The preference given is a
differential over the low bid\par\pard\li1439\sb2\sl-276\slmult0\fi0 \up0 \expndtw-
1\charscalex100 if the low bid is not from a City of Mt. Pleasant bidder.\par\pard\
li1439\sb0\sl-276\slmult0\par\pard\li1439\sb5\sl-276\slmult0\fi719 \up0 \expndtw-1\
charscalex100 The differential allowed is as follows:\par\pard\li1439\sb0\sl-276\
slmult0\par\pard\li1439\sb5\sl-276\slmult0\fi719\tx6480 \up0 \expndtw-1\
charscalex100 Amount Of Low Bid\tab \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 % Differential
fi900\tx7379 \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 $5,000 -$9,999\tab \up0 \expndtw-1\
charscalex100 3%\par\pard\li1439\sb3\sl-276\slmult0\fi900\tx7379 \up0 \expndtw-1\
charscalex100 $10,000 and up\tab \up0 \expndtw-1\charscalex100 2%\par\pard\ql \
li1440\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li1440\sb1\sl-276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-1\
charscalex100 But in no instance shall the differential allowed exceed $1,500 for
the purchase. \par\pard\ql \li10080\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-
276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb0\sl-276\slmult0 \par\pard\ql\li10080\sb244\sl-
276\slmult0 \up0 \expndtw-3\charscalex100 18

{\shp {\*\shpinst\shpleft1802\shptop3083\shpright4396\shpbottom3107\shpfhdr0\
{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn
geoRight}{\sv 2594}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 24}}
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geoRight}{\sv 2078}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
{\sp{\sn pVerticies}{\sv 8;4;(0,20);(2078,20);(2078,0);(0,0)}}
{\sp{\sn pSegmentInfo}{\sv 2;10;16384;45824;1;45824;1;45824;1;45824;24577;32768}}
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sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
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geoRight}{\sv 2342}}{\sp{\sn geoBottom}{\sv 20}}
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{\sp{\sn fFillOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\
sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn lineType}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fArrowheadsOK}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn
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