Master The Mundane

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Master the Mundane

Players that get the most out of their ability and

seperate themselves from others learn how to
master the mundane. In other words
consistently do the “boring” things that the
average to below average player isn’t willing to
consistently do.
• Charge, Sync and Wear your Pulse monitor
• Mobility and movement prep work
• Active warm up
• Plan and make good nutritional choices
• Value the importance of sleep
• Arm care, shoulder and forearm routines
• Sending in our meals, workouts to our
accountability groups

Talent alone doesn’t make you great, it is the

consistent, focused effort on a daily basis that
allows that greatness to shine through.


• Plan the next day out before you go to bed.
• What do I have to do tomorrow and where
does my throwing, lifting and conditioning fit
into the day.
• Come up with a concrete time to get it done.
(The earlier in the day, the more likely you
are to get it done. If you plan on 9pm and
something comes up, you start the habit of
missing workouts.)
• Plug your Pulse into your car, so it is always
charged and you always know where it is.
• Sync your data immediately after throwing
• If it doesn’t work, reconnect the sensor and
try again.

Learn to enjoy the consistent process of

putting in deliberate practice to become the
best you can be. Great players attitude
towards putting in the work, no matter how
boring, is another seperator. They enjoy it
and don’t look at it as work at all.

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